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(aka Bike) Part 1280 by Angharad Copyright © 2011 Angharad
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Back at home, I had a cuppa to refresh me and then got started on dinner. “Anyone seen Stella?” I asked when I heard footsteps behind me.
“Um–Mummmmy–Auntie Stella’s behind you and she has a knife in her hand,” Trish spoke very quietly. “Please don’t hurt my mummy, Auntie Stella.”
“Shut up you little bitch, unless you wanna be next.”
I stared into the window and saw her reflection, she was about six feet away. I turned quickly and edged away from the sink where I’d been preparing vegetables. “Put the knife down, please, Stella, you’re frightening the children.”
“First Des and now Gareth–you can’t help yourself, can you? You slut.”
“Please put down the knife, Stella, and then we can talk about this amicably and rationally.”
“Rationally? Hah, you’re insatiable, you bitch.”
“No I’m not, nor am I unfaithful. I made vows when I married Simon, I intend to keep them.”
“I didn’t hear you vow chastity.”
“I didn’t vow it as an individual matter, but I did vow to love him and forsake all others, which is the same in my book.”
“You don’t expect me to believe you?”
“What you believe is a matter for you, Stella, but I have never been unfaithful to Simon, and I believe he has stayed faithful to me.”
“I wasn’t talking about Simon, I was talking about you and my fiancé. You’ve been away together much of the day after he drugged me so I couldn’t stop your dirty liaison.”
“Put the knife down, Stella.”
“Why should I?”
“Someone could get hurt.”
“If I get my way, someone could get dead.” Stella looked at me with murderous eyes.
She advanced closer and I moved further from the sink. From the corner of my eye I saw Trish move further away still, then while my gaze was on the knife in Stella’s hand, I saw movement and Trish started pelting Stella with potatoes and carrots. One large spud hit her on the head and she turned to threaten Trish. Trish threw another potato and it hit her in the face. Enraged she rushed at Trish and I threw myself on her back and we both crashed into the table, me holding on to her hands, especially the one with the knife as we rolled onto the floor, her on top of me.
Trish came to help and Stella slashed. I saw the look of disbelief on the child’s face then she screamed and collapsed–blood pouring from her. In my shock I allowed Stella to escape me and she pulled herself to her feet and began threatening me again with the now bloody knife.
“What have you done you stupid woman?” I screamed at her and rolled over away from her, springing to my feet. She slashed, I sidestepped and with a right cross that any boxer would have been proud of, I caught her on the chin and she dropped like a stone.
I rushed over to Trish who was very pale and shocked, her eyes were moving but she wasn’t seeing anything. I screamed for help. Jenny came running, “Get an ambulance and quickly.”
I grabbed a clean tea towel and held it over the wound, she’d lost quite a lot of blood.
“The ambulance is coming,” Jenny said and then followed it with, “What the hell happened?”
“Stella went funny and wanted to stab me, Trish tried to help me and got stabbed as I struggled with her. Tie her up so she can’t hurt anyone else. Call the police.”
Jenny found some string in the kitchen drawer and tied Stella’s hands behind her back. The knife was picked up very carefully to avoid contamination of fingerprints. I continued talking to Trish who was fighting to stay conscious and I’m afraid was losing the battle.
“C’mon, girl, stay with me–you’re going to be alright–trust me, I’m your mother.” I watched as she smiled at me.
“Love you, Mummy,” she said and her eyes rolled up into the tops of the sockets and her head went limp.
Sirens sounded very close and two paramedics rushed into the kitchen.
“Shit–what happened?”
“My daughter has been stabbed.” He looked down at the child in my arms, I was still holding the towel over her lower abdomen and trying to keep her alive.
“What’s with the other one?” he nodded at Stella.
“I hit her, she stabbed my Trish, I decked her. Be careful she’s pregnant.”
More sirens and the room was suddenly filled with police and paramedics.
“Let’s get her to A&E quick–come along, Mum–you too. You’ll have to wait fellas–for a statement I mean. This one is pretty sick.”
He picked up Trish like she was a feather, his hand clamped on her wound and he ran to his van. I was right behind him.
“Can you drive?” he shouted.
“You bet,” I ran to the front and started up the ambulance and pushed the siren lever and drove like the devil to the hospital. I reckon we did it in under eight minutes but time was on hold for me.
