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Easy For Some!
by: Angharad (Bonzi fell asleep proofing it!)
Monday! Why does it always have to be Monday? Okay, so you didn’t recognise my Indiana Jones adaptation, don’t worry, just go and lie down.
I showered and dried my hair, then I put on my cycling clothes–somehow, I think I might have got things a bit back to front, most people shower after a bike ride. Never mind, it was close.
A light breakfast ingested, I spent a few moments persuading Tom to take some of my stuff in his Land Rover, then I set off for the university. The March traffic was hardly moving as I wove in and out of it. I was at the university and changed into some tidy threads before Tom got there. Maybe I should try to get him out on a bike? Yeah, and pigs will fly, and I don’t mean in the copper chopper!
“Are you sure you rode all the way in?” said Tom, eyeing me suspiciously.
“My bike is in the office if you’d care to inspect it,” I replied.
“Hmm, you look too tidy for a keen cyclist.”
He was referring to the fact that I had changed my clothes, combed my hair, and popped on some makeup and perfume. I had also quickly wiped down my sweaty little body before changing.
“I need some help with the survey stuff, so if you can spare an hour?”
“I thought I was a bad scientist?”
“You are, I need someone to lick the stamps and the envelopes,” he smiled broadly at his own joke and disappeared into his office.
“You know,” I said to Pippa, who was standing and watching the interaction, “he’s just signed his own diet warrant!” I waited for the effect of my joke to happen–it took a moment before she sniggered, and I walked away as briskly as my heels would allow.
I could almost hear my mother’s voice saying, “I don’t know how you can walk in those shoes!” and my reply, about it being easy. It wasn’t, it had taken some practice, but the boots Stella had given me, certainly helped in the early days.
I thought back to my life before Stella burst into it, and it felt almost monochrome compared to the Technicolor version now. I had been such a shy retiring sort, avoiding social contact in case someone sussed me out, or should I say, sussed the female inside me, out. Now I suppose, any fear I have is that they’ll know about my previous male life, such as it was. A total turn around, paradoxical or what?
I got back to the broom cupboard that served as my office and waiting outside, was one of my students.
“Hello Keith, what can I do for you? We don’t have a tutorial do we?”
“No, Lady C. I wondered if I could have a word, in private.”
“Yes of course.” As I unlocked my office, I wondered what he wanted to talk about, was it his problem or mine? Because you never can tell, when they say, ‘in private’.
He followed me in and I offered him a seat. I then closed the door and took my own seat after closing down my computer.
“How can I help?” I asked after giving him a moment to cast his eye over my shelves of textbooks, journals and bits of various animals, usually skeletal but not always; oh, and several soft toys given to me by various students, including the world’s largest dormouse!
“I’m not sure if you can,” he was struggling with his thoughts and I gave him space to straighten them enough to articulate them.
“Okay, take your time.” I reassured him, leaning back to give him physical space.
He ummed and ahhed several times before he came out with it. “I think I want to be a woman.”
He was blushing and sweating profusely. This was my nightmare come home to roost. I knew what I wanted to do, once Stella told me what I wanted. How on earth could I tell someone else how to do it?
I regarded the young man in front of me, he was about a hundred and seventy odd centimetres tall, medium sort of build with, unfortunately, a rather masculine face and dark beard shadow.
“I see, so what would you like me to do?” I didn’t want to be drawn into someone else’s struggle, I had enough demons of my own to deal with.
“They say, you know all about it.” He blushed again.
“Who are they?” I asked, feeling rather warm myself.
“Other students,” he looked away after saying it.
Was this a wind up, or was he genuine? I had moved on from my outting and didn’t really want to discuss it any more, and not with one of my students. “I’m a biologist, Keith, not a psychologist. There are people in the student counselling team who are better qualified to deal with this, than I am. Have you spoken to them?”
He looked at the floor. “No. I remember back last year when you went on telly with your husband and told everyone you used to be a boy.”
“I see. I’m afraid that doesn’t make me an expert. All I know is how I felt about things. I got lucky with the support I had.”
“I’ve been cross-dressing for several years. I told my girlfriend about it and once she got over the shock, she agreed to help me.”
“That’s good, she’ll be a great help, probably more than I can, other than to offer my support if you decide to tell the university. They already have an equality and diversity policy, so they can and will support you, if it’s what you want to do.”
