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Easy As Getting Upset.
by Angharad
part: 385

"What do you mean?" I asked Neal.
"You've been away a long time, Cathy."
"I'm sorry, but some idiot shoved a knife in my lung."
"Yes, I know. I came to see you in hospital."
"Did you? I'm sorry, I don't remember."
"You looked pretty ill, we weren't sure you'd pull through."
"Oh ye of so little faith."
"Yeah, sorry, but it did look bad."
"Cut to the chase, Neal, what are you trying to break gently to me?"
"I'm sorry."
"Sorry? Sorry for what? Spike isn't dead is she?"
"I don't know."
"What do you mean, you don't know? It's a straightforward question."
"She's not here."
"Don't be silly, of course she's here." My stomach was flipping faster than a pancake on Shrove Tuesday.
"They've all gone."
"What? You're joking, tell me you're joking." I was excited close to hysterical. I pushed past him into the lab. It was empty, the tanks were gone.
"Where are my dormice?" I screamed.
"Calm down, Cathy." Neal urged me whilst Stella stood open mouthed behind him.
"Calm down! I'm going to bloody kill someone, just tell me who. Who is responsible for this, they are dead?"
"Tom, I suppose."
"Tom? You're joking?"
"He authorised it."
"Did he now, well he can authorise his own bloody funeral, because I am going up there now to kill him."
"Calm down, don't be so bloody ridiculous." Neal grabbed my arm to stop me. I ripped it from his grasp.
"Get your hands off me," I snarled at him, "don't you ever lay a finger on me again."
I stormed up through the faculty, Neal had followed behind protesting until I told him to go forth and multiply, in the Old English form. Pippa was at her desk. She looked up, possibly hearing my cleats clomping on the floor.
"Is he in?" I said as I continued towards his door.
"Yes, but he's got..."
"Too bad," I wrenched open his door, he was sat with several other senior staff and the Dean. "Where are my dormice?" I said loudly.
"This is neither the time nor the place to discuss this, you are on sick leave, please go home."
"Not until you tell me where my dormice are?"
"Excuse me ladies and gentlemen," Tom grabbed me and manhandled me out of his office. "For God's sake go home. I told you not to come in."
"Where are my dormice, what have you done with them you stupid old man?"
"That does it, Cathy, you are suspended. Get out of here."
"Where are my dormice?" I grabbed him by the lapels and began lifting him up against his door.
"For goodness sake, Cathy, think about what you're doing." Stella tried to separate us.
"If he's killed my dormice, I'm gonna kill him." I ranted loudly.
"Call the police," Tom, gasped at Pippa, my hold on his lapels now choking him.
"Let go, Cathy," Neal and Stella pulled me off him. They dragged me away screaming threats at him. They took me down to my office where I collapsed in tears. All my work had gone, it had been a waste of time. I was so angry, that I wrecked my office despite Neal's attempts to stop me. Then, still crying with sadness and rage I grabbed my bike and set off for Tom's house. I wanted revenge and a certain spaniel could offer one variety.
I didn't see Stella following me. Perhaps it was just as well she did, she found me a few minutes later with Kiki and a large knife. I was stroking the dog, feeling for her carotids.
"What are you doing, Cathy?" asked Stella.
"Go away, this doesn't concern you." I snapped at her, without looking.
"It doesn't concern Kiki, either."
"She has to suffer to show that bastard I mean business."
"I think he got the message. You're very lucky they didn't call the police."
"If they had, I'd have killed him before they got there."
"You want to serve a life sentence do you?"
"No, I'd have killed myself as well."
"Put the knife down, Cathy. Let the dog go, she hasn't done you any harm has she?"
"Neither did my dormice, but they got rid of them."
"They lost the funding. You forgot to fill in the form."
"That's propaganda," I snapped back at her.
"I've seen it, while you were annoying Tom, Neal showed it to me. You didn't send it back to Natural England."
"No, no, I can't have forgotten."
"It's partly my fault, so perhaps you should kill me, not the dog."
"What do you mean?" I was confused.
"It was when I was ill the first time, so you forgot because you were looking after me."
