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(aka Bike) Part 1345 by Angharad Copyright © 2011 Angharad
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“Help is at hand,” Simon told me when he returned from wherever he’d been to phone whoever he called in private.
“Is that an aspiration or a statement of fact.”
“A bit of both, you know me, I like to spread my bets.”
That wasn’t my recollection of things but it seemed picky to argue, so I didn’t. I can actually bite my tongue when required–I just don’t enjoy it.
“How about some tea?” he said, as I instructed the children to all stay in the house. Danny was least pleased. I told him to call his friend and say we had a problem.
A little while later a large Mercedes arrived–not one that I recollected Henry driving–probably because it wasn’t one of Henry’s. I saw the driver get out and walk towards the front door.
“It’s wossisname,” I said pointing at the door.
“It had better be Jason.”
“That’s the one–I thought he was a revenue barrister?”
“He is.”
“So are we in trouble with the Revenue?”
“No, he’s here for a very good reason.”
“A cuppa?”
“He’ll probably have one–better do Earl Grey–it makes us look posher.”
“Simon, you’re an aristocrat–they don’t come much posher.”
“Oh yeah, I keep forgetting.” He roared at his own joke and I opened the door and let Jason Wilson in.
“You grow more lovely each day, Lady Cameron.”
“I’ll bet you say that to every girl you speak to.”
“Damn, you’re not supposed to know that.” He smiled a lovely white smile against a recently tanned skin.
“You took your bloody time,” said Simon joining the party.
“I was on the golf course, I thought I did bloody well.”
They shook hands and then embraced–“This berk was in school with me–did I tell you that, Cathy?”
“Yes, dear, many times. Jason would you like some tea?”
“Have you got some Earl Grey?”
“I have,” I went off to the kitchen to make the tea. When I returned Jason was on the phone to someone.
“You’ve got it?” he was asking someone. I put the tray of teas down and went back to get the biscuits.
“You’ve got your injunction.”
I assumed he was talking to Simon, so I simply stood with a plate of biscuits offering them to him.
“Did you hear that, Cathy?”
“I thought Jason was talking to you.”
“No, dear lady, I’m sort of addressing both of you–ooh, can I take a chocolate one?”
“Jason got Lewis-Armstrong to take a quick application to a judge in chambers, they’re faxing a copy over asap.”
“Louis Armstrong, I thought he was dead?”
“No, Lewis hyphen Armstrong, barrister and chambers mate to Jason.” Simon elaborated. “We’ve taken out an injunction preventing the press vultures from approaching you or the children, or harassing any of us.”
“Won’t they claim public interest?”
“They have to prove it.”
“I wouldn’t have thought it was that difficult?” I challenged.
“It can be, I won’t go into legal precedents but as you’re an individual with these alleged magical powers and you’ve asked people not to reveal your identity as part of the healing contract–someone has breached that contract or they’re guessing.”
“Oh, which d’you think it is–they claimed to have photos.”
“Photographs are so unreliable these days with all the super smart software available to mess with them.”
One of the children brought the fax to Simon and he handed it to Jason. He read it over and nodded, then taking it in his hand he walked out of the door and down to the journalistic throng gathering like a pack of hyenas waiting for a lion to weaken so they can tear it apart. Apparently, the largest killers of male lions are hyenas.
Male lions while they are either young or in control of a pride do quite well, but they’re too heavy to hunt for themselves and so either starve to death or get killed by hyenas. Unsurprisingly, lions absolutely hate hyenas and will kill them on sight if they can.
We watched him waving the piece of paper about and one or two looking at it carefully, then they began moving away. The original raiser of the story, Laura Lawrence, stood talking with Jason and the conversation looked quite animated–at least on her part–then she stepped back and slapped him and I thought he was going to fall. She stormed off and Simon rushed out to help his friend.
“What was all that about?” I asked.
“She got a bit excited,” said Jason understating the case.
“A bit–I thought she was going to deck you.”
“When she hit me, I thought so too.” His eye was closing up and changing from tanned skin to Technicolor.
“Let me get some ice,” I said and went to get some ice from the freezer and a towel. I returned a few minutes later and offered the ice pack to Jason.
“I have no idea why she hit me, we were discussing it quite happily then she started shouting at me and whap–I collect a haymaker.”
“Stupid woman–lost control I expect,” Simon isn’t very good at human theory–just money theory.
“I know why she hit you.”
“Pray do share your feminine insights with us mere mortals.”
At that point I felt like hitting Jason as well but just in case the Argonauts might turn up, I refrained–patronising twat.
“Well, Babes, why did she hit him?”
“She could have slapped you and vented her fury without doing you much harm, as it is she hit you deliberately on the face near the eye, which as we can see bruises very quickly. Now an ice pack helps but won’t get rid of it completely. The blue light could have sorted it in minutes–she was hoping I’d sort out one of our helpers.”
