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(aka Bike) Part 841 by Angharad |
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The lunch went reasonably well, with everyone bar me enjoying the curry–sorry, I just don’t like it–however, the girls did, so that was all that mattered. Simon and Leon fitted a makeshift roof over the old well cover, Tom having shown them where he had some spare wood and fortunately, some spare felt.
I went off with the girls to get Leon some new jeans–I got the measurements from his old ones, we also thought we’d get him some new undies and a tee shirt. That took us a couple of hours, so by the time we got back it was nearly dark.
I presented Leon with his new jeans and the girls gave him a little prezzie each, Meems gave him some socks, Livvie some boxer-shorts and Trish, a new tee shirt–one which didn’t have puppies or kittens on, but some sort of motorbike doing wheelies. I didn’t like it, but the girls thought he might, and they were right. He grabbed the stuff and ran up to the bathroom to change–emerging ten minutes later full of himself. The girls all high-fived him–that was funny watching Meems do it, and he thanked them for their gifts.
I asked him how he was going to get home in the dark and he shrugged about riding with no lights. I brought out a cheap set I’d got in one of the shops, but at least he’d be legal riding home. I asked him if he knew how to fit them, “Course I do, it comes natural to men, doan it?”
I gave them to him and left him to it, while I put the rest of the shopping away. I checked half an hour later and he still hadn’t done it. Simon peered over my shoulder, “Let the wife do it for you, she’s a whizz with bikes.”
I savoured the phrase, Let the wife which was something which would have been beyond my wildest dreams only two or three years ago, and here I was married to an aristocrat–who’dathoughtit possible–I can see the tabloid headlines in the Bristol Evening Post--Local Boy Makes Good, I was still sniggering to myself when I went out to the bike and our helpless handyman.
“You in’t laughin’ at me?” he said almost aggressively.
“No, I had a funny thought about something I was thinking of earlier, if that makes sense.”
“No it don’t.”
“Let’s have a look,” I said taking the bike into the garage and switching on the lights, “it helps if you can see what you’re doing.”
“Hey, dis is magic innit?” said Leon admiring my workshop equipment.
“Hmm,” I replied not really listening. I grabbed a screwdriver and pair of pliers and began mounting the rear light to his bike.
“Dis a funny knife,” said Leon.
“That’s a bike multi-tool it isn’t a knife.”
“I know,” he said putting it down carelessly.
“Leon, please respect my tools, some are quite old and some are quite valuable.”
“Okay, okay,” he snapped.
“If you actually showed some attention here, you might learn how do to it next time.”
“Next time?” he asked in a surprised tone.
“Yes, the next time you need something doing on a bike.”
“Yeah, but I’s got you to sort it now, inni?”
“Not with that attitude, you won’t.”
“What is you accusin’ me of?”
“Ingratitude amongst other things.”
“What udder tings?”
“There,” I switched on the bike lights. I passed the bike to him. “I expect you next week, take care riding home, and give my regards to your mother.”
“Yeah, tanks for doin’ da bike.”
“Haven’t you forgotten something?” I asked him.
“No, I doan tink so.”
“So I can keep this, can I?” I held up some money.
“I tought you was keepin’ it to pay for da jeans.”
“No, those were a gift.”
His face lit up and he smiled, “Tank you.” He snatched the money, wheeled his bike out of the garage and set off for home.
I shivered going back into the house, having locked up the garage. “He’s going to be frozen before he gets home,” I said to Simon when he asked if our guest had gone.
“So, it’ll do him good.”
“How can freezing yourself be good?”
“Give him some moral fibre, if he’d had any in the first place he wouldn’t have been here at all. I’ll bet you paid for his jeans and things?”
“No, I used your store card,” I said as casually as I could.
He nodded, then a moment later said, “You did what?”
“I bought them.” The look of relief on his face seemed excessive for the amount it would have been. “Simon, is there something you’re not telling me?”
“No, why?”
“You looked concerned when you thought I’d spent your money.”
“Nah, just getting used to having two drains on my pocket.”
“Yeah, you and Stella.”
“Well don’t worry, as long as I have some of my own, I won’t bother you.” I turned on my heel and stormed into the kitchen to get supper started.
“Hey, Babes, I didn’t mean it like that.”
“How did you mean it then?” I asked indignantly. I felt like saying, if you can’t afford a wife, why did we get married? However, I resisted the temptation.
“Well you know with Stella?”
“Do I?”
“Yeah, I mean she’s taken you on enough shopping expeditions.”
“Yes I know and you usually end up paying.”
“Well then, I suppose I should be used to it by now, but times are a bit harder at the moment.”
“So, keep a hold of your cards and no one can spend them without your say so.”
