Hair Salon / Long Hair / Wigs / Rollers

Flow C. 1


“Discipline, discipline, discipline.” Valin repeated this mantra in his head, over and over as he prepared himself for the practical exam. He was sure that he had gotten a perfect grade on the written portion, not that he expected otherwise, as he had been training himself for it almost his whole life. Not that he hadn’t done the same for the practical, it’s just that the practical required certain innate qualities that Valin didn’t have.

Superhero Twins


Audience Rating: 


TG Universes & Series: 

This is a fan fiction of a mix of Whateley and The Center by Lillith Langtree. Mostly in The Center Universe. This is a fan fiction so I will break some of the rules as the Whateley Universe has different rules concerning mutants.

Sean "Port" Porter is helping his crew clear a building when the impossible happens. He ports in on another world and comes face to face with himself. Only this version just turned into a girl. He wants to get home, but without any other mutants his chance to find a booster are impossible or are they?

The Seventh Wheel (Part 5)

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Author's Note: So we made it to the penultimate chapter, I see. When I originally wrote this section of the story, I was surprised. It sort of came out of thin air. It wasn't planned, there was no pre-thought and I was wondering why I had to stick in another freakin' portal reference... Oh well, things worked out for the best, well, so far... ha... I hope YOU like it...


The Seventh Wheel (Part 4)

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Author's Note: Hmmm, let's see.. I have been accused of putting too much sex in my stories, I have also been accused of putting too little. Personally? I think all of my stories have just the right amount, like raisins. It all depends on the characters, the situation, the crunch. Doesn't it? Well, this chapter has a lot of crunch, well, s.e.x. I feel it was a natural progression, ha, but what do I know... I just hope YOU like it...


Torrid Transformation

Torrid Transformation

The bell above the entrance to Torrid chimed a cheerful welcome as Alan
pushed open the glass door. The familiar scent of trendy clothing and
leather greeted him, but the store was strangely empty. He scanned the
racks, his gaze snagged on a display of vibrant summer dresses before a
voice startled him.

"Hi there! Welcome to Torrid!"

Alan turned to see a woman with a dazzling smile and a nametag that read
"Haley - Manager." Her warm brown eyes sparkled beneath a mane of fiery
red hair.

Genesis Transformed

Genesis Transformed

Shamefacedly, Shane shuffled into Merle Norman, the cheery chiming of
the doorbell announcing his arrival. He wasn't exactly dressed for the
occasion - his usual ratty t-shirt and ripped jeans felt woefully out of
place amongst the plush waiting area and pastel color scheme. A sheepish
grin tugged at his lips as his gaze landed on Stacy, his best friend,
behind the counter.

The Seventh Wheel (Part 2)

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Author's Note: Hi... Brina here, bringing you part two of my love letter to 'Top Gear,' hot rods, Hot Wheels, and tractor trailers, ha, no just lying. I was never a car person, well I was a van person once, but I don't want to talk about that, ha... Surprisingly this chapter has quite a bit of (early) sex in it, so cover your eyes if you are not ready for it... thank you and I hope YOU like it...


Cherry Blossom Journey to Womanhood

Cherry blossom journey to womanhood

the rouge tasted like cherries, a forbidden sweetness on alan's four-
year-old tongue. His mother's vanity table, a glittering land of
forgotten treasures, had captivated him. He'd slipped on her silky robe,
the feel a stark contrast to his usual rough-and-tumble clothes. The
lipstick, a bright, unapologetic red, felt foreign on his lips, yet
oddly comforting. His mother's gasp shattered the moment. Tears streamed
down his face, not from her anger, but from a dawning realization - he
was different.

Change of Fate 8

The Day After

In the hushed embrace of the night, Alex and Princess Helena shared moments of intimacy that transcended the boundaries of their newfound union. With each touch and caress, they explored the depths of passion and desire, surrendering to the ecstasy of their connection. As Princess Helena revealed pleasures known only to a woman, Alex eagerly reciprocated, their bodies intertwining in a dance of love and longing.

Change of Fate 7


The Ball

As the Royal Ball approached, anticipation hung heavy in the air, mingling with the scent of perfumes and the rustle of silk. For Alex and her sisters, the culmination of months of preparation was at hand – the moment when they would step into the grand ballroom and present themselves to the Monarchy and the assembled nobility.

Change of Fate 6

Author's note: I got really into this story last week and knocked out three chapters. It was very productive, and I am glad that I was able to really get into the story.

