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(aka Bike) Part 863 by Angharad |
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Despite Simon giving me a good seeing to before I went to sleep, I awoke early mindful of the need to check the dormice. Really, there wouldn’t be much to do–they were all hibernating and buried in their nests at the bottom of the cages. We try to make it as real as possible for them, and even Spike had gone back into the cycle of hibernation in winter. So all I had to do was check the cages for their settings, see that the temperature and humidity had been maintained at the low settings and make sure none had croaked and need removing. You can usually smell it as soon as you get near them–a sort of sickly smell of death.
It was six when I slipped out of bed, I showered quickly, and dressed in the bathroom after combing my hair and popping some moisturiser on my face and legs. Downstairs, I had a quick cuppa while I dried my hair in the kitchen and tied it back in a ponytail. I had a mince pie and banana for my makeshift breakfast and after lagging myself in a thick fleece jacket, scarf and gloves grabbed my bag and headed for the university. Yeah–sure, once I’d got the frost off the car windows.
I drove carefully to the university and was in the labs no more than fifteen minutes, everything was as it should be, I signed my name on the rota–I had to do tomorrow as well. Could be worse I supposed and left.
Driving back I wanted to use the hole in the wall to get some cash from the bank , so headed towards town. The roads were frosty and not much traffic was about, so I was driving much more slowly than I normally did. Going through a less than salubrious part of town–okay, the red light district--I wasn’t sure why I turned down this way, it wasn’t the quickest by any means, but here I was. I drove past a gap between the houses and it was just beginning to get light–was that a bundle of rags? I glanced in the mirror, nothing behind, so I reversed back a few yards.
I looked again–funny sort of shape for rubbish–oh shit, it’s got legs. I got out of the car and walked towards the bundle: it was a young woman with blonde hair and bruising to her face. Probably my age or younger–too much makeup. I kicked her foot–she could just be drunk, although she could also be hypothermic or even dead–maybe I should just get back in the car and go after calling the police.
On my kicking her booted foot–some rather high heeled, over-knee boots–her eyes flickered, she was alive. “Are you okay?”
“Help me,” she croaked and passed out–I think.
I opened my bag–oh no, my mobile wasn’t there–damn, I’d left it on the dining room table last night to recharge. Shit! “Where are you hurt?” I asked the young woman.
“He beat me up and robbed me,” she whispered.
“We need to get you to a hospital, have you got a phone?”
“No, he took it.”
“Can you make it to my car?”
“I can’t go to hospital.”
“Why? You need to be checked out, c’mon before you freeze to death.” I then did what you shouldn’t do with any casualty, I pulled her into a sitting position, crikey her skirt was short–a lady of the night? She gasped and moaned but I dragged her to her feet and sort of humped and hauled her to my car.
Her clothing was torn and soiled and I did worry about my seats for a moment, before shoving her in the front passenger seat, wrapping my car blanket around her and pulling on her seat belt. I hoped she wasn’t going to be sick.
“What’s your name? Mine’s Cathy.”
“Julie,” she whispered, “God, it’s cold.”
“I’m sorry, I don’t have a hot drink or anything. Let’s get you to casualty.”
“No, please don’t.”
“Why not?”
“I can’t go there–I just can’t.”
“Why can’t you? You’ve been assaulted, possibly raped and robbed. Surely hospital is the best place to go, and it’s warmer than my car.” I had ramped up the heater but she was still shivering.
“I’ll be alright, just take me to the motorway.”
“Motorway? No way–dressed like that, unless you want the police to pick you up–assuming you don’t get hypothermia first.”
“I can’t stay in Portsmouth, he’ll get me again.”
“Let’s go to the police then and let them deal with this bloke.”
“I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“You don’t understand.”
“Okay, make me understand why you can’t go to the hospital or the police or stay in Portsmouth?” I was beginning to wish I hadn’t picked her up. “Was it your pimp?”
“What? God, no.”
“Are you a prostitute?”
“Not a very good one.”
“So why can’t you go to the QA?”
“I can’t.”
“Why? I’m sure they dealt with failed ladies of the night before.”
“That’s the problem.”
“What is?”
“I’m not–am I?”
“You’re not what? Please tell me the truth, because none of this is making sense. Either you are a bloody tart or you’re not, which is it?”
