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(aka Bike) Part 1340 by Angharad Copyright © 2011 Angharad
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The next day after the fawn’s burial, we discovered something had been digging about in the area of the grave. Billie discovered it when she went to put some flowers on its grave. It was probably fox–I personally wouldn’t want to eat anything that had been dead and buried–but foxes don’t have the same preferences–anything that smells like food and is small enough to swallow–will be swallowed.
This is one of the reasons why I’d like to bring in a tax for wrappings on fast food–it might stop the arseholes who dump the bags of waste after a drive through takeaway–from buying the crap in the first place, or fund jobs with local councils to clean up the mess afterwards. As you will gather, I find litter offensive and I’d happily bring back flogging for those who do it. Once you’ve seen a couple of scavenging animals or birds, or marine creatures who’ve died in agony from man’s stupidity, it tends to make you wish the perpetrators should suffer as well.
Fast food is generally fried crap–pity it isn’t literally, ‘cos that would be a way to get rid of some human waste and make a profit–so only morons and teenagers eat it–the problem is it takes too long to kill ‘em–maybe we should add arsenic or some other magical ingredient to help the process?
Yeah, I was having a downer of a day and it was only breakfast time. We laid some hefty stones on the grave and decided that would probably do the job. After cleaning up, I had a lovely day in prospect–buying summer uniforms for growing children.
I left the babies with Jenny, and let Danny go and see his friend on the understanding he would meet us in town. I gave him the bus fare and told him not to spend it on McRubbish. He didn’t. He had a Mars bar for his lunch, or so I found out later.
Meanwhile, I had four girls to get summer dresses for–Billie had none, seeing as this was her first summer in school; Trish, Livvie and Mima all needed two new ones. I bought nine dresses and left Simon’s card feeling quite a bit thinner–he offered to buy them–don’t think he realised how expensive they can be, and only two shops sell them.
Then it was sandals all round, and finally lunch. Of course they all wanted to go into a burger bar–I nearly blew a gasket–so they agreed to have a baguette roll from another franchised place. It was fine and dry and we ate them outside in a small paved area, and washed them down with bottled water. We saved there, we recycled the bottles and filled them at home with tap water–everyone carried their own.
Replete from my tuna salad granary roll, we pushed on to refill the undies drawer, where I bought knickers and socks for everyone. The panties were about the only things they had any choice over and even there it was limited. Regulation knickers for sports, we’d already got.
By the time we caught up with Danny, who needed some more trousers and shirts for school, each of the girls were carrying a number of bags. I gave them the chance to go back to the car and dump it, but they whinged so much about the walk to the car, I changed my mind and made them carry it while we shopped for Danny. His was straightforward and M&S had trousers and shirts in his size, then it was a new pair of shoes.
The only sandals boys will wear are trainer type and they’re not permitted to wear them to school, nor shorts–so they suffer. They are allowed to leave their blazers behind, in my day we had to wear them, so with those and thick trousers we sweltered in hot weather. How I envied the girls in their light summer frocks–mind you they used to complain about them–so we’re never happy, and in cold weather they got cold legs–at least they were allowed to wear boots–in my mum’s day, they were allowed wellingtons but only to wear to and from school–boots were unheard of for children. Nowadays, they can wear trousers in cold weather and seeing some of the clothes kids wear to state schools–they look like scruffy rag bags. Thank goodness, the uniform code at the girl’s school is strict until the sixth form, then they can wear a different uniform.
Back at home the kids disembarked the car to put away their shopping and Danny came back out with me to do the supermarket run. It was unlike him to volunteer, then I discovered he fancied one of the girls–a schoolgirl–who worked part time there. He was too shy to ask her out himself, but hoped if he kept accidentally meeting her she’d get the message. I had to smile, young love is so difficult–I’d hate to revisit my adolescence–assuming I’ve actually outgrown it now.
She was working on the delicatessen counter, so I created the chance for him to speak with her. “Can you get me a pound of back bacon, two pounds of low fat sausages, a pound of Cheddar and two things of Brie, I also want a pound of the sliced honey roast ham and some sliced turkey breast.”
“I can’t, Mum.”
“Why not?”
“I like, can’t, alright?” he blushed scarlet.
“Okay, I’ll get it and while I’m at it I’ll ask her if she wants to go out with you, okay?”
“Muuum, you can’t,” he was now scarlet heading for crimson.
“Why? If you want to go out with her, ask her–or I’ll do it for you.”
I wasn’t–but he didn’t know that–okay, he should have been able to work out that I wouldn’t, because no girl is going to go out with a boy who’s still attached to his mother’s apron strings or lacks the bottle to ask himself.
