The Artifacts of K'Panu, Part 3

She was quiet a long time. Finally she drew a deep breath. "So," she said, "I can either believe in magic... or that my sister has somehow become a delusional nympho slut overnight and I have something in my head that sometimes takes over." She gave it some more thought. "Tough choice."

I woke slowly, curled up on my side and clutching Fraidycat to my chest. I realized we were in Tiffy's bed; she had her arm around me, snuggled into my back, protective even in sleep. My eyelids were sticky with dried tears, reluctant to open. I lay motionless, facing the wall, watching the shadows made by the early-morning sun. I felt bone-tired, unable to summon the energy to face another day. To ever face Jake again. Or the one after Jake. Or the one after him.

The trip back to the dorm was a blur; somehow, Tiffi had managed to get me cleaned up and into a taxi, and got me undressed and into bed. I'd been cried out, numb, almost catatonic. She'd held me until I fell asleep, stroking my hair and rocking me, crying her own tears of hurt and frustration, feeling her baby sister's pain, knowing something was terribly wrong, and unable to take it away, or even understand what it was.

How much was Tom, and how much was Tiffi? Waking Tom was about the last thing I remembered clearly. I tried to remember if she had ever left my side. I had to imagine she must have, at some point, leaving Tiffi to cope; and I couldn't guess what she would be thinking when she woke, or what I could say to her.

I sighed heavily, and continued my examination of the wall. Tiffi's arm stirred, and gave me a squeeze. "Hey," she whispered sleepily. I nestled into the curve of her body, treasuring the safety and security I felt, unwilling relinquish the moment. "Hey," I responded, reluctantly.

We lay together a little while. Finally, she said in a little voice, " I was so scared... you were just lying there... I didn't know what to do..."

My heart ached at the anguish in her voice, pushing aside my own self-pity. I rolled over to face her, touching my head to hers, meeting her eyes. "You did good, big sis." I reassured her. "I'm so, so sorry I scared you."

"But... baby, what happened?", she pressed, gently. "What did that bastard do to you?"

I was silent . She needs to know her sister is a sex toy. This won't be the last time it happens. Finally I drew a deep breath, and screwed up my nerve. "Nothing I didn't want him to."

I couldn't meet her eyes, look at the shocked expression on her face. "Tiff, he... pressed buttons I didn't know I had. All of them. I begged him to. I-I've never cum so hard, ever. You can't was humiliating -- and I just kept getting hornier. I was at his mercy, I c-couldn't stop cumming..."

My eyes snapped open. He pressed my buttons. All of them. He knew. That bastard KNEW!

I needed to talk to Tom, but Tiffi deserved her chance to deal with this. I couldn't meet her eyes. I could feel her draw back a little, the weight of her gaze. "Tiff... I can't explain what it's like. I-it's like a drug. I couldn't get enough. I was so scared, but I wanted more anyway. He hurt me, humiliated me, and still I only wanted to please him. " I raised my eyes, she needed to know this. "Tiffi -- I'm so, so ashamed of what I did... but if he gets me alone..." I shivered, just thinking about it. "I-I'll do it again," I whispered.

Tiffi searched my face while she digested this. "Last night, when I found you like that... I was scared out of my mind... I couldn't think, didn't know what to do first. I was paralyzed -- but suddenly I was functioning, doing the right things, got us inside, into the bathroom. Made excuses to Bridget and got us into a cab, and home..."

She choked out a bitter laugh. "If it had been left to me, we'd still be rocking in that alley." She meets my gaze. "But it wasn't me. And it wasn't the first time. Yesterday I remember we sat right here and had a good cry, but I don't even know why -- it wasn't me that was upset, it was like I was doing the crying for somebody else --" I must have looked guilty. "You know what's going on." It was a statement of fact, not quite an accusation.

I rolled onto my back, covering my eyes. How could I explain? Tiff, our whole lives were just made up. We never existed before yesterday. "Oh, Tiff... it would make no sense, it's just crazy..."

The first slap caught me by surprise, leaving a red splotch on my arm. There was nothing playful about it. "Don't you dare hold out on me, Stephanie Louise Burke, " she hissed. "Not after the scare you gave me last night. Not after telling me. It. Could. Happen. Again." More slaps punctuated her words.

I grabbed at her hand to stop it, she was on the verge of hysteria. "Ow! Ow! Okay! But you won't believe me..." I held out my arm, and drew her into my shoulder, and I stroked her head softly. I took a deep breath, and let it out slowly. "Where to begin... well, the person in your head, his name is Tom. The one in my head is Stephen..."

I did my best to explain about Jacobi and the disks, and about Isabella, and Tom, and Stephen. And the spells on all of us.

She was quiet a long time. Finally she drew a deep breath. "So," she said, "I can either believe in magic... or that my sister has somehow become a delusional nympho slut overnight and I have something in my head that sometimes takes over." She gave it some more thought. "Tough choice."

I smiled sourly, "Well, when you put it that way... I doubt I can prove it, but I can probably show you some evidence... Bridget, for one. I can wake Isabella."

She nodded, "And we can google for Stephen and Tom, I guess. If the magic is real, they were real, too."

I nodded, reluctantly. "I'm not sure if I want to know what happened to the old me, it'd be like reading my own obituary. Looking back, Stephen... wasn't the happiest guy. I was on the fast track to becoming a dusty old academic, at twenty-six. No girlfriend, no close friends, only acquaintances, and my work. I know I should feel more strongly, but for some reason, I don't miss being him all that much. I have all of his memories, but all of Steffi's too, and Steffi's are just... happier." I grinned, and gave her a squeeze. "And he never had a big twin sister."

