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Easy As Mauling Out Of Spite.
by: >^^< the disgraced one!
It was Sunday again, the weeks go far too quickly and weekends even faster. Because we rode yesterday, I had chores to do today. It struck me as rather sexist, that in Stella's absence, I was the only female in the house and seemed to be expected to do most of the household chores.
I was busy chasing dust with the vacuum cleaner when Simon asked if I could do it more quietly as he was trying to read the paper. I was about to explode with twice the power of Krakatoa, when I remembered how close we'd come to splitting up. I contained the high explosive, and told him that, "No, this needs to be done, if it's annoying you then give me a hand and we can both settle down with the Sunday Times."
Obviously, he didn't need it to end that urgently, because I was left to it. I had the joint busy roasting in the oven, and a line of washing out, so I hadn't done badly for my day of rest. He had managed to eat his breakfast and read the business section of the news.
Tom was out with Kiki, and tended to stay out until I'd done most of the chores, no wonder he liked me as his 'daughter', free slave labour. I wonder what would have happened had I not changed over, and I suppose I'd still be sitting in my bedsit, wearing my few female garments, when I thought it was safe. My previous life didn't bear comparison with what was now, all because a lousy driver knocked me off my bike. I wonder if that is a comparable cause and effect to the butterfly wing in the Amazon causing a hurricane in Africa. I think mine's better, but I'm not sure Stephen Hawkins- 'the wheelchair guy' according to Homer Simpson, would agree.
After a roast lamb dinner, Tom and Simon snoozed while I loaded dishwashers or did the ironing. It kept me awake and hopefully kept some calories from leaving deposits of adipose tissue in various bits of my body.
I had just finished my chores and got fed up with the assorted snores arising from the lounge, that I decided I'd go for a ride. There were about two hours of daylight left, so I could do a twenty miler if my legs felt up to it.
It was really good to get out in the fresh air. I'd been cooped up all day working in the house. I'd have preferred to have been fiddling with bikes but that's life. I had decided I was going to strip down my old mountain bike and rebuild it, the forks had never been the same since I'd ridden it over the bumpkins who roomed in the same complex as me before I moved in with Simon and Stella.
Today, I was on my Specialized Ruby and enjoying every moment of it, although I was half thinking if I could squeeze an hour of tinkering in during the evening. It was relatively mild and the garage had reasonable lighting, so it might be possible. The only query, did I want oily fingers for the rest of the week?
Back from my ride, the two sleeping beauties were still zonked in the lounge, I changed into a pair of jeans and sweater and went out to play in the garage.
Simon came out to look for me when his stomach started to rumble. "Oh there you are, what are you doing?"
"What's it look like?" I snapped back.
"Tinkering with an old mountain bike."
"So that's what I'm doing."
"Is that your old mountain bike?"
"Yep, this bike (a Muddy Fox for those interested) and I have done many miles together."
"What are you doing?"
"Stripping the back axle to look at the bearings, why?"
"I just wondered."
"Didn't you do that sort of thing when you were a teenager?"
"Good lord no, if anyone did it, it was my father, he was the bike nut."
"Oh, you missed out on hours of fun."
"Are you serious, Cathy? I don't consider getting my hands dirty and my nails chipped for something someone else could do better."
"Yeah, but what if you were miles from anywhere and your back wheel broke or some spokes in it, did?"
"I'd walk to the nearest phone and call for help," Simon had completely missed my point of self-sufficiency.
"Yeah okay, I'll be in, in ten minutes my hands are getting too cold to grip the spanners."
"I'll put the kettle on for you, don't be too long."
I muttered something rude under my breath, how dare he tell me what to do! Then, I counted to ten and calmed down. It was much ado about nothing.
The boys wanted something to eat, I wanted a shower, they lost. I told them they were big enough to get their own supper. I'd baked a new loaf, a fact they hadn't realised. They sat down and ate most of it before I finished my shower. Once again, I came close to exploding.
"Boys, I am getting the distinct impression that you are taking me for granted. I am not the head cook, housekeeper and chief bottle washer. Next weekend, you two can give me a hand with the chores or I will go on strike."
"Aw, come on, Cathy, be reasonable. I slave for five days a week for the bank, I need a rest over the weekends." Simon was putting a very old case.
"I work too, Simon. Sometimes it's long hours as well, I shall be filming soon, most of it is in my own time, certainly the writing of scripts and things are done then."
"I work too," said Tom, "harder than you pair." It might have been true once upon a time, but not so much now. He forgot I knew what happened in his office.
"Right, I don't care who works the hardest, I am not going to do all the housework and cooking until Stella comes home, because that won't make much difference, she doesn't cook much anyway." She did help with the laundry and the ironing. In fact, Simon used to help back at the cottage, so what had changed? Tom used to look after his own house before I came along, was I that stupid? Not any more!
They looked at each other and grumbled.
"I'll do the cooking, most of the time, but I want you two to make a rota to help me out. If you don't, you'll lose loads of weight, because I'll stop cooking. Just because I'm a woman doesn't mean I like doing this stuff any more than you lot."
From the looks on their faces, they got the message but didn't much like it. However, Simon made some tea and Tom did some sandwiches while I looked at the newspaper and tried not to appear too smug.

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Oh, dear, the free lunch (and dinner, etc.) is over!
