Misty Meenor

Out of the Ashes


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Out of the Ashes
by Misty Meenor
A Comic RetCon Universe Story
The Martian Manhunter and Miss Martian characters are the property of DC Comics.

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This story is 25 words long.

The Artifacts of K'Panu


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The Artifacts of K'Panu

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This story is 4 words long.

looking for a particular Whatley story


I started thinking about this around Easter but can't find it.

I seem to remember a Whatley story about a woman who becomes a devisor and becomes insanely angry at her boyfriend, in her madness creating a raygun that zaps him, turning him into a bunny girl. I believe the bunny then comes into her own mutant powers? I'm not sure if this was a one-off or if there were several stories about the bunny girl.

Any guidance appreciated! Thank you!

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Two years three hours

Wow... I've been a member for two years, where has the time gone?

Thank you all so much, for being such a wonderful, accepting, caring group of people. A true community in every important sense.

As my anniversary gift to myself, I'll post the next chapter in "Out of the Ashes" this weekend. Or... soon.

...ish :)

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Out of the Ashes 2, Chapter 6


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Out of the Ashes, Book 2 Part 6

Out of the Ashes, Book 2
by Misty Meenor
A Comic RetCon Universe Story
The Martian Manhunter and Miss Martian characters are the property of DC Comics. Captain America, the Red Skull and Union Jack are properties of Marvel Comics. American Dream used with the kind permission of Lilith Langtree.

He hugged the woman, who barely seemed to notice. "Ahem. Which brings us to, how do I hold on to the incredibly powerful Miss Mars? And how will I keep you from telling anyone my little secrets? Ah. Well. Maria, show them."

Maria raised her head, her eyes meeting mine. I had a moment of panic, as I felt a presence in my head, insinuating itself, twisting around parts of my mind. There was the briefest sense of ... apology?... before it pulled. There was an obscene ripping sensation and an incandescent detonation behind my eyes, and I collapsed to the ground, senseless.

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This story is 157 words long.

Out of the Ashes 2, Chapter 5


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Out of the Ashes, Book 2 Part 5

Out of the Ashes, Book 2
by Misty Meenor
A Comic RetCon Universe Story
The Martian Manhunter and Miss Martian characters are the property of DC Comics. Captain America, the Red Skull and Union Jack are properties of Marvel Comics. American Dream used with the kind permission of Lilith Langtree.

I shook my head. "Something's not right. I've seen the living quarters. There were younger children here. There's no indication they were infected and turned, and if they were abandoned when their parents turned, we'd have found signs of it. Where have they gone?"

"That is no concern of yours."

The voice came from the shadow of a storage shed. It belonged to a tall man, with short-cropped blond hair, in military fatugues bearing the Red Skull insignia. Four others appeared behind him, fanning out to cover us with automatic weapons. "Your more immediate concern, Miss Mars, should be, 'How do I remain very still to keep my associates from being killed.'"

Court sighed and glanced at me. "They've got the doctor, too."

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This story is 179 words long.

Out of the Ashes 2, Chapter 4

Out of the Ashes, Book 2 Part 4

Out of the Ashes, Book 2
by Misty Meenor
A Comic RetCon Universe Story
The Martian Manhunter and Miss Martian characters are the property of DC Comics. Captain America, the Red Skull and Union Jack are properties of Marvel Comics. American Dream used with the kind permission of Lilith Langtree.

"Jack," Court began mildly, as she wiped brains from her face, "if you were worried that zombies were caused by something attacking the brain, something that might be infectious, something that you didn't understand at all, what part of the zombie would you least want to SPLASH ACROSS YOUR CO-WORKERS?"

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This story is 105 words long.

Out of the Ashes 2, Chapter 3


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Out of the Ashes, Book 2 Part 3

Out of the Ashes, Book 2
by Misty Meenor
A Comic RetCon Universe Story
The Martian Manhunter and Miss Martian characters are the property of DC Comics. Captain America, the Red Skull and Union Jack are properties of Marvel Comics. American Dream used with the kind permission of Lilith Langtree.

"Ah, that would be Lord Falsworth, ectually." His upperclass accent certainly matched his snotty tone, as he snatched the hand I'd extended for the doctor. "But titles are such a bore, don't you think? Teddibly pleased to meet you both." His eyes swept over me, and then to Court, leaving a greasy stain. "But you can call me Jack. Union Jack."

My eyes narrowed at his rudeness. "How do you do, Jack. I must say, you seem very familiar to me -- you wouldn't happen to own any binoculars, would you?"