“So what’s it to be?”
“Alright, I'll get your shopping.”
“Here’s the list–I’ll leave the trolley here for you, I’m off to get some bread.”
I hid behind the aisle and watched him. He was still blushing but she did serve him and after he’d got all my deli stuff, he was still talking to her–oh good. I arrived back with an armful of loaves of different sorts and a bag of bread rolls and dumped them in the trolley.
“Did you get everything, Dan?” I asked sweetly.
“Yesss Mummmm, go away Mum.”
“Oh yes you wanted some dates–didn’t you–I’ll be over on the greengrocer.” I smiled at his discomfort and pretended to walk on unaware of it all.
He caught up with me ten minutes later–“Well, did she bite?”
“No she doesn’t bite, Mum, she’s nice.”
“I meant did she give you her number or a date?”
He blushed–“She did after your unsubtle hint–how could you?”
“It worked, didn’t it?”
“Yes–thankfully, she thought you were funny. I told her you batty as a dormouse.”
“They’re different orders–bats are Chiroptera and dormice Rodentia.”
“I didn’t like mean it, literally.”
“Oh okay, I don’t mind being referred to metaphorically as a crazy dormouse. In fact if that means I’m loveable and cute–I’m quite happy with the analogy.”
He shook his head and blushed some more. “Want to stop for a cuppa?”
“Yeah okay.”
“Do you want to watch the trolley or choose what we have?”
“I’ll get it, you have a sit down with the trolley.”
I gave him a twenty pound note and he came back with a pack of sandwiches, a plate of chips and a cake with his carton of Coke and my tea.
“Not hungry then?” I quipped.
“I didn’t have time for lunch.”
“Who’s fault is that?”
“Alright, don’t like keep on about it.”
“Danny, it’s important that you eat properly. I hope as well that you’ll be able to eat your dinner after this lot–because if you don’t, I shall take a dim view of it.”
“I will–what is it?”
“Cottage pie.”
“With chips?”
“It already has potato in it, you don’t need chips as well–besides which you’ve just shovelled a plateful down you. No, if it isn’t enough, you’ll have to have bread with it.”
“Yeah, alright.” The next minute his mobile rang and he was texting like mad–no wonder they get problems with their thumbs–his would be worn out by fifteen at the rate they were moving.
I watched his face and he was grinning to himself–I presume the object of his affection had just called him–young love–altogether now–awwww.

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A good insight to a growing
A good insight to a growing boy! Nice to see he is experiencing the normal growing pangs, of the emotional variety. Nice to see that Cathy granted him the honor of using the more mature form of his name in front of the girl. Such signs of maturity can be very important to boys of a certain age, espec. around a girl.
Yes, young love! :)
Now days, kids just seem to have lots of dates. I'm not sure if it does one any good?
I married the first girl I ever had more than one date with, rather the third girl I'd dated. It lasted for 40 years. I shall never forget her.
Much peace
Well that is wonderful
Finding love that quickly is a wonderful thing. Like anything in life, timing is everything as we all know. Still, odds are we all need to bump our knees and stub our toes before finding what we really want in a person.
Trousers for girls in winter
When I was at High School (early 90's), I had the misfortune to be a school council rep (every half term, sacrifice one lunchtime to report suggestions made by your form, then during afternoon registration, hurriedly give a summary of events).
Needless to say, "Trousers for girls in winter" was a frequent topic. The usual response was something along the lines of bring some examples in so senior management can ascertain whether they were suitable or not. Needless to say, the kinds of trousers the girls preferred to wear were not deemed suitable. A close contender was allowing the sixth form (who had no uniform but a 'dress code') to wear jeans - again this was rejected, but to prevent students turning up in ripped jeans or cut-offs etc.
And talking of dress code, one batty chemistry teacher (put it this way: he holidayed in Las Vegas and wrote American Football annuals for Channel 4 - yet was also a PhD and head of department) even regaled his students with a song about the dress code... which was so irritatingly addictive I can still remember it, nearly 20 years later. So therefore I'll inflict it on you lot :)
Oh gawd -that's just reminded me of another favourite of his (bear in mind, this was performed to an audience of 14-16 year olds)...
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
School dress code
How things change! Danny wasn't permitted to wear shorts but I wore them until I was 15 and had no long trousers at all up to then - even in Winter. Blazers, school caps and ties were compulsory. As for boots - many of the boys wore them at Junior school but they were miniature pit boots with big metal studs; my father wouldn't allow me to have a pair so I couldn't join in sliding in the playground.