“I can’t tell you.”
“Geez-uz! I’m sorry but I’ve had enough, either you tell me now this instant or you can tell the police, because, missy, that’s going to be my next stop.”
“All right,” she sobbed and I sat there poker faced and stony hearted. “I’ll tell you.”
I maintained my severe look in the hope she didn’t feed me a load of lies. For all I knew she was Hepatitis or HIV positive, and druggy to boot. They can be very manipulative and practiced liars.
I stared at her, and revved the engine. “Okay, okay–I’m not really a girl–okay, satisfied now?”
I was very surprised, verging on speechless. Why hadn’t I noticed? I can usually spot a tranny two miles away in the dark–so why didn’t I?
“How old are you?” I asked when my mouth finally shut and opened again for business.
“Sure you are, now how old are you really?”
“Sixteen.” She hung her head and sobbed.
“Do your parents know?” She shrugged–which could have meant anything.
“Are you taking drugs?” I asked and she shook her head.
“I hope you’re telling me the truth.” I tried to sound hard bitten but genuine–inside my guts were doing a tango, but I had to hide it.
“I am,” she sniffed.
“Is there anywhere safe I can take you?”
“I’ve got a friend in Brighton.”
“Who presumably knows about your–um–situation?”
“Yeah, we chat on the internet.”
“How are you going to get to Brighton?”
“I’ll hitch if you could drop me at the motorway.”
“Julie, or whatever your name is, I cannot leave a half naked cross dressed child on a motorway junction. I’d be guilty of aiding and abetting in your disappearance.”
She sighed and shrugged again, tears rolling down her face.
“So there’s nowhere safe round here, then?”
“No,” she shook her head and sobbed.
“You need to be checked over by someone and you need some ice on that bruise.”
“I can’t go to hospital, they’ll call the police.”
“My boyfriend will find me.”
“Doesn’t he know.”
“He didn’t, he does now.”
“So he did this to you?”
“Yeah,” she said weakly and began to cry.
“How will he know if you go to the police apart from them banging on his door with a warrant.”
“He’s one of them.”
“What he’s gay?”
“No–he’s a copper.”
“A gay copper?”
“No–he isn’t gay–just a copper.”
“I’m going to take you to my house, I have five children there, they are going to be freaked if they learn about what happened to you. I’ll see if I can find you some clothes of mine to fit. My sister in law is a nurse, I want you to let her check you over, and if she thinks you need to see a doctor–you see one–and no buts, missy. Okay?”
“All right,” she shrugged and I handed her some tissues, then started up the car, I never did get to the bank.

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I think I know ...
what ethnic history Cathy has in her family tree....
Samaritan. Of the Good branch, that is...
“What if we got some help in?â€
“We’ve discussed this before—I don’t know, we’d have to deal with Trish’s secret—another one to risk disclosure from.â€
I wonder, is Julie is going to be the help? Another enthralling episode Angharad (and Bonzi).
Practical Solutions
Bike Resources
Looks as though the home help situation might now be resolved - which just leaves the question of who'll treat Julie:
Stella - the registered Nurse
Cathy - Blue Light Special
Trish - Blue Light Special Mk. II
You never know, by this time next year Julie might be dishing out the Blue Light Specials as well...
Cathy's solicitor's likely to be in for a shock at their next meeting...
"You know I'm adopting three children... could you add another three to the list?"
Meanwhile, it would never happen, but imagine the fun if they ever decided to take a holiday in Penmarris Cove (setting for Susan Brown's "Changes")...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Another turn...
This is going to be interesting. Pretty soon they won't dare let Cathy out, if she keeps picking up strays. They haven't even straightened out the boys situation yet. I guess this story just gets more interesting.
~There is no reality, only perception~
Trish Ann
~There is no reality, only perception~
Cathy's true nature shines again...
Trust Cathy to pick up another "stray." I can easily see Julie integrating into the household, probably as the "hired help" as someone else mentioned.
Thanks for this latest installment.
The Daily Dormouse
comment withheld because of uncertainty about conformity to site policy
What I love is...
what I, and I'm sure many others, like about you and "bike" is just when we think you are slowing down you surprise us with yet another unexpected turn.
There has never been ANYTHING like this biography before. You are just Special.
Gude New Year, and Bless,
Bike pt 863.
