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(aka Bike) Part 1261 by Angharad Copyright © 2011 Angharad
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I had more or less rid myself of the sense of being soiled by the time I got home, and walked into Stella, who accosted me. “It was you, wasn’t it?”
“What was?”
“I was about to place an icepack on this poor lad’s nose and the swelling went down and his eyes–black eyes, that is–disappeared back to normal. For a moment I thought I was having a little turn, then I realised what it could be. It was you wasn’t it?”
“I sent him some healing, yes.”
“About ten thirty?”
“I wasn’t looking at a clock.”
“I knew it, Kiddo, it’s yer bloody mother–can’t leave anything alone. D’you know undertakers are up in arms with her, no one dies anymore, all because of her.”
Danny was sniggering but found time to hug me, “Thanks, Mummy, the pain went quickly, too.”
He was now nearly shoulder height to me, but I hugged him gently. “Perhaps you could tell me what happened?”
“Nothin’ much, some bigger kid insulted Billie an’ me. I told him to shove it and he nutted me.”
“He what?”
“He head-butted me, on the nose–I heard it crack, blood everywhere an’ he walked off laughing.”
“Other kids were stood round with mouths wide open, then Mr Whitehead came rushing over, shoved this clean hanky in my hand and went off after Canard.”
“Who’s Canard?”
He gave an impression of a Glasgow-nod, so it was obvious who Canard was. “Mr Whitehead grabbed him and Canard tried to butt him, but Mr Whitehead saw it coming and shoved his fist in Canard’s face. He sent him home pending expulsion. Then he took me to the hospital, once we’d got a towel to hold under my nose.”
“So Mr Whitehead didn’t do anything funny then?”
“I thought his knuckle sandwich was very funny, Canard didn’t.”
“The hospital X-rayed me, told me it was broken and they couldn’t do anything until the swelling went down. It’s gone down but I don’t think I need to go back, do I?”
“Mr Whitehead is your new deputy head?”
“Yeah, he said he thinks he taught you in Bristol, he said he certainly remembers you wandering around the school in long dresses and high heels when you played Lady Macbeth. He said he has some photos of you, somewhere. He said he thought you had turned out to be quite a stunner.”
“You’re not making this up are you?”
“No, he was really nice and said he’d followed your career with interest, and moved down here when his wife died.”
My stomach flipped. I’d hated the man after his seeming fascination with me in dresses. I’d thought he was gay or worse, perhaps I’d misjudged him? He had been demeaning to start with, was there another reason than being nasty? Like, hiding his fixation. In protecting one of my children, he’d possibly put himself at risk. Now I felt completely confused.
I called the school and made an appointment to see him at four thirty. I asked not to give my name, but that I was a pupil’s mother and I needed to discuss something very private with him. I wasn’t sure what to say, but I needed a full explanation and if necessary to apologise to him.
I was tempted to dress up, but then thought that would be cruel, and in the end stayed in my comfortable jeans and trainers, with a jacket and jumper underneath. Lunch was the next agenda item, especially for wee yin, who had some milk and and then some of the soup I’d made. She swallowed that down quickly then we heard rippling noises in her nappy, everyone sniggered so she thought it was funny. Jenny had to leave the table she was laughing so much.
I arranged with Jenny to collect the girls while I went to see Whitehead, Danny asked if he could come too. I wasn’t sure that was a good idea but he insisted, besides we’d found some new handkerchiefs of Simon’s, that I knew he wouldn’t miss. I wrapped them and we did a thank you note for him to give with them.
School was empty except for a couple of Neanderthals who were sitting on a wall by the car park. They caused us no trouble as we walked past them and into the school. We waited outside Whitehead’s office.
He opened his door and before he could say anything I pushed Danny in, “Some hankies, Sir, I think my mum wants to speak with you too.” I saw the teacher nod and then look at me, almost in fear.
I gave Danny the keys and told him to go and sit in the car but not play with anything.
I went into his office and he sat heavily in the chair, “Come to finish the job? Don’t worry, I’ve done my resignation,” he indicated a letter on the desk addressed to the headmaster.
“Mr Whitehead, first I must apologise for some of the insinuations I made this morning and I withdraw them. I didn’t know you had a wife and I’m sorry she passed away.”
He simply sat there with tears streaming down his face. It took him quite some time to gather his thoughts. “Lady Cameron, it is Lady Cameron, isn’t it?”
“Just Cathy will do.”
