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(aka Bike) Part 1121 by Angharad Copyright © 2010 Angharad
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On the Tuesday, Jenny did most of the breakfast stuff while I emailed Alan to see if he had any more out takes he could do for me. He replied, saying he’d look and see what he could do.
I took the girls to school and Danny went off to catch the bus. I always felt a little guilty that he went off on his own, and spent so much time on his own compared to the girls, who were like a pack of hyenas–they spent much of the time squabbling amongst themselves or giggling like demented pixies.
I did offer to take him for a