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(aka Bike) Part 1266 by Angharad Copyright © 2011 Angharad
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When I awoke my eyelashes were all stuck together and I had difficulty prising them apart. Staggering into the bathroom I weed, and then bathed my eyes in some warm water. It was still dark, but I didn’t feel like sleeping anymore, so I had an early shower and was dried and dressed before six a.m.
I felt a restlessness in me which felt as if it had been stirring for some weeks but had now become overwhelming and had to be dealt with. I fed the wee yin at my breast and was changing her when Daddy came into the kitchen.
“Ye’re up early, hen.”
“Yeah, couldn’t sleep.”
“Why’s that?”
“I don’t know.”
“Weel, if ye need tae talk?”
“Thanks, Daddy.”
He was making his river mud coffee, when something occurred to me. I’d fed the baby with some solids as well as my breast milk and left her to wriggle about on the changing mat, chewing on a piece of toast crust.
“Daddy, do you ever wish you had this place back to yourself?”
He didn’t answer immediately, he simply dropped his cup of coffee and it smashed all over the floor. He went pale in the face. Then of course we both fussed about picking up the bits and clearing the mess. I made him sit down at the table and poured him another coffee.
“Are you okay now?”
“Aye, I’m fine,” he said quietly and thanked me for the coffee. “Whit brought this on?”
“You were very cross with me when I challenged your friend and didn’t seem to want to stop me leaving that day with the kids–I just wondered if I’d overstayed my welcome?”
“I wis upset, that’s a’–ye’d been unpleasant tae a guest an’ auld friend o’mine, an I didn’t ken hoo tae deal wi’it.”
“But you didn’t stop me leaving, did you?”
“Ye we’re askin’ me tae choose between ye, an’ I couldnae. I’m sorry, lassie, but at that time I dinna ken whit tae dae. On reflection, I see ye were richt a’ alang, but ma pride widna let me acknowledge it. Ah’m sorry, Cathy–I thocht ye were jealous o’ Diana. I can see the noo that ye were tryin’ tae protect a foolish auld galoot frae himsel’.” He had tears in his eyes and my stomach flipped. “If ye want tae leave, I cannae stop ye, nor wid I, but I hope ye don’t.”
“I’ve been left a house in Southsea–even Simon doesn’t know about it yet. I suppose there could be a challenge to the will but that has to happen within six months or it defaults to me and a claimant would have to challenge me through the courts. I just thought if you wanted rid of me, we could think about moving.”
He looked at me in dismay: “Ye must decide f’yersel’, but there’ll aye be a hame here f’ ye an’ ma grandwains. This is really yer hoose the noo.”
“Don’t be silly, Daddy, this is very much your house and I wouldn’t dream of doing anything without your agreement.”
“Whit use is a big bar-rn o’ a place like this tae me? If ye hadnae come tae bide here an’ brought thae bairns, I’d probably hae sold it an’ bought a smaller place fa Kiki an’ me.”
“You could still do that if you wanted, it would liberate some cash for you–you could do all sorts with it–travel, buy a luxury car and so on.”
“Och, I’ve seen much o’ thae world an’ it left me feelin’ worse than when I wis in ignorance. I dinna need a luxury car, an I could probably afford tae buy yin, onyway. A’ I want is tae hae my dochter an’ grandchildren wi’ me as long as I can. But if ye want tae go, I cannae stop ye.”
“Let’s get one thing straight, I wasn’t jealous of Diana but I instinctively knew she was holding back on something, besides, she was already married and I didn’t like the idea of you being cited in a divorce case. I also picked up on your thoughts, she messed you up once before, didn’t she?”
“Aye, she did.”
“I just couldn’t stand the thought your making a fool of yourself in front of the children and I had no desire to fight with you.”
“Whit in front o’ thae bairns?”
“At all. I love you, Daddy. Okay we’re a noisy crazy lot, but we love you to bits and we’re so grateful for your allowing us to live here. I don’t want to fight with you, ever. I love you too much.” Now I was crying again.
He put his arm round me and we hugged and wept together. Finally, he said, “I’m sae sorry fa causing ye sae much pain, I wis totally oot o’ order, an’ I promise no tae dae it agin.”
“Apology accepted, Daddy.”
“Noo, whit aboot this hoose in Southsea?”
“It seems I had a guardian angel watching over me–Mr Whitehead–he taught me English in the third form. I thought he hated me as much as the rest of them, but he didn’t. When he explained some of the things that happened, it made sense. He was stabbed––”
“–Aye, I ken, outside thae school.”
“That’s right, it seems he left his entire estate to me, including a lovely old villa in Southsea.”
“Och, noo I see whit ye’re on aboot.”
