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(aka Bike) Part 1291 by Angharad Copyright © 2011 Angharad
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I felt on quite a high after my workshop and the reception it received, and I walked round to the door of the school with the headmistress. I was laden with my handbag, my laptop bag and the bouquet of flowers.
“You’re late,” observed our home grown genius and the others agreed.
“I came as quickly as I could, I’ve been teaching.”
“You’re still late,” she persisted.
“I don’t see what difference a few minutes makes–it’s only five minutes.”
“You are always telling us we must be punctuate–doesn’t she?” Trish continued and the others agreed.
“I think you mean punctual, young lady, and it’s not very good manners to refer to your mother as, she,” the headmistress took my side and they hadn’t seen her approaching.
“Sorry, Sister Maria, I didn’t see you.”
“I think that’s quite obvious, but I think it’s your mother to whom you need apologise, not me.”
Trish turned a very delicate shade of pink and her eyes moistened a little, “Sorry, Mummy, for being cheeky.”
“That’s okay, I accept your apology.” I bleeped the central locking and the children clambered into the Porsche.
“Didn’t you have a sports car last time you addressed us?”
“Did I–oh yes, it was a borrowed one–this one’s mine.”
The headmistress walked around it–“Very nice, a Porsche Cayenne; does it have a bit of spice to it?”
“Quite a bit, Sister Maria. It’s obviously not as speedy as the Boxster was, but it’s hopefully more serviceable and certainly more comfortable.” I placed my bags and the flowers in the boot and after my goodbyes to the headmistress, climbed in and set off for home.
“Were you teaching here, Mummy?” asked Livvie.
“Yes, you all knew I was.”
“I didn’t,” she replied and the others agreed. “We saw the car and wondered where you were.”
“I was doing a workshop on presentation skills with your senior girls.”
“Pwesents?” gasped Mima–“Was you showin’ ‘em how to wap vem for Chwistmas?”
“Something like that.”
“I wanna learn, too,” said Billie, “I’m hopeless at wrapping things.”
“I’ll show you nearer Christmas, after you’ve bought each other presents.”
“I know what I’s buyin’ you, Mummy–fwowers.”
“That’s very kind of you, Mima, but we don’t usually wrap flowers, just put a bow round them.”
“Vose was nice fwowers, Mummy.”
“Yes, they gave them to me for running the workshop.”
“Don’t they pay you, Mummy?” asked Livvie.
“No, I did it as a favour to Sister Maria.”
“That’s a swizz, Mummy,” declared Trish, showing she’d learned a new word.
“It would be if I hadn’t agreed to do it for nothing, but I had, so it wasn’t.”
I watched in the mirror while Trish worked that one out, then she folded her arms and pouted. “We done geography, done Japan where the sudden army was.”
“You did, not done, geography, and the word you mangled was tsunami, which is, I believe, a Japanese word for a tidal wave.”
“The earthquake was eight point nine of the Vicar scale,” offered Billie excited by the disaster.
“Richter scale, I think it’s called,” I suggested.
“They use it for measuring scientific waves,” she continued.
“Um–seismic waves, Billie.”
“Yeah, whatever, it’s the biggest quake for a hundred years, it’s killed loads of people.”
“According to the news at lunch time, it was suggesting hundreds perhaps even a thousand or more could have been drowned.”
“We’d be okay,” said Trish, “We can all swim.”
“Not with a car on top of you, or a house. According to Sister Paulinus, she’s named after one of the apostates, the water carries away cars and people and smashes down houses–it’s so strong, it’s God showing His power.”
As Billie said this I nearly ran an old lady over on a zebra crossing. I was seething. “It’s the power of nature, Billie, whether or not there’s a God, no one can do that, it’s just the power of nature. A movement in one of...”
“The earth’s technical plates, isn’t it Mummy?” offered Trish.
“Tectonic plates, yes, darling, and the energy liberated is so powerful it can throw huge waves of seawater thousands of miles, which if they hit land can do tremendous damage.”
“Can’t we stop them, Mummy?” asked Livvie, “I mean we can do all sorts of things these days.”
“No, sweetheart, we can’t, all we can do is give warnings which way the wave is heading.”
“Could we have a big wave?” she continued with a note of concern in her voice.
