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(aka Bike) Part 929 by Angharad Copyright © 2010 Angharad
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I was beginning to wonder what I was doing wrong–here I was with the only member of my family who couldn’t get away from me–Puddin’. I changed her nappy, and was talking to her when Julie decided to come down.
Her hair still bore some evidence of her near dyeing experience, but she was otherwise unscathed. “’Morning, darling,” I welcomed her.
She mumbled something incoherent and yawned, helping herself to cereal.
“Tea?” I asked and she nodded back to me. “Don’t eat too much, sweetheart, I’m doing a roast lunch.”
“’Kay,” she replied and made silly faces at Puddin’ who was sitting in the baby bouncer thing.
“Sleep well?” I asked, aware that teenagers, like cats, will sleep for twenty five hours a day and party all night.
“All right,” she yawned again.
“I suppose you’ll wake up eventually,” I joked.
“I was awake half the night,” she said yawning again.
“Why was that?” I passed her a mug of tea and sipped one myself, sitting down at the table once more.
“I was thinking about your poem.”
“That took you half the night?”
“Yeah, I was sort of makin’ up my own.”
“Oh, okay–are you going to share them with me?”
“No–I didn’t write them down, but I thought about my childhood and how bad it was.”
“I’m sure there were good times too.”
“Yeah, a few.” She seemed reluctant to acknowledge those but eventually agreed there were some. “Did you have a tough time in school?”
“In lots of ways I made it tougher than it needed to be.”
“How was that?” she began to look as if she’d woken up at last.
“I had long hair like yours, in fact probably longer and very girly.”
“How did you get away with that?”
“I refused to get it cut and argued that if girls were allowed to wear their hair long, so should boys. They eventually agreed–after it went all the way to the governors–as long as I tied it back like the girls did. It used to drive my father mad, but it was well looked after–my mother told me if I was going to wear it like a girl, I’d have to look after it like a girl–so it was carefully washed and conditioned, hot wax every so often and so on, plus every three months I’d get it trimmed to sort out the split ends.
“I got to know my hairdresser very well–she said I had hair like a girl’s and so well cared for–she actually asked me if I’d liked to have been a girl.”
“Cor, what did you say?”
“I told her, yes.”
“Like, what did she say?”
“She looked at me, and said,’Well these days they can do that for you, can’t they?’”
“She said that?”
“Yeah–I was so frightened, I didn’t go back for ages.”
“Frightened? Of a hairdresser?”
“Yes–my secret was out.”
“Did she like, tell anyone?”
“No–but she called me, Charlotte.”
“What, like out loud?”
“Yes, I went bright red and nearly died, then she whispered–don’t worry, they all think you’re a girl anyway. See–“ she showed me the appointments book and they wrote my name down as Charley–the girl’s spelling, with E, Y, at the end.”
“Crikey–that is frightening.”
“I’m not sure it was frightening, embarrassing–especially when the others called out, ‘Bye, Miss Watts,’ when I left the salon.”
“Were they being funny or did they think you were a girl?”
“They thought I was a girl–they had to cancel an appointment and left a message for me with my mother–‘Could she tell Miss Watts, they were postponing my appointment until the following week.’”
“Did she say anything to them about it?”
“No, she thought it was amusing and when I came in that evening, she said, ‘I had someone on the phone earlier wanting to talk to Miss Charlotte Watts.’ I nearly died and asked who and it was the hair salon, so I asked what she’d said. She told me she would pass the message on to her daughter.”
“So she knew, then?”
“I don’t know–I really don’t know.”
“So why didn’t you call yourself, Charlotte?”
“Too close to my past, I kept my initial but changed the name. In my class in junior school, there was a pretty girl called Catherine Jones, who I so wanted to be like–I couldn’t, she was beautiful–but I could borrow her name. So I did.”
“You are beautiful, Mummy.”
“Don’t be silly, Julie–I’ve been up since six, working on the paper for the bank, then I’ve done a roast meal, sorted out everyone else including Pud, so I can hardly look beautiful, can I?”
“Beauty isn’t just a glamour thing, Mummy–although you can look very glam when you want to. It’s about your inner person–and yours is so beautiful, it hurts to look at it for long. But angels do that to you.”
“Do what?”
“Transfix–is that the word? They like, hold you with their beauty which like, shines through anything.”
“You and your angels–it’s all nonsense. Here you can sit with her.” I picked up Puddin’ and handed her to Julie. She went off to sleep quite quickly in the teen’s arms.
“How come you’re, like, looking after the baby?” Julie asked me as I checked the chicken.
“Oh Stella wasn’t feeling too good and went back to bed.”
“Shouldn’t somebody like, check on her–make sure she’s like, okay?”
“Be my guest–tell her lunch will be in half an hour.”
She carried the sleeping baby with her up to Stella’s room. I didn’t see what happened next–I was too busy making gravy and checking vegetables and stuffing. I actually called Trish in to lay the table.
I made her wash her hands and her face–it looked liked she’d been making holes for the seeds with her nose–which is silly, because her nose is small and turns up a little–retroussé they call it I think.