He nodded and blushed some more.
“Have you spoken to anyone else, besides your girlfriend and me?”
“Like, who?”
“Like your doctor? There are also support groups who may be able to quote you chapter and verse on the law and where to get help.”
“No, I haven’t spoken to anyone else.”
“Do you know what you want to do?”
“I want to be like you, and other women.”
Oh dear, I thought, the last thing I need is to become a role model. “What sort of research have you done?”
He took a folder containing hundreds of sheets of paper from his bag. “I’ve been on the internet, and I also read loads of stories by TG authors.”
“Real life and fiction are a bit different, Keith, although I’m sure you know that.” Oh poo, now I was patronising him! “Sorry, I didn’t mean it like that, but I expect you understand what I mean.”
“Yeah, when I was still in school, I spent months trying to find a witch to annoy to get her to turn me into a girl.” He laughed, no, he giggled. So did I.
“If you’re still trying that, I’m not into spells and magic, sorry and all that.” I smiled back at him.
“No, I know or half the first year would be toads by now.”
“Not necessarily, we don’t get fees from toads.”
“No, I suppose not.”
“Have you told your parents?”
“God no, they’ll be the last ones I tell.”
“Oh, that’s a shame, their help could be very useful.”
“No way! They’ll disown me.”
“I’m sorry.”
“What should I do?”
“What do you want to do?”
“Become a woman.”
“You need to get some expert help, go and see either the student counselling people or your own doctor. Get them to refer you to a psychiatrist with some experience in gender disorders, there’s at least one in the area.”
“Thanks, do you want to see some photos?”
I didn’t particularly, but felt I needed to do so out of solidarity. He handed them to me, they were dreadful.
“What d’you think?”
“Erm, I’m no expert, Keith.”
“You don’t like them, do you?”
“I think a miniskirt and thigh boots would be a bit much for one of my lectures.” I tried to be helpful rather than destructive, “I’d have thought, something a little more subtle, would be better. It draws less attention to you, if you catch my drift.”
“But you wear boots, I’ve seen them?”
“They are knee boots, and I was wearing a longer skirt.”
“But my legs are my best feature,” he complained,” see!” he pulled up his trouser leg.
“I’m sure they are, but it’s about blending in, not standing out; unless you want to be the centre of attention, in which case, I really can’t help.”
“So what do I do?”
I glanced at my watch, “I’ve told you once, go and see student counselling or your own doctor.”
“How soon can they do the surgery?”
“What surgery?”
“The op, you know, the sex change?”
“If you’ve done your research you should know that.”
“Yeah, but like, how long?”
“A minimum of one year from the transition, after you’ve passed the real life test. It’s sometimes longer than that.” Sometimes not at all, I wanted to say. “Look, I have a class to teach, so I’m afraid I have to go.”
“Oh, alright.” He picked up his bag and stuffed his papers back in them and left without any further word.
I sat there for a minute feeling as if all the sediment which had decanted itself over the past couple of years, had been disturbed. It was not an enjoyable sensation–anything but.

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Is this going to be a new project…
Is this going to be a new project for our Cathy, or is Keith trying to extract the Michael? He seems to be in a bit of a rush, and I can imagine how dreadful the pictures must have been. How right cathy is about blending in rather than standing out.
Still her advice was sensible and she certainly does NOT need another lame duck to look after. Spike might get jealous. :)
Good chapter, Ang.
lame duck
maybe this is the duck from the camp kumoni story line.
jenna from fl
Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
It is a long road ahead but I will finally become who I should be.
And now that she's all distracted
and busier than ever with classes and all, maybe the mad bike path stalker will strike.
A dormouse plush toy, Cathy has a plushy dormouse?
Where can I get one?
Oh, please, please, please gimmie one!
Or is Simon's bank producing a promotional – IE all profits go to the World Wildlife Fund, The Sierra Club, Save the aardvark or such -- giant plush Spike dormouse doll with the tuft of hair sticking up on the head, a plush Brazil nut that attaches with Velcro and several baby dormice that have Velcro on their chins so they can look like they are nursing?
Oh ERIN, I think I have an idea for the next Hatbox promotion.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
The plush Spike toy also comes with...
... it's own padded pushup bra to keep it safe.
