
Ruth's Reunion - Chapter 1

I was shaking and couldn't get rid of the tightness in my chest. I felt cold, which was surprising considering the hot summer weather. I tried my best to keep from sweating which would ruin the light makeup I had applied earlier to hide my exhaustion. The long airplane ride back home would have been stressful enough without having to keep tabs on the bundle of energy that now lay sprawled across the backseat with his head in my lap.

I looked at him closely and smiled, I hadn't been able to get him to sit still the entire 6-hour flight and here he was, sleeping like an angel.

Into the Land of the Pinks


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Allen wasn't your normal 13 year old... He had a girl living within him, one that was looking for the perfect time to come out to play.

She finally found the right time.

Continuing Release


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Continuing Release

By Kerry Brown

or Whatever happened after the Ball?

This is the follow on from A Tale of Release, most of the characters are back just moved on by nine months.
How would you feel if your boss made an offer that was too good to refuse?

Waitin' for a Do-over


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Everyone has a story, Everyone has a Journey.
Each plot is different, Each path is winding.
Conflict creates drama, Obstacles creates ideas.
Endings are beginnings, Destinations are stop-overs.

Sequels lead to cycles, Waitin' for a Do-over.

Allen's Discovery


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Allen's Discovery
By Princess

Copyright © 2010 Princess

When Allen's mother dies, he is left without anyone to comfort him in his need to be a girl. So he starts wearing his sister's clothes which leads to many adventures and both siblings discover things about each other.

The River of Shadows


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The River of Shadows
by Alyssa Plant

A high school senior heads to Boston to visit his sister for Halloween. A twist of fate reveals something they would never have admited alone... and it proves to be the one thing that may keep them alive when the best laid plans of a group of college students are lain waste by a force of terrible evil and corruption that has thrived for centuries... Can Charlie Kane be strong enough to live? or will the River of Shadows claim yet another victim...?

Murphy's Law : Book 2 | Red Harvest


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Murphy's Law
Book II: Red Harvest
By Josie

Jack Murphy once again delves into the murky underworld to find a missing girl. Armed with only his dry-wit and cynicism, he journeys to a quiet little farm town called Waterston. It’s a beautiful place, renown for its cherries and the orchards that dotted the landscape against the rolling green hills beyond. But it’s also a world where the hunter becomes the hunted and where the forces of good collide with the evil cloaked in the myth and mysticism of an ancient belief.

It’s also a place where some find the "Red Harvest sinfully wild to enjoy, while others find nothing more than disappointment and regret . . ."

Murphy's Law (Revised)


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Murphy's Law
By Josie

“Murphy understood the law and knew justice. He also knew that the two were often not the same. To catch the bad guy and win a confession, you had to be willing to step outside the box and take chances. That’s what made him a great cop. But that didn’t give him the right to take the law in his own hands. All he had to do was have a boy examined to confirm his true gender and now his mistake was going to cost him. Maybe his job? Maybe a demotion?

But then nothing in this case was turning out like it should. He should have seen this coming. He should have known that you can test the odds and you can test your resolve, but never pit your luck against Murphy’s Law. Because sure as the devil will get his due, anything that can go wrong, will go wrong!”

Ultimate Dare - Part 1: The beginning

I walked into the shop. It was full of a variety of long and short dresses and gowns made from satin and silks in a range of colours and styles. A strong perfume smell struck me as i entered, the door closed behind me and the immaculately dressed owner walked forward to greet me.

‘How can i help sweetie’ she said with a slight ‘knowing’ grin.

I swallowed ‘I would like to try on a dress’ i replied, complying with the dare.

Torrid Transformation

Torrid Transformation

The bell above the entrance to Torrid chimed a cheerful welcome as Alan
pushed open the glass door. The familiar scent of trendy clothing and
leather greeted him, but the store was strangely empty. He scanned the
racks, his gaze snagged on a display of vibrant summer dresses before a
voice startled him.

"Hi there! Welcome to Torrid!"

Alan turned to see a woman with a dazzling smile and a nametag that read
"Haley - Manager." Her warm brown eyes sparkled beneath a mane of fiery
red hair.

A Wildcat Summer 1

       Dear Reader, This is a rough draft of the first chapter of a new Wildcats book. As you read please think about a few things to help me do better. (1.) Is it clear? (2.) What do you like about it? (3.) What don't you like about it? (4.) What would you like to hear more about?

Cherry Blossom Journey to Womanhood

Cherry blossom journey to womanhood

the rouge tasted like cherries, a forbidden sweetness on alan's four-
year-old tongue. His mother's vanity table, a glittering land of
forgotten treasures, had captivated him. He'd slipped on her silky robe,
the feel a stark contrast to his usual rough-and-tumble clothes. The
lipstick, a bright, unapologetic red, felt foreign on his lips, yet
oddly comforting. His mother's gasp shattered the moment. Tears streamed
down his face, not from her anger, but from a dawning realization - he
was different.