"So where are they, the dormice?"
"They released all the younger ones and those they thought would survive in the wild."
"What about Spike? Where is my Spike?"
"The guy who looks after the rats, he's got her. She's quite safe, Neal pops over once a week to see her. Put the knife down, Cathy, please."
I allowed her to take the knife away from me, then collapsed into a hug and we wept together. Finally, I agreed to go up to my room. I didn't sleep, I packed. Stella was asleep in her room, so I sneaked in and took her key, locking her door.
For the next hour I shoved as much stuff as I could into my car, putting the two bikes on the rack. I would come back for my workshop kit, I had enough tools to cope with minor problems. I locked the garage, returned the key to its place and sneaked up to Stella's room and unlocked it quietly. Then, it was back downstairs, and off in my car. I couldn't see out the back window it was so packed up. I drove out of Tom's drive for the last time, I hoped Simon might collect my workshop stuff. I never wanted to go there again.
I had scribbled my resignation to Tom, it was slightly better than, 'stuff your job and your university', but not much.
I drove away from Portsmouth, not sure where I would go or what I would do. Then I turned around and drove to the university, parking carefully out of sight. My keys, which were master ones, opened the labs used by the performing rats. Their master wasn't there. Ten minutes later, I ran out carrying a small cage with a pile of straw in it, a bag of hazel nuts and my oldest friend. Then once more I drove away from Portsmouth, or should I say, we drove away from Portsmouth - Thelma and Louise, we weren't, but it was the end of many things and the start of something new, perhaps.

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Oh Freaking Wow!
Need I say more?
Yeah, but
I've seen something much like this before (cutting off funds for not sending in the proper forms), but Tom was a coward not to have told her the truth before. So he's got no room to bitch about her behavior. Which was over the top, BTW.
I'll add this, Tom had plenty of opportunity to explain all, did he really think that saying "don't come in" was going to work? Sooner or later Cathy would have found out, and the longer it was put off the more explosive the reaction.
I'd say Cathy has well and truly burnt her bridges, the question is will she go for the "sowing salt" revenge. Lobby her FIL2B to cut off the bank's support for of the uni?
For this, I may remove Tom's name from the list.
"Being a girl is wonderful and to torture someone into that would be like the exact opposite of what it's like. I don’t know how anyone could act that way." College Girl - poetheather
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Given What Was Going On....
One would expect that Tom would have checked on the funding status (or more likely it would be the department secretary's job to keep track of the status of all active grants), but that wouldn't make for good soap opera. I agree that Cathy's action was over the top. She consistently acts emotionally rather than in a measured adult way (again this makes for great soap opera). It's hard to watch someone act so consistently against their own self interest. She has lot's of anger and aggression simmering just below the surface.
To be fair...
She tried to end the series before, and Conan Doyle was so enraged by having to write Sherlock Holmes stories that he threw the smug bastard off a cliff, so turning her into the The Madwoman of Chaillot (La Folle de Chaillot) seems only just.
I know perfectly well that at this moment the whole
universe is listening to us - and that every word we
say echoes to the remotest star.
--- Jean Giraudoux, The Madwoman of Chaillot
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
You're Right
We are getting what we asked for/deserve. Cathy has had a short fuse for a long time though (well before Ep 366 or whichever one it was).
Disappointed in Cathy and in Tom
Hard to believe Tom didn't do something about the funding. Thought it was supposed to be an important project at the university. If Cathy want's to do the PhD program somewhere else she's probably going to have to start all over. Can't believe he wasn't honest with her right from the start though. Must be something wierd going on or maybe the Dean is just getting back at her. Oh well, time for another job.
Hard to forgive Cathy for what she was contemplating with the dog also.
Seems like it might be time for some serious counciling for Cathy. Didn't she have a doctor she was going to? How about Stella and Cathy check in to the nuthouse together? Our girl is seriously disturbed and a danger to herself and others.
Whatever Next? Has Cathy gone Totally Insane?