Sorry, couldn't resist.
That was quite an... uncomfortable encounter, I must say. It had me flashing back to that last nutter claiming to be a journalist who showed up in a frock stalking Cathy. Forgot exactly how he fell off the twig, not that it matters other than the whole situation was quite worrying, but was starting to get similar vibes from this student.
Pippa, you are onto something
The whole meeting with the self-confessed TG seemed odd at best and has a suspicious *smell* to it.
He could be legit but if THREE robberies at gunpoint working retail taught me anything it’s
>“Don’t ignore the RED FLAGS in your mind when they pop up. Too damned often your brain is telling you something fucking important, STUPID!â€
Believe me I listen to my brain when it cries WHOA! now.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
I felt the same too.
I did feel the same too when reading this. It almost felt like a setup. The guy was almost too cliché to be believable and for someone who did research on the Internet he didn't seem to know a lot.
What are you getting Cathy into now Angharad? Enquiring minds want to know.
I don't think so
I believe Keith is legitimate, if a little confused and overeager.
I doubt Angharad would name a bad guy after one of the Stones.
Same here,
Something was off. I wonder if he had already been refused or something. I don't know anything about it, only how I feel inside.
All Things Considered,
The students like Keith and Stevie look at Cathy as a mentor and role model. Maybe she needs to take a few counseling courses now that the students look to her or she should have the contacts handy and perhaps be ready to help. She could sponsor a support group for the students and get that lady pastor that helped her out so much as well as her own psychiatrist. Maybe even have Stella there as a nurse.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
I do wonder how often...
Those that have "transitioned" get asked to "mentor" those that think they need to... Beyond that, I really don't envy Cathy all of these students with issues deciding SHE can help. I do know "favorite" teachers DO get asked to help with some pretty "strange" things though.
Thanks for more entertainment.
514,648 words...
...are 514,648 words
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
I don't know
who's the sadder: me for writing them or you for counting?
Not sad at all...
I enjoy the story, and it's a little programme on my machine that counts them on my behalf, which question was brought up by another reader.
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
Boring or not ?
I guess Bonzi spent too much time during the night chasing mice if he's falling asleep while proofing this chapter. It's not that boring at all!
not to sure that i trust
not to sure that i trust Keith, it all seems to a bit to fishy to me,{ maybe Bonzi can trace the smell of the fish when he wakes up?} hugs Kirri
Keith is likely legit
someone commented that popular teachers (and others that seem easy to approach) often are. I can see that scenereo here.
I'm outted and I've had some come to me with questions. I always ask them - are they sure & point them to one professional place or another.
there's good reason the Harry Benj. standards of care are in place (even if some of us think that in many parts there's too much red tape & way too many shrinks that are way under qualified to practice, let alone help - this is a rant of mine)
point is one does need support and the professionals really are there to separate the cross-dressers from the transsexuals before they make a very serious mistake. yes hormones (far too damm easy to get I think) will get ya some boobs and such. BUT ...
they fuck with your head too and certain ones that really will do ya some good like lowering testerone levels ... well if you like mr. dinky performing at any level ... you'd better find some other way of womanizing (is that a word?)
too many that try to transition dont think things thru. even now with all the media attention, there's alot of things that can go into the shitter and fast, I found out some of this the hard way, like being dropped faster the speeding car on black ice from a job I had for 17 yrs, even tho all of management told me in writing that my doing such was of no real issue.
seems one relatively minor client of ours complained & to this day I dont know why - I never had contact with any of them? long story shortened - I filed a complaint. lawsuit won .. me lots of dollars in pocket (made certain surguries I hadnt planned on or for much later dates were done.
-- new job @ different company with better pay.
MORAL - my old company should of kept me & dropped minor client - would of cost them less in long run HAHAHAHA
TRUE MORAL tho ... keep expectations low,and keep them REALISTIC and most important ... ensure you can get from point A thru Z before ever even setting off onto transition. been to too many fricken funerals or visited to many funny farms or watched folks do things they abhorently hated because of running out of $ $ $ $
I agree with Cathy, don't
I agree with Cathy, don't believe anything a TG author writes. He needs to see the little guy in the old bathrobe . Just go to the mall and find Spells R Us I think they specialize in bimbos though.
Gee, Cathy is in the middle of a lot of stuff.