I grew more serious. "There's one other thing we can test." I kept my voice carefully neutral. "The magic made us twins. If he'd given me red hair, you'd have red hair. If he made you tall, I'd be tall, too." Your body orgasms more easily and more intensely than most women's. "Tiff... I think you might have got the orgasm thing, too."

Silence. Then, "However shall we test this?"

As twin sisters growing up, Tiffi and I were no strangers to experimentation. We'd masturbated in front of each other, practiced our kissing skills, and even been casual lovers. We shared our bodies with each other as naturally as we shared everything else. But this was different. I pulled the covers aside and sat up, hugging Fraidycat to my knees, my knees to my chest. "Tiff, no, I... I can't. You know about the spell, even if you don't know whether to believe it yet. You know what I am now. If I do it, there'd be... complications."

Tiffi propped herself up on her elbow, and laid a hand on my arm. "Steffi, think about it. Magic or not, something has changed. You're vulnerable. How can you face Jake, or the one after Jake, or the one after him?"

I pulled my knees even tighter. "You think I haven't been wondering that?" I asked miserably. "I'm afraid to even go outside."

She sat up and put her arm around my shoulders. "I know, sweetie, I can't imagine what you must be feeling, but think it through. You're a submissive. Suppose you already had someone to dominate you, one who expected you to be obedient and faithful. What if... you met Jake, then?"

I set up the scenario in my head, and poked at it with a stick. "Might work." I mumbled. "So, it's worth a try then?" she pressed. I gave her a shy smile, and half a nod. "Maybe. But only if you want to do this."

Tiffi laughed and wrapped her arms around me, kissing my cheek. "To tell you the truth, it's turning me on big-time." Her nipples protruded through the thin nightshirt in confirmation. I protested, "That's the orgasm thing. Even a warm breeze turns us on, now."

She pressed her finger to my lips. "Shush. Now strip, and lie face down. Hands behind your back." She hopped off the bed and went rummaging through our drawers, pulling out a thin belt and some scarves.

I did as she ordered, rewarded for my obedience with a rush of arousal for my obedience. When she bound my ankles with the belt, and tied my wrists together with one of the scarves, I was trapped, helpless; the feeling was indescribable. I was so wet I was sure I was soaking the sheets, breathing hard, and trying to grind my nipples into the bed, with very unsatisfactory results. I watched as she pulled her nightshirt over her head, and removed her panties. They were already wet.

"Hmmm... one last thing...." She took a scarf and balled it up, poking it into my mouth. I pretended to struggle and bite at her, and she slapped my nose, gently. "Bad girl." She took the last scarf, and tied it around my head, securing the gag in my mouth. I couldn't stop whimpering, my need was so great.

Her face took on an evil grin. "I know somebody who's ticklish..."

My eyes went wide and I squealed into the gag and shook my head, but she was too fast for me, sitting astride my legs and running her fingers lightly along my ribs. "Let's see how many ribbies Steffi-girl has... ooh, there's one!" I squirmed frantically, but she was inescapable. On the third rib, the orgasm hit me, giggling uncontrollably and cumming at the same time. I spasmed so hard Tiff looked worried. "A-are you okay?" I nodded my head, panting through my nose. "Did I hurt you?" I shook my head vigorously, and her eyes widened in realization.

"Oh, hell yeah, I'll have what she's having..." She untied my gag, and pulled the scarf from my mouth, then lay down on the bed with a broad grin. "Your turn, my little Steffi-girl inchworm. Do me."

I set about it with a will, awkward though it was; with my wrists bound behind me, I couldn't protect my breasts as I flopped about, and more than once crushed one or the other painfully, which only added to the intensity of my arousal. I began kissing her shoulder softly, working my way down towards her erect nipple. Her breathing was already ragged before I was halfway there, and I had barely taken it between my lips before she cried out, clutching at my head and arching her back.

Tiffi's pleasure increased my own erotic thrill; my pulse was racing, and I was gasping for breath, but I gave her nipple no relief, knowing how sensitive my own nipples were. I continued to suck and nip at it gently, and the second orgasm came hot on the heels of the first, followed quickly by my own.

I lay with my head on Tiffi's stomach, waiting for the world to come back into focus. "Oh, man. Steff, I had no idea. That was... I never... god... wow. Just... wow." she panted. I nodded. "Now you know." Her belly twitched and she giggled at the touch of my breath. "Tickles."

I grinned, and blew gently across her tummy, drawing goosebumps as the perspiration cooled. She squealed and clutched at my head. "No, stop!" I shifted awkwardly and began kissing my way across her belly, as lightly as I could, working my way down, enjoying the way her muscles would jump at my gentle touch. The protestations continued until I drew my tongue delicately along her slit, tasting her juices, and she lost the capacity for coherent speech. I gave her a brief respite before probing inside, and very slightly flicking her clitoris; her reaction was the most intense orgasm yet, and my own climax followed quickly. She managed to escape onto the floor, while our breathing slowed somewhat.

"Bad Steffi," she scolded, rising to sit on her heels, looking over the edge of the bed, into my face. "I said stop! Let's see how you like it!" She slapped my backside, hard enough to make me wince, and my heart begin to race again. "Get it up, Steffi-girl! On your knees, head down."

Quick to obey, I propped my butt up into the air, arms still tied behind my back, knees apart, my face on the bed, facing hers. She smiled sweetly, "Don't you move," as she drew her finger lightly along the inside of my thigh.

My eyes half-closed in anticipation, and I moaned softly. My legs twitched, but I held as still as I could, as the finger drew closer, ever closer, to my throbbing pussy. Finally, the finger reached its goal, and stopped, teasingly. My eyes looked questioningly to Tiffi.

"Who's the big sister?" she demanded. "You-you are." I whimpered.

"Who's the little sister?"

"M-me, I am."