“Someone has roses in their cheeks,” I told her.
“When’s dinner, Mummy, I’m starved.”
“Soon, darling, which is why I asked you to lay the table.”
The lunch went down well, Stella did come down and I pureed a little of the meat and veg for Puddin’. The girls helped me clean up because the boys were still doing the garden with Tom–this time they were preparing a trench for runner beans.
That took me back a bit to when I used to help my dad–we had to put anything that would rot in the smelly old trench. He used to put in manure and I remember when I was about seven, I think–not much bigger than Trish–and I was told to take some vegetable bits from the kitchen and throw it in the trench. It had been raining and I slipped and fell in–and a big slimy slug fell on top of me–I screamed so loud I think half the close heard me. Mum and Dad rushed out to see what had happened–and I was lying there hysterical as all these horrible slimy things slithered and crawled over me.
Dad thought it was hilarious until Mummy made him pull me out–I absolutely stank like a compost heap. It took me years to get over that–and I didn’t eat runner beans for a long time. I got my own back when I did A-level biology, we dissected all sorts of worms and slugs and other creepy crawlies.
“Can we go an’ play on our bikes?” asked Livvie. So they did. Julie was on the phone to Leon, Simon was asleep in the chair purportedly watching the television, the boys were out with Tom, and Stella was out pushing Puddin’ in the pram. I had a few minutes to myself and wondered what I could do with it.
I had plenty of chores, but didn’t fancy any of them, including my sewing and mending. I was too tired to go on the bike and really bored. I picked up the Observer but couldn’t settle–who cares if the Prime Minister is a bully–if it gets things done, so be it.
I don’t know why, but I ended up on the computer and in less than ten minutes, found some people I’d been to school with, then much to my surprise and delight, I found Siân Griffiths or Lloyd as she now was. She was a GP in Salisbury.
I spent the next ten minutes wondering if I should let sleeping dogs lie? Then fired off an email.
Dear Siân,
I hope I’ve got the right one. I took your advice from all those years ago in Bristol–remember when they humiliated me because of my hair–I kept the hair and changed everything else. I’d love to talk with you if that’s possible. If not, I hope all is well with you and yours. Love C. Cameron (nee Watts).
I pressed send before I chickened out and went to start organising the tea.

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Bike pt 929
Will be fun to see what happens after she sent off that message.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Hi Angharad, if you can organise a reunion with Sian it'll be well worth it provided you put her fully in the picture.
Reunions can be wonderful things but take care to lay the groundwork carefully.
After I located my long lost brother on 'Friends reunited' some two years ago and 'came out' to him; he was shocked by my revelation because our parents had never explained to him why his younger brother simply disappeared off the face of the earth.
He and I met secretly then we, (mostly he,) organised a large family GTG ( get together.)
My older brother had kept our mutual discovery and my transgenderism,a secret from the rest of the family.
When the rest of the family turned up at the bash near Worcester I turned up with my wife and son (my daughter couldn't make it,) and I stunned all my relatives. All my nephews and nieces and great neices had never seen their phantom uncle, indeed many of the family generally believed me to be dead. Additionally my son had never met his cousins. My son is 29.
I have not seen any of my siblings since I was six, (I'm now 63,) and my middle sister nearly collapsed when I revealed myself to her. (She was in poor health.)
I did not attend cross-dressed because my brother knew of at least 2 nieces (one his own daughter!) who tend to be homophobic and transphobic because they mistakenly believe that paedophiles are usually gay or transgendered. (Yeah! I know, I know but apparently in both instances of their having encountered paedophiles, sadly both individuals were gay and now my nieces tend to lump all gays and T,G's together.))
Consequently my brother and I decided to let the little issue of my transgendered state lie low. For that I thank my brother.
So, Angharad,go ahead and try and arrange the reunion but be careful. Sound people out before agreeing to meet them if you've any doubts.
I'm glad to see that Cathy has got the kids organised. What with spring and the planting season arriving, it's busy in the garden.
Stil avidly following your phantoblog-cum-story.
Hi Angharad, if you can organise a reunion with Sian it'll be well worth it provided you put her fully in the picture.
Reunions can be wonderful things but take care to lay the groundwork carefully.
After I located my long lost brother on 'Friends reunited' some two years ago and 'came out' to him; he was shocked by my revelation because our parents had never explained to him why his younger brother simply disappeared off the face of the earth.
He and I met secretly then we, (mostly he,) organised a large family GTG ( get together.)
My older brother had kept our mutual discovery and my transgenderism,a secret from the rest of the family.
When the rest of the family turned up at the bash near Worcester I turned up with my wife and son (my daughter couldn't make it,) and I stunned all my relatives. All my nephews and nieces and great neices had never seen their phantom uncle, indeed many of the family generally believed me to be dead. Additionally my son had never met his cousins. My son is 29.
I have not seen any of my siblings since I was six, (I'm now 63,) and my middle sister nearly collapsed when I revealed myself to her. (She was in poor health.)