“I can’t, Stella’s been using it for seven or eight years.”
“Well don’t complain to me, then. I won’t be using it.” I turned to face the fridge and started getting food out of it.
“Look, Babes, you’re my wife.”
“Yes, I’ve got a piece of paper and a ring to prove it.”
“C’mon, Babes, let’s not fall out over this, of course you can use my cards–all my worldly goods I thee endow–remember?”
“I remember, I was there.”
“So there, matter resolved.” He patted my bottom and walked out of the kitchen. He was very close to having a bowl of cold lentil soup tipped over his head–patronising twit. I’m his wife, his sister is a millionairess in her own right, and he queries my access to his cards? He can stuff them as far up his wallet as he can reach, as far as I’m concerned. I’ll spend my own money and he can go and whistle–bloody tightwad.

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The honeymoon is over
Well, I see that Simon is up to his old tricks again. I wish he would learn not to be so patronizing.
Simon Knows Something
That only his dad knows about the bank, or he'd not be so worried, or he's wondering if Cathy waants to adopt Leon.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
One Of The Number One Issues In A Marriage
Money is one of the biggest issues in a marriage and I guess it is the same in Cathy and Simon's. It puzzles me that Simon would make a big deal about Cathy buying a pair of jeans, shirts and undies for Leon when it is just a drop in the bucket in the grand scheme of things. One has to wonder if Simon is as well off financially as he makes out to be?
A word of advice to Simon
Remember.....Before putting your mouth into gear, Please engage brain !!! Do that and your marriage might last longer than the honeymoon period!!!
Nah, I think poor Simon has something on his mind.
Perhaps, the Bank had to buy the bad guys off just to get a bit o peace?
Having had some exposure to Middle Eastern culture, maybe Cathy just needs to smarten up a bit, and learn to be Prophaly Femininely Manipulative. Just the other night I was in just such a conversation with the Saudi husband of an American girlfriend of mine. In the end, he did admit that he would perhaps be willing to settle for her choice in the color of the drapes if she would just bat her eyes at him and coyly ask him to do so, with a "Please".
So, there it is, a male freely admitting that he wanted his ego massaged a bit. My friend, being a young American woman seems completely clueless, and unwilling to do so. He even asked me to talk directly to her about it, since both consider me to be "Aunty". I begin to feel like I live in the "Twilight Zone", or in the village just outside "Willie Wonka's Choclate Factory". LOL
It was not that long ago that I realized that I spent nearly 40 years married to a woman who shamelessly manipulated me, and if that did not work, there was always verbal abuse. Now, I shamelessly manipulate men, and no it ain't that hard sweety. :)
Leon needs to grow up.
i don't like kids with the "I'm entitled attitude." he needs to understand that nothing is free. Even gratis has its cost. I hope he learns to appreciate what Cathy is doing for him.
Simon is another matter. He does need to think before putting mouth in gear. Cathy has proven herself frugal. She is not a gold digger. She practically had to be shanghaied to get her to the alter to marry Simon.
Stella is another story. She was given every advantage and has the typical rich girl attitude, "It's Simon's money not mine, let's spend it". Comparing the two is not healthy for Simon.
Cathy, while not rich, is considered well off in her own right. She has earned her way and is uncomfortable taking charity. She is also generous with her help for those less fortunate. Money and the issues related to it are the leading cause of relationships floundering. Simon got Cathy in a huff by just hinting at it. I hope he can swim, because he is standing on thin ice.
~There is no reality, only perception~
Trish Ann
~There is no reality, only perception~
This is why
I had my doubts about the birthday surprise. It would seem that neither one has really made the commitment. They are not two people on a ship sailing off, they are on two ships sailing on parallel courses. Either ship can change course, but what will the other do? They could slowly sail apart, they could each turn away, they could even turn into each others path and collide. One could founder and the other one sail away.
"Being a girl is wonderful and to torture someone into that would be like the exact opposite of what it's like. I don’t know how anyone could act that way." College Girl - poetheather
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Isn't Cathy Being a Bit Touchy?
She might look at how the person who made the comment intended it and not be so quick to take offence, eh?
Oh, yes! And I'm caught up again. Thanks so much, Ang. I'm looking forward to the next adventure Cathy gets involved with. Will she ever get back to research and/or working at the uni?
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
Needs to relax. The amount of money Cathy spent is very small. Stella, I can understand why he has concerns. Womens clothing of the type Stella buys is outrageous.
Of course, don't forget the Scottish influence.
Bonzi, let Whizz back at the keyboard
Two gasses of wine, not whine.
Cathy either now has bodily hormones, or it's the drinking water making her bitchy to everyone.
there are two who need to be taken over Toms knee, Cathy and Leon.