The finger, pressing lightly against my nether lips, had become the focus of my existence. I squirmed a little, trying to slip it inside me, but she was having none of it. "Uh-uh! I said stay!" The finger withdrew for a moment, and I whimpered again, until it returned.

She pretended to look puzzled. "But, you don't sound like the little sister."

I knew what she wanted; we had big-sister and little-sister voices we'd use sometimes, to tease each other. "I-I'm the widdle thithter." I lisped, in a little-girl voice.

She smiled brightly. "Much better! Good girl!" That was a mistake, when she said the words, I squealed and came again, gushing over her finger. I struggled not to move, almost collapsing as my muscles turned to rubber, but barely managing to hold my pose. Tiffi's eyes widened. "Holy shit..." She looked frightened, as she began to realize this wasn't just a sex game, the degree of power she held over me. "Steffi... we can stop..."

I shook my head, "I'm the widdle thithter," I repeated, when I could speak again. I was aching, empty. I wanted, needed something inside me. Tiffi took a deep breath, and I bit my lip as her finger returned. "Say please."

"Pleathe." I squeaked.

"Pretty please."

"Pwetty pleathe. With thugar on it." It was taking all my will to remain still for her.

"Okay, little sister. Since you asked."

The finger, when it came, had company; Tiffi slipped three fingers deep into me, and stroked them enthusiastically until I collapsed into a shuddering heap. This time the world went away, and stayed there.

When I woke up, we were spooning again, Tiffi pressed to my back, her arm around my waist. I was surprisingly at peace, inside. I let out a contented sigh, putting my arm around hers and snuggling her close.

"Hey, big thith." I blinked in surprise, my little-girl voice just seemed automatic.

Tiffi choked out a half-laugh, I realized she'd been crying. "Oh, Steffi, he really fucked you up, didn't he?"

I shrugged, wordlessly. There wasn't much I could say. She accepts Jacobi did this, at least.

"What are we gonna do?"

"The betht we can, I gueth. Talk to Ithabella. Twy to figure thomething out." I hesitated. "Can you... keep doing thith, fow me?" My new voice seemed the most natural thing in the world. I sounded like I was maybe four years old, and for some reason it didn't bother me a bit.

She was quiet for a moment. "It scares me, Steffi, it scares me so much, to have such control over you." She whispered. "And God help me, it turns me on so much."

I rolled over to face her, twining our legs together, kissing her softly on the lips. "It'th okay, Tiffi, weawwy." I chirped. "I wove it, too."

She laughed sharply. "God, I love that voice -- why are you still talking that way?"

I smiled softly, and shrugged. "Becauthe you wike it."

She sighed dryly, "Well, you'd better stop, or we'll never get out of here."

I grinned, and spoke in my normal voice. "Tiff, you have to understand: First, I trust you. I know you would never harm me. I promise you, anything, anything that turns you on, will turn me on, it's just how I am, now. Second, I am what the magic made me. I need this. You didn't do this to me, you're not taking advantage of me, you're giving me something I have to have. Otherwise, I'm at the mercy of the next Jake I happen to meet. If it wasn't for you, well, you saw what will happen to me. And I'll want it."

She nodded reluctantly, accepting the truth in my words, but her lower lip began to tremble. "B-but I just want my little sister back... I know we were never real -- but she was real to me."

I stroked her hair, and reassured her. "No, no, sweetie, we were -- we are real. This is reality now. We are as real as Tom and Stephen ever were. We were always real." Maybe. Don't think about it too hard. "And I'm still here, big sis. Maybe we just need... boundaries?"

She mulled that over. "How about... inside this room -- no, we'd never get any homework done..." Her eyes lit up. "When I call you 'Steffi-girl', it's playtime." She leered. "And you have to use the voice. When I call you 'Stephanie Louise', it's over, and you're just my baby sister again. Does that work, Stephanie Louise?"

I tested it out in my head, then nodded cautiously. "I think so."

She grinned and sniffed delicately in my direction. "Good. Because you really need a shower." "Me?" I squealed, mortally offended. She nodded seriously then added airily, "But don't worry. I'll have one too, just to stay in practice."

After stuffing our clothes and the bedsheets into the hamper, and opening the window to hopefully help clear the room of the smell of girl sex, I followed Tiffi off to the showers feeling lighter in my heart than I thought was possible. I turned the water on -- after checking for spiders -- as warm as I could stand it, and just let it wash over my body. My breasts were still pretty sore from the rough treatment they'd received, especially last night; Jake's fingers had left a painful bruise along the outside of my left breast. I felt like I'd been working out muscles that hadn't been exercised in a long time, which I guessed was true enough.

Today was Friday, which was a slack day for us, school-wise. Tiffy had a class before lunch, and I had one in the afternoon. In the evening we worked at Mulligan's, and I was still nervous about meeting Jake again. After dressing in sweatpants and tee shirts and grabbing breakfast in the dining hall, we headed back to the room.

"I'd like to talk to Tom, if that's okay," I asked cautiously. I wasn't sure how she felt about Tom. "At least to thank him for getting us home last night." I was a little surprised when she readily agreed.

"I-I'm not sure what the protocol is," she smiled nervously. "Thank him for me, too?" I nodded, and quickly said "Tiffany, remember," before she could stress over it too much.

Tiffi blinked, and then shook her head. "You had us worried last night," Tom said.

I chuckled humorlessly. "That makes four of us. I -- we -- can't thank you enough. Tiffi said you managed to get us all the way home, that must have been rough."

She shrugged it off. "It wasn't so hard. I told Bridget you were tired and stressed over the cheerleader tryouts. Lame, I know, but she let it slide. I think she noticed you and Jake disappear together, and return separately. There'll probably be some questions tonight, she'll be worried about you."