“So this healing thing is true, then?”
“I can’t answer that on the grounds that...”
“We don’t have a fifth amendment, that’s the Wild West.”
“We don’t even have a constitution,” added Simon.
“Be grateful, with one lawyers wouldn’t do so well. Especially those who are asked for opinions before cases.”
“There is a magical healing which sometimes takes place when it feels like it.” I offered as a sort of explanation.
“So you don’t control it?” asked Jason.
“It does its own thing, if it wanted to heal you it would–oh get that tooth seen to, Jason, or it’s going to infect your jaw.”
“How d’you know about my tooth?”
“Let’s just say a little birdy told me.”
“This is weird.”
“I still think that and I’ve been troubled by it for over a year.”
“Troubled–it’s a wonderful gift–isn’t it?”
“When it can be arsed to activate it can work miracles–but–could you imagine how such an individual would survive besieged by those with sickness or other problems. The individual so cursed would have no life of their own.”
“Even so, such a gift and the good it could do...”
“Here we are you take it and see how long you think like that–it’s a curse, make no bones about it.”

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Well, that's the press pack sorted out... for now. It wouldn't surprise me if they have another trick or two up their sleeve. But at least it's (apparently) been dealt with quickly this time, without needing to remove the children from school or decamp to Southsea.
Now we just have to hope there aren't any injury-causing playground scuffles at school... :)
Oh, and of course, talking of school, there's something we've got to look forward to in the near future - Cathy reprising her role as The Scottish King's missus :)
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
I wouldn't put it past those yellow journalists
... to do something even more underhanded. There is the possibility that they would deliberately create an incident to hurt somebody when they know she is close by and catch her in the act so to speak.
This is not over. An injunction means little to these folks.
Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 1345
Will be MOST interesting to see what happens.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
So would there be any reason
So would there be any reason for Jason not to have the reporter Laura arrested for assualt? She definitely believe that she is "God's gift to the news media" doesn't she. Apparently she also believes that everyone rotates around her and need to "bend a knee" when in her presence. Too bad that Jason did not simply deck her in response to her attack.
Then she could have seen if a blue light came around to heal her.
Don't like lawyers.
Don't like judges, don't like injunctions.
Judges sometimes can't be trusted and some of the injunctions they impose are downright despicable.
In my very humble opinion, the only good judge is one 6 feet underground. Alive or dead.
We can all see the issues surrounding the miracle healer thing, life would immediately become intolerable.
This was a chapter in law enforcement. A good read but I found little to please me, except a barrister getting his eye blackened.
We've got too much law in this country and not enough justice.
Still enjoyin' it though Angie. Even when the contents of a particular chapter don't always sit easy with my experiences.
Growing old disgracefully.
You get worn out from doing free favors.
Being Medical, I can imagine our author being deluged by questions about everything from the common cold to the tumor in someones head. It gets tiresome after a while. You never get any rest.
As a long time electrican, people would often ask me to look at their broken washing machine, their circuit in the living room, to wire a pump, a hot tub, or in one case their whole house. Most of them expected the work done for free, and expected me to do it on the down low, risking a fine of $5000 or more for me were I caught.
So, I can see that Cathy could feel that her gift was a curse, never giving her a moments peace. Only Jesus Christ did that for folk and the ungrateful bastards are said to have killed him.
Despite all the snarky things said about Americans
... in these hallowed chapters, I can see that the British may very well be envious of the US Bill of Rights (and an honest to goodness constitution) would really like some equivalent of it, what with all these references to the Fifth Amendment. :P
Cathy may very well get hamstrung by the press for a while with regard to healing people. That damn woman is gonna put lives in danger as Cathy may hesitate in healing them if she suspects it is a setup. It is hoped the power behind the blue light will continue to act to prevent Cathy being 'outed'.
Why do I have the feeling...
...that we haven't heard the last of Laura Lawrence and her ilk? After all, you don't get to be an investigative journalist by allowing minor setbacks like injunctions keep you from a story. And there must be something going on...based on the smoke and fire theory.
Thanks A+B: as with my comment on the previous part, the dialogue here was again our authoring team at their best.
Peeping Scribes
Bike Resources
Bike Resources
Facts and Stories
Many a journalist doesn't let the facts get in the way of a good story either.
Michelle B
Re: Bike
I have just completed my weekly omnibus read of this wonderful saga, so it is only right and proper that I leave a comment.
I wonder what skeletons are lurking in Ms. Lawrence’s past. Perhaps Cathy could let Trish loose on the internet to check her out, or use the blue light to turn her into a nice person. No not even that would work on a journalist.
Great writing as always Angh.
Love to all
Anne G.
Sounds like a reporter
could / should be going to jail. One can hope.