“We could but it’s not as likely as somewhere like Japan, it sits on the ring of fire–an area of volcanoes and tectonic plate boundaries.”
“Japan has a volcano, Mount Fuji.” Trish actually said something without mincing it.
“I believe it probably has more than one, but certainly Mt Fuji is in Japan.”
“Hoo–bloody–ray, I finally got something right,” said Trish.
“I’d prefer it if you didn’t swear, young lady, it’s most unbecoming.”
“Well Daddy said it,” she protested.
“Daddy’s not a wady, stoopid,”
“I’m not stupid, and I can say lady, properly–so now who’s stupid?” Trish retaliated.
“Mummy, she’s making fun of me,” whined Mima.
“Oh shut up, wittle wady,” called Trish.
“Both of you, please be quiet, I can’t hear myself think.”
They both sat back and sulked the rest of the way home and I had to watch they didn’t actually start again when we got home. They didn’t, Trish went off to play with her computer and Mima changed and went out in the garden with her dolls and the pram.
I was busy doing the vegetables for a veggie lasagne when Trish came out to me. “Mummy?”
“Yes, darling?”
“Look, I found this place on the computer, it’s called Big Closet–‘it’s a friendly place to read transgender fiction’–is that about people like us?”
“Sorry, kiddo, you’re not old enough to visit sites like that–have you taken the child protection thing off again?”
She blushed, “It was stopping me looking up things for homework.”
“What things?”
“The teacher said Henry VIII died from gout, according to the internet he died from sniffilus one of the venerable diseases you get from...”
“Having sex with an archdeacon,” popped out of my mouth before I could stop it.
“No, Mummy, havin’ sex with a prosecute. Mary Magdalene was one of those, wasn’t she–Oh no–Jesus didn’t die from sniffilus–did he?”
“Um–no dear, he died from crucifixion.” I had to turn away--sniffilus sounds like symptoms from a bad cold.
“Phew–I thought I’d have to tell Sister Maria.”
“I don’t think that’s such a good idea anyway, darling, it could cause her a crisis of conscience–"on the other hand, she might have read The Da Vinci Code.
“Is that a book about codes, I like codes.”
“No, it’s a thriller based on a load of hokum, but the film was quite good.”
“Oh, can I read it?”
“When you’re a bit older, it’s a bit grisly in places.”
“Is it about bears, then?”
“No, not as far as I know, it’s about a theory that Jesus and Mary Magdalene had children.”
“Wow, does Sister Maria know?”
“It’s a fiction, Trish, just a story.”
“Like the Gaby stories you read to us?”
“Sort of, only they’re usually happy stories, aren’t they.”
“Not when Gaby’s mum got cancer, or the ones the lady with the funny name writes, her stories are scary.”
“It’s not funny, it’s Welsh, and the only scary thing is her punctuation–now, would you lay the table please?”

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Oh my!! That was a funny
Oh my!! That was a funny one.
If Trish...
...hacks my computer for fun I'll get the grumps. Is she slipping a bit, seems to be mangling a lot of words of late which she would not have in the past I think? Phenomenon? No comments on my punctuation either please, I'm delicate enough, I'll sulk.
Oh my!! That was a funny
Oh my!! That was a funny one. Love kids when they are trying to use words they have heard but don't really know the meaning of.
Sounds as though we'll have to rename Trish
Miss Pronunciation.
Very entertaining episode, A+B.
Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 1291
OK, wonder if they will see Easy As Falling Off A Bike or Snafu if they ever read any stories, here?
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Thanks Angerwad
for another spiffing episode.
Glad the girls still like Gaby , i will get some more wroted soon, honest!
Watching events in Japan unfold is a bit surreal, the human conflicts are just that but acts of nature we can do so littler about. Certainly my thoughts are with those affected by the tsunami.
keep up the great work Ang, ttfn
Maddy Bell
Madeline Anafrid Bell
Circular References
Perhaps Gaby could read some stories about a woman who got knocked off her bike and started collecting children.
Michelle B
Careful Maddy
A nickname like that could go viral. Somebody mispronounced my last name as "Guacamole" once
at a job and that's all it took. I was avocado dip for the next 3 years. (Angerwad, giggle!)