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This story is 146 words long.

Out of the Ashes 2, Chapter 2


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Out of the Ashes, Book 2 Part 2

Out of the Ashes, Book 2
by Misty Meenor
A Comic RetCon Universe Story
The Martian Manhunter and Miss Martian characters are the property of DC Comics. Captain America, the Red Skull and Union Jack are properties of Marvel Comics.

Court nodded grimly. "We have intelligence about one of those groups. We're not sure if they're crazies or not.

They call themselves 'El Crá¡neo Rojo' -- 'The Red Skull'. And... we think they have zombies."

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This story is 81 words long.

Out of the Ashes, Book 2

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The first chapter in the new book is posted, this will be a little different than the original.

I'm writing this one almost entirely on an iPhone, during my morning and evening commutes, with editing work done on the weekends, on my laptop. (Thanks to all those who offered advice when I asked (see previous blog). I can say that PlainText plus DropBox does the job surprisingly well. Perhaps I'll move up to an iPad sometime, but the iPhone with PlainText is good enough that the need isn't as urgent as I thought.)

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Out of the Ashes 2, Chapter 1


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Out of the Ashes, Book 2 Part 1

Out of the Ashes, Book 2
by Misty Meenor
A Comic RetCon Universe Story
The Martian Manhunter and Miss Martian characters are the property of DC Comics.

She sat up to face me, her expression serious. "How can you plan for contingencies, when you can't possibly guess at all the scenarios? Who knows what's out there? Every nation that can manage it will have their own metas there -- and not all of them are friendly to us. Then there's the groups that don't want these talks to happen at all, or the crazies who just want to see their name in the headlines. What if they have a meta up their sleeve?"

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This story is 118 words long.

question for author-commuters

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Okay, I *do* want to start writing again, and I'm starting this new job, which will entail a one-hour train ride each way.

So... two whole hours a day, potential writing time. The question is, what tools are the best for use on a commuter train?

I was considering an iPad, or some other kind of tablet device. My laptop is too large for this (17"), and pencil and paper aren't terribly useful, since a) it would have to be transcribed anyway, and b) my handwriting sucks even on a rock-solid desk, let alone a swaying train.

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looking for communities in NYC comuting distance

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I'm starting a new job in downtown Manhattan in mid-January, and I need to locate a residence-type hotel where I can stay for a couple of months.

I'm hoping to find one far enough out of the city that it's less expensive (yeah, I know, dream on) but with a fairly straightforward commute on the train.

Is there anybody out there who can make some suggestions? Long Island? New Jersey? Connecticut?

Any advice will be gratefully appreciated.

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Out of the Ashes, Part 11 (Conclusion)

Out of the Ashes, Part 11 (Conclusion)

Out of the Ashes
by Misty Meenor
A Comic RetCon Universe Story
The Martian Manhunter and Miss Martian characters are the property of DC Comics.

I interrupted her. "Never mind that. The chips. I want them." I needed at least one sample, and I couldn't trust anyone else to destroy the remainder.

She frowned at me. "Now hold on one moment, Miss..."

I sighed, and silently cursed my new form for the thousandth time. Intimidation wasn't in my arsenal anymore, unless you were six years old. If I couldn't intimidate, I had to demonstrate, and that took time and people got hurt. My hand snapped out and grabbed the woman's throat, lifiting her off the ground. "Chips!"

Her hands clutched at her hand on my throat for a few moments, before she pointed frantically back towards the hallway. "Office. Safe." she choked out.

WARNING: I don't want to give anything away, but if there were elements in the previous chapters that disturbed you, please do not continue reading. Elements of this chapter will be dark. I've rated this chapter Adult and Intense.

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This story is 188 words long.

Out of the Ashes, Part 10

Out of the Ashes, Part 10

Out of the Ashes
by Misty Meenor
A Comic RetCon Universe Story
The Martian Manhunter and Miss Martian characters are the property of DC Comics.

I headed towards the bar but didn't get far before there was a touch on my arm. "Um, hey gorgeous, how's about getting us a drink?" The line sounded over-rehearsed and rushed, more of a plea than a confident request. I pasted on a smile and turned to face a short man with a middle-aged spare tire and a ruddy complexion, thin hair pasted across his bald head. He was standing alone, so 'us' must have meant, well, us. His eyes were fixated on my breasts. I kicked myself for spending so much time working on my face; in this crowd, I could have had slitted pupils, sharpened teeth and a snake for a tongue, and only the other women would notice.