“While I was looking round it yesterday, I found this.” I picked up the journal from my computer bag.
“Whit’s that?” I passed him the book. He glanced through a few pages. “D’ye mind if I borrow this, I’ve a spare ’oor the morn.”
I shrugged, “Don’t show it to the children, will you?”
“I haven’t read it yet, so I don’t know what’s in there and it’s his journal so I don’t know if it was ever intended for anyone else’s eyes.”
“D’ye want tae keep it?”
“No, you take it and I’ll see it later.”
“Whit time hae ye tae get thon lassies up?”
I glanced at the clock, “Oh shit–C’mon girls and boys, wakey wakey.”
The next three quarters of an hour was pure bedlam as little bodies fought for use of toilets and showers–oh, and some more than small ones too. “Why didn’t you wake me up?” grumbled Simon.
“I did, just now.”
“No, when you got up.”
“You were late to bed.”
“So? I needed to be in early as well.”
“If you’d told me, I’d have woken you at five when I got up, but the alarm comes on at seven.”
“I didn’t hear it.”
“Sorry, Darling, I can’t discuss it now, too much to do–Julie, get your bum in that shower now–you’re going to be late. Trish, stop doing that and put your uniform on properly, Livvie comb your hair please, Mima, do not pick your nose and wipe it in your skirt...”
Simon took Danny to school and I scrambled to get the girls to theirs on time. We just about made it. I was tempted to go back to the Whitehead’s house and look again, but controlled myself and went back home via the supermarket.
On arriving home, Stella was sitting at the table looking very radiant. “You’re looking very happy this morning?” I said as I carried the groceries in.
“Gareth’s asked me to live with him, with Puddin, natch.”
“Natch. Is there something else to tell me?”
She blushed, “He’s asked me to marry him.”
“Oh Stel, that’s wonderful news.” I dropped the shopping and we hugged and jumped up and down together. “That is so good to hear.”
“He asked me last weekend, but you were so wrapped up with the murder of that teacher bloke, and Tom with that Diana woman’s death, that I kept it to myself. I’ve been bursting to tell you an’ Simon.”
“We must have a celebration, how about next weekend?”
“I’ll have to speak with Gareth, but we could do, I suppose.”
“This is brilliant, something to feel good about for a change. I’m so happy for you Stel, he’s a really nice guy.”
“I know.”
I began putting the shopping away while she poured me a cup of tea. I sat down opposite her, yep, she was radiant. Oh well, here goes. “When’s the baby due?” I asked and she dropped her cup.

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ka ... zing!
Of course Cathy would sense it *rolls eyes*.
Cathy would make a Great midwife and then some for her sis-in-law. Looks like the old gang is splitting up. Wonder if Gareth knows yet, probably not. The main problem with Stella going is that even with Jenny helping, it is still a bit of a heavy lifting to keep track of so many little ones.
Cathy leaving for her own home is still not an impossibility but if not what should she do with it. It's not good for grandpa but honestly she really should have her own home. Grandpa can live with her any time he wants of course if he is willing to commute and vice versa. One place would be a place in the country when they want it.
Oh dear, what choices.
I am so glad the old coot has finally apologized. Getting men to swallow their pride in certain matters is legendarily difficult.
I'm liking this installment.
I'm liking this installment. It doesn't involve strange politics or anything else, and hearkens back to the initial plot complications that are caused by normal human behaviours (or misbehaviours, if you want to call it that).
Thanks for the efforts!
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
It made me
'cry,it made me smile,and at 0700 our time I can't ask for anything else.Thank you.
I'll bet that little comment
I'll bet that little comment made Stella's mouth fall open to the floor, even after dropping her cup. Stella has or should realize by now that it is very hard to put one past Cathy, as she can sense many different medical issues in people. Stella and the baby moving out to live with Gareth would help to open up Tom's home somewhat. I am glad that Cathy and Tom had some time alone where they could simply talk "daughter to father" and air out what had transpired between them regarding "lady Di".
Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 1266
I weed then bathed my eyes in some warm water. Now, just why did she have to weed her eyes?
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Tangled lashes.
Tangled lashes.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
So Tom's going to be reading Mr. W's journal during his spare hour and now knows about Cathy's latest acquisiton.
Stella pregnant, engaged to Gareth, and about to move out - wow! I don't think Gareth lives too far away, so it would probably still be possible for them to visit the brood, and the brood to visit them. Hopefully the birth will be less complicated than that of Puddin', and Stella won't need another holiday in the clinic...