I made a wry face. "If it's just questions tonight, we'll be lucky." I explained my suspicions about Jake. She mulled that over, but in the end, had to shake her head. "It's possible, but I don't see why Jacobi would bother. Or how he and Jake are connected. Maybe Isabella can help?"

I nodded, I'd come to the same conclusions. I studied her face. "How are you doing? I don't know how I might help you, is there something that Tiffi or I could be doing?"

She gave a self-deprecating shrug. "I can't complain, really, since I'm not even here unless you call me out. Just... don't forget about me?" I gave her a strong hug, and kissed her on the forehead. "We won't forget, I promise." She smiled sadly, and hugged me back.

I had to ask the question. "How's Tiffi really doing?"

She thought about it for a few moments, examining their recent memories, before exhaling slowly. "It's... complicated. She's just a kid, she's had real sex twice in her life, fumbling boy-girl stuff -- well, you know. You two giggled under the sheets once in a while, but that was just for fun; it's always been boys, for her.

"But it's not just playing, anymore. Suddenly she's her sister's dominatrix. Which maybe makes her a lesbian. And incestuous, to boot. Which confuses her, because the idea really, really turns her crank. She feels guilty for taking advantage of your need, and enjoying it. She feels guilty for wanting to just curl up in a ball and wish things back to the way they should be. She resents feeling guilty, and she feels more guilty for feeling resentful. She's worried, because she doesn't have any idea what you need, how far she should go to protect you against the Jakes of this world, how far she wants to go..." She drew a deep breath.

"And then there's the orgasms. Jeeezus, they're habit-forming."

I rolled my eyes. "Tell me about it."

Tiffi's voice was full of concern. "Steffi, she really needs to sort this out. You two are used to talking your problems out, but this time you're part of the problem. She's got nowhere to go, nobody who'd even believe her."

I sighed unhappily. I was carrying my own share of guilt, too, for imposing this on her. Inspiration struck. "Maybe... you and Tiff could talk? Well, write notes to each other or something?"

She brightened. "Yeah, that might work. We could just use her laptop." A chuckle. "We'll drive you nuts, though," she predicted.

I laughed. "Oh, right. My sister needs my help just to talk to herself. That's the thing that's gonna drive me nuts."

Tiffi went over to her desk, opened her laptop, and began typing. I closed the window against the chill, and sat down cross-legged on the bed with my own laptop, and began googling.

After a few minutes, I looked up. "Looks like Jacobi called it -- he's a new junior professor, and von Sturm's the new dean. Stephen Wirtz vanished about a year ago in Guatemala, he was using subsurface radar mapping to locate new Aztec pyramids. Which the old me remembers, except the old me remembers coming back."

I hesitated, and Tiffi looked up from the laptop. "And...?" I slumped in my seat, and read the obituary. "Thomas Ng, Dean of Archeology, passed away after a brief battle with cancer. The date is just a month ago."

Tiffi was quiet a moment, then she nodded slowly. "Makes sense. In my memory, I got the news two weeks ago. Skin cancer, it'd spread. Inoperable. The magic just changed the dates a little."

I was aghast. "Oh, Tom, I'm so sorry..." She shook her head. "Sorry? Why, for heaven's sake? I was as good as dead. The magic, well, " she gestured at herself with a wry grin. "A bit of an extreme cure, maybe, but when you consider the alternative, not too bad. Besides, you're dead, too." I had to concede the point.

Tiffi typed a little more, then stood up. "Well, here goes..." She left the room. A second later, Tiffi re-entered, looking a bit dazed. I watched her carefully. "Tom left a message for you, on your computer." She nodded absently, sitting down at her desk. "I know... I remember typing it. Just not what I typed. Weird."

Tiffi read for a minute, something in the message caused her to glance over at me and giggle before returning her attention to the screen. Shortly she began to type a response. "What?" I demanded, but she waved me off. "Nuh-uh, you'll see."

Before I could protest, my cellphone chimed; I dug it out of my purse and checked the message. "STA HERE 2NITE? CN TALK WEEDING PLNS." I grinned and typed a response. "NO PLNS 4 WEEDING. BRWN THUMB." I sent the text and looked to Tiff. "Do we want to stay over at Bridge's tonight? She wants to talk about the wedding." She nodded without looking up. "Yeah, that works. We just need to remember our teaching stuff. In the morning we can walk to the studio from there."

My phone chimed again. "WEDDNG WDDNG WEDNG GRRRR!" I typed back, "OK, OK, WELL STAY OVR. WHOS WEDDNG?" Bridget's response, when it came, was a row of angry emoticons, followed by one sticking his tongue out. Brides can be so touchy.

Tiffi finished whatever she was typing and sat back from her computer. "Can you bring Tom back now?" I raised an eyebrow, but said, "Tiffany, remember." Tiffi looked vague for a second, then Tom flashed me a grin. "This was a great idea. I think it's really going to help." She immediately started typing her response to Tiff, not even reading Tiffi's message; no need, since she'd been reading it as Tiffi was typing it. I realized I could tell who was in control just from the sound of the typing; Tom was a lousy typist.

I busied myself with a reading assignment, until Tiffi stood up and left the room again, barely letting the door close before she came back in to read Tom's response. She closed her laptop, looking mischievous. "Let's get dressed, then I'll show you what Tom and I were discussing." Uh-oh. They're conspiring, already.

Tiffi threw on a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt for class. I started to sort through the closet, deciding what I was going to wear, but she stopped me. "Hold on a sec, sis."

