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Second Spirit -5- by Melanie Brown on Patreon 28 min 44 sec ago
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BigCloset Retro-Classic Stories 2004/08/11 - 4:16am
S T O R Y    T E A S E R S

Things They Made Me Do - Chapter 2

Things Edited.jpg
Uncle Charlie – Part Two

Julia tells her psychiatrist about Uncle Charlie's second visit. This time Uncle Charlie brings a friend to taste the delights that Julia has to offer. Julia is discovered in a compromising position by her mother and father and suffers the consequences.

Please heed the warnings as this chapter explores themes of coercion and reluctance.

A Whole New Me (Again?) - Part 6

The school year ended and we broke up for the summer and there’s not a huge lot more to say about it really. Now the stuff with those teachers is over and done with I settled into, well, normality as a teen girl. I won’t say I forgot my past, that’s not so easy to do, but I felt more normal than I have in a long time. One funny happened while on my way into school during the last week in that I bumped into my ex wife.

What If?


Audience Rating: 


What If on Kindle

A story of heartache and pain, sins, misadventures, curses, a gods wrath and finally redemption.

What If?

by Monique S.

What if even an ordinary mortal could alter history? There are so many theories as to what time is and what it would mean if you could alter history and create an alternate timeline in a parallel universe.

Being interested in extreme Astrology and a technician I have always rejected such theories, just until I woke up in HER bed and found myself changed ...

Sometimes You Just Get Lucky

I was sitting at an outdoor patio sipping on a cup of tea and watching the world walk by. It was a beautiful spring morning and I was luxuriating in the feel of the sun warming my face for the first time since the end of the long winter. To the average person, I would hardly have been noteworthy.

The End of One Life...

The summer had waned, giving way to the cool days of autumn. The leaves had
turned giving us a last burst of color before succumbing to the north winds
relentless onslaught. As usual, I had frittered away the summer. I had plans
mind you, I just never carried them out. To some extent, it was laziness but it

Healing Cousin George - Part 3 New Tactics

Healing Cousin George

Part 3 - New Tactics

I’m not sure why I choose the path that I choose that morning, maybe it was born out of some frustration over the situation that I found myself in, or the deep desire to keep a loving family together. However, I do know that I have never regretted it since.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike part 74

Easy As Falling Off A Bike.
by Angharad.
part 74.

As the door drew open I was met by a young woman holding a gigantic bouquet of flowers. "Are you Cathy Watts?"

I nodded an affirmative, concerned that she should see me in such disarray and with makeup probably all over my face.

"These are for you, are you alright?" She passed me the flowers.

Camp Kumoni : 7

“I need help to figure out how to disguise my ‘maleness’ while wearing my bathing suit.” Erika bit her lip.

“Can you just tuck it between your legs?” Samantha looked at Erika’s shorts.

“You know that saying about it having a mind of it’s own?” Erika looked worried.


“It’s true..."


Camp Kumoni
By Anistasia Allread

All of You ... and More

Copyright 2007 by Heather Rose Brown

I got to thinking about what Laika said about making a cluster of loosely related & not-necessarily-sequential drabbles featuring the lovers from All of You ... and kept thinking ... and eventually decided to give it a try.

Anyways, here's the original drabble, with four others related to it. I'm not sure what this would be called ... maybe a drabble series? I like Laika's suggestion of calling it a drabble cycle, but I'm not really sure what that would mean. Whatever you call it, please take a look and let me know what you think of this idea.

{{{warm huggs}}}

Heather Rose :)

Being Christina Chase | Chapter 29: Pyrrhic Victories

Christina couldn't stand the devilish look on her aunt's face. "I know," Christina explained, "I got up early to cook something for lunch." She looked pleadingly towards Misha in the hopes she would let the subject drop.

"Who are you cooking lunch for my dear?"

Christina's shoulders sank. Her aunt was going to make her say it aloud. Letting out a heavy sigh, she turned her head away as she muttered, "Richard."

Misha patted the seat next to her, and Christina, resigned herself to her fate, sat down.

Christina had reached an entirely new stage of embarrassment; she could feel heat pulsating throughout her entire body. "Aunt Misha, I know what you're thinking, but it's not like that at all," Christina protested.

Being Christina Chase

Chapter 29 - Pyrrhic Victories

by Admiral Krunch

All of You

Copyright 2007 by Heather Rose Brown

This drabble is a bit more mature than what I usually write, which is why I set the audience rating to mature. It's more romantic than sexual, but it does show adults being a bit ... ummm ... intimate. Anyway, let me post this before the intro winds up being longer than the drabble. ;)

Being Me - Part 1 - Out of the Closet

The following tale is adapted from a story started by SlimV. The story was never finished and sent to me to read some time ago. I liked the idea so much that I asked if I could steal it and finish it off while expanding on it. Both SlimV and myself have been collaborating on it for some time now, thanks hun for the editing.

Andersonville - The Final Season


Audience Rating: 

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

The Final Season

by Kelly Davidson

Andersonville is based on the story "The Life and Death of Al Parker". Reading the story is recommend to understand some of the discussion in the follow series.

Tummy Trouble

Tummy Trouble

By Joannebarbarella


I enjoyed the lamb curry I had for dinner last night, but it turned out that the "lamb" must have been long-dead mutton that had missed seeing the inside of a refrigerator. There is a saying, used contemptuously, about being savaged by a dead sheep.

The Long Journey, Chapter 6

Shirley and Christie stood frozen in fear as they watched the giant gorilla, with Lizzie Jane in its grasp, make threatening noises and gestures. The question uppermost in their minds was the same that was frightening to Lizzie Jane -- Did a giant 18-foot gorilla eat humans?

The Long Journey
(A Lizzie Jane Adventure)
Chapter 6
By Billie Sue

Gaby Book 5 Chapter *8* Das Erste Radrennen

Women and Children First, I

Women and Children First, I

By Melissa Tawn
On the evening of April 14, 1912, the luxury liner RMS Titanic -- the largest, fastest, and purportedly safest passenger ship ever built -- collided with an iceberg in the north Atlantic on its maiden voyage, and sank with a loss of over 1500 lives. Many stories of heroism by passengers and crew have been related, as well as a many stories of cowardice and despicable behavior. Among the latter are the several accounts of men who disguised themselves in women’s cloaks or dresses in order to get a seat in the all-too-scarce lifeboats, where the beleaguered crew members were trying to enforce a “women and children first” policy. These men were execrated and vilified in the press as being cowards and, what is worse, cads. However, in at least one case there may have been another explanation.

Runway | Chapter 15: Sunday Dinner

What have I gotten myself into now? Brenda wondered. Two years ago I was just a surfer dude without a care in the world. Look at me now: standing at the sink in high heeled boots, in an apron, cutting lettuce and trying to make my boyfriend’s mother like me. Where did I go wrong?


Immigration Manor PDA - For fans of Education in the Hills

Are you a fan of Penny Reed Cardon's wonderful Education in the Hills? Have you been wondering how to keep track of all the fascinating people in this series? Wonder no more! By popular demand, we proudly present the Immigration Manor PDA! Just click on the PDA below and get things started, then click on the tabs and page buttons at the top of the screen to start browsing. Enjoy! :)


More DopplerPress

S.P.A.R.C.L.S. by Alecia Snowfall NOW on Amazon!


Audience Rating: 


Well the oldest back burner project is NOW released for sale on Amazon only. This is not a transgender fiction. Actually it's a mainstream sci-fi romance. Click on the image to buy from Amazon. BTW, BigCloset gets 50% of the royalties on this.


Just to tease and torture, here is a snippet from the book:

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