I stopped at the A&E entrance and he jumped out of the back carrying Trish and sprinted into the hospital. I picked out the keys of the vehicle and ran after him locking the van as I left.
They stopped me at reception and I was made to sit and catch my breath. “Have a coffee and calm down, you can’t do anything else but wait. She’s gone straight in, she’ll be alright.”
I realised I was covered in blood–none of it my own. I felt very scared and very alone. A nurse came and sat next to me. “I’ve seen you here before, haven’t I?”
“I always seem to be here.”
“What’s your little girl’s name and what happened?”
I told her and she wrote it down.
“Wait here, as soon as we know something, we’ll let you know.”
I sat there in shock. Ken Nicholls appeared. “Okay, Cathy, come through please.”
I jumped to my feet and walked quickly into the office. “She’s got a nasty wound near the bladder, I’ve sent for Mick O’Rourke–we’re going to have to operate and soon. We need your consent to do whatever we have to in her best interest.”
“Of course,” I signed the form. “Is she going to be alright?”
“I hope so,” he shrugged, “Go home get showered and changed and come back and maybe bring some of that magic you have with you. I think she’s going to need it.”
I nodded, asked them to get me a taxi and waited for it to take me home. Once home, I learned that Stella had been taken off to hospital to be checked out, and the police were waiting for me for a statement. I gave one very quickly, showered, dressed and phoned Simon as I was on the way back to the hospital. He called Tom to go straight home and help Jenny, he also called Julie and told her the same. Then he phoned Henry and told him what had happened. Apparently Henry’s shout of anguish was heard on two floors.
I was waiting in the surgical waiting area when Si arrived. He gave me a massive hug and I dissolved in tears. “Has anyone called Gareth?” he asked. I shrugged, I had no idea, it wasn’t a priority of mine. “I’ll be back in a mo,” he said and went off with his phone in his hand.
He was back a few minutes later. We sat and hugged for a couple of hours and finally when I was feeling faint with tiredness, the two surgeons emerged, still in their scrubs. They looked exhausted.
“Oi’m afraid Oi’ve had to do someting pretty radical,” said O’Rourke. “Da wound was a nasty one, it had transected her penis an’ penetrated her abdomen jus’ missin’ her bladder an’ bowel–quite how, ‘tis a miracle. Seein’ as she was such a mess, an’ dere’ll be scarrin’ anyhow, Oi’ve done a vaginoplasty an’ clitoroplasty. Oi’m sorry we didn’t discuss it, but it was necessary. If she ever wants t’ be a boy again, she’s gonna have troubles.”
I hugged him and kissed him on the cheek, “Thank you, I’m sure you’ve done the right thing. Can we see her?”
“Right this way,” said Ken Nicholls, “See if you can do your magic, she’s pretty poorly and far from out of the woods yet. She lost a lot of blood.”
“An’ dis was done boi Stella?” O’Rourke shook his head, “She is some sick woman, so she is.”

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I Feel So Sorry For Her
In her screwed up mind, it's all justified. Manic-depressive, bi-polar, probably worse.
Cathy is such a victim. She doesn't bring it on herself; she's like a maelstorm (sp.) sucking all this misfortune and good fortune in. It's probably a test perpetrated by the goddess. Obviously, Trish needs all the help Cathy can give her. Stella needs her help, too. This can't go on if this family is to stay whole.
Flash! Of course what's his name told Stella about coming upon the two in the house. That evil spirited SOB must be properly dealt with, too. Maybe he will go Gay or Tranny bashing and get dealt with properly. It would be nice if were a slow, crippling punishment involving being infected with HIV, and being totally immobilized.
The word you were looking for is maelstrom.
nice one
It was only a matter of time before the ugly green eyed monster reappeared!
Go Ang, go!
I'm sure Trish won't be too put out at getting the surgery even if its an unconventional route!
Maddy Bell
Madeline Anafrid Bell
That's a hell of a way
to get SRS. If Trish survives, she'll always be grateful to a deranged Stella. I read it that Stella was taken by the police. If so, and if it's not dealt with correctly, that should finish her journey off the rails.
Action-packed episode A+B.
Thank you.
Definitely a shocker!
Ang, you never cease to amaze. Thanks for another hair raising installment of "As Stella goes off her nut..."
I do hope she'll be ok...