Rule 4: A smile can be the sharpest knife

Rule 5: Silence is louder than any words

This cryptic maxim echoed in Alex's mind as she pondered its meaning. In a world where appearances were everything, and deception lurked behind every smile, she understood the significance of this rule all too well.

Life Seems to Suck Sometimes (Part 4)

Life Seems to Suck Pink cut small.png

Life Seems to Suck Sometimes (Part 4)
By Sabrina G. Langton


Author's Note: Hmmm, this is the sweet chapter, also the one with the most sex... So sweet and sexy, just like all of us here in the Big Closet... Nothing we are not used to, ha... Thank you so much for reading and I hope YOU like it...


Part 4 of 5

Pasties And G-Strings

Pasties And G-Strings

I had been out clubbing again, the only thing that seemed to take my mind off my problems. The problems seemed to be piling up, from my lack of a job to the rent being past due, you name it, and it had gone wrong.

My name is Erin Waldrop, twenty-three years old, a college graduate and in all kinds of trouble. I shouldn’t be going out, since the few remaining dollars I do have vanish quickly at a club. The fact that I had given up hope allowed me to forget why I should save any remaining money I have.

Maybe You'll Like It: A Gradual Feminization Novel (Ch. 3)

He's got a brand new job working maintenance for a beauty salon. But with his long hair, feminine features, and gentle demeanor, maybe Alex can be of use in other ways...

After quitting his horrible job at a hardware store, Alex is free but aimless. To cheer him up, his older sister, Grace, surprises him with a pick-me-up trip to the salon for a much-needed haircut. Though what was only meant to be a simple trim results in an unexpected job offer as the salon's new in-house maintenance man. Alex must adjust to his new job surrounded by constant feminine energy, all while crushing hard on the salon's cute, young owner -- and her insistence that he test out some of their services...

This ~60,000-word, 243-page gradual feminization novel is about identity, experimentation, and the ups and downs of discovering a new side of yourself. Full book available now on Amazon for purchase or free with Kindle Unlimited!


Substitute Wife

Substitute Wife

Sis worked for a security company doing certain surveillance jobs as requested. Most of the time it was just following someone and making sure they did not get them selves in trouble. Most of the people she was paid to keep track of were fairly high profile, so were instant targets for news media and other individuals who had varied and nefarious reasons to exploit those people.

Female Gender Draftee

Female Gender Draftee

As I approached work, I saw Vivian, the bosses’ wife near the office door. She saw me and quickly came to drag me away. I was led to her car, parked right up front. I was pointed to the passenger seat as she entered the car, after fastening my seat belt she backed out heading away from work. A few blocks away she pulled into a mega store’s parking lot and parked at the far end of it. She turned to face me and started to explain her actions this morning.

Maybe You'll Like It: A Gradual Feminization Novel (Ch. 2)

He's got a brand new job working maintenance for a beauty salon. But with his long hair, feminine features, and gentle demeanor, maybe Alex can be of use in other ways...

After quitting his horrible job at a hardware store, Alex is free but aimless. To cheer him up, his older sister, Grace, surprises him with a pick-me-up trip to the salon for a much-needed haircut. Though what was only meant to be a simple trim results in an unexpected job offer as the salon's new in-house maintenance man. Alex must adjust to his new job surrounded by constant feminine energy, all while crushing hard on the salon's cute, young owner -- and her insistence that he test out some of their services...

This ~60,000-word, 243-page gradual feminization novel is about identity, experimentation, and the ups and downs of discovering a new side of yourself. Full book available now on Amazon for purchase or free with Kindle Unlimited!

Hope y'all like it :)



A Sexy, Flirtatious, Cocktail Waitress

A Sexy, Flirtatious, Cocktail Waitress

It was sheer bedlam in the casino, some group had booked the whole casino and hotel for seven days straight, we are talking major money here. No info on the group was shared down at our level yet, but it was rumored they were major high rollers. The problem was quite a few employees were on vacation, something the casino allowed, in fact encouraged, right after the Christmas holiday. So the powers to be were down interviewing everybody to see who could work extra shifts to fill in the gaps.

Change of Fate 5

Rule 3: Accessorize to guide the eye.

As the next phase of their training commenced, Alex and her sisters found themselves immersed in the world of accessories once more. This time, however, the focus shifted from simply wearing accessories to understanding the significance behind each choice and even designing their own styles.

