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Easy As Falling For A Quack
by Angharad
Stella came back about half an hour later, she was so smug, I was tempted to annoy her. I resisted the temptation.
"You still awake?" she said returning to my cubicle.
"Looks like," my words part echoing through the vents in the steamed-up oxygen mask. "You look full of yourself, so I assume he asked you out."
"Yes, and there is no need to be such a wet blanket about it."
"Sorry, but even with Simon's ingenuity and my classic good looks, there is nowhere I can think of that would allow us to turn up in a hospital bed, except an operating theatre or mortuary."
"Quite." She looked as if she was remembering her own close call with ending up in the latter.
"When's the date?" I asked trying to change the subject.
"What date?"
"With Dr Kildare."
"It's Kelly, Dr Kelly."
"I was close. So is he from the Isle of Man, if so does he know Mark Cavendish?"
"He's vaguely Irish, or his uncle is and presumably so is his mother."
"That's no good, how am I supposed to meet Mark Cavendish?"
"Why don't you write to him? You never know, the next time he's cycling around the hospital car park, he might pop in."
"Nah, he'll be off doing the Giro D'Italia and then the TdF."
"In which case you'll have to wait until you're well and then you can go and watch him race somewhere, I'm sure my darling brother would take you."
"I wonder if they'll let me home soon?"
"I think they usually move you to high dependency and then a normal ward before discharging you."
"Couldn't they just dump me into a wheelchair and push me home, hey, Sis, couldn't you do that?"
"No I couldn't, besides I can be here when Padraig comes to see you."
"Who's he?"
"My new friend and your doctor."
"Oh, the dishy doc?"
"Yes, he is rather dishy, isn't he?"
"If you like that sort of thing."
"What sort of thing?"
"He's round-shouldered."
"He rides a bike, what d'you expect?"
"Oh well, he's probably all right then."
"He races for a Gosport club."
"Can't be all bad then, can he? Even Arrogant Armstrong raises money for cancer charities."
"Why don't you like Armstrong?"
"I think six TdFs in succession, is a bit above what I'd expect from Superman."
"He was never caught doping was he?"
"No, he was never caught."
"Are you implying he did?"
"I'm not implying anything, Stella, he was never caught doping, let's leave it at that."
"Padraig wouldn't dope anyhow."
"How do you know that you only met him an hour ago?"
"I can tell, female intuition and all that."
I shook my head at her. It wasn't a good idea, it sent up my blood pressure and that set off some sort of alarm on a machine. Kirsty came running in.
"What's happened?" she asked.
"Nothing, we were talking about Lance Armstrong."
"Who's he, a rock star or an actor?"
"He's a cyclist."
"So what are you talking about him for, can't he afford a car?"
"He probably has several, he's a millionaire."
"So, perhaps he's an environmentalist."
"I don't know, but he's from Texas."
"Oh, so how do you know him?"
"I don't personally, neither does Stella. The closest I've been to him, is probably a few hundred yards away at the start of the TdF in London last year."
"TdF? What's that?"
"The Tour de France," said Stella concerned that this nurse knew less about cycling than she did.
"Oh that stupid bike race, can't be arsed with that, gi'mme a football match any day."
"What where the levels of skill are so minimal, several premiership players have knuckles that drag on the ground when they walk. That football?"
"We have a premiership club here, so watch it!"
"It's their players I was referring to." This was a lie, but I was beginning to enjoy sparking people off, seeing as I couldn't stay awake enough to read or watch telly."
"What, you live here and don't watch football? How could you?"
"Easily. If you hadn't noticed, we have HMS Victory here too, but I'm not in the Royal Navy."
"So you like cycling?"
"Yes," Stella and I harmonised.
"You need to speak with Padraig, he likes bikes. Oh, but you did, didn't you." She smirked and left.
"I'm beginning to remember why I don't like nurses."
"Stella, you are a nurse, so stop talking nonsense."
"I used to be a nurse, not any more."
"I hope you still have your registration up to date."
"Because in six months you'll regret this and want to go back to curing people, and so forth."
"I don't think so." She shook her head as if to clear it.
"You need some sleep girl," I said loudly, she almost jumped out of her skin.
"Yeah, maybe you're right, I do need some sleep."
"Yeah, so do I, so clear off."
She hugged and we kissed sort of, it wasn't so much an air kiss, as an oxygen fly past. I knew I was tired and just a few moments after she left, I zonked for two whole hours.

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You're on dangerous ground ...
