Su Shi

Lilith's Despair Chapter 12

Lilith and Shar'li, their hearts heavy with concern, sat across from Elizabeth. The room, bathed in the soft glow of the candles, seemed to mirror the flickering shadows of their emotions. The two succubi keenly sensed the lingering sorrow in Elizabeth's eyes, a pain that no amount of vengeance could truly erase. The loss she had endured had carved a profound void in her heart, and while she had managed to reclaim a semblance of justice, the wounds were far from being mere scars.

Space Queen Chapter 13

As I, an extraterrestrial entity, eagerly awaited the US government's response, my mind was filled with the potential implications of my arrival. The idea of forming an alliance with a being from beyond their world might have been a daunting yet intriguing prospect for them. However, my primary intent was not to instill fear but to foster understanding and cooperation. I could only imagine the mix of uncertainty and hope that filled the discussions, with some likely advocating for caution and skepticism.

The Demon and I Chapter 7

As we ventured through the bustling streets of New York City, the towering Empire State Building and the iconic Chrysler Building rose above us like giants of glass and steel, their mirrored surfaces reflecting the city's chaotic energy below. The air was filled with a symphony of honking horns, bustling crowds, and distant sirens, bouncing off the towering buildings and creating a cacophony of sounds.

The Struggle of Bean Chapter 12

Colonel Decker's response to our report arrived swiftly, outlining the next steps we were to take in light of the situation we had encountered. With his guidance, we formulated a plan to ensure the safety and well-being of the survivors under our care.

"We're to take those in cryo-sleep to the nearest base for further medical treatment and debriefing," I relayed to Mir'tan as we reviewed the Colonel's instructions.

Change of Fate 8

The Day After

In the hushed embrace of the night, Alex and Princess Helena shared moments of intimacy that transcended the boundaries of their newfound union. With each touch and caress, they explored the depths of passion and desire, surrendering to the ecstasy of their connection. As Princess Helena revealed pleasures known only to a woman, Alex eagerly reciprocated, their bodies intertwining in a dance of love and longing.

Change of Fate 7


The Ball

As the Royal Ball approached, anticipation hung heavy in the air, mingling with the scent of perfumes and the rustle of silk. For Alex and her sisters, the culmination of months of preparation was at hand – the moment when they would step into the grand ballroom and present themselves to the Monarchy and the assembled nobility.

Change of Fate 6

Author's note: I got really into this story last week and knocked out three chapters. It was very productive, and I am glad that I was able to really get into the story.

Rule 4: A smile can be the sharpest knife

Rule 5: Silence is louder than any words

This cryptic maxim echoed in Alex's mind as she pondered its meaning. In a world where appearances were everything, and deception lurked behind every smile, she understood the significance of this rule all too well.

Lilith's Despair Chapter 11

As Lilith's family expanded in ways she never imagined, she found herself grappling with a secret that filled her with both joy and apprehension. Deep within her, a new life was growing, a precious gift that she held close to her heart. Despite the excitement and anticipation that welled inside her, Lilith couldn't shake the lingering sense of uncertainty accompanying her newfound condition. 'Who got me pregnant? Sara or Shar'li?' she thought to herself.

Space Queen Chapter 12

The idea of visiting Terra, my home planet, with Minsha filled me with a mix of excitement and trepidation. I knew that it would be a monumental occasion, not only for us personally but also in terms of world politics and societal norms. The prospect of upending the established order and revealing our presence to the entire world was daunting, to say the least.

The Demon and I Chapter 6

As the years passed in our secluded mountain sanctuary, time seemed to slip through our fingers like grains of sand. A decade had passed in what felt like the blink of an eye, yet the peace we had enjoyed was now tinged with a sense of unease.

Our recent excursion into town had brought unsettling news – rumors of a cabin with signs of demon activity. It was a stark reminder that even in our remote refuge, danger lurked just beyond the horizon, waiting to disrupt the fragile tranquility we had fought so hard to maintain.