He smiled and wiped his eyes, “You had a bit of a reputation in school as a rebel and for being effeminate, so when they made you play Lady Macbeth, and then to twist the knife, supposedly practice in the clothes, I was concerned for you. I spoke to Pru, my wife, who came and saw you both in the play and walking about in school. She told me then you weren’t a boy but a girl who hadn’t discovered it yet.
“We had little idea about gender identity, so dealing with someone who was probably gender inverted, was beyond me or any of the three or four teachers who felt the school was abusing you. How they got your father to agree, God alone knows.”
“He thought it would cure me by having to dress as a girl for two weeks.”
“He was wrong.”
“Yes, he was wrong.”
“I’m sorry about this morning, I shouldn’t have treated you so badly, no wonder you got cross with me. I knew you’d recognise me, so I had to maintain appearances–why? I don’t know. I couldn’t believe I was actually standing next to a very beautiful woman and I reacted badly. I’m truly sorry.”
Now my eyes felt tearful. I picked up the letter and tore it up. “You can’t resign.”
“Yes I can, Cathy, it’s time to move on and do something with the few years I’ve got left. Phew, it’s warm in here or is it just me?”
“Could be you.”
“Jeez, my back feels on fire.”
I smirked at him.
“It’s you, isn’t it? What are you doing to me?”
“Sorting a few things, you won’t need any of the pills you’re currently taking and your adenoma is healing, sorry, that’s the burning sensation.”
He glanced at me, and smiled. “The diabetes was affecting my eyes a bit but I can see you clearer now than ever and you have blossomed into a really beautiful woman, Cathy.”
“That’s because you’re not diabetic anymore.”
“Check with the doctor, but don’t tell him anything unless it was that you went to Lourdes or something.”
“But I have to do insulin.”
“I think you’ll find your pancreas will secrete all you want from now on.”
“You’ve cured me?”
“I didn’t, I just asked something to do it for me?”
“Why? After what I said this morning?”
“We can all make mistakes.”
“Well, becoming a woman wasn’t one for you, Cathy Watts. Here, this is for you.” He handed me a folder inside which were a series of photographs of me on stage and wandering about the school.
I blushed, “I didn’t know these even existed.”
“I’ve had them for several years, no one could see a boy there, could they?”
“My hair was a mess.”
“Nonsense, it was the style of the time.”
“I can’t believe this, me with red hair.”
“Not your best option but then adolescent girls do strange things.”
“I don’t know whether to shred these or show the kids.”
“Do they know of your past?”
“Yeah, but they turn a blind eye to it, preferring to go with what they see now.”
“How clever of them.”
“Right, well you have no excuse for not being here on Monday, you’re as fit as a fiddle.”
“I’m so glad we sorted this out, I really am.” He offered me his hand and I took it pulled him closer and pecked him on the cheek.
“Don’t expect that every time you save my children’s lives.”
“I shall,” he said and smiled. “C’mon, let’s get out of this place, I’ve had enough of it.” He picked up his brief case and ushered me out of his office and then the school. We walked together towards the cars, the two Neanderthals were now off the wall and walking towards us.
“Whitehead, you bastard,” called one of the men.
Mr Whitehead, pushed me towards my car and shouted, “Get out of here.”
I did run but only to tell Danny to call the police and tell them it was an emergency. I turned back towards the two men who were hassling Mr Whitehead. There were lots of angry voices and one of them pushed him. I shouted, “Leave him alone.”
“Back off, bitch,” called one of the men and he turned towards me. I went towards him, sidestepped him, and with a spinning back kick knocked him in the chest and he went down. I pirouetted and caught him under the chin, he fell back and stayed there.
I glanced at the other two, and to my horror, the thug pulled a knife and stabbed Whitehead in the gut, he fell backwards bleeding heavily. The knifeman then came at me.
“Let’s see how good you are against a knife, bitch.”
He kept slashing at me, my major concern being the wounded teacher. I heard my car start and I headed towards it. The next thing I knew, Danny had driven the Cayenne forwards and hit the thug up into the air. He landed with quite a thump.
Thankfully Danny managed to stop the car and switched off the engine. I ran to Mr Whitehead. “Hold on there, I can save you.” I said tears running down my face.
“No thank you, Lady Cameron, I can see my Pru waiting for me. Bury me with her won’t you?”
“Mr Whitehead,” I shrieked and his head lolled to the side. Sirens sounded and moments later I was helped away from the dead teacher, sobbing heavily.

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Well you did it again. I can't hold the tears back. I just hope Cathy learned a lesson. She's too quick to judge. Not only does she need to be sensitive to physical anguish, she needs to be able to sense mental anguish. I have a feeling this is going to be a serious setback.
