17,500 < Novella < 40,000 words

Into the Land of the Pinks


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Allen wasn't your normal 13 year old... He had a girl living within him, one that was looking for the perfect time to come out to play.

She finally found the right time.

Continuing Release


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Continuing Release

By Kerry Brown

or Whatever happened after the Ball?

This is the follow on from A Tale of Release, most of the characters are back just moved on by nine months.
How would you feel if your boss made an offer that was too good to refuse?

The Boston Bubble: Lora's Story


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By Lora Guy

Lenny is a cross dresser out for a public stroll when he gets caught up in a sudden, massive group transformation. See how a far-off war sends his life in directions he could never imagine.

Premise based on the "bubble" concept created by AJ James in the novella
The Long Strange Journey of Seth Gates

The Maiden's Curse


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After hiding in a mummy's case, Bob undergoes physical and mental changes. Are they a curse or a blessing? And do they help in the quest to defeat an ancient threat that's fast approaching earth? A prophesy from the time of the pyramid building now has the world in fear. A search for an alien artifact that is crucial for the world's survival is now in the hands of Bob. Is he man enough for the challenge?

The Maiden's Curse

by Prudence Walker

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 54 Tekin Receipt of a New Un

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 54 Tekin Receipt of a New Un

If we can find any folk who fit here I’ll be as glad to accept them and take the money off the government thieves in Whitehall and the local authority bandits in Barrow, Kendal and Penrith too as the next person, but if they don’t fit here the government can keep the bloody money and the refugees and the victims of violence even though they be women and their kids. Being abused does not give any the right to abuse any of our folk.

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 54 Tekin Receipt of a New Un

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 54 Tekin Receipt of a New Un

IIf we can find any folk who fit here I’ll be as glad to accept them and take the money off the government thieves in Whitehall and the local authority bandits in Barrow, Kendal and Penrith too as the next person, but if they don’t fit here the government can keep the bloody money and the refugees and the victims of violence even though they be women and their kids. Being abused does not give any the right to abuse any of our folk.

Coffee Shop Girl

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Coffee Shop Girl. - A tale of envy, vengeance and subterfuge that turns into something quite extraordinary

College boy observes sexy young waitresses using their feminine wiles to bump up their tips in a coffee shop and thinks it might be an easy way to make money and to expose the owner and his misogynistic work practices. When Carey presents femme something strange, unique and surprising happens.

Secure Haven Academy

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Secure Haven Academy
By Patricia Marie Allen

Adapted with permission from “Orientation Day” by Dorothy Colleen

On the 13th of January, Dorothy Colleen posted “Orientation Day. ” It’s a short little tale (less than 500 words) regarding a speech by the headmistress of a special school, in which she corrects some misinformation about the school. I was impressed with the idea of such a school and could see a much larger story about that school. I contacted Dorothy and told her there was a story yet to be told and ask if she wasn’t going to write would she mind if I did. She graciously granted me permission.

What follows is that story. In it we get inside the head of one of the incoming students listening to that speech.

Blair, while he admits that he’s not and “average” boy, appears on the outside to be just that. He’s been a good student through elementary school. But in middle school his interactions with the other boys in school serve to highlight just how far he is from “average.” His inability to relate to their attitude and refusal to join in with the banter regard the girls in the school isolate him and open him up to verbal abuse. Being a gentle boy he finds that the old saying, “Sticks and Stone can break you bones, but words can never hurt you,” simply isn’t true. Words do hurt and the hurt Blair deeply; to the point that he dreads going to school. As a result, his grades suffer badly.

In an effort to solve this problem his parents seek alternatives to public education. Join Blair as he navigates the troubled waters of Secure Haven; A School for Gentle Boys.

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 52 Political Analysis

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 52 Political Analysis

Continued on from GOM 51 on a Saturday evening in the Green Dragon Inn taproom

“Christ, Lads, Dave missed his calling as a green grocer he should have been a diplomat. He’d have all the middle east conflicts sorted in minutes. Admittedly, he’d turn the entire spot into one big, f*** off, glassed down, radioactive plain, but the situation would be sorted permanently which would definitely be a result. We need more of that kind of thinking.”