The Struggles of Bean Chapter 11

As Mir'tan and I rose from our slumber, the tranquility of the night gave way to the urgency of the day ahead. Despite the unsettling revelations regarding Dr. Lin, I felt a sense of determination coursing through my veins, ready to face whatever challenges awaited us.

The sudden announcement over the coms jolted us into action, the distress call from the Alliance Fleet troop transport demanding our immediate attention. Mir'tan's decisive response echoed in the room, her eyes meeting mine as she issued orders to prepare for battle.

Change of Fate 5

Rule 3: Accessorize to guide the eye.

As the next phase of their training commenced, Alex and her sisters found themselves immersed in the world of accessories once more. This time, however, the focus shifted from simply wearing accessories to understanding the significance behind each choice and even designing their own styles.

Lilith's Despair Chapter 10

With the stage set and the trap primed, Lilith and her allies prepared to spring into action. They had given Mu'thar enough power to lead them to his home, trusting in his desperation for freedom to guide their path. The path out had been meticulously cleared, leaving only one final step: shaking the ground and releasing the spell that held Mu'thar captive.

Space Queen Chapter 11

The day of the hauker hunt had arrived, and I felt a surge of anticipation mixed with a hint of nervousness. Donning the traditional armor provided for the marriage hunt, I couldn't help but notice how snugly it fit around my hips. It was a reminder that while it wasn't typical for a woman to partake in this ritual, I was the first outsider to participate in the hunt.

The Demon and I Chapter 5

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As we continued our preparations for the battles ahead, Adriana and I recognized the importance of honing my skills with Lucifer's Scythe despite the inherent dangers it posed. With that in mind, we crafted an imitation scythe to serve as a training tool, allowing me to familiarize myself with the weapon's style and techniques.

The Struggle of Bean Chapter 10

As the Shadow Stalker cruised through the vast expanse of space, Mir'tan and I found solace in each other's embrace. The faint hum of the ship's engines provided a comforting backdrop to our intimate moment. Mir'tan's gentle touch against my fur sent a shiver down my spine, soothing the tension that had built up during our recent raid.

Change of Fate 4 (Entertainment)

Rule two: Always keep your guests entertained during gatherings.

The dance studio at Sterling Academy for Young Ladies was a realm of artistic refinement, meticulously designed to facilitate the cultivation of grace and poise among its students.

The studio boasts an expansive layout, allowing ample room for students to move freely and practice various dance forms. Mirrored walls on one side created the illusion of even greater space, reflecting the grace and precision of every movement.

Lilith's Despair Chapter 9

The world awoke to a new reality, one marked by seismic shifts in power and authority. The destruction of the domed city and the subsequent demise of China's senior leadership at the hands of Lilith's army sent shockwaves rippling across the globe. For those who had opposed the magical community, it was a bitter pill to swallow; their hopes of eradicating what they saw as a threat dashed in an instant.

Space Queen Chapter 10

Minsha and I returned to the Queen’s Spire, leaving the fleet behind. The urgency of the battlefield was replaced by a different mission - a personal one. It was time for a crucial conversation with Maninor, the Tragnor leader. The Tragnor home world awaited a unique tradition, the hunt, which would symbolize not just our union but the unity between our peoples.

The Demon and I Chapter 4

Author's note: I finally finished up my next chapter of the Demon and I. I now have a better idea of where I am going to take this story.

As I gathered Kaen's hidden cash, the weight of our decision to leave weighed heavily on me. The condo, once a sanctuary, now felt like a trap. Adriana and I were now thrust into the middle of the war between heaven and hell. It was time to escape the grip of this war, where we were not enemies of both sides.

Change of Fate 2 (Selection)

Author's note. I have rewritten my previous chapters. This is the second chapter after the prelude, then it moves on to daily routine. hope you enjoy the story.