Poor Trish…
…or is she? While not the ideal way to get an early SRS, I reckon that she will be rather pleased if she survives and is properly healed up. I can think of one young lady who will be pleased for her namesake but also upset that she was attacked; that same person will also be jealous, although she only has a couple of years or so to wait before she can have hers.
Maybe Cathy's blue light will be of assistance? But what will Julie and Billie think.
(who just HAD to comment tonight)
At first
I thought it was just a nightmare, and Cathy would wake up screaming and fighting. Guess it was a real nightmare. Terrible shame. Guess they won't keep this one off the books.
Have to agree
Was worried yesterday about Stella's reaction but really thought this was a dream.
Well, I Missed the Outcome on That One
Bonzi must have written this posting. I guess Stella's just got no chance of a reasonably happy life.
Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 1280
What a mixed blessing for her. Maybe after being BLUE LIGHTED, she can help Cathy to heal Stella's mental wonkiness.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Perhaps Stella has got some form of Pre NatalPsychosis.
My niece Jane had a form called Post Natal Puerperal Psychosis after giving birth to her second child and she committed suicide because of it.
(What is it with Bloody psychiatrists! Too often wrong or too often late or too often both!)
I think Stella's psychosis might be connected to pregnancy and subsequent hormonal imbalances.
My niece could not face letting her own mother see her children because her mother was the same woman who had abused me, Jane and her other nephews and nieces. (You see consequential abuse stemming from such disorders often runs in families and caused me try suicide as well.)
Ah well, that's enough of shit for now.
This is a very good chapter but a very disturbing one, (for me anyway,).
Thanks and hugs, much food for thought.
Let's hear it for the blues and twos (plus the hoped for 'blue light').
Growing old disgracefully.
It Is Sad And Frightening At The Same Time
This episode is both frightening and sad. Stella was doing so well for so long and now everything is so messed up. I hate to even mention it, but if Stella makes it through her pregnancy then they will probably have to consider tying her tubes. This incident has definitely brought home the point that she cannot be off her meds. The only other option I see is Cathy maybe using the Blue light to try to cure her of her mental illness.I seem to recall that she used the Blue light to release some bad experiences from the mind of someone who suffered sexual abuse or sexual assault when she was younger.
uncomfortably close to home
As someone who has been threatened with a knife by a delusional loved one, this episode was, well, less entertaining than usual. I won't stop reading, but I don't see a believable happy ending in this for Stella, unless Cathy wakes up and it was all a nightmare.
Most of the anti-psychotics they'd want to put her on are probably bad for the baby she's carrying. None of them are instant fixes for mental illness. But didn't her previous pregnancy go this way? Plus she'll have to live with the memory of what she's done for the rest of her life.
Even if Trish is ultimately pleased with the outcome, and is book smart beyond her years, seriously, she is six years old. A woman she loved and trusted attacked her with a knife and almost killed her. That's a horrifically scary trauma, even for an adult. It's got to leave some scars, and not the physical kind. How is she ever going to be able to sleep in that house, knowing crazy Stella is just across the hall?
Gareth may be a prince among men, but he should run, not walk from this marriage.
Still, I'm open to surprises.
What is it with Stella?
Did she go off her medications? That poor woman is going to kill herself and/or others sometime.
Strange that Trish got her SRS as a result of the knifing. Expecting Cathy to help her heal. This is one where I really hope A&B don't disappoint.
Then again, Cathy could wake up from a really nasty nightmare.
... can cause latent psychosis to manifest. It happened to a friend of mine. She was really off her nut and in the psych hospital after the birth of her second child. She didn't have any more. I would recommend that Stella get her tubes tied, too.
Hate to be right
about the pregnancy insanity stuff. There is the distinct possibility she as to stay locked up for the duration of her pregnancy and for a while afterward or if worse comes to worst, she needs to abort. That is not the happiest of scenarios but Stella cannot go through any more pregnancies. If she survives this one then she must be required to have her tubes tied. No arguments.
Oh, and as for Trish's SRS, well Cathy's Blue Light did not kick in at the house which should have happened so it sounds like her SRS was meant to be.
When is Stella ever gonna get a break?
Well, mental illness is ugly business isn't it? We had to know that Trish would survive, what with the blue light, but just as things are looking up for Stella, this happens to her. I've had episodes just like that and I mean exactly but fortunately I don't have a violent bone in my body.
I just feel so sorry for her. Too bad she couln't have stayed there and have Garret just move in. I'm sure all the stress, even the good stuff triggered her.
