Adult Oriented (r21/a)

Ms Woolly


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I’m Ms Woolly. I’m a middle aged—I suppose I’m middle aged, now, I have to accept it; I’m going grey—woman who’s been writing for about a decade. I’ve been reading trans fiction, on and off, since I was a teen, once I discovered it existed—a lot of late nights, which continues to this day—and just started writing trans fiction in the latter months of 2023.

What If?


Audience Rating: 


What If on Kindle

A story of heartache and pain, sins, misadventures, curses, a gods wrath and finally redemption.

What If?

by Monique S.

What if even an ordinary mortal could alter history? There are so many theories as to what time is and what it would mean if you could alter history and create an alternate timeline in a parallel universe.

Being interested in extreme Astrology and a technician I have always rejected such theories, just until I woke up in HER bed and found myself changed ...

Pea Pod 3: Give Peas a Chance


Audience Rating: 


The continuing adventures of Doug Gordon, Queen of Ka'an. (Ka'an in Mayan means Heaven.) Ka'an is actually an alien world populated by women... and a man-eating plant. Well, it is actually male-eating plants that spit out females. Doug and his wives fixed everything, but now Doug must remake a planet... and it seems Ka'an will be remade in his image!

Pea Pod 3

It's the third book in Holly's rollicking adventure story about a man, a plant, a harem - Ka'an!

The Seventh Wheel (Part 5)

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Author's Note: So we made it to the penultimate chapter, I see. When I originally wrote this section of the story, I was surprised. It sort of came out of thin air. It wasn't planned, there was no pre-thought and I was wondering why I had to stick in another freakin' portal reference... Oh well, things worked out for the best, well, so far... ha... I hope YOU like it...


Diva in Disguise 3

Diva in Disguise Chapter 3

After Pete had gone, Alice left the little motel where they had been staying and moved in with me. My college friend offered to remain a further fortnight. Her stated intention was to help clear my mother’s house for sale, but while her practical assistance was welcome enough, just having her around was an emotional support I was most grateful to lean upon.

The Seventh Wheel (Part 4)

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Author's Note: Hmmm, let's see.. I have been accused of putting too much sex in my stories, I have also been accused of putting too little. Personally? I think all of my stories have just the right amount, like raisins. It all depends on the characters, the situation, the crunch. Doesn't it? Well, this chapter has a lot of crunch, well, s.e.x. I feel it was a natural progression, ha, but what do I know... I just hope YOU like it...


Diva in Disguise 1

Diva in Disguise Chapter 1
On the day of the funeral, it rained. I awoke to the sound of it beating against my old bedroom window and the torrent didn’t let up all day. That was fine by me. I didn’t care if it never stopped. I just wished that a flood would sweep away everything I’d known in this town. Hope was at an end here, at least for me.

Genesis Infiltrator

Genesis Infiltrator

The woman's words were a hammer blow. Raped. Mutilated. Left for dead.
Stacy... the image of her friend, vibrant and alive, morphed into a
terrifying possibility - a victim of human trafficking, lost in the
nightmarish underbelly of the world.

A wave of nausea swept over Sasha; a primal scream trapped in her throat
by the leather restraints. "Stacy?" she rasped, her voice cracking.
"What about Stacy?"

Genesis Transformed

Genesis Transformed

Shamefacedly, Shane shuffled into Merle Norman, the cheery chiming of
the doorbell announcing his arrival. He wasn't exactly dressed for the
occasion - his usual ratty t-shirt and ripped jeans felt woefully out of
place amongst the plush waiting area and pastel color scheme. A sheepish
grin tugged at his lips as his gaze landed on Stacy, his best friend,
behind the counter.

The Seventh Wheel (Part 2)

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Author's Note: Hi... Brina here, bringing you part two of my love letter to 'Top Gear,' hot rods, Hot Wheels, and tractor trailers, ha, no just lying. I was never a car person, well I was a van person once, but I don't want to talk about that, ha... Surprisingly this chapter has quite a bit of (early) sex in it, so cover your eyes if you are not ready for it... thank you and I hope YOU like it...


Space Alien Transformation

Space Alien Transformation

The year was 2075. Steve Austin, once a wide-eyed boy gazing at the
stars, was now a seasoned astronaut, encased in a cryogenic pod aboard
the Icarus I. His destination: Proxima b, a distant speck yearning for
human contact. Steve was humanity's pioneer, hurtling through the abyss
in suspended animation, his only companion the ever-vigilant AI, Anya.