I very much suspect the Dean had a hand in this
She was near death's door so he had an excuse and a golden opprtunity to fed his need for petty revenge and to put down a lowely woman. "Oh, we forgot yo send in the form? Well our chief researcher is in hospital and likely to die. She has no successor so best move this else where."
Tom had no contacts, he couldn't call the bank for help? Sounds like someone wanted the program gutted and the ground salted and that points straight to Mr ASSHOLE, the Dean. It had to cost a pittance to house and feed the dormice and now the successful captive breeding colony is disbursed. To resume the program after dismantling it so very quickly will be prohibitive. And frankly, old Tom let *the side* down,. Too much time with curries and his wines, bottle after bottle of it, too little about his department. His failure to tell her the bad news compounded his failure. I can’t see that he had a glimmer of restoring the program or the colony after the fact so who was he sparing from what?
From my father’s painful experience when the place he worked for for decades screwed him over is NEVER back off. Large organizations only respect strength, they remember when someone reffuses to swallow the company line and nearly always squash you when you back down. And she should have killed the filthy dog. Useless things, dogs, all the cats I ask say the same thing. Mind you they are not keen on cars and trucks, either.
Definitely get dear almost Daddy in law to cut off the money train, all of it. I assume they give other donations to the university. Cut it ALL off, immediately, even scholarships and call in any loans. Then establish the same thing bigger and better at a competing university including bigger, better scholarships.
When and only when they are hurting in their pocketbooks and enrolments dive will the uni realize what a dickhead they have for a Dean. My god, you kiss ass and lick boots to get and retain grants and other funding, you don’t say oops, we forgot to file on time and then destroy the best proof as to why the grantor should reconsider, IE you already have a strong ongoing program and this was just a paperwork glitch.
Something is rotten in the State of Demark, and not just that awful play by Willy S something.
Remarkable stuff, Ang.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
I happen to like dogs
I really think Cathy has blown it big time in a personal and career way.Yes Tom should of told her about the dormice but she had only gotten home from the hospital the day before.I don't think he was expecting her to come into the Uni so fast even though he warned her against it.Either way I think Tom assumed he'd have more time to break it to her.As for Simon and Stella's Dad I think he may view her behavior at the University as an embarrassment and a sign that she might not be right for Simon or a title.I'm sure you'll come up with a way to keep us biting nails and reading more.Amy "May your pen never run out of ink and your brain out of ideas"
Cliff Hanger Again
Angharad: Well, you have started another cliff hanger for us again! Richard
Easy as...
Damn Ang, you know what you just did? You changed the title; Easy as Falling off your Trolley. A whole new spin off series, good thing you've got stamina. That was seriously deranged but with everything you pile on, disturbingly believable. Good thing she didn't hurt Kiki. Sigh, so where to now then, off home to bunk with the neighbours?
Dunno how ya do it, but keep on while you enjoy and poking us in the ribs is just a bonus.
She does still..
own that house she inherrited from her dad...
Oh bloody hell
this is going more insane by the episode. So?! You´re going to write more and more and more over the top till we can't take it anymore? You are making Cathy behave increasingly insane, evolving into growing paranoid schizoid -or whatever- behaviour, and it's getting to the point this tale is totally unbelievable. Hmm. IF it were believable at all to begin with, when you count in the Russian mob's involvement, the inane TG impersonator from hell, the jealous stalking secretary, Des, the beeb, or YouTubes' infamous overly popular clippings. - So how many of you have searched there already, hmm? I couldn't find _any_.. :S - BUT!! That didn't matter, cause there was always some sort of remote believability in it. But now?
I'm sad to say that I am losing interest, as a result. As much as I've enjoyed EAFOAB this far, I can't help feeling to what the Sex Pistols have aptly titled one of their albums once, Flogging a dead horse.
It's been said that creating the right ending to an opus magnus is way as much problematic as creating the whole damned thing to begin with, and I hope you can find a way out to there. In fact I think you will.
I have faith :)
War and Dormeece
This story started off as a comedy/adventure/transformational/romance tale. It made a certain amount of progress in that direction, but since then, it's been in some sort of holding pattern over Luton, while the fog tries to decide whether it's rolling in or out.