Meanwhile, thinking of the house in Southsea, perhaps it would be wise not so much for Cathy to move out of Tom's home and move in there, but it could prove a useful bolt-hole during the next disaster, e.g. if the Russian Mafia still haven't learned their lesson, or Trish stumbles on another bunch of diamond smugglers...
After all, Cathy's parental home in Bristol is getting a bit small for the brood.
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
And things moving
quickly forward!
It seems that Angie is clearing the decks for the next episode in a very 'episodal' life.
Can't wait.
And still lovin' it.
Love and hugs.
Growing old disgracefully.
Dormouse wouldn't be dormouse without...
A healthy dose of humanity, humour, heckling of politicians (ok so that was last episode) and a hectic rush out the door to get the kids to school in time.
Thank you Angharad
P.S. I'll stop the alliteration there before we start with healing the unwitting, harrying the Mafia and hoping the Police will learn.
Non sum qualis eram
I once described our esteemed author as a...
Witty Wicked* Wild Welsh Writing Wonder Woman.
Actually, more than once. Courtesy of Google, variations were used as a comment on episode 777, a response to Angharad's "Bike is two years old" blog, and a response to Saless' "Oh well, there goes my perfect record" blog.
* Sense 2: (slang) Excellent; awesome; masterful; deeply satisfying.
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
I really can believe
six impossible things before breakfast and this is just the story to make them happen. Whitehead's house, Tom's apology and Stella's pregnancy? You can get an awful lot of story from these three alone. That's the next few months plots sorted. 1266 not out? Definitely!
Good Episode
Hope you are feeling a lot better. There was lots of love in both last night's and tonight's episodes. Thank you for that. I'm actually beginning to understand what Tom is saying (pretty scary).
as always,
Great chapter! Loved the ending! It somwhat reminds me of what I did once. A close friend and I were having lunch and I asked somewhat the same thing: "so, when is the baby duee?' I got a slap out of her, and she left in a huff. A few weeks later she called and asked if I wanted to go get some lunch. I warily agreed and after lunch, she apologised and told me she was pregnant and wondered how I knew. Well, I told her she had a "glow" about her and it kind of gave it away. Since then, I have kept quiet about it when I see it. Note to self: Don't ask qurestions I know the answer to...
Is that two cups broken today?
Hope things work out for Stella this time. She's had more than her share of trouble. Guess I need to research back. Is there a problem with Stella and birth control? That girl seem to get pregnant way too easily and frequently. Is she just that irresponsible?
Good to see the discussion between Cathy and her adoptive daddy. I woudn't expect him to survive a month if Cathy and the kids left him. The poor man wouldn't have anything to live for.
A real watershed Bikesode!
Remember the events from Part 1 of this phenomenal story?
Ever since that propitious collision between Stella’s car and Cathy’s bike, the lives of these two have been entwined. Now, it looks—at long last—as if Stella has found happiness. I just hope that she and Puddin’ aren’t being written entirely out of the story, but will continue to make appearances from time to time, pretty much as they do now. I’m also really, really hoping that Gareth doesn’t suffer a similar fate to Des, as happened on another occasion when Stella was pregnant and proposed to.
Thanks A+B. Like other commentators here, I too had a ‘clearing of the decks’ feeling when I read this installment. Good to see the air cleared between Tom and Cathy, too.
Promising Signs
Bike Resources
Bike Resources
A bit hard...
Cathy's a bit hard on the China in this episode... First she causes Tom to drop his sludge. Then, Stella cup. Her timing's impeccable. :-)
I just don't know how Cathy manages in the mornings... Just getting my two girls (Wife & 14 yr old) together and out the door in mornings is quite enough work for me... LOL Guess she's just more of a woman than I am. :-) That, or she's much younger.
I wonder if Cathy understands, yet, how much Tom loves her - and "needs" the people around.
I wonder how Simon'll take it, once he discovers that Cathy has almost as many houses as he does... Hmmm. Wonder how much Cathy's actually "worth" now a days... Wealth seems to materialize around her... From guys that care about her - with their death. Her birth father, Puddin's dad & Mr. W... That's three now. Someone (tabloids, if they get hold of it) might start asking questions - what with all of Tom's close shaves (& Simon's for that matter).
Making an honest woman ...
... of Stella might mean that Cathy needs to find a wedding present for them .... now just how many houses does she have now?
You continue to delight, thanks Ang!
"The Cost of Living Does Not Appear To Have Affected Its Popularity" -
in most, but not all, instances
any more breaking of cups and
any more breaking of cups and they will no be able to drink any more tea or coffee.
Aunti Cathy
Has a nice ring to it, don't you think?
Life changes, but I hope for the better in Stella's case. She deserves to be happy.
No secrets from Cathy, at least no health secrets . Why is Stella suprised at this ?