Genetic Gender Experiment

Genetic Gender Experiment

The humid air clung to Elias like a second shirt as he pushed through
the tangled undergrowth. Shanda, his girlfriend, was just ahead, her
laughter a melody in the symphony of cicadas. They were on a secluded
resort vacation, and a poorly marked trail had beckoned them deeper into
the jungle than they'd intended.

This feels right, this is me - Part Two

He looked at me and said, “Hi Andi, you look pretty. I saw you say goodbye to your new girlfriend is it? Anyway, you can tell me about it later as I hope you ladies are all ready?” And with that I learned we were going out to eat as dad was visiting for a couple of days before going back to the old house.

Walking out the house with my family and wearing a lot less clothes than they’ve seen me in for years felt a bit weird, but they just accepted me. I think I have a great family.

The Seventh Wheel (Part 1)

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Author's Note: This is a story I wrote a couple of years ago...

Mmm, this feels like a novella to me, it feels longer than usual. I have been reluctantly saving this 'Wheel' for some special imaginary occasion, some wonderful happy occurrence that, well, hasn't come up yet, ha... but it will and I will wish I saved it.

A Whole New Me - Literally; Part Ten (The End)

It’s five years since I went to university, again, so I guess I owe you an update.

University was great, and studying again, this time not with an eye some future employment, but just because I wanted to know more about the subject was, well, quite nice as there was no pressure. And off course living with Tom was great too. Each day waking up with him, kissing each other good morning, those lazy days when we could grab them, and just being together made me happy.

Shroom Dungeon - Homecoming

Petruvio is an older adventurer who got a good-paying job as a teacher for a young noble who plays adventurer. This young man has more money than brains and instead of using qualified men to round out the team, he hired three good-looking maidens.

Now, someone told them about Shroom Dungeon. Worse, they insist they want to visit (despite not knowing what it is). There is no choice and the old adventurer has to return. Despite having vowed never to do so. For he has a history there. In fact, a legacy.

This is a stand-alone story taking place in Shroom Dungeon.

A Cruel and Unusual Punishment 3

This chapter has some sexual content.

As I walked to the Williams house I dreaded the fresh humiliations that awaited me. It had been a week now, and I was getting used to the feeling of women's clothes. Even at home, my mother made me sleep in a night dress. It was black and plain cotton, but still had a small lace edging. She told me it would be stupid to be caught violating my "parole" while sleeping.

A Whole New Me - Literally; Part Nine

The trip home with Tom was great, and I was glad he had a packet of tissues in his pocket as I had quite a few tears while he carried me out of the airport. I did let him put me down once we were out on the fresh air, although it was so much colder that I had recently been used to, I wish I made him carry me all the way. When we got to the car there were flowers on the passenger seat, and I held them all the way back with a smile on my face.

A Whole New Me - Literally; Part Eight

The last couple of days had been a whirlwind of activity, getting my bags packed, making sure I had not just everything I needed, but also planning ahead or those things I might need, and one of those things was asking Jane to stay in my house for a little while longer, and thankfully she was happy to. I needed her there as an ‘emergency’ contact, the person the family I will be staying with can get in touch with as part of my cover of being a schoolgirl.

A Whole New Me - Literally; Part Seven

The next couple of weeks of school were ok, but I was plagued with regret. I don’t regret using my body and femininity to protect Tom, even letting my body be used to do so, but I think the threesome was a bad idea. I wasn’t ready to do something like that, and I know I only did it as he said he kinda liked watching, but me, as a growing woman, well, that’s a different thing. I am glad it happened, I enjoyed parts of it, but I don’t think it would have been my choice, or at least, not at that time in my development.

Life Seems to Suck Sometimes (The End)

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Life Seems to Suck Sometimes (The End)
By Sabrina G. Langton


Author's Note: Hmmm... the last chapter where we laugh, we cry, we go out for drinks and we enjoy each other's company... ha... of course, what else would we be doing... Thank you my lovelies for sticking around and I hope YOU like it... and remember 'ef everybody else... ha...


Part 5 of 5

A Whole New Me - Literally; Part Four

I walked into my apartment, dropping my bag on the bed and just sat down, finally home and released from hospital. Well, kinda released. I was now an outpatient and had to return every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for tests and measurements, but now I can sleep in my own bed. I looked about the room, wondering about my future and what I will do from now on, but in the meantime, I had a weekend to relax and do very little.


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