“I recently heard, Alice, that Hell is staffed by vegetarians and the security guards are all vegans, so I’m going to heaven where slaughtermen and butchers like me are well thought of because the angels who run the spot are known to enjoy a deliciously bloody, blue steak, and there are no security guards because none of the residents wish to leave.”

Shroom Dungeon - Homecoming

Petruvio is an older adventurer who got a good-paying job as a teacher for a young noble who plays adventurer. This young man has more money than brains and instead of using qualified men to round out the team, he hired three good-looking maidens.

Now, someone told them about Shroom Dungeon. Worse, they insist they want to visit (despite not knowing what it is). There is no choice and the old adventurer has to return. Despite having vowed never to do so. For he has a history there. In fact, a legacy.

This is a stand-alone story taking place in Shroom Dungeon.

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 51 Coneys, Bees and Fish

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 51 Coneys, Bees and Fish

Continued on from GOM 50 on a Saturday evening in the Green Dragon Inn taproom

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 51⅒ So Just Where is Bearthwaite? is included before the footnotes

For any as don’t know a coney is an adult rabbit. The lasses’ cuniculture business, that word always makes me snigger, but honest to god it is what the tax man refers to it as, so maybe they’ve not all had their senses of humour surgically removed.

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 50 Conversations in Both Sides of the Green Dragon

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 50 Conversations in Both Sides of the Green Dragon

Aggie telt Anneliese, “Unattached women on the hunt make them all gey nervous. They need to have the illusion that they’re the ones that do the hunting, so don’t go letting the side down by shattering their delusions.”

Adio was famous, or maybe that should have been infamous, for his catch phrase, ‘Bribes are always cheaper than taxes.’

26472 words (including footnotes)

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 49 Needles Fell

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 49 Needles Fell

You’ve only ever seen women like me power dress to do business. Then she waltzed in like a pretty little girl wearing that low cut flower print summer frock with a man who looked old enough to be her father and you assumed he was the chief negotiator and went to shake his hand first. She knew you wouldn’t have done your homework, so she set you up to look like an idiot, and you fell for it, all of it, hook, line and sinker. Her cleavage had you off balance and thinking she was the older man’s decorative plaything from the moment she came in, and from the moment you realised your mistake you were stuffed. No one can recover from a mistake of that magnitude, so you were even less useful to me than usual. That confirms that as always she did her home work on us and on you in particular.



By: Mahohokus

It's a chilly autumn evening in Gardiner, Maine. The sky is a deep shade of indigo, scattered with a few fleeting clouds. The air carries a hint of wood smoke and leaves crunching beneath feet. I'm standing on the fifty-yard line of Gardiner High School's football field, my hands thrust deep into the pockets of my worn leather jacket. My breath forms little white puffs in front of me, dissipating slowly into the crisp air. The lights of the stadium bathe me in a warm glow, casting long shadows across the grass.

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 48 Acquisitions Introductions and Interventions

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 48 Acquisitions Introductions and Interventions

After interviewing three potential pharmacists Murray was beginning to lose hope. All three had been male and chauvinists, pigs to boot probably too, he’d said cynically to himself. He’d just one more to go, Lennox MacUspaig, a name he’d never heard of. He was hoping that at the very least he didn’t have to deal with yet another MCP, but he doubted anything would come it. Twenty-nine years old, single and with a CV which was to say the least sparce. Murray was stunned when an attractive young woman came in to shake his hand. She saw the look on his face and asked, “You expected a man?”

Kemeia Ascends Part 5

This is part 5 of my first work, a fan continuation of the unfinished Kemeia Ascending. It is entirely inspired by Armond's magical world of Argentia and its Goddess Selene.