In the heart of the city-state of Carolina, the selection station loomed as a beacon of both hope and trepidation for those who entered its gates. On a fateful day, Alex, accompanied by his younger sister Lily, embarked on a journey that would alter the course of their lives. The air crackled with uncertainty as they approached the entrance, the color of their jumpsuits determining their societal roles.

Lilith's Despair Chapter 8

Author's note: I am happy to announce that I have found a new job so that I can get back into my writing again. I am looking forward to sharing my new ideas with all of you.

Lilith heard her name being called behind her as she walked through the city. She stopped and turned around to see who was calling her. Margret came around the corner out of breath, like she had been running a marathon.

Space Queen Chapter 9

My guests were murmuring as I got up from my discussion with Braccious. This is what I wanted them to start doing, questioning who I would show favor to. The wealthy always want to find themselves able to make more money and status. I just gave that to one of their rivals, and they were not included in any discussions.

Enhancement Suits

Welcome to Smart Tech, the leader in biomedical enhancements.

Have you ever felt inadequate in bed?
Maybe you would like to experiment a little with your partner.

We at Smart Tech have the answer. You can have it all With our new specially-designed Enhancement Suits.

Change of Fate 1 (Prelude) Rewriten

After going through my work here, I decided that I was not setting u the story the way I wanted two, so I am working on changing the story as I wrote it before.

In the wake of a devastating war that had left the United States in ruins, a new world emerged, fragmented into six city-states, each controlled by kings and queens who served under the overarching authority of a distant emperor. The emperor's rule extended like a shadow over the decimated land, dictating the lives of those who struggled to rebuild in the aftermath of conflict.

The Struggle of Bean Chapter 9

I waited next to the airlock. My armor was sealed around my body. I was protected against small gunfire and the vacuum of space. My pistol was strapped to my right leg. I carried my rifle in the low ready. The holo-sight connected directly to the HUD in my helmet. Kitty monitored communications from the bridge and created a fast link between my HUD and weapons. She would make sure nothing came up from around me without alerting me.

Space Queen Chapter 8

I paced in my room, trying to figure out what to do for music. My only options were to find out which instrument caused the problem or see if I could find someone to retrieve the music on my phone. I didn't want to be exposed to those sounds again.

The Struggle of Bean Chapter 8

We departed from the station and set a course to the contested zone. After the night of drinking, everyone was tired. I offered to stand watch on the bridge. Gabe invited himself to join me on the bridge. It would make the watch easier on me with someone to talk to.

I showed him to the bridge while the rest of the crew settled in their quarters. I sat in the captain's chair and took command of Shadow Stalker. Gabe grilled me, "How did some greenhorns get roped into running a spec ops mission?"

Space Queen Chapter 7

We entered the throne room, and I had Spire show me what was going on outside the station. We saw Queen’s Rage firing on three ships that had come into the system. “Spire, get me in contact with Admiral Stook.” A separate screen flashed up showing Admiral Stook in the command chair.

“Admiral, what is going on out there?” I asked.

Lilith's Despair Chapter 7

Sara and Margret

Margret was standing next to the window with Sara when they felt the explosion. Sara tackled Margret to the floor away from the windows. The shock wave broke the windows. Shattering all the glass into the apartment. Sara screamed as she collapsed onto the ground. They both fell silent as they hit the floor. Luckily, the shield blocked the radiation, but it could not block the pressure waves that followed the explosion.

Space Queen Chapter 6

The Trial

I had all the members of the church and those in positions of power within the station lined up in the throne room. I made sure that this trial was broadcast throughout the Empire. Minsha was sitting next to me upon the dais. Looking down at all the people that I needed to judge and sentence, but I had to seem like a was not a malevolent ruler.

Space Queen Chapter 5

That night in my room Minsha and I lay on the bed, she told me about her life, and I told her more about Earth. I now understood why Tagnor wore so little clothing, Minsha was hot. I would never freeze with her next to me. Her fur was soft, she let me feel it last night. I think we also made a good start to a great friendship. We may not have similar pasts, but we have similar ideas for the future.