Isn't it funny how she seems the most alive of the lot?
Worthless men!
Aside from sperm donors, and changing the occasional flat, men really aren't of much use. are they? Tom and Simon need a lesson in role reversal, maybe a group dream? Tommie and Simonella Auburn? ;-)
"Being a girl is wonderful and to torture someone into that would be like the exact opposite of what it's like. I don’t know how anyone could act that way." College Girl - poetheather
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Aren't we just?
Let's think how useless men like, say, Tim Berners-Lee are - after all who needs the world wide web? Or perhaps the Fairchildren, men like Robert Noyce and James More who laid the foundation of Silicon Valley's integrated circuit success, including Intel and Mororola the first companies to make those tiny useless pieces of complication, operational amplifiers and, of course, microprocessors.
How about Kirkpatrick Macmillan? Without the efforts of that Dumfries blacksmith Cathy wouldn't have a bike to fall off. And without the genius of James Starley who invented the differential to make his tricycle corner more effectively on his weekend jaunts from Coventry to Birmingham, motoring would be much harder even though Otto had already invented his famous 'Suck Squeeze Bang Blow' 4 stroke cycle.
Sweep out the cave, Doris, those men are bloody useless :)
As they say . . .
Behind every great man is a great woman. Probably with her foot up his arse!
"Being a girl is wonderful and to torture someone into that would be like the exact opposite of what it's like. I don’t know how anyone could act that way." College Girl - poetheather
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
I don't think it was a women ...
... who had her foot up Alan Turing's arse ;) Or Leonardo da Vinci's either.
But you weren't there
Were you?
"Being a girl is wonderful and to torture someone into that would be like the exact opposite of what it's like. I don’t know how anyone could act that way." College Girl - poetheather
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Alan Turning was a sort of involuntary transsexual, (and may have committed suicide over it) so perhaps you could count him as his own woman.
That makes me wonder, has anyone ever done an alternate history TG story about Turing? Like perhaps what if he accepted the unfair punishment they were giving him for the sin of homosexuality and embraced his growing bosom in a new identity. The original Turing Test involved trying to determine if the other person was male or female, so perhaps in another universe she passed her own test.
Whew Cathy, almost ....
"I was about to explode with twice the power of Krakatoa, when I remembered how close we'd come to splitting up. I contained the high explosive, and told him..."
Good to calmly stand up for herself instead of losing her temper. Hope the boys really did get the message. They are sounding too much like my hound dog. A few hours of intense activity followed bye the rest of the day sleeping.
Sadly typical.
Yeah, guys CAN wash and cook and clean and iron... But the vast majority are more than willing to let someone ELSE do the work, if they can get away with it. Luckily, many (not all by any stretch) will chip in and help, when it's pointed out to them that they've been freeloading.
I'm dissapointed in both of these "gentlemen". *sighs*
Cathy showed amaizing (for her) restraint in this episode. I do wonder what will come of it however...
P.S. I should note that I've seen my share of females that will freeload as well. Men haven't got a corner on THAT market either.
about time
She makes them get up and do somethijng for themselves. Just another way of making a second class citizen, or taking advantage of someone.
And did I miss something......why is the author supreme in disgrace?
>^^< disgrace
His co author- her wot actually presses the keys, has a hand swathed in band-aids/elasoplasts after disagreement about bedtime. There is it appears very little risk of cat-scratch fever to the one, the other had a headache after a retaliatory clip around the ear.
Had you gone to bed when you should have I'm sure His Catness would not have had reason to be upset with you. Bad girl! ;-)
"Being a girl is wonderful and to torture someone into that would be like the exact opposite of what it's like. I don’t know how anyone could act that way." College Girl - poetheather
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
That Has Been A Universal Complaint Of Women For Centuries
I think it has been a universal complaint among women for centuries. My brother has done two tours of Iraq and he remarked that Iraqi men were some of the laziest he has ever seen. He said that the women did everything and the men sat around on their asses and did nothing to help. It is that way in some marriages here too. Some of it is culture and some of it is just plain laziness. Cathy is right to threaten a strike. All Tom and Simon do lately is drink, sleep and eat.
Cathy Rebels!
Against their laziness. ***From the looks on their faces they got the message but didn't much like it. However, Simon made some tea and Tom did some sandwiches while I looked at the newspaper and tried not to appear too smug.** I think sums up everything nicely. Any more dormice pictures?
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
343--Wasn't his name...
Not meaning to nit-pick, I was just curious.
Nice one Cathy for standing up for yourself with all the chores.
I wonder whether it will work though...
I don't just look it, I really AM that bad...
Men!!! they never learn...except when they are hungry!... Kirri
Talking of which...
Where's my dinner?!
(Sorry, couldn't resist!)
(Oh, and FYI, I live alone - so have fed myself without assistance for the past 3 years)
(And that means cooking for myself, not relying on takeaways or ready meals!)
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
The Guys
Oddly enough I understand their point of view, don't agree with it, but it is something I could see myself doing. It goes without saying Cathy is right, but why was she doing it all in the first place? Sure, it needed doing, but by her?
Muddy Beaver??
I'll have to look up that mountain bike I guess.
Seems the boys are becoming a little Neanderthal , they must have a copy of "The perfect Wife" from he 50's