Like Cathy I attended an all-male grammar school which meant as far as girls went I was a very late starter - I just never met any and they were like a different species, which, I suppose they are. It's funny that you don't notice change as it happens because of the incremental steps. It's only when you look back 50/60 years that you realise what's been happening under your nose. I suppose it hasn't helped that we've never had children. In any case I was working away from home at 17 and living in digs so totally out of parental supervision.
Interesting look at teenage angst and the perils of parenthood :)
Uniforms can be the most humiliating things on earth.
Between six and twelve I wore mostly grey cotton shirts and grey serge trousers; nary a cotton tee shirt or denim jeans throughout my whole life. Then from twelve to fourteen and a half it was navy blue serge battledress with dark blue heavy cotton shirt and boots. Yeah Borstal rig and everybody knew what you were when you were out on work rosters or extracurric.
That's how I escaped. On a cross country run I changed into some stolen girl stuff I had stashed away in an old stable and I absconded into Liverpool. Shop-lifting soon got me some decent stuff then I virtually changed into a girl and changed my identity. It was another sort of uniform but I'd already learned what school it was. The biggest problem was my short hair untill I bought a wig with some of my first decent earnings.
It seems Danny's getting a much nicer introduction to girls, lucky lad and God bless Cathy for being so-oo so tactful.
Have a nice adolescence Danny you deserve that much kid.
Nice chapter Angie.
Still lovin' it.
Growing old disgracefully.
Nice to see...
...the course of young love.
Thanks, A+B: naturally there are bound to be a few twists and turns, highlights and disappointments, but at least Danny knows that his Mum will be there for him. This was a really nice Bikesode, which has me on my guard, and wondering what's likely to happen in the not-too-distant future.
Passionate Stuff
Bike Resources
Bike Resources
Poor Danny
Cathy seemed to be having fun but I feel for the poor guy. I guess all's well that ends well though. He got the date. Agree on the fast food wrappers. Also - why do smokers not consider their buts to be litter? Walking up the stairs in a parking ramp, was surprised at the number of cigarette buts littering the steps. Obviously just flung away when they were done.
Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 1340
Wonder if the girts know Danny's date?
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Having lived in England
Having lived in England during 53-56, I became aware of the school uniforms worn in the various schools. Happily, at least for many parents, today's US schools are starting to require the students to wear uniforms; tho not as stringent as the English ones. ie: no hats, scarves, ties and jackets. The main reason for this change in attitude about uniforms is to defeat the "I'm dressed better than you, so I am also better than you" concept, and believe it or not, to defeat the problems that occur when someone shows up with a jacket, shoes or some such that make the kid look like a "wanna be gangbanger". I do remember it took forever, in the 50s/60s to get schools here in the States to allow girls to wear pants, under their skirts during winter; but requiring immediate removal once in the school building. Now a days, you look at some of the so-called "fashion statements" worn by BOTH girls and boys, and remember back when your parents would have tossed the TORN clothing into a ragbag; and NEVER would you have been allowed out the door dressed in ripped/torn clothing, because you would bring shame to your parents and family. Sadly, way too many look like they are refugees from a prison camp somewhere. And to think they actually sell this stuff in stores for big money. My oldest daughter took her three to "GoodWill" when they all wanted ripped/torn jeans. She said "no problem", there you go, have fun". A Dollar a pair.
Uniforms are an equalizer also
There is way too much keeping up with the Joneses in schools these days. The requirement for having the 'right' clothes among especially the girls now in the States is insane, especially for those who are tarts in waiting. Uniforms can serve a useful purpose to force the students to concentrate on the business at hand, namely learning.
When I was the kid, the requirements for being merely okay among the boys was just the right pair of sneakers, since I went to an inner city school. The demands are more rigorous these days.
Individuality can occur on their own time.
Young love...
I'm currently watching the OTHER side of young love from the perspective of one of the mothers of a young lady... The texting is amazing!
Thanks for this "peek" into the life and times of the Camerons and their friends.
So are we
going to see a love-struck young Danny mooning about the place ?...... Of course we are, And while Cathy might think its sweet watching (hopefully) Danny's first romance grow, I wonder if she will feel the same after Danny's five sisters start too find admirers flocking to the door.... Maybe Simon had better get his shotgun ready!
sure hope this new girl has a sense of humor AND
not related to that boy that they had encounter with in prev. chapters. Danny needs a decent break just putting up with his normal life.
just thinking.
Cathy needed a little,
and so did Dan. Awwww. Good for them both.