I did not attend cross-dressed because my brother knew of at least 2 nieces (one his own daughter!) who tend to be homophobic and transphobic because they mistakenly believe that paedophiles are usually gay or transgendered. (Yeah! I know, I know but apparently in both instances of their having encountered paedophiles, sadly both individuals were gay and now my nieces tend to lump all gays and T,G's together.))
Consequently my brother and I decided to let the little issue of my transgendered state lie low. For that I thank my brother.
So, Angharad,go ahead and try and arrange the reunion but be careful. Sound people out before agreeing to meet them if you've any doubts.
I'm glad to see that Cathy has got the kids organised. What with spring and the planting season arriving, it's busy in the garden.
Stil avidly following your phantoblog-cum-story.
Sound like the neices listen
to the US radical right and religious right biggots too much. Nice if they could get out in the world a bit.
Quote of the day
I had to do a double take when I read Julie dishing out these words of advice:
Wow! What more can I say?!
Meanwhile, I was hoping Cathy would try and get back in contact with Siân after remembering her the other day. I expect she'll be amazed / impressed / shocked / surprised at how well "Charlie" has done for herself (especially if either [a] she hasn't seen the YouTube video, or [b] she's seen the High Street Bank posters and thought "it can't be, can it?")
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
I was wondering when Cathy
I was wondering when Cathy would look Sian up. Should be interesting!
Thanks again for this great story Angharad, please keep it up! :)
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
Julie can be quite a thinker
Julie can be quite a thinker when she puts her mind to it. Her comment and advice to Cathy were spot on and Cathy just needs to acknowledge that fact. Perhaps Julie is starting to 'get it' regarding the family love and life that Cathy is trying to teach her. Jan
So, is there an artist/poet in the family now?
Julie may be moving beyond the hair salon very soon.
Loved the line, "...and yours is so beautiful, it hurts to look at it for long"
Julie, The Nurturing Philospher
Julie's observations about Cathy are so beyond her years in their accuracy. It seemed that her words came from someone much older. I guess in a lot of ways, Julie has had to deal with things that have made her look at a lot of things differently. Cathy is showing her that families are not always as nasty and mean as what she grew up with. I also enjoyed seeing the way Julie interacted with Puddin. I look forward to seeing what comes from Cathy's reconnection with her old friend. I know from experience what social networking has done over the last few years. My high school graduating class is having our 20th reunion this August and locating classmates on Facebook is a lot easier than locating them for our 10th reunion in 2000 was. Hopefully, she will be open to meeting up with Cathy. I noticed that her friend is a GP. Could it be another avenue for the blue light to do more healing? I guess we shall see.
I really hope
Cathy gets a positive response from her email to Siân, Why? Well if they do meet up, Then the first thing they will probably talk about is their schooldays......And then with a bit of luck we will find out loads more about Cathy's earlier life....Mind you having said that,The chances are Cathy will have to use the blue light in front of Siân, And we all know where that could lead!
Wow Thats one hell of a garden
They're working on. Hope the boys will get some slack after spending the entire day helping Tom ( all work no play...).
Anyway I like how Juile is turning up , she seems less of an airhead then earlier episodes.
That ain't a pip...
On the gardens we had, when I was a child an acre was a small garden, and that was our personal garden.
The year I turned 12 I tried to murder the 2 100 foot rows of okra. Not only did I stab myself in the leg with the butcher knife(while crossdressed!) The fracking okra grew like twice as many fruits or whatever you call them.
Very much not the result I was after!
What a nice little note, there at the end. Some of the rest was nice to - very sweet. Wonder how Julie & Stella got along, when Julie woke her up from her before lunch nap. :-)
Some not so fun experiences were described. I had an uncle that could "sleep" in front of the TV... And somehow, pay attention to it (enough so he knew if you turned it off). Apparently I was able to hide myself from the world better than Charlie... Nobody ever "mistook" me for a girl (though, I think I'd have liked that... Might have clued me in that I wasn't crazy sooner!). Wonder what my brother thinks about his sister, now that he knows. Neither here, nor there.
Thanks for so nice an episode.
Close Friends
I hope Cathy is able to establish a friendship with Sian. It's something I noticed that is missing from Cathy's life and that is close girlfriends. At first, Stella was there for Cathy, but of late Stella's attention is on Puddin. Which kind of leaves Cathy by herself again. I pray it works out for Cathy.
Stella doesn't have anyone either. It would be interesting to add another woman into the mix.
You make it hard to stop
Darn it!! Sitting here reading and planned to stop on an even page but at the end I sooo want to read on to see what she gets in reply, oh and just sos ya know this story has costed me a lot, Since I have started reading this I have gotten back into bike riding again and found that my crummy old big box store bike just wasn’t cutting it, about 6 months ago I found a bike shop that carries Specialized brand bikes and sure enough I have one now as well as a Specialized mountain bike being paid off before I take it from the store.
The first one I bought is a hybrid and great for town riding around here, want to get a full on road bike later but it’s going to be my most expensive one so it’s going to have to wait a bit, love the Specialized bikes though.
Yours truly
Think of it
as an investment in your future health. I have 4 Specialized bikes.