Oh! Angha,
'so sad,so very sad!
Hard for Cathy not to quickly
judge considering the way he talked to her yesterday.
True, Cathy can't save everyone but sad that this man died. Must be something more here than a kids angry parents. Wonder who was after Whitehead and what for? Good for Danny but to throw someone into the air he must have been moving pretty quickly.
Death is not the end.
Mister Whitehead wanted to go on and be with Pru. He got his wish. Before that, he and Cathy were reconciled. Kind words and actions were exchanged. There is closure.
It looks like the court system will be dealing with murder, attempted murder, accessory to murder, accessory to attempted murder, assault with attempt to cause bodily harm, and a plethora of other things. Hopefully, they know better than to go after Cathy or hers.
Hopefully, Cathy will take a lesson or two to heart.
Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 1261
Hope she lets him stay with Pru and not heal those a$$holes.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Well, hoist me on me own
Well, hoist me on me own petard!! Not such an a--hole afterall, but an honorable man. Good one!! Yes, I guess this might act as a lesson for Cathy, if she can avoid blaming herself for the tragedy. She does do that, ya' know.
This is terrible, just as
This is terrible, just as Cathy gets it right, after finding out about her old teacher, he is killed by a knife in front of her. I hope that Danny is not held for running the car into the man with the knife, as is and was certainly self-defense, altho I don't know how the laws in the UK are written up. Protecting yourself or others from bodily harm is a self-defense based claim here in the US; and unless the Prosecuting (District) Attorney is out to make a name for him/herself, that claim will generally stick. I do wonder if one of the two men wasn't the father of the boy (Canard) who assaulted Danny? Or perhaps an Uncle?
Endangered species?
Talking about administrators at Danny's school: those who come into contact with Lady Cameron seem to die, soon after. First we had Reg Edwards associated with the diamond smuggling, and now Mr Whitehead who turned out to be a decent bloke after all.
Thanks A+B+I (Soup): I hope you're all better than before, and I thank you for a truly action-packed Bikesode. I may not like the outcome, but once Erin's servers were back online and I was able to read this, you certainly had me engrossed.
Oh, nearly forgot, I did have to smile at the name, 'Canard.' I'm assuming you intended it this way, but if not, here's my interpretation. I presume Mr Whitehead's demise is Canard's response to his knuckle sandwich. Thanks to several years of language-learning at school, I immediately recognised Canard as the French word for 'duck.' Of course, canard also has other meanings as an English word. Anyhow, duck is also an expression for failing to score in cricket (no runs), so I thought it an appropriate surname for a loser.
Perilous Situations
Bike Resources
Bike Resources
By the Gods!
That one moved quickly! And all in less than twelve hours
Pity poor Mr Whitehead didn't live long enough to make some sort of statement cos poor Danny's going to have to do some explaining.
Still lovin' it.
Love and hugs.
Growing old disgracefully.
That really sucks...
You redeem a teacher, you cure him, then you have him killed.
You're making me thing that the assistant Headmaster position at that school is a VERY DANGEROUS one. Fascinating. Wonder if cathy's charged with injuring these criminals... Or endangering a minor (Danny) - by letting him have the keys to the car...
this is gonna be interesting
1st of all Danny has no injuries to prove he was assulted, even if hospital has records of broken nose, etc. surely an autopsy in the teacher is going to show ""abnomilities"" if they compare to older medical records.
Then it's gonna be a who can prove anything. I see a really messy legal can O' worms here with alot of questions pointed at all the wrong places.
Well nothing new, our authoress will hopefully keep our imaginations running wild for a few chapters & that's Def. not a bad thing (smiles)
What a mixture
of emotions i had when reading this episode, Both happy and sad all at the same time, Sad that Mr Whitehead chose to be with his Pru but happy at the same time because they would be reunited once more, Anger also surfaced, Because once again some lowlife with the mental capacity of an amoeba chose to use a knive, Just because he was on the losing end of an argument Then there was a sense of satisfaction as Billy finally settled the dispute....Or so we thought!!!
English eqivalent to an American Public School
So, I am willing to bet that there are CCTV camera's covering that parking lot. Especially concidering that this is an English story and the amount of times CCTV is mentioned in the narrative.
Now there was a twist,
turns out he was a decent man, but it really was his time. Wonder how long the two guys will get, especially the one with the knife? Probably not long enough, but one can hope.
A waste of blue
Did you do that to make us feel bad about thinking hard thoughts about Mr Whitehead. Then, now that he was as healthy as a teenager, kill him ?
When I have time, I shall count up all of Cathy's Kills, and those who died around her.