Link to the book here Kemeia Ascends - A Fan Continuity

You can read the prior parts by Armond from the links below

Fertility House

When a notoriously toxic fraternity resorts to ancient magic in an effort to get girls, the repercussions are felt all over the house. People change, taboos are broken, and shameful secrets come to light. Will anyone be able to stop it before they all succumb to temptation?

WhatAHoliday Chapter 4


What Child Is This

The drive through northwest Texas went faster than I thought it would as the speed was nearly eighty miles an hour, or at least that’s how fast Garrett drove as we passed farms, ranches, small towns with mega-sized churches and football fields that rivaled Neyland Stadium at The University of Tennessee.

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 47 Increasing Independence

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 47 Increasing Independence

“That story Angus prised out of her concerning that Landrace boar her grandfather gave her as a piglet when she was what? six or seven was priceless! And her mum’s reaction when her lurcher pup her dad gave her just kept growing when she’d thought it to be a Jack Russell was out of this world priceless. That she raised the pig to killing weight, had it follow a bucket of feed to the slaughterhouse and insisted on watching every detail of its slaughter and butchering and being given explanations of what was being done and why was remarkable enough. But to cap it all that she helped process the blood, the head meat, the offal and all the bits and pieces was, I considered, amazing. When she said it had had a good life, but she’d raised it to eat and didn’t like her bacon so fresh that it could bite back, so it had to die, I had to struggle to avoid laughing, because she was absolutely serious about it. When she said that her next piglet, a gilt [an unmated sow], was given to her by the slaughterman, who is shortly to become her grandfather in law, so she could see the differences between sows processed for pork and boars processed for cured meat due to the testosterone boar taint I couldn’t help but laugh. Then when she said Grandad Vince the Mince obtained a barrow [a castrated boar] for her to raise to finally to complete the picture, which she then killed and butchered herself at the slaughterhouse. I had to look away because I’d tears of laughter in my eyes.

Not Like Other Girls, Part 3

Emily Berrigan is a 23 year old transwoman. At 17, she was thrown out by her parents. She hasn't seen her twin Jordan in person in six years, as a result. Her older sister, Stephanie, is engaged. Will sparks fly?

In Chapter 1, we met Emily. In Chapter 2, her (non-binary) twin Jordan. Now, we meet Stephanie, their cishet older sister and the bride-to-be

Binding Resolutions Chapter 4.5 Interlude 1: Casting Call

**Trigger Warning: Explicit Content**

Dear reader, if you've followed us through the journey of this series, please be aware that just like its previous parts, this vignette unfolds with vivid and explicit storytelling. Your boundaries are valued and respected. Therefore I warmly encourage you to listen to your feelings and prioritize your well-being when choosing to engage with this content.

For those who find solace and excitement within my work, you are all invited to this casting call.

Binding Resolutions Chapter 4: New Beginnings


As you navigate through this chapter, you will witness a softer side of this tale, revealing a bond that may refuse to be defined merely by power and submission amidst newfound intimacies and unspoken confessions. It appears that love wears many masks, and the dance between our heroine and her mistress takes a curious turn towards the unsaid and the undone. What will become of our 'little Yvonne' when soft touches and stolen glances suggest a twist in the tale?

Binding Resolutions Chapter 2: Lost in Submission

Yvonne's evening descends into a carnal savagery where the hedonistic fantasies of onlookers are not just met but encouraged. She is simply a vessel for gratification for the crowd, an emblem of her solemn vow to her ever-demanding mistress. Adorned in attire that barely conceals, she is marched out before hungry eyes, every inch of her transformation a testimony to her submission. Be forewarned: this chapter treads through shadowed corridors, filled with explicit scenes and raw exchanges that may unsettle the faint of heart.

Binding Resolutions Chapter 1: A Promise Kept

As the new year approaches, our heroine faces her new reality. Once in control, but now turned into someone whose purpose is to serve and please her mistress. Dressed up, ready to be paraded and stared at, her body, no longer her own but a symbol of her promise to her mistress. Be warned, This story is dark. I have added all the appropriate tags

Binding Resolutions Chapter 1: A Promise Kept

Gaining Traction. Chapter 1 of 9

Part 1

My brother, Charles and I were born just twenty minutes apart. We were, so my mother was told, identical twins. So, it proved, as we grew. We were the same height, the same weight, looked the same, had the same likes and dislikes.

