Sequel or Series Episode

My Summer Holiday

My Summer Holiday
Rebecca Anna Coleman


I took a deep breath as I peered toward the marshy landscape that was coastal Alabama. The Weather was warm, and the smell of salt and dead fish hung heavy in the air. I was never one for long car rides, but the ride from Benton to Sea Breeze, Alabama had thus far taken around seven hours and we were still at least an hour out of Sea Breeze, that seven hours of sitting next to my cousin, who seemed to be in a world of her own.

Beware of unexpected post, part 2

The doorbell rang, you dived for it at full speed.

Stood there was a bike courier, anonymous in their black riders clothes and the full visored helmet, they thrust a rectangular parcel at you to check the address. You agreed it was for you, signed their clip board and rushed back into the room.

The seals were secure but a sharp knife and the box was soon open. Inside was a blue latex item as expected, but heavy, you unwrapped it and realised it was a waist cinching corset, the weight from the large amount of boning.


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