School or College Life

The Eternal Schoolgirl.

The Eternal Schoolgirl Part 2

One crisp autumn day at Willowbrook Academy, Ella sat under the shade of an old oak tree, enjoying a rare moment of solitude. She was flipping through her history textbook when she noticed something peculiar. Across the courtyard, a boy named Ethan was sitting alone seemingly focused on his homework. However something about his actions caught her eye.

The Power of Sexy (resubmitted)

By Flygirlxoxox

My name is Alan Ambrosio and this is my story. As it happend.

Yes I am a boy and a typcal one. I have always been fascinated by girls.
Their hair, their smells, their curves, their clothes, the way the walk,
the way they talk....

At age 15 I have been involved in sports. I am quite good and very
competitive. My problem...girls. Girls to me are like kryptonite to
superman. I can be doing something confidently, intently and-- a pretty
girl comes up to me and look! It's captian corky....

Dina, part 2

I took a deep breath to stop my heart from fluttering at the sight of the girl in front of me. Long, shapely legs encased in glossy translucent tights emerged from a tiny, almost skin-tight black skirt. Her curvaceous chest was covered by a thin light grey t-shirt, and tiny flats with delicate bows covered her feet. Her make-up was immaculate, with her face free from any blemishes, her eyebrows shaped to perfection and her mouth enhanced by nude matte lipstick and lipliner.

The Reluctant Co-Ed by Melanie Brown now on Kindle


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It's been a series of madcap adventures for Chrissie, starting in middle school when she posed as a Reluctant Girlfriend and on through her high school career as a cheerleader.

Now she's in college! Can you get a degree in crossdressing shenanigans?"

The Reluctant Co-Ed
by Melanie Brown
Now on Kindle

Shannon's Course by Angela Rasch in Kindle


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High School Honors Student Shannon has a new psychology teacher with a plan that might get Shannon in trouble - and change his life forever!

Is it going to be good or bad for the reluctant Shannon to pose as a girl for a semester? And what about Shannon's friends and family?

Teenage angst is not always this confusing! With a murder mystery, too!

Racing Hearts by Melanie Brown on Kindle


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Tommy and his twin sister, Cynthia share almost everything. Their looks, their love of cheerleading. But maybe sharing a preference for street-racing bad boys is going too far?

Racing Hearts
A Sudden Romance
by Melanie Brown
Buy on Kindle

The Novitiate by Angela Rasch from DopplerPress


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Tim is patiently waiting for his high school days to draw to a close. He can’t wait to go away to college, far from a dad who is disappointed with his son’s tiny frame. Tim is also unhappy with his body, for a much more shielded reason. Music provides the catalyst for lasting change.


Sky on Kindle


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Sure, Peaches is small and cute and makes a lovely girl; everyone says so. But Sky? More than six feet of champion male athlete and he wants to be a girl? How is that going to work? Can even Peaches help? Are Sky's hopes too high?

by Angela Rasch
Sky by Angela Rasch

Sequel to Peaches
A BigCloset/HatBox Book
from DopplerPress

Home, Alone & Home, Alone 2 by Susan Brown on Kindle


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After a family tragedy, young David decides to live by himself in his home where he can be his true self, Katie. It's almost like a dream as Katie explores her new life.

But it's not easy. Where will she get money? How can an eleven-year-old deal with something as mundane as shopping when at any moment some adult may decide she needs help from police, doctors, teachers or lawyers?

It's lonely, too. Katie needs a friend, but who can she trust with her secret? That she's just a child living in her home, alone?



Home, Alone
by Susan Brown
Buy on KIndle & Buy Book 2 on Kindle

Texas Two-Step by Angela Rasch on Kindle


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Another great sports story from Angela Rasch on Kindle from DopplerPress!

Texas Two-Step cover

Orphaned, Angel has to move to live with his uncle. Even though a standout athlete in Illinois, he's having trouble finding a place to fit in Pecos. Angel played soccer back in the Midwest, but that isn’t even an option in this gridiron-crazed, West Texas town. He gets a job in a Dairy Queen, but it seems mostly due to a misunderstanding and his life goes off in a new direction....

Texas Two-Step

by Angela Rasch

Click here or on cover image to buy at Kindle.

The Loft


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Greg has long fought her need to transition to the girl she is. Now, she is going to college and starting a new life as Angie. This is her story of discovery and the friendships that evolve in…


The Loft - LR.jpg

The Loft

By Shauna

Copyright© 2020 Shauna J. Rousseau
All Rights Reserved.
(Cover image designed by Shauna J. Rousseau.)
(Image Source: 193656564 © -

Soul Sword


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Soul Sword

By Blackout

Editor: Zip


Terry was your typical average teenage boy. But like most stories he was about to be startled by some unexplainable power, but hey that’s what makes the story interesting. Read on as the life of one typical teenage boy except for his hobby of swordsmanship is turned around as he discovers a world he never thought he would enter in more ways than one.