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This story is 152 words long.

Out of the Ashes, Part 9 is posted

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I've written about 9000 words in what was supposed to be a 5000-word 'final chapter', Obviously I've miscalculated seriously. :)

Anyway, I broke the story at what I think is a good point, so I can post SOMEthing, at least.

I'm thinking now I *might* be able to wrap it up in 15,000 words, so that leaves two more chapters before I can wind the the story up properly. Fortunately, it's moving along fairly well, and though I don't write quickly, the time I do spend has felt productive so far.

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Out of the Ashes, Part 9

Out of the Ashes, Part 9

Out of the Ashes
by Misty Meenor
A Comic RetCon Universe Story
The Martian Manhunter and Miss Martian characters are the property of DC Comics.

"We were hoping to work out an arrangement where we might occasionally call upon your skills, in a consulting role. We'd benefit from your experience on the street and your impressive metahuman abilities, and in return, you'd get to call upon our resources -- intel, financial, manpower, equipment. The ability to run interference with the law. Plus, of course, we'll pay you. An annual retainer, paid immediately, plus a fee for each job, half in advance."

This is much too sweet a deal. I shook my head slowly, sliding the badge back to her. "I'm sorry. It sounds very interesting, but I've got other things on my mind at the moment. Perhaps in a couple of weeks, we could talk again." I got the feeling Merrick was sincere, but I didn't trust the motives of the people behind her. I stood up, ending the discussion.

"Wait. Before you decide, you should hear what the first two jobs are."

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This story is 188 words long.

Out of the Ashes, Part 8


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Out of the Ashes
by Misty Meenor
A Comic RetCon Universe Story
The Martian Manhunter and Miss Martian characters are the property of DC Comics.

The first one reached out to grab me. I wanted to kill them -- kill somebody -- so badly I could taste it, but I couldn’t afford the luxury. Not yet. I broke his arm and smashed his knee, putting him down with a gratifying scream. The second guy I just tossed over the bar into the wall, hard. He slid down and didn’t move. I slapped Ramon’s knife out of his hand and bent him backwards over the bar, fist bunched in his shirt, my now-broken beer bottle pressed into his cheek. “The bartender touches that gun, you lose the fuckin’ eye, kay? You choose.”

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This story is 134 words long.

Out of the Ashes, errors, and request for advice

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I've just discovered my recent Chapter 7 post is sans single quotes. Fixing requires reading the entire story as HTML... *whimper*

If anyone can suggest the preferred way to get text (containing italics) from RoughDraft (MS rich text) into "Create Content", I would appreciated it; as my way seems to require multiple editing passes.

update: Some partial search-and-replace fixes have been done, but I know there's more to do. I'll give it another pass tonight.

another update: I think I've got them all. Ouch. :)

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Out of the Ashes, Part 7


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Out of the Ashes, Part 7

Out of the Ashes
by Misty Meenor
A Comic RetCon Universe Story
The Martian Manhunter and Miss Martian characters are the property of DC Comics.

"Hey! Wait! You said you wanted to talk!"

I sighed and settled back to the roof. "We have been talking. We’ve been talking about what a bunch of fuckups you are. How you’ve been infiltrated, and you knew it, and you dragged me into this anyway." My voice was rising. "I am not interested in your games. I’m just trying to cope with the shit that’s been dumped on me, live my life, and help out where I can. As far as I can tell, the only thing that keeps me out of your hands is that you don’t know who I am."

I folded my arms across my chest. "I don’t know why you asked Jade to set up this meeting. I don’t know anything about your group. I don’t know what your intentions are, or if I should trust you even if you told me. I’m not feeling a lot of government love out there for metas. Some of you guys have already tried to cart me off and dissect me, alive or not. I was lucky -- lucky! -- Jade was there for me. Nobody else was. Okay, so maybe that wasn’t you. Or maybe you’re just plan B."

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This story is 251 words long.

Out of the Ashes, Part 6


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Out of the Ashes, Part 6

Out of the Ashes
by Misty Meenor
A Comic RetCon Universe Story
The Martian Manhunter and Miss Martian characters are the property of DC Comics.

Heatstroke nodded in satisfaction as he stepped back and extinguished the bright flame that had covered his form. A thin, finger-width scorched black line outlined the edges of the huge vault door on three sides, pitted and scarred by rivulets of melted steel. Part of the bottom edge still glowed cherry-red, slowly dimming as it cooled. The room was filled with an acrid smoke, uncomfortably warm.
Fifteen minutes, right on schedule.
His associate spoke. "Phase two complete. Beginning phase three. Five minutes."