Now Cathy meets another girl like her. Will she be the answer that Cathy is looking for?
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
And Julie Makes Six
It looks like Cathy is about to add another to her growing brood. This one would would balance the brood with two boys, two genetic girls and two trans girls. Perhaps she needs to add two trans boys for a real balanced family.
Michelle B
I was momentarily worried
There was a risk that either the teen's assalant was near by and would attack Cathy or it was a set-up designed to trick passers-by and rob them.
Seems it was as it appeared.
Poor Cathy sure can't resist strays.
John in Wauwatosa
P.S. As to Cathy's dream of her mom and the *so many children* I think were the words. Currently three, well four going on five, six ... Ever read a book or see the film(s) Cheaper by the Dozen? Oh my!
John in Wauwatosa
Cathy was worried about not having the strength to take on Danny and Billy. Now there's Julie. She can finally get the love and understanding she desperately deserves. I think Cathy will be calling Sam Rose in on this too. He could get Julie the needed medical recognition and treatment she needs. It is obvious that Julie is in the same place with her family as Cathy was at the same age. She will think she has died and gone to heaven when she figures out who Cathy, Simon and Stella are. It would seem to be ripped right out of a fairy tale or a story of Divine Providence. I guess Cathy could perform a blue light special on her, but she will need to get guardianship to care for her legally.
Seeing as how Cathy has the
Seeing as how Cathy has the blue light ability, will it help Julie out? Julie is going to be pleasantly surprised to meet Trish and possibly find out about Cathy's background. Cathy is really beginning to build up her family, just as her mother predicted. Jan
Forgot to add that Cathy,
Forgot to add that Cathy, Simon and Tom need to really convince Julie to report her attack to the police regardless of whether her "boyfriend" is a cop or not. If he can do this to her, then he doesn't belong on any police force as he is no different than any other "bad guy". I can not tolerate officers like this, because they give every other officer a bad name. Jan
police person
I'm sure someone is gonna be able to squeeze the name of the copper' that did this & I sure wouldnt wanna be him after they get his name
Cathy's a Good Samaritan... But, this time, she's likely to have some problems... With Julie's parents (I'm assuming they exist, but don't know), and with police as she's under age. Now, Cathy has a few friends on the force, but taking a brutalized kid home with her - rather than to medical help. Makes me wonder.
It could easily backfire on her attempts to adopt the three girls she has, or on any attempt to foster the two boys.
Hopefully, she calls one of her friends on the force - say PC Bond, for example - that have demonstrated their open mindedness. A cop that will brutalize someone doesn't belong being a cop. That Julie didn't tell her boy friend isn't an excuse, though several people have gotten away with such an excuse in the past.
I'm looking forward to seeing how our authors resolve this little problem.
At the rate Cathy
is going it won't be long before she is asking Tom to build an extension, Or maybe she could ask her father-in-law if she could use part of the hotel, Better still maybe Simon might decide that its time he gave his wife her own home!!!
It's quite obvious that Cathy's latest refugee comes complete with a lot of baggage But with Cathy's track record at sorting out problems you could almost feel sorry for the policeman/boyfriend.....If he was'nt such a lowlife...Silly me i thought it was a policeman's job to protect people....How wrong can you be!!!
Just when you think you know what's next
Angharad and Bonzi zap you with yet another surprise. I suppose that's one of the reasons I keep reading the story. :-)
You may think less of me if you like ...
I don't know if I would have stopped at all...well maybe I would. So, one of the plod beat her and robbed her? She's very lucky to be alive ... many of us die just that way.
GAH ! What a mess. I'll be interested to see how you handle this one.
She just can't say no...
And then there were 6. I suspect Leon may be hanging around a bit more.
Another young, beautiful GID tg, named Julie
Ang, I stand in awe, of your very, very large brain. And your ability to twist us around in circles, knowing the solution in advance.
It must be all those hours on road bikes.
Some guys can't take a joke, and beat up the GUY that embarrassed them, in actuality beating up a young girl.
Recently, a US Navy seaman beat up and beat to death a young pre-surgery tg in the Philippines. He was court marshaled, and found guilty, just last week.
This happens frequently, unfortunately, the killer/assaulter is rarely caught.
I think Julie may be with the Cameron's for a long time.