Plot, plot, who's got the plot? I think Bonzi has dragged it under the back stairs, never to be seen again, chewing it up along with the scenery.
I've enjoyed this story immensely, but it's time. Ang, wrap it up (with the obligatory happily-ever-after ending) and mark it paid already. You've got a few other great stories hanging out there that would love to see you again.
People keep alluding to 'a
People keep alluding to 'a short time' since Cathy returned to the hospital and now returning home. I'd say it has been months between and if it were me I'd expect the people in my life to help me keep up with the requirements of life in the 'real' world outside the hospital.
The people around her all have hidden things from her in the belief that it would be damaging to her recovery to tell her. Yet when the time came to tell her they all flee like rats on a sinking ship. These are not friends, for all the excuses we're likely to hear. A friend would have met her at the door with Spike and told her everything. Taken the abuse right there, no excuses. Maybe that's only what I'd like to think I'd do myself. *shrug*
To Angharad: You're doing a wonderful job, so many people are attached to the characters as if they are real. They should go on or fade away as your mind's eye view demands.
cancelled financing
The university would have imediately assigned a new project leader to handle the study cathy was no longer able to head up.
Her mailbox would have been loaded up with at least two reminders to submit forms and at least one phone call to the administrative person, before funding would have been removed.
Also I'm sure that her having been in the press more than a couple times would make it a celebrity news story when she got stabbed. It certainly would be a hot topic of discussion amongst academics and their funders that she had been stabbed. Hence before funding was removed... they would be asking the university whom they should approach during her recovery.
Just my HUMBLE opinion.
Cathy's really stable now...
Oh yes.. She's stable... NOT.
So, Tom protected her recovery by not telling her she'd neglected to fill our a form causing her mice to be evicted... He apparently decided she didn't need to know. It certainly SOUNDS like that. Some protection. All that said - she did go a "wee" bit overboard. Didn't realize she'd gotten THAT selfish. "Protecting her babies" doesn't sound like the "whole" answer.
What else is going on, that has yet to make the light of day. Tom's failure to explain things to his new "daughter" caused problems once before. Sounds like we've another example of this.
Time will tell. I do wonder if Cathy's going to have an accident, or if she'll "run" someone down. Do we have EAFOAB - The Repeat Engagement getting ready to start?
*sighs* Maybe this just hit harder - having read the last four episodeds back to back (trying to catch up)... One asks why Cathy can't do as she's asked occasionally... One wonders why folks can't take the time to fully explain... One wonders why the sky is yellow... (wait, one knows that answer. SMOG)
Okay, I'm one. I do wonder if others wonder too... :-)
Wow!, REV2
You are so bad to us readers; you wind us up tight as a clockwork spring and rather than push us into the void you play us like a Steinway!
Well done! =)
And Another Plot Twist!
Has Cathy come completely unhinged? Is it timw for **her** turn at Stella's funny farm?
Or will rationality come again to the fore? I can hardly wait; the suspense is, well, not killing me, but severly irritating me!
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
I was going to grumble
about the lack of comments the other day. Erm... maybe I won't now. 8)
Angharad & Bonzi.
You appear to have found..
An effective comment generation mechanism. I wonder if I could get away with using it. Hmmm.
sometimes it's difficult for we mere mortals to comment on your genius :)
Humbly, your devoted niece
Never let it be said that I don't enjoy the occasional delusion of grandeur
Never let it be said that I don't enjoy the occasional delusion of grandeur
Cathy is dreaming. Its Dallas all over again.
I concure
This is got to be a dream, and evil plott by Bonzi???

A remarkable bit of writing Angharad
Sometime the body count his high in Bike but this episode is a beautiful example of the butterfly effect where the minutiae of daily life topple producing an emotional avalanche. I've read this before but it would be fitting if Cathy's ire fell on the dean rather than Kiki.
Rhona McCloud
Fried green tomatos
Well like Thelma and Louise, Cathy just drove off a cliff .
I'm emotionally in shock too. How did that slip of a girl lift Tom up off his feet by his lapels ?