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This story is 112 words long.

Miss Mars timeline: retcon of the retcon

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As I progress Out of the Ashes, I'm going to start involving one or two characters from other stories, in cameo appearances. In order to make sense of the whole who-knows-what-and-when thing, I've decided to apply a SLIGHT retcon to my original story, in order to fit the events in with the existing stories. Somehow I slipped up with this the first time around.

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Miss Mars - Out of the Ashes Part 5

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Part 5 is up, and part 6 is about half done. Originally I thought they'd be a single post, but I was having trouble with Part 6 and decided to share what I have. It's a good point to break, anyway. With luck, part 6 might go up on the weekend.

I envision at LEAST two more chapters after part 6 (more if I can't keep them concise!), with some special guest cameos.

My muse has worked overtime on a plot, but when it comes time to actually crank out the words, she goes for coffee and leaves the hard stuff to me. So it's coming, but at it's own pace. Bear with me!

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Out of the Ashes, Part 5


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Out of the Ashes, Part 5

Out of the Ashes
by Misty Meenor
A Comic RetCon Universe Story
The Martian Manhunter and Miss Martian characters are the property of DC Comics.

The night guard at the gate of Terberon Research Corporation settled in his chair and propped his feet up on his desk, pouring the first cup of coffee of the night from his thermos. The front window of the gatehouse afforded a clear view of the road leading up to the facility, as it wound through the trees toward the brightly-lit final half-mile straightaway culminating at the gate. In the darkness, the headlights of any approaching traffic would be visible a good five minutes before it eventually arrived at his post.

The first indication he had that his facility was under attack, was the sniper's bullet exploding out of the darkness and into his brain.

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This story is 145 words long.

Miss Mars - apologies

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I want to apologize, but that latest installment of Out of the Ashes is taking longer than I expected.

I know what I want to happen, and how it should happen -- and I'm kinda excited about it, but my muse isn't helping me to break it down into bite-sized story pieces just yet.

Plus that pesky real life keeps butting into my writing time :)

Anyway, just wanted to say I haven't abandoned Megan just yet. I think there's at least two more chapters to this arc.

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Out of the Ashes, Part 4


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Out of the Ashes, Part 4

Out of the Ashes
by Misty Meenor
A Comic RetCon Universe Story
The Martian Manhunter and Miss Martian characters are the property of DC Comics.

I took a deep breath. "I'm metahuman."

He shrugged at that. "I expected something of the sort, or I wouldn't have invited you in. You are... unbalanced. In here." He pointed at his chest. "What is inside you does not match the outside. Why do you think I can help?" Just a trace of impatience, a hint of master dealing with a dull student. Executed to perfection.

I lowered my eyes, studying the fine wisps of steam rising out of my cup. "I have new abilities, that I am still getting used to. Strength. Speed. I am very difficult to hurt." I raised my eyes to his. "I'm a blunt instrument. It would be very easy for me to kill a person with a single blow. I don't need anyone's help for that. It is very hard for me to not kill a person with a single blow, and that's where I hope you can help."

Ben Turner offered a half-smile. "I believe I can help. Do not strike anyone. Thank you for coming."

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This story is 204 words long.

Out of the Ashes, Part 3


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Out of the Ashes, Part 3

Out of the Ashes
by Misty Meenor
A Comic RetCon Universe Story
The Martian Manhunter and Miss Martian characters are the property of DC Comics.

"Okay, let's see. Two Glock 19's? Oh, please, that's a purse gun -- two submachine guns, H&K MP5's, nice choice -- where are you guys getting these things? Assorted ammo. No explosives -- good boys -- and a bunch of zip tie handcuffs. No masks, though. Why is that?"

I looked up at the men, expectantly. I had their heads seriously messed up. It was obvious they couldn't decide whether to run, or stick it out.

Bald Guy produced a nasty-looking knife. "That's no business of yours, girlie. Don't ya know who we are?"

I pulled a few of the zip cuffs from out of the bundle. "Oh, I know you. You're a couple of the Cartel's disposable soldiers…"

Then I gave him a feral grin. "But -- you don't know who I am."

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This story is 167 words long.

Out of the Ashes, Part 2


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Out of the Ashes, Part 2

Out of the Ashes
by Misty Meenor
A Comic RetCon Universe Story
The Martian Manhunter and Miss Martian characters are the property of DC Comics.

Dolores studied me for a moment. "You're going out there, aren't you? That's what this is about," she asked quietly.

