Mature Subjects (pg15)

A Wildcat Summer 6

After taking the week off, the gang had all planned to appear Monday morning at the band house. Zoe was driving her dad’s four-door pickup. She’d picked up Tiffany from Mike’s and watched while they said goodbye. Gina drove her dad’s new Mercedes. She’d chauffeured Lisa from the airport in Philly.

Lisa entertained Gina with her tales of Smith and his mountain-top home. “It’s hard to leave. His place is like living on an island. Just the two of us. So romantic.”

Gina smiled. “I wonder when the island will start getting claustrophobic and losing that romantic feel.”

Mates 29

I was caught, well and truly. It wasn’t solving a puzzle, it wasn’t confirming my guesses, but rather receiving the two-edged gift of the hand grenade of Dafi’s confidence. That phrase actually ran through my head, and as one part of my brain ran off arguing about whether grenades had edges, the rest of me simply sat and stared, trying to work out a much more important question: what the hell to do now?

Everything's Sunny with Sarah - Zoe Taylor & Ashly MacGreagor on Kindle


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Sarah's life had not been easy, her parents broke up, she got seriously assaulted, and had to move to a different city and leave her friends behind.


Building a new life is never easy, even with advice from a someone who has done it before. However, with help from Robin, her mother and her new friends, Sarah finds her future looks sunny once more. But will it stay that way?

Surely, everyone is in for a magical time.

Especially Readers!


Everything's Sunny with Sarah
by Zoe Taylor and Ashly MacGreagor
Now on Kindle

Big Book of Heaven and Hell by Maggie Finson on Kindle


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TG Universes & Series: 

The only thing bigger than Heaven and Hell is The Big Book of Heaven and Hell!

The Big Book of Heaven and Hell
by Maggie Finson
Bek D. Corbin
E. E. Nalley
Melanie E
Buy on Kindle!

Listening to Jekyllase, chapter 03 of 17

Another thing I liked a lot was her healthy lungs, her ability to breathe so deeply and easily and go for hours without feeling the need for a cigarette.

Allison Zero – Book 1 – Part 11

A dark metallic hallway on a space station, functional and industrial with signs of advanced technology, with a large hexagonal window with a view of a star field. Faint pink text with the words ‘Allison Zero’ are centred on the window to the star field.

Allison and Angie were having lunch when Allison revealed she wanted her ears pierced. Angie knew the perfect place for it, and it was also the perfect place to fix Allison up with makeup, but neither counted on finding two women who treated Angie and Allison just like Angie and Allison treated everyone else; they were fun head-wreckers.

Now Allison needs quiet. And to rest. And more. But with the pace of the past few days, with all she’s discovering, all the secrets revealed on the deep space station, she doesn’t know how to achieve any of that. And she doesn’t know what she’ll do if she can’t find it.

Project Wolf Den Part 18

Clair’s Ranch:
“What are you guys going to do about Nickolas Kuznetsov?” Clair looks at Jack and Nick when she asks that question.

“The matter is being taken care of as we speak.” Jack sent one of his special agents. One that was quick and deadly.

“I’m surprised you didn’t go yourself to handle the problem.” Clair knew the old Jack would have gone to handle the problem.

“You don’t use a nuclear device to kill a fly.” Nick knew what would happen if he or Jack went.

Katie Ann - Chapter 63: Playing With Fire

Katie Ann

Katie Ann

What do you do when you look seven years old but you’re actually a college student in your late teens? For Kathleen’s entire life, she had fought against people treating her much younger than her actual age. Feeling obligated to grow up fast to show people she wasn’t the age of her size, Kathleen never let her inner child out. Tired of fighting against the world, she explores the adult submissive world. What she finds, however, is an enjoyment of regression. Had she made a mistake? Would life be better if she just let people treat her the way she looks at seven years old?

Becky Anne

Charlotte Had A Boyfriend : 5


"Charlotte didn't say much, but she did ask me why my name is Mason."

"What kind of stupid question is that?" Carly began,
her face registering annoyance, puzzlement, and curiosity all at once.

"That's — uh — actually a really good question, actually," Tatum put in, hesitantly.


Dude Looks Like A Lady

Dixie sits quietly and pretends to read an article on her tablet. What she is doing, is watching how teenage girls and women walk and behave. Ever since she decided to become a girl full time, after spending a week with her friend pretending to be his girlfriend.

Raising the Bar

The Bar

Just another night at The Bar. The cities change. Copenhagen, London, San Francisco, Omaha, Tokyo. But somehow, The Bar stays the same. The same sights, smells, sounds. The same faces, or close enough. Different languages, but the same lines.

A little bit of history

A little bit of History

I've been thinking about where I am, and where I have come from.

But I don't know how to share it, other than to use metaphors, so I hope that's okay.

It start's, as it must, with the abuse I suffered when I was a child.

But I've talked about that, so lets move on to what happened next.

The abuse had created a lot of anger, anger that scared me, and I labeled it The Monster and tried to lock it away.

Boys Don't Cry on Kindle


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All Johnny wanted to do was take ballet classes, like his best friend Christina. He couldn't stop thinking about pink tights and tutus. Even though his brother and father tormented him, he longed to be more like his sister LeAnn.
Maybe he was much more like her than he knew.

Johnny eventually realized he wanted to be a girl, and chose the name Sarah. With help from her friends, and older sister, Sarah was able to face her toughest battle yet.

Boys Don't Cry

Tales from the Irish by Drea DiMaggio on Kindle


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Four stories, three bonnie lasses, connected through time and spirit -- by blood, and something more.

Tales from the Irish
by Drea DiMaggio
Now on Kindle

Join Drea DiMaggio as she explores faith, faithfulness, and love in this collection of some of her best works.

The Last of the Fey by Denise Anesidora Trask on Kindle


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The Last of the Fey

by Denise Anesidora Trask

Dennis is a stunt man, er... boy, er... young adult. Being of slight build, although muscular, he didn’t get into sports when in middle and high school. No, he was far too deeply involved in the motion picture business by then. It all began when he was less than a year old and snowballed from there.

The Reluctant Co-Ed by Melanie Brown now on Kindle


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It's been a series of madcap adventures for Chrissie, starting in middle school when she posed as a Reluctant Girlfriend and on through her high school career as a cheerleader.

Now she's in college! Can you get a degree in crossdressing shenanigans?"

The Reluctant Co-Ed
by Melanie Brown
Now on Kindle

Murder at the Shapeshifters' Ball by Rodford Edmiston now on Kindle


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Worlds where being different ISN'T your biggest problem!

Murder at the Shapeshifters' Ball
by Rodford Edmiston
Buy it on Kindle

Stickmaker's collection of classic SciFi Transformation Tales leads off with a great detective yarn!

Everybody who can be anybody is at the party, including someone willing to kill a beautiful elf!

Thirteen stories set in about ten different worlds deliver mystery, suspense and adventure. With a few important transgender transformations among the furries, aliens and fantastic creatures!

There's a sample of the first story after the break!

Brainjacked! by Melanie Brown on Kindle


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Some experiments are supposed to fail..


The "Too Successful" Experiment

by Melanie Brown


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