... if you're accusing the blessed Lance of being 'on' something. He gets very upset and points out he's never been tested positive for a banned substance. He's been known to sue ;)
What's the time scale for EAFOAB? Because young Cavendish flushed with success of 4 stage victories in the Tour is probably currently either on his way to China or already there, hopefully to win gold with young Mr Wiggins in the Madison or even a medal in the pursuit if the rumours are true. Anyway I'm reliably informed by SWMBO that Wiggins' bum is MUCH better than Cavendish's.
After my obviously premature valedictory comment to episode 366 I should be upset that you made me a liar by continuing womanfully on ... but I'm not. Just pathetically grateful.
Not dormice, but fairly cute, ... and topical
I always did have
a warped sense of humour; I thought it was hilarious - and the other pictures.
Oh, and by the way, I like EAFOAB too; much more better than the Archers and more fun!
There Was A Study Done On Lance Armstrong
There was a study done on Lance Armstrong's Cardiovascular system a few years ago. It was determined that his heart was twice the size as a normal person. The doctors found that it was not enlarged due to disease, but just naturally bigger. It allowed him to pump more blood through his heart and produced a higher stamina. That is why he has won six Tour de France titles and not by illegal doping. Floyd Landis is another story.
They also demonstrated that his lungs are...
more efficient at transferring oxygen to the blood (if memory serves). Not unnaturally so, just on the HIGH end of the curve. There's a good example of an athlete that had LITTLE ability on the lung side to achieve greatness. One of the swimmers in the last olympics one the butterfly (if I recall correctly) and had a teammate waiting with his inhaler... He effectively swam the entire race with a single breath (compared to his competition).
I saw a documentary about that.
His heart used to be smaller, and so he stole Christmas, but then later he regretted it and his heart grew so big it broke the heart-measuring device.
You're a mean one...
Mr. Grinch... :-)
That was an infomercial. :-)
I just love
that I can read this with 20/20 hindvision where Lance admitted to using the drugs. It makes this banter so funny.
Nice To See Things Getting Back To Abnormal
Like the link to the pic too.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
I have a therory
about Lance and his success; a hypothesis, really.
Lance won seven TdFs. In his first one, a teammate of his at the time said that he (the teammate) and Lance used EPO. I don't remember exactly, but I think that in the ninties, there was no test for EPO and someone would be accused of doping only if his hemocrit was ≥ 50 or so.
The hypothesis: LA had testicular cancer. I suppose it started in one ball, but then it spread all around his body, brain, lungs, etc. I'd be surprised if his second ball didn't end up with cancer in it, or that the second was removed because of the possibility the cancer would also develop there. So, I'd guess that if LA has two ovoids in his scrotum, they are both made of rubber.
Lance would need testosterone to build muscles and maintain a masculine appearance. Banned substances (like exogenous T) can be used under a waver with a Dr.'s letter saying that they're necessary for one's health. Lance may have been using the absolute max allowed since his recovery from the cancer. During the recovery he was probably on steroids (a valid use of them), but was off long enough to be clean for his first comeback race.
Remember the womyn who said she saw lots of hypodermic needles somewhere around Lance during one of the Tours? Those were probably for his T.
Having max T everyday during heavy training and during a tour would be a big advantage. Normal riders doing so much exercise day after day and developing at least some fatigue, would probably not be able to maintain a continual high level of T output.
Well, there it is.
Ang! thanks for continuing your great story!
Bug Hugs,
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
People over here do wonder about LA too...
... but, I've seen some docs that at least provide a reasonable expectation for his better than normal abilities... Doesn't mean he didn't do it and avoided getting caught of course.
Soem folks are much more passionate sports fans than others... That's apparent.
I wonder if Stella's on meds... She's acting like her old self, for the most part.
Thanks for the nice bedtime read.
Thank You for Deciding to Continue This
I'm still enjoying this romp through Cathy's life. I'll be here with you as long as you care to keep it up.
For what it's worth, your quality has not suffered an iota -- it's still fun to read. I hope for your sake that it's still fun to write.
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
P.S. I'm back from illness, both of my car and my body. I just caught up on parts 361 to 370. Thank you again for doing this for all of us!
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
I thought she liked Lance? She was defending him in the beginning of the series. What changed?
Feeling better
You're in trouble, Ang. I read your mind. I did not peek. Stella hooked up with Dr Kildare. (I posted exactly that last chapter), and Stella's being told about nursing again by Cathy.
Another funny chapter.
From a fan ...
Of both Cathy and Portsmouth FC.
Please don't knock Pompey's time in the Premiership too much. It probably won't happen again in my lifetime :-(
But thanks for carrying on. I do now watch cycling on TV at least as much as football (soccer type football, of course).
Love Bev xx