Much peace
You set this one up... Yea, it was coming. Still didn't appreciate it.
Stella has had a very fragile "personality" for a LONG time, it seems. I hate the idea she may need to be institutionalized until the baby is born - in order to make sure they both survive... Wonder how strong her maintenance meds had been... And how long she's been off them.
As to Trish - that must have been some knife... (The typical butter knife probably wouldn't have done that much damage, I'm thinking.) Forced surgeries... Miss Trish may have some issues - as she grows... And need further surgeries as well... (One reason the surgery's not normally done at her age...) Knives in the area... I wonder how many others have thought about the Do-It-Yourself approach.
Wonder how Garth's going to deal with what happened. He seems a caring individual. I'm sure he's likely to be upset with what Stella did. He's shown he cares for her - and knows something of caring for her... Will he be able to continue to do so...
Oh, Lord!
I've had bad feelings about Stella over the past few Bikesodes. They were alleviated somewhat by yesterday's installment, but this has to be everyone's worst nightmare.
Thanks, A+B: I can't fault the writing, but sometimes I really don't like what you do to your characters. And I can see Stella turning into a Miss Haversham type figure, assuming she survives this present crisis, that is.
That Stella has injured one of the family, and with the police involved, it looks like she's going to end up committed, sectioned, or whatever the current lingo is. The last few parts of Bike have been like a slow-motion train-wreck, where you suspect what's about to happen, but are powerless to do anything about it.
I can only hope that things improve from here, and I'd still like to see Stella achieve happiness in a relationship, but it doesn't look likely at this point. While one of the outcomes might be to Trish's liking, it's an unfortunate situation that might have recurring consequences in terms of her physical growth.
Painful Struggles
Bike Resources
Bike Resources
This was quite a shock, despite being telegraphed for a few days
Poor Trish
Poor Cathy
Poor Stella
Poor Simon
Poor Gareth
Poor Henry
Poor (adopted) Siblings
and not forgetting Poor Tom, and any decision he is going to have to make!
But the series has been, is, and no doubt will be simply excellent.
How about Blue Lighting her Brain?
It would perhaps be a departure from reality. I feel so sad for Stella, but that is how it is isn't it, these things just come in and destroy a life ... later leaving and leaving the victim completely dismayed at all that transpired. GOD, sob, what the sodding hell!
I feel so sorry for Trish,
I feel so sorry for Trish, she was stabbed by an Aunt that she loved and that will play with her mind for some time to come. Knives are very, very dangerous weapons and many people do not give them the credit they deserve for being such dangerous weapons; as firearms seem to get all the "press" due to the numbers of victims shootings can result in. re: Tucson, AZ and Ft. Hood, TX in the past couple of years. A stabbing victim has more of a chance to recovery IF the knife is actually left in the wound, as more damage is down to the body when the knife is extracted by the wielder.
I do hope that the blue light will help Trish to recover from her wound and she makes a speedy recovery. I foresee Stella being incarcerated in a phych ward for sometime to come. This incident did not do her much good legally, as she did attack and cut a very young child and attacked Cathy. Even with charges filed by the police, as in this instance they really do not need Cathy to press charges, Stella will have a long road of recovery ahead of her.
I'm puzzled
Only one ambulance person? Looking after the victim (Trish)? Asking Cathy to drive the ambulance? Unusual - and what happened to the other paramedic?
One ambulance and 2 paramedics responded
One Para grabbed Trish while the other remained with Stella.
History repeats,
I hope Stella doesn't loose Gareth too.
As crazy as a bucket of frogs.
Sorry, I guess I'm not as much a Christian as I thought, stick Stella in the rubber room farm and swallow the key.
Angharad, you are evil ! At least, prescribe electro-shock therapy for the nutsy Squirrel. That and the latest fashion in tops with 5 foot sleeves. I hope you drape blame over the sedative wielding Dr Gareth.
Well Trish, If they start you on hormones shortly, your body could become very feminine, there could be changes to the shape and density of your pelvis, and as your bone growth really hasn't started yet, it's possible the ratio between the thigh and lower leg would be more female. SRS done for no fee. A win win for Trish.
Blue fog needed
Oh, crap, Is Trish okay? That woman is dangerous ! She needs to be committed by a judge. Thatnway a hearing must be held to get her out.