Space Queen Chapter 4

I reveled in the luxurious bath, surrounded by the soothing scent of oils and the gentle ministrations of the servant women. The bath was large enough to have several people in the tub at the same time. The tile was placed in a mosaic of the Caravelle crest at the bottom of the tube. It was a rare moment of relaxation, a respite from the challenges and mysteries that had unfolded since my arrival at the Caravelle Empire. As I lay in the tub, I couldn't help but think about the enigmatic Grand Cleric and the society I now found myself a part of.

Space Queen Chapter 3

The anticipation in the air was palpable as the Royal Transport approached the Queen's Spire. I stood in my armor, ready to fulfill my role in delivering the long-lost royal jewels to their rightful place. The helmet concealed my face, but I felt a mix of excitement and nervousness coursing through me.

RXAI-199 had informed me that my presence might draw a crowd as it had been millennia since the ship had crashed and lost communication with the Caravelle Empire. I couldn't help but wonder how the empire had evolved during that time and who might now be in charge.

Space Queen Chapter 2

I entered the pilot quarters, the first door on the left after leaving the bridge. The room was cozy, with dimmed lighting and a comfortable-looking bed. As I stepped inside, the door slid closed behind me, sealing me off from the rest of the ship.

Space Queen Chapter 1

It is a warm morning as I run through the desert. The sky is orange as the sun starts to rise over the horizon. The terrain was rough, scattered red step like escarpments disrupting the plains. Cacti and rocks scattered across the plains.

I was running out to my favorite rock tower, which is not popular among the tourist sites. I can visit without worrying about seeing another human. I do not know why this rock structure has such interest to me. It is not particularly special, but I feel drawn to this location.

Lilith's Despair Chapter 6

In a nation plunged into the abyss of chaos and darkness, where the boundaries between the tangible and the otherworldly had evaporated, the President's authoritarian grip tightened, and his loyal advisors were bound to him in a sinister alliance, driven by anger, fear, and desperation.

The Demon and I Chapter 3

After a mere four hours of restless slumber, I awoke with my thoughts still consumed by the precarious situation I found myself in. What kind of peril was I facing at this very moment? Hell had unleashed demonic bounty hunters upon me, and as if that weren't enough, an angel tasked with eradicating demons in the city was lying right beside me. Despite the danger, I felt an inexplicable urge to offer her some comfort, particularly after she had saved me.

The Struggle of Bean Chapter 7

Nestled against Mir'tan's warm embrace, I lay there in the softness of our bed, my thoughts awhirl. During our passionate union, I'd experienced an undeniable yet puzzling desire—to be completely vulnerable, to utterly relinquish control to another soul. A yearning I had never before encountered had ignited within me.

The Struggle of Bean Chapter 6

Our newly acquired vessel was currently being filled with essential provisions and ammunition, allowing Mir'tan and I the opportunity to indulge in some personal weapons shopping. As we strolled into the arms boutique, we marveled at the diverse assortment of weaponry - from tiny laser daggers to gargantuan shuttle-sized anti-personnel gear. Affectionately, I turned to Mir'tan with a tender voice and said, "Darling, you never cease to amaze me with your impeccable taste in destinations." We shared a heartfelt chuckle as I flirtatiously batted my eyelashes at her.

The Struggle of Bean Chapter 5

Author's note: I am sorry readers for the long delay in getting this out. I moved into my new house recently and had to do so many things to get it how I wanted it. So, I have had little time to write in the last couple weeks. I hope that now that most of the work is done around the house that I will be able to put more time into writing.

The Demon and I Chapter 2

Author's note: I have been asked by several of my readers to continue on with this story. I went through my old documents and found the notes I had made for chapter 2 before I lost all motivation to do anything. I started writing this at the beginning of my deepest depression. I just couldn't focus on anything or find the motivation to do anything. I am in a better place now and I hope that I can complete this story that so many people liked.


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