I nodded slowly, wanting her approval. "How can I not?" I asked. "Heatstroke is another metahuman, has to be. There's only a few of us in the whole world, can we really assume somebody else will just show up to take him on? He killed five cops, Dolores. He's going to own this city. And he works for the Cartel. You can be sure he won't be the only metahuman to go bad."

"And what will you do after that?"

"I'll go after the Carpaci family. With me dead, the D.A.'s whole case falls apart. They'll be rubbing his nose in it."

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This story is 154 words long.

Out of the Ashes, Part 1


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Out of the Ashes
by Misty Meenor
A Comic RetCon Universe Story
The Martian Manhunter and Miss Martian characters are the property of DC Comics.

The moon had the night off; the few widely-separated streetlights in this part of town had to work extra hard tonight, just to keep each other in sight through the humid darkness.

Lightning flashed over the city, making sudden shadows jump, the crash of thunder following quickly on its heels, rattling windows. Despite the imminence of the oncoming storm, it was largely ignored; anyone still trying to scrape a living off the dusty streets at this lonely hour wouldn't be put off by a few measly fireworks. They had more urgent things to be afraid of.

Me, for instance.

But tonight I was after bigger fish. I was pretty sure the bigger fish were after me, too.

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This story is 142 words long.

The Artifacts of K'Panu, Part 5

The Artifacts of K'Panu, Part 5

I let my breath out slowly, matching what I was seeing with what my new self knew. I was tall -- five-ten in bare feet -- and built like, well, a stripper. 36DD, 24, 36, and all real. My legs were long, muscular and sleek, narrow waist emphasizing the swell of my hips and butt. I looked and felt every bit as athletic and limber as the old Steffi had been, but I'd sure jiggle a lot more when I ran. My nipples each sported a small silver hoop, with a single jeweled bead. I flicked one tentatively, and gasped at the sensation.

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This story is 106 words long.

The Artifacts of K'Panu, Part 4

The last thing I remember was looking out across the floor from my usual bug's eye view, and seeing Fraidycat looking back at me from under a chair. From somewhere I thought I heard Tiffi wailing inconsolably.

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This story is 37 words long.

The Artifacts of K'Panu, Part 3

She was quiet a long time. Finally she drew a deep breath. "So," she said, "I can either believe in magic... or that my sister has somehow become a delusional nympho slut overnight and I have something in my head that sometimes takes over." She gave it some more thought. "Tough choice."

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This story is 52 words long.

The Artifacts of K'Panu, Part 2, posted

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... finally. It's a good deal larger than I'd imagined at the start, and it still feels hurried, but I wanted to get it out of the way so I could move on with the story :)

Please bear with me. I'm learning as I go, and the biggest lesson this time was the effort it takes to actually do this-here writing stuff :) I need to bite off smaller chunks, and focus on specific plot events, to keep each new chapter about half the size of this one.

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The Artifacts of K'Panu, Part 2

She splashed some water on her face and reached for her towel, then froze at the horrified expression on my face. "What? Steffi, what?"

Jesus Christ, he really fucking did it. That SON OF A BITCH! That FUCKING SON OF A BITCH! "Tiffany, remember." I almost didn't catch her in time, as the memories came crashing back.

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This story is 57 words long.

The Artifacts of K'Panu, Part 1

The Artifacts of K'Panu

Jacobi's laugh was harsh and abrupt.   "Oh, I don't think so.   You see, the magic doesn't work that way.   I can't use it to help myself directly."   His voice grew smooth, and the chill in it ran down my spine.   "But the three of you are impediments to my career, and I can... remove you."   The Dean's face grew pale, after all she believed in magic.   "No, " she whispered, pleading.   "Please, don't do this..."  

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This story is 78 words long.


There was a man, a lonely man
Who lost his love through his indifference
A heart that cared, that went unshared
Until it died in his silence

The squad car speeds through the downtown canyons, red and blue lights reflecting garishly from the polished steel and brass facades of the office towers. Now and then a puddle becomes a wall of frigid water across the sidewalk as the car flashes by; but it's late, and those few unfortunate souls still out at this hour are already wet in the rain.

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This story is 90 words long.

Shopping with St. Nicholas (With apologies to Clement Moore. And, well, everyone.)

T'was a week before Christmas, and all through the mall,
I searched for a gown for the Yuletide Ball.
The crowds were oppresive, and surly, and mean
As the Muzak blared 'O Holy Night' o'er the scene.

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This story is 37 words long.
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