Grandma's Gift

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Grandma’s Gift
By Patricia Marie Allen

Edited by Gabi Z

  Grandma sent Pam lacy, nylon panties for her birthday and then again for Christmas.

  “Mom, Grandma sent me nylon panties again,” Pam complained when she opened Grandma’s Christmas present.

  “That’s nice dear. Be sure to send her a nice thank you,” Mom told her.

  “A thank you? But I don’t want nylon panties. I wear cotton, doesn’t she know that?”

  “Grandma grew up when all girls wore nylon panties and appreciated some fancy panties as gifts. Now, put them away and write a thank you note.”

  “I might as well give them to Jimmy. He’s more likely to wear them than I am. I’ll never wear them and I sure won’t wear the other ones that he’s already worn.”

  “I don’t care what you do with them. Give them to Jimmy, throw them away or put them in your drawer; just write a thank you to Grandma.”

  “How can I write a thank you for a present I don’t want without lying?”

  “You just say, ‘Your present arrived today, they’re very pretty. Thank you,’ and sign it.”

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  “Oh no, I really do like them. I mean, they’re very pretty and all. I don’t know why Pam doesn’t like them.”

The Elliptical Path - Part 9 of 9

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A Capitol Idea

Morning was the reverse of going to bed, with each of us getting dressed separately in the bedroom. Breakfast was simple, cereal and toast, and we were on our way. There was even parking near the place, so we walked over to the Capitol building. The grounds were huge and had several monuments here and there. We stopped at one and read the plaque.

"You've got to be kidding me!" exclaimed Caitlyn.

The Elliptical Path - Part 8 of 9

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Lucy Goes Visiting

So I put my bra, enhancers, jewelry and Mom's sweater in my backpack, along with the flats Caitlyn gave me. I decided to walk to her house, partly to give me practice walking like a girl does. The Internet is full of good advice. The other part was hoping that if Caitlyn came back to our house we could walk holding hands.

Silver Bell Wish 9

Silver Bell Wish 9
by Peregrine

Rian in costume

Copyright © 2023 Peregrine
All rights reserved.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

The Elliptical Path - Part 7 of 9

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Caitlyn, meet Lucy

"Hi Caitlyn. You wanted to meet Lucy."

Her eyes got wide, then she smiled.

"Hello Lucy. You're not what I expected."

"Should I go up and change back?"

"No! I just… Damn, you look cute!"

The Elliptical Path - Part 6 of 9

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Of Course It Isn't That Easy!

After all the excitement the day before, I slept in. Being a Monday, Mom had to go to work so I was home alone. As soon as I got out from under the covers I realized I was wearing a nightgown and not my pajamas. That brought back what happened the day before and I just had to smile. I hadn't been so sure when Mom suggested I could try being a girl over the vacation, but I had certainly enjoyed being Mom's daughter yesterday.

The Elliptical Path - Part 5 of 9

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Decision Time

Sunday morning. I suppose some folks would be getting dressed for church, but that's not what happened in our house. Mom hasn't got much use for religion. When I noticed that people like my buddy Jasper went to church on Sunday and we didn't I asked Mom why. I was pretty young then, so she just said something like she didn't believe in god.

Silver Bell Wish 8

Silver Bell Wish 8
by Peregrine

Rian in costume

Copyright © 2023 Peregrine
All rights reserved.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

The Elliptical Path - Part 4 of 9

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"Remind me never to get on your bad side, will you?" I said, cautiously.

"Don't get on my bad side, OK."

"That's a promise! Of course I don't think you have a bad side."


"I try. You ever think of doing improv?"

"Nope. I spent all week rehearsing once Coach told me who swiped my bag."

"Then maybe a scriptwriter."

"I do like to write."


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