A Senior Year to Remember


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A Senior Year to Remember

By Bethany Starr

Synopsis:When Robert's lying, habitual stealing, and attitude about women gets to be too much for his mother, she comes up with a Plan to help her delinquent son turn around.

New School: A TG Choose Your Own Adventure


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New School: A TG Choose Your Own Adventure
By Krista

"You are Sam, a 13 year old boy with shoulder-length brunette hair and amber eyes. You remember arriving to your new house with your parents and sister late last night and half asleep you quickly undressed and almost fell asleep before you could climb into bed..."

Dina, part 1

"William!" My father hissed quietly. "Look at the camera!"

"Sorry, dad," I whispered as I turned my attention back to the photographer, who was ready to capture today's visit for posterity. Though in my defence, as an eight-year-old boy, it was natural for me to be distracted by the visitors who came to my grandfather's home — after all, it's not every day that you have your photograph taken with the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh.

Listening to Jekyllase, chapter 01 of 17

Jekyllase is in the news again as several states are considering decriminalizing its possession; some referenda, such as Proposition 118 here in Oregon, would go farther, making it effectively an over-the-counter drug. It occurred to me that I could dust off a memoir I started writing some time ago, edit it to focus more closely on my experiences with jekyllase, and offer it to the public (anonymously, by necessity, as these propositions are not law yet) as a contribution to the debate.

Coffee Shop Girl

Coffee Shop Edited.jpg

Coffee Shop Girl. - A tale of envy, vengeance and subterfuge that turns into something quite extraordinary

College boy observes sexy young waitresses using their feminine wiles to bump up their tips in a coffee shop and thinks it might be an easy way to make money and to expose the owner and his misogynistic work practices. When Carey presents femme something strange, unique and surprising happens.

From the Top

From the Top
by Bryony Marsh
From the Top by Bryony Marsh

“James, what are you doing here?”

The boy gave a guilty start that spoke volumes: he was caught and there was no point in lying.

“I’m doing my Physics homework, Sir,” he said.

Simon Owens sighed. “What I mean is, why are you lurking in the library when you’re supposed to be in class?”

Meagan's Tail ch 14..Pixie in trouble

Meagan's Tail

A new Universe, a New story!

Intermission of our story

Pixie time!

Will our new Pixie now waits for what the Drows will do with or death?




Los Angeles

Change of Fate 7


The Ball

As the Royal Ball approached, anticipation hung heavy in the air, mingling with the scent of perfumes and the rustle of silk. For Alex and her sisters, the culmination of months of preparation was at hand – the moment when they would step into the grand ballroom and present themselves to the Monarchy and the assembled nobility.

The Oyama Project Chapter 3: An Evening With Mihari


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Chapter 3: An Evening With Mihari

"Mahiro-chan? Mahiro-chan, are you awake?" a voice called out.

Mahiro let out a yawn and slowly opened her eyes. She could see Mihari's face directly in front of her. As her eyes fully opened, Mihari began to smile.

"Oh thank goodness." Mihari exclaimed. "I thought something bad might've happened or something, but it seems you just got overwhelmed looking through all the happy moments of our lives and fell asleep."

"What?" Mahiro asked.

TG-Crazed Scientist Part 04

"So you quit the internship," said Reginald.

"Yes, I did," said Genesis. She was sitting at the dinner table with her dad Reginald, stepmom Paulette, and stepsister Ramona, having just told them about what had happened with Lucas at Pride Laboratories.

"You know, most people don't quit jobs or internships without putting in a 2-week notice," said Reginald. "That would be the professional thing to do."

"I know," said Genesis. "But now that Lucas Jacobson has shown his true colors..."

The Oyama Project Chapter 2: The New World

Chapter 2: The New World

A loud beeping noise could be heard echoing throughout the room. Groaning, Mahiro reached her hand out from under her covers so she could hit the top of her alarm to get it to shut off. After a few attempts, she managed to succeed and breathed a sigh of relief.

Mahiro sat up and stretched her arms above her head while letting out a large yawn. Rubbing her eyes she still felt a bit sleepy, but she knew that she'd have to get up anyway.

"Well, I guess it's time to start the day."

The Oyama Project Chapter 1: Mahiro of Two Worlds

Chapter 1: Mahiro of Two Worlds



"It's okay Mrs. Oyama, you're doing fine. Just keep breathing. That baby will be coming out of you very soon."

"Thank goodness." Mrs. Oyama replied. "How long has it been?"

"Seventeen hours." the doctor replied. "I know it may seem long, but I've seen some women stay in labor for two or three days without delivering. You're honestly way ahead of them even if this is taking quite a while."


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