The Boston Bubble

The Boston Bubble: Lora's Story


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By Lora Guy

Lenny is a cross dresser out for a public stroll when he gets caught up in a sudden, massive group transformation. See how a far-off war sends his life in directions he could never imagine.

Premise based on the "bubble" concept created by AJ James in the novella
The Long Strange Journey of Seth Gates

The Boston Bubble: Lora's Story ...Conclusion

By Lora Guy

Cross dresser is caught up in a sudden, massive group transformation in downtown Boston.

"So Lora, do you get this kind of reaction everywhere?"

"Well, only when I show up naked."


The Boston Bubble: Lora's Story Chapter 10

By Lora Guy

Cross dresser is caught up in a sudden, massive group transformation in downtown Boston.

She shook her head at me. "Honestly, Lora... you really are a guy inside that hot chick disguise, aren't you?"

The Boston Bubble: Lora's Story Chapter 9

By Lora Guy

Cross dresser is caught up in a sudden, massive group transformation in downtown Boston.

George just went on. "You gotta help me, Lenny. I'm so scared... my mind is turning to mush."

The Boston Bubble: Lora's Story Chapter 8

By Lora Guy

Cross dresser is caught up in a sudden, massive group transformation in downtown Boston.

I could tell by the way he was staring at my backside that he didn't mind seeing me in a skirt. It was a strange sensation...

The Boston Bubble: Lora's Story Chapter 7

By Lora Guy

Cross dresser is caught up in a sudden, massive group transformation in downtown Boston.

"...for chrissakes, girl, have a little modesty. Don't make it so obvious that you just grew those tits a few days ago."

The Boston Bubble: Lora's Story Chapter 4

By Lora Guy

Cross dresser caught up in a sudden, massive group transformation in downtown Boston.

Calamities usually don't happen unless several mistakes to come together...

The Boston Bubble: Lora's Story Chapter 3

By Lora Guy
Cross dresser is caught up in a sudden, massive group transformation in downtown Boston.

"Len, this is gonna take some getting used to. You sound so damn... pretty."

The Boston Bubble: Lora's Story Chapter 2

By Lora Guy

A cross dresser is caught up in a sudden, massive group transformation in downtown Boston. The premise is based on the "bubble" concept created by AJ James in the novella The Long Strange Journey of Seth Gates

The Boston Bubble: Lora's Story Chapter 1

By Lora Guy

Lenny is a cross dresser out for a public stroll when he is caught up in a sudden, massive group transformation.
The effects of a far-off war send his life spinning in directions he could never imagine.

The premise for this story is based on the "bubble" concept created by AJ James in the novella
The Long Strange Journey of Seth Gates

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