Not Like Other Girls - the Wedding

Emily Berrigan is a 23 year old transwoman who hasn't seen her twin in six years. Why? Because her parents threw her out when she told them who she really was. Now, her older sister Stephanie is getting married and wants Emily there - as a bridesmaid. Will sparks fly?
This is it. Stephanie's wedding day. Thanks to everyone who stuck with my story.

Not Like Other Girls, Part 11

Emily Berrigan is a 23 year old woman, who hasn't seen her twin in six years. Not since she told her parents the truth and they threw her out. Now her older sister is getting married and she wants Emily a bridesmaid. Will sparks fly?
In this chapter, Emily comes to Chicago for the wedding weekend, confronts her mother's family and meets Jared's.

Pasties And G-Strings

Pasties And G-Strings

I had been out clubbing again, the only thing that seemed to take my mind off my problems. The problems seemed to be piling up, from my lack of a job to the rent being past due, you name it, and it had gone wrong.

My name is Erin Waldrop, twenty-three years old, a college graduate and in all kinds of trouble. I shouldn’t be going out, since the few remaining dollars I do have vanish quickly at a club. The fact that I had given up hope allowed me to forget why I should save any remaining money I have.

Substitute Wife

Substitute Wife

Sis worked for a security company doing certain surveillance jobs as requested. Most of the time it was just following someone and making sure they did not get them selves in trouble. Most of the people she was paid to keep track of were fairly high profile, so were instant targets for news media and other individuals who had varied and nefarious reasons to exploit those people.

My Earliest TG Fantasies

So why am I so into transgender literature? Why does it fascinate me? I remember the exact day that it started. It was 1988. I was a thirteen-year-old eighth grader. Those were rough times. I was not an athlete, not strong, not cool, and desperate to fit in. In the eighties, bullying was kind of a joke, a punch line. Boys were expected to not only enjoy sports, but to excel at them. We were expected to be tough and be cool. We were expected to fight.

Not Like Other Girls, Part 10

Emily Berrigan is a 23 year old transwoman, who hasn't seen her twin Jordan in six years. Not since she told her parents the truth about herself and they threw her out. Her older sister is getting married and wants Emily there - as a bridesmaid. Will sparks fly?
Emily finally confronts her mother and doesn't believe what she hears.

It was three months after the debacle of Stef's birthday. Emily could still taste the protein bar she had choked down late that night, when her nausea finally abated.

Female Gender Draftee

Female Gender Draftee

As I approached work, I saw Vivian, the bosses’ wife near the office door. She saw me and quickly came to drag me away. I was led to her car, parked right up front. I was pointed to the passenger seat as she entered the car, after fastening my seat belt she backed out heading away from work. A few blocks away she pulled into a mega store’s parking lot and parked at the far end of it. She turned to face me and started to explain her actions this morning.

A Sexy, Flirtatious, Cocktail Waitress

A Sexy, Flirtatious, Cocktail Waitress

It was sheer bedlam in the casino, some group had booked the whole casino and hotel for seven days straight, we are talking major money here. No info on the group was shared down at our level yet, but it was rumored they were major high rollers. The problem was quite a few employees were on vacation, something the casino allowed, in fact encouraged, right after the Christmas holiday. So the powers to be were down interviewing everybody to see who could work extra shifts to fill in the gaps.

The Tenth Anniversary

“And… we’re fine,” Jamie said as she showed her husband the two test strips they had prepared twenty minutes earlier. “I’m not sure that my make-up is from how much sneezing I did after shoving that thing up my nose, though…”

“GIRL,” Stuart teased his wife, who giggled and stuck her tongue out at him before checking her make-up in the mirror one more time. “Though I’m not going to miss covid tests either, heh. Assuming we ever get to the point where missing them is an option. Hard to believe it’s already been a year since the first lockdown.”

Equality In Heels

Equality In Heels

Having just got home from shopping my wife had placed her goodies on our bed. I watched from the bedroom door, always fascinated at her prowess and enthusiasm with regards to shopping. As she took the contents from each bag she stacked the shoe boxes in separate piles. Two boxes in each pile. There was a picture on one end of the box, a gorgeous high heel displayed there in full color.

Daughter In Curls

Daughter In Curls

Ever since graduation from high school, my dream of the good life has seemed to be a lesson in futility. First there was my Mom’s accident, her injuries didn’t take her life, but maybe that would have been better. I loved my Mom but couldn’t stand to be around watching her in a wheelchair, knowing that most likely she would be confined to one for the rest of her life. The idiot driver walked away from the crash, apparently drunk, never admitting fault for the trouble and grief he caused.


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