Equality In Heels

Equality In Heels

Having just got home from shopping my wife had placed her goodies on our bed. I watched from the bedroom door, always fascinated at her prowess and enthusiasm with regards to shopping. As she took the contents from each bag she stacked the shoe boxes in separate piles. Two boxes in each pile. There was a picture on one end of the box, a gorgeous high heel displayed there in full color.


A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

Dominic Grady came from a long line of engineers, and he was smart enough to follow that line. Not as smart as others in his family, like his older brothers Rod (structural engineer) and Paul (environmental engineer), but smart enough not to let the family down.

Maybe You'll Like It: A Gradual Feminization Novel (Ch. 1)

He's got a brand new job working maintenance for a beauty salon. But with his long hair, feminine features, and gentle demeanor, maybe Alex can be of use in other ways...

After quitting his horrible job at a hardware store, Alex is free but aimless. To cheer him up, his older sister, Grace, surprises him with a pick-me-up trip to the salon for a much-needed haircut. Though what was only meant to be a simple trim results in an unexpected job offer as the salon's new in-house maintenance man. Alex must adjust to his new job surrounded by constant feminine energy, all while crushing hard on the salon's cute, young owner -- and her insistence that he test out some of their services...

This ~60,000-word, 243-page gradual feminization novel is about identity, experimentation, and the ups and downs of discovering a new side of yourself. Full book available now on Amazon for purchase or free with Kindle Unlimited!

Hope y'all like it :)



Daughter In Curls

Daughter In Curls

Ever since graduation from high school, my dream of the good life has seemed to be a lesson in futility. First there was my Mom’s accident, her injuries didn’t take her life, but maybe that would have been better. I loved my Mom but couldn’t stand to be around watching her in a wheelchair, knowing that most likely she would be confined to one for the rest of her life. The idiot driver walked away from the crash, apparently drunk, never admitting fault for the trouble and grief he caused.

Fem It Up

Fem It Up

I work in a help center for a major computer software developer. In fact, just recently I was promoted to be the head of this department. We answered questions of our customers and helped them work out any problems they were having with our software. Most problems were easy and quick to handle, but there were also ones that tried our patience.

A Loving Sacrifice

A Loving Sacrifice

Paula was just getting home from classes, this being Wednesday her last class of the day was not until four P.M. Although an essential part of her curriculum for her degree it had developed into a class that she detested. By the time she caught the bus and suffered through the forty minute ride she was usually fit to be tied.

Surviving The Conspiracy

There were rumors of a shakeup in upper level management and some promotions that might be in the offering. Our company was going through some tough times, increased competition and some personnel that were not qualified for the position they held in the company. Most of these employees were ones that were hired by friends or family members that were already employed by the company, a practice that was commonly used until recently.

My Sister's Agenda

My Sister’s Agenda

I was back home for the first time in two years, excluding some brief visits several times a year. This time I was here to stay, my schooling concluded. The last two years of college consuming that time, with my degree in business economics finally obtained. I finished junior college in my home town, but wanted my degree to have a little more clout than just a state university. Beckham School of Economics had that clout that I desired, although they were not local, just far enough away to keep from commuting.

Go Big or Go Homeless

My entry for the 2024 New Year's Resolution Story Contest

Tired of loneliness, Skylar resolves to find love at any cost. Nudged along by fate, and self imposed circumstance, he's well on his way to a happy future. It just doesn't look like anything he ever expected.

Beware which apps you give access to your information. It could change your life.

Mix-up at summer camp


Audience Rating: 



Once upon a time, in a small suburban town, there lived a teenage boy named Alex. He was a typical young boy, full of energy and always seeking adventure. One summer, however, his life took an unexpected turn when at his summer camp he appears to be grouped with the toddler girls. As he embraces this new role, Alex goes through an amazing journey of self-discovery, finding out who he truly is.

Mix-up at summer camp Parts 1-3

1. Departure

Once upon a time, in a small suburban town, there lived a teenage boy named Alex. He was a typical young boy, full of energy and always seeking adventure. One summer, however, his life took an unexpected turn.

Image Resolution

Image Resolution
By Daring Diane

Rene Auclair stared at the card.

The last two years were difficult. The pandemic triggered a new business model for the company. Working from home, there is little work related human interaction. Some enjoy these changes. For me, having replaced Darren Rogers as Networking Director in the middle of the pandemic has been hard. I’ve never met in person with some of my subordinates.


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