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
This Bikesode was so funny!
The expression, "Out of the mouths of babes..." springs to mind. There's Trish, absorbing information like a sponge, yet not having the background knowledge to completely process it.
As I was reading this Bikesode, I had childhood memories of a series of articles in a religious magazine my mother used to receive. The items were called Mickie Daly's Diary, and although they're now exceedingly old, there's a gentle humour about youngsters growing up in a Roman Catholic environment. Here's a snippet:
Thanks A+B+I (Veggie Lasagne): despite her prodigious abilities, it's evident that Trish still has a long way to go. I also enjoyed the way that our authors managed to poke fun at themselves in this installment.
Probably Sentimental
Bike Resources
Bike Resources
Thank you for that, Angharad
Thank you for that, Angharad! A few laughs did me good after listening to the world's troubles.
My thoughts are with the people of Japan, as well as with you and all of Gabi's family and friends.
Give Bonzi and Izzy a scratch behind the ears from me.
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
Episode 1291
Loved the scene
where Trish is being rude to her mother, And Sister Marie catch's her, Cannot help but think all teachers must have this ability to catch you unawares.... , And then there is that other talent, Somehow all teachers seem to able to see out the back of their heads , Many is the time i was caught by this as yet unknown third eye doing something i shouldn't, And receiving for my trouble a piece of chalk thrown with unerring accuracy.... And they never missed!
OK, not literally, but that episode had me laughing even more than most. The conversations between the adult members of the household can get surreal enough, but the interplay between the three girls and Cathy just took the biscuit. I can certainly imagine in a few more years time Trish being able to join in and understand the surreal topic drift that often occurs in conversations involving Stella or Simon.
Meanwhile, Trish discovering BCTS and reading both Gabysodes and Gaby fanfics written by our esteemed author... at least it's very unlikely we'll find out Trish is ghost-writing this tale...
(Aside: yes, I'm back - after spending most of the past fortnight offline and car-hunting, I'm back - so hopefully will be able to resume commenting and updating that spreadsheet... in amongst catching up on the gazillion other stories I've missed!)
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Ye Gods!
First Steph (Cyclist.) Going around in ever decreasing circles now you spirraling inwards to have the kids looking up your own creative, literary innards.
Mind you on one point I am angry. My new Orange touch phone wouldn't let me go straight to big closet because it was deemed a porn site. I had to speak to Oramge my server and tell them to remove the block. They did so immediately but I still demanded to Why Orange deemed Big Closet a Pornographic site.
I contacted Orange on 150 and wrecked them for deeming transgenderism for being pornographic. This is one of the typical manifestations of the corporate perspective concerning transgenderism and how it's still viewed in a seedy light.
I'm going to put a blog out about this. Cos I was cross-dressing at four and I wish I had known a bit more about other cross dressers when I was older but under 16. It would have helped me enormously cos the bloody doctors treated me like a piece of mouldable shit! AND I WASN'T!
Theose chickens are even today, coming home to roost for me. I just wish I'd known at 25 what I know now at 65 !!!!
Very good story Angie and that bit about BC being deemed pronographic reminded me of how far we have still go.
Love and hugs.
Growing old disgracefully.
Dear “Lady with the funny nameâ€
This morning I completed my omnibus read of this weeks episodes. They were as enjoyable as always, ending with a lovely funny episode.
My dead tree copy now stands 27 inches high, or 68.5 centimetres for those with a Napoleonic bent.
Thanks for continuing with this wonderful tale
Anne G.
I nearly lost it reading that one! You were certainly on top of things today.
Thank you,
Being cheeky to parents
I suspect that I spent quite a bit of time standing in a corner for giving my father some lip or for showing him up. Even as a young boy I was better at map reading and land navigation than he was. Imagine that, a boy better at reading a topo map than an Officer in the Army Corps of Engineers... Oh, I also probably spend some of that time in the corner because as the oldest of 4 I "should have known better."
A little tongue in check
which was pretty funny. I would love to see the sisters face as her facts came back to haunt her from Trish. They (the sisters) really ought to know better, Trish LIKES doing research!
Does the funny name begin with A ?
Very Good ! I wish I had a big closet, then more things would be hung up .
Cefin (another funny name)