She sat down on my bed, tucking her legs under her, and I sat down to face her. She took my hands in hers. "Steff, the whole talking to Tom thing... it was a brilliant idea, I love you for it. You have no idea how much it helps, to have another perspective on... all this." She made a face. "Anyway, with only the rest of the day before you're likely to run into Jake again, -- or somebody like him -- we thought it wouldn't hurt to keep reinforcing our new... relationship. So," -- the mischievous look came back again -- "I'm going to pick your outfit, Steffi-girl."

I couldn't help but shiver at her use of my playtime name, but I must have looked apprehensive, because her expression quickly became earnest. "It won't be so bad, I'm not sending you out naked, or anything. But Tom thinks this will really help."

I nodded, hestitantly. "Okay, thith," I squeaked, in my little-girl voice.

She clapped her hands and squealed, "Ooooo you're so adorable when you use that voice!" She leapt off the bed and began sorting through my drawers, holding up various of my bras for inspection. "Let's see... this one, I think... and nice lacy undies to go with..." She tossed me a sheer demi-cup bra, in black, and matching panties, followed in short order by a pair of white knee socks. "Put those on, while I pick a blouse and skirt -- oh, and you might want a panty liner," she grinned knowingly.

I changed while she terrorized my closet, finally selecting a collared blouse and a red tartan miniskirt. "Awww, not a thcoolgirl? Weawwy?" I protested, finally seeing where this was going. Tiff nodded brightly. "Less talk, more dressing. When you're dressed, I want your hair up in piggies."

The blouse was sheer, clearly showing off my bra -- and my excited nipples. I carefully parted my hair down the middle, and put it up in pigtails, tying them high above each ear with ribbons that matched my skirt. My hair was long enough that the piggies still fell well below my shoulders. Knowing what Tiff wanted, I put on some blush, blue eyeshadow, and went a little heavy on the mascara and eyeliner, finishing with a scarlet lipstick and a pair of large hoop earrings.

Tiffi had dug out my tallest heels; a pair of black patent stilettos with an ankle strap. I towered over her as she loosely knotted a black leather tie around my neck, fussing to make sure it was under my collar. The black strip ran straight down my chest and dangled off into space, like some kind of suicidal toboggan run. "God, you are so hot when you pout!" she exclaimed, pulling me down to her level and kissing me hard on the lips. "Grab what you need for this afternoon, and walk me to class."

"Yeth, big thithter."

"Good girl," she grinned. I squirmed with pleasure, then hastily added a few more panty liners to my purse and grabbed some books -- any books -- I could hold to my chest, and followed Tiffy out.

The air was chill, although the sun was warm; I wished Tiffi had let me wear a sweater. On the bright side, at least there'd be a more innocent explanation for the little tents in my blouse. I felt like an eye-magnet. I was sure that even over the horizon, men were looking in the direction of my tits and drooling. "I wook wike a thlut." I sulked, in my little-girl voice.

"You look like sex on toast, baby sis." she agreed. "I know it seems harsh, but Tom and I thought it would be a good for you to be an obedient girl, to reinforce the mind-set, even when I wasn't around. We needed to come up with something you wouldn't want to do, otherwise there'd be no point in doing it. Hopefully, you'll get used to feeling that I'm in charge, even when I'm not around."

Owned. The thought depressed Stephen and turned Steffi on; but I had to admit the logic seemed sound.

We'd arrived at her building. Tiffi stopped for a moment and straightened my tie. "Okay, a few rules. You're not to go back to the dorm until after your class this afternoon. You're not to hide; you have to go to class, and you have to remain in plain sight of at least five people as much as possible..." She undid the third and fourth buttons on my blouse, exposing my cleavage almost down to my bra, "and those buttons stay undone." She gave me a quick peck on the cheek, and licked at my earlobe. "Num. I have an errand to run after class, I'll see you back at the dorm later."

I clutched at her arm as she turned to go, "Do I weawwy havta talk wike thith?" I sounded like a petulant child. She looked uncertain for a second, then winked and nodded, and disappeared into the building.

"Gweat. Jutht gweat." I muttered. I didn't have to do as I was told, but I really wanted to be a good, obedient, submissive girl, and the humiliation was providing some erotic positive reinforcement. I realized Tiffi and Tom had set up a clever fork -- if I could work up the nerve, I could disobey my instructions and just go back to the dorm, and the cycle would be broken, or at least dented. If I could be disobedient once, I could do it again, and it would become easier with time. On the other hand, if I was a good girl, then my obedience to Tiffi would be reinforced. Either way, I'd be more resistant to men like Jake.

I dithered on the busy sidewalk outside the building for several minutes. I'd take a few steps towards the dorm, but then my resolution would waver, and I'd take a few steps back, growing increasingly angry with myself. Like an addict, I knew what I wanted, but I didn't want to want it. Judging by the looks I was getting, I must have looked like an idiot. An idiot schoolgirl porno wet dream.

Eventually I stomped in frustration and caved in: either path led to freedom from Jake, but in the end, God help me, I really wanted to be submissive little Steffi-girl. As I headed off towards the library, motion at a window caught my eye; I thought I saw Tiff step back out of sight. It looked like she was crying, but that was probably just a trick of the light.

The library had seemed like the safest place to be; I thought could sit at a table in the open, in plain sight, hunched over some books, pretending to study. At least nobody would expect me to talk, but that was small consolation. The area around my table became the single most popular research spot in the entire library for horny teenage males; every time I would glance up, I could almost hear a Click! as dozens of eyeballs suddenly flicked back to the books in front of them. I was blushing and squirming uncomfortably, aroused, and humiliated by my arousal, and aroused at my humiliation.

I made several trips to the washroom to try to find some relief, and it came readily, but it was transient. My breast was still throbbing painfully, every time I moved; counterpoint to the delicious sensation in my nipples and below. I grew increasingly resentful of my predicament, but that didn't lessen what my body was feeling. The constant, persistent, horniness never went away, never even slackened. My nipples were still set on high beam, although the constant stimulation was rapidly becoming less pleasurable and more painfully irritating.

Finally, I sighed, clasped my books protectively to my chest, and headed to the Campus Center for lunch.

In the cafeteria I bought a toasted bagel with peanut butter and a chocolate milk, and grabbed a single table, facing the wall. I opened my books and pretended to read while I ate, hoping to discourage interruptions.

"Steffi? or Tiffi, I can't tell. Come join us!" Oh, shit.

I cringed, and turned to face the familiar voice. I smiled weakly, and gave her an embarrassed finger-wave. "Oh, hi Deb." Her eyebrows shot up as she took in my sluttish new look, and her lips quirked in amusement at the sound of my little girl voice. "Steffi?" I nodded, reluctantly. A few tables behind her I could see Anna and Carol. Both looked more than a little shocked at my appearance.

The scene seared itself into my mind, like a horrific photograph: Deb's eyes all over me, taking in all the humiliating details; my little girl pigtails, the thin blouse revealing the sexy bra underneath. The short skirt. The expanse of my breasts, beginning to burn with shame. Especially the hot points of my nipples, practically waving at her. Anna and Carol staring openly, beginning to whisper to each other and snicker at me. I was a deer in the headlights, frozen, mortified in front of the only friends I had made at school without Tiffi's help, now about to be lost forever.

I knew I could have stopped it there. I could have laughed it off, done up my blouse, and explained in a normal voice that I'd lost a bet, or something. They'd tease me for a few weeks, we'd giggle about it, and it would be over.

Instead, I chose -- I chose -- to give up my friends. To turn and run. The arousal I felt at this deepest, most public humiliation threatened to overwhelm me. My stomach churned at the knowledge of what I had freely given up, the path I was surely on, what I was, what I was choosing to be.

I grabbed my things and dashed for the washroom, ducking my head, blushing uncontrollably, my pulse hammering in my veins, my breath coming in gasps. The orgasm hit me as I was vomiting my lunch into the toilet.

I stayed in the washroom for as long as I could manage, praying they wouldn't follow me in. When I left, I went the long way around, avoiding the cafeteria just to make sure.

The class was anticlimactic; I arrived a few minutes late, so I could sit at the back of the lecture hall, speak to no-one, and be the first to leave. That's not to say it was uneventful -- somehow guys all the way at the front of the hall, who couldn't possibly have seen me come in, found a reason to turn and check out the back of the hall.

Collapsing on my bed back in the dorm felt like crossing a finish line. My stiletto heels had never been intended for walking around a large campus; my feet were cramped and sore, and my calf muscles felt on the verge of rebelling. My bra felt like sandpaper across my inflamed nipples; they were twin points of agony any time I moved. My bruised breast felt swollen and achy. My arousal had continued unabated all day; I slid my fingers into my panties and stroked myself to a shuddering orgasm, but the relief didn't last.

I longed to get undressed, but chose to remain in the clothes that Tiffi had told me to wear, until she said I could take them off again. I cursed my own submissiveness. By the time Tiffi came back, the afternoon sun had moved on. She found me sitting on the bed in the darkness, just staring off into space. I yelped and flung my arm across my eyes as she flicked on the light, startling her.

"Steffi! You scared me. Did I wake you?" I shook my head. "No, it'th okay." I squeaked, in the voice I knew turned her on.

"Oh. Well good news! I stopped off at the Athletic Center on the way back, we made the cut!"

"That'th great." I tried to copy the excitement I might have felt yesterday, but it seemed like such a small and distant thing, now. Still, I knew it was important to her.

She looked at me oddly, sensing that my enthusiasm didn't match her own, but she continued. "I went downtown this afternoon, I was shopping for a gift for you." She presented me with a jewelry box, I opened it to find a thin gold bracelet.

"Oh! It'th pwetty." I tried to mean it.

She nodded and showed me the inscription on the inside. "For my Steffi-girl, from Tiffi."

I forced a smile, "Thankth, I wove it!", as she slipped it onto my wrist.

"We -- Tom and I -- thought it might be another thing to help you."

Great. Like a slave collar, only more fashionable.

She gave me a hug, and her arm brushed across my breast. I flinched and turned away with a whimper. "Baby, what's the matter, are you hurt?" I shrugged. "It'th okay. Can I get changed now? We need to get going thoon."

Realization struck, she had the grace to look guilty. "Oh, my God, you were waiting for me to tell you? Oh, honey, of course you can, I'm so sorry. How did it go for you today?"

I stood up, turning to face her as I pulled the tie loose and began removing my blouse. I've been horny, and ashamed, and in pain most of the day for you. I shamed myself in front of three friends I can never face again. Shame you missed it. How was your day? My voice was neutral. "I did ath you told me."

I dropped my blouse on the bed, the bruise a dark, mottled stain on my skin. I unclipped my bra, removing it carefully, the swollen breast hanging painfully free. I cradled it with my arm.

Tiffi gasped at the bruise. "Oh, sweetie, what happened?" I shrugged, sitting to undo the straps and remove the shoes with my free hand, then standing up to slip out of the skirt. "That'th fwom Jake, latht night."

I sat on the edge of the bed to undo the straps and remove my shoes and knee socks with my free hand, sighing in relief as I wiggled my toes and flexed my heels. There was blood on one sock; a blister had burst. I pulled the ribbons from my hair and combed my fingers through it.

"And, those?" She winced at the sight of my nipples, still hard, red and raw-looking; with the bra off, the lack of stimulation felt wonderful.

"That'th fwom today." There was no accusation, only statement of fact.

Tiffi looked shaken. "From today? W-why are they like that?"

I checked the clock. "Becauthe they've been hard and wubbing againtht that thin wacy bra for about theven hours now."

"They were har -- oh, God, you've been turned on all this time?"

Oblivious to Tiffi's expression, I rummaged through my gym bag to find a small box of adhesive bandages, hooray for always being the one prepared for stubbed toes or broken nails. I carefully bandaged my blistered heel, then stuck one across each of my poor nipples, for protection.

I spoke in a detached voice, "I believe the idea wath to thpend the day doing thomething humiwiating. Tho I'd conthtantwy be weminded that I wath obedient to your dethireth, that you owned me. And being obedient maketh me horny ath hell. And being humiwiated maketh me hornier thtill." Tiff, you knew this.

I sorted through my drawers, pulling out a sports bra, and a lightly padded satin t-shirt bra, debating the merits of each on my sore breasts. Wincing at the thought of the sports bra compressing the bruise, I slipped on the smooth t-shirt bra. My nipples still hurt, but they didn't rub so much any more. I grabbed some clean panties and some sockettes.

Tiffi's face was anguished, "But... you didn't have to..."

I didn't dignify that with a reply as I squeezed into a clean pair of jeans, and turned to begin packing some overnight things into a bag.

"Oh, Steffi, baby, I'm so, so, sorry, I had no idea it would turn out this way." she said in a broken voice. She reached her hand out tentatively to touch my arm.

Sure, wind up sex toy Steffi, set her loose on campus, and take off for the day. What could go wrong? Oh, Tiffi, I trusted you!

"It'th okay." I refused to look at her, as I sat at our tiny makeup table and began to remove my makeup. "Do you want me to be Thteffi-girl tonight? I need to know what makeup I thould put on."

Tiffi withdrew her hand, and wrapped her arms around herself. "Oh -- no, of course not, Stephanie Louise." I could glimpse her in the mirror, looking lost, gazing blankly in my direction, but not really seeing. She hesitated, "C-Can you call Tom for me? Please?"

I wasn't especially interested in dealing with Tom. "You'd better get ready, we're gonna be late." It felt strange to use my normal voice.

Her voice was tiny. "I-I really need to talk to Tom. Please, Steffi."

I sighed. "Tiffany remember." I proceeded to redo my makeup for work.

Tiffi watched me in silence for a moment. "Steff, she's really sorry. It wasn't meant to work out like this." Tiffi's voice was a little stronger, coming from Tom.

"Fuck off, Tom." The words surprised us both, but they were delivered without heat. "If you want to talk to her, make it quick, because I'm leaving soon."

Tom gave me a worried look, but sat down and opened Tiffi's laptop. I pulled on a Mulligan's staff tee shirt, and started brushing my hair while she typed. I felt a little guilty, so I dragged it out until finally Tom stepped outside, and Tiffi stepped back in again.

I gave her a few moments to read Tom's message, before I reminded her. "You need to get ready for work."

Her eyes lit with accumulated frustration, and she shot to her feet. There was pain in her voice, but I refused to hear it. "Steffi, I said I was sorry! Talk to me! What can I do? What do you want from me?"

A big sister. "Nothing, " I shrugged, not meeting her eyes. "I said it was okay. Don't worry about it, it happens. You need to pack for Bridget's, too." My emotions felt wrapped in cotton wool, stifled.

Tiff threw her hands in the air, exasperated. "Alright! okay! Fine, I get it, I'm moving! I'm so glad to have a big sister." she said, acidly.

"Yeah, I used to be, too." The words were whispered before I could hold them back, hanging in the air between us like proverbial lead balloons. There was nothing more to say that wouldn't make things worse, so in the awkward silence I picked up my things and left for work.

Mulligans was a campus hot spot on a Friday night. It was already starting to bustle when I dropped my stuff in the office, pasted on my best cheerleader smile, and paid Uncle Brian his mandatory kiss. I told him Tiff was running late and she'd be along shortly, and hoped I wasn't lying.

Bridget was working the front room with Stella. I waved to her, and she stuck her tongue out at me before grinning and waving back. The back room was slower to fill, but there was plenty to keep a lone server busy, and with the loud music, and shouted conversations, and navigating trays of beer through the swelling crowds, I was grateful that it kept me too busy to think of anything else.

Presently Stella came back to work the room with me, and I caught sight of Tiffi in the front room. A small part of me was relieved that she'd made it, after that I looked for her when I could. In the glimpses I caught she seemed to be her usual cheerful self, waiting tables, flirting for tips, good-natured bandying with customers, dodging stray hands. Once I thought I caught her looking in my direction, but she looked away so quickly I was probably mistaken.

I wish I could have put on a show for her, pretended to be as upbeat as she was, but as the evening wore on, it was getting harder and harder to just do my job. The bandage on my blister had rubbed off, and the back of my sneaker was rubbing painfully against the sore with every step. My left breast had started to throb again, and it got worse if I used that arm; the first time I tried to lift a pitcher of beer left-handed I screeched and almost dropped it.

It didn't help that I was distracted and nervous, trying to catch sight of every new arrival, checking every face in the crowd, scanning every table, for Jake. I had no idea how I would react to him, if he was standing in front of me. I'd be very afraid, but I was worried that might not be enough. Once, I thought I'd seen his profile for a moment before it vanished in the crowd; I froze, almost unable to breathe, until the table I was waiting managed to get my attention again.

Still, I made it past midnight and was into the home stretch when Stella pulled me aside and pointed to the back of my shoe. The blister had burst and was bleeding freely down the back of my sneaker, and I had been leaving a trail of bloody heel prints.

"Steffi, seriously, you look awful. Take a break, and look after that blister."

I grimaced. "It's not that bad, really. I'll get another bandage from the first-aid kit."

Stella gave me a piercing look. "Kid, you've been limping for at least the last hour. Bridget said you weren't feeling well last night, and you look out of it now." She pressed the back of her hand to my forehead. "Are you okay? Maybe Tiffi should take you home."

I shook my head quickly. "No, no, I can manage. It's just another hour or so. If Tiff takes me home you'll be two short."

She sighed, and pushed me towards the office. "Go, sit down and take a load off. Get a bandage, I'll manage for a few minutes."

In truth, it was heavenly to just sit on the couch in the office, and close my eyes, but I didn't want Stella to wonder what had happened to me, and maybe tell Tiffi. I pulled out the first-aid kit and dressed the blister with some antibiotic ointment and a fresh bandage, and used some wide first-aid tape to cover that, to keep it from rubbing off against the back of my shoe again. Closing my eyes, I took a few slow, deep breaths, and then left the office, stepping into the narrow hallway.

To find that my way was blocked. "Hey, college-girl," Jake purred.

My heart stopped, and my breath froze in my chest for an age, then everything kickstarted, double time. "J-Jake... I need to go back to work now. L-let me by, please." I tried to look past him, but nobody was looking our way, and I couldn't shout over the music and noise.

His voice was smug. "Awww, now baby, don't be like that. We don't need to take long. You know you liked it. You want some more, doncha?" He took a step towards me, and another, forcing me to back away towards the door to the alley.

I shook my head, "No, Jake. No more. L-let me by." I tried to sound certain, but in fact I was far from sure. He was here, and now. His closeness made this morning's exercise seem a lifetime in the past. I clutched at my bracelet, like a protective amulet. Jake or Tiffi, what does it matter? They're all the same. I end up hurting.

He was close now, close enough to smell. Cigarette smoke, and musky cologne. The palm of his hand stroked my cheek, as I pressed my back to the door. My body was betraying me, reacting to his presence, the familiar fire building between my legs. His fingers curled tightly into my hair, making me gasp, and when his lips pressed tightly to mine, I invited his probing tongue without conscious thought.

He broke the kiss with a leer. "There, now, see? You say no, but you don't mean it, not for Jake." I couldn't look at him, couldn't raise my eyes. The betrayal of my body was complete; the arousal burning in my belly, washing over me, fueled by my submission, and shame, and degradation.

He placed his hand gently on my breast, and I winced in pain, and anticipation of pain. "N-no, don't... that -- that one hurts..." I pleaded, but he smiled cruelly. "But college-girl likes it rough."

Jake's fingers clamped down hard, almost exactly over the bruise, and the agony exploded, a cleansing white-hot wave that left room for nothing else. I screamed and clawed his face, my nails drawing deep furrows across his forehead and cheek. He jerked back instinctively, to protect his eyes.

"OW! Jesus!" He dabbed at the scratches tentatively, checking for blood, which was already beginning to flow. The agony still wracked me, I was hunched over, cradling my tortured breast, when the backhand caught me across the face, crashing me back into the door. Dazed, I barely felt him kick open the door, and shove me hard out into the alley. I landed on my back, wind knocked out of me, my head striking the pavement hard enough to blur my vision.

"You CUNT!" His kick caught me in the ribs, hard enough to lift me up and roll me over. I lay half curled, facing away from him, waiting for the final blow, the one that would end this; but it never came. From a million miles away, I sensed his departing footsteps.

I lay in the alley for a while, trying to curl myself around the pain, but there wasn't enough of me to go around. I worried that Tiffi would come looking for me again, and I couldn't let her see me, couldn't face her disappointment. I'm sorry, Tiffi, I tried to be a good girl.

It took about a hundred years to reach the wall, and another hundred for me to climb all the way to my feet, but I made it. I could barely see out of one eye, and the other didn't always want to point where I wanted to go, but slowly I managed to lurch towards the street. The good news is, I can hardly feel my blister. I giggled.

"Blister, sister.... sister blister..." That made an entertaining little song to sing, as my feet stumbled along the sidewalk. I was using whatever support I could find, storefronts, mostly, staggering across the sidewalk to the occasional streetlamp. Several times I discovered that I'd followed a wall around the corner into another alleyway, but they always seemed to open onto another street, eventually. Or sometimes maybe it was the same street.

Once, I needed to fall down and lie on the cold sidewalk with my eyes closed for a moment, or a year, before my path became clear. A couple of times, I could have sworn I heard somebody call my name, but I couldn't seem to draw enough breath to respond; besides, I didn't want Tiffi to find me. I had a plan, I was sure I did. I just wasn't telling me yet.

Eventually, I realized I was shivering at the front steps to the dorm building. The temperature had dropped sharply with the sun, there would be frost on the ground in the morning. My teeth were chattering, and I couldn't seem to catch my breath. The door to our room was stuck. Keys are in your purse. Purse is at the bar. Doesn't matter. You need a shower anyway. A warm, warm shower. Somebody's been bleeding on you. I stumbled my way to the showers.

Somebody had left something shiny on the counter by the mirrors. I grabbed it and held it in my fist, not letting myself see it, grinning at the game. It's a surprise. My breath was whistling in my throat as I spun the taps, taking great care to make sure the temperature was just right, before I stepped in, clothes and all, and slid down the wall. The shower splashed off the tiles behind me, soaking my hair and plastering my tee shirt to my back. It felt like a warm hug; good, comforting, it made me sleepy.

I opened my fist to show myself the surprise I found. Nail scissors. Nice, I could use a pair of those. I studied my damaged nails for a moment, then I opened the scissors and sliced into my wrists, over and over again, until the blood ran down my palms and off my fingers and onto the tiles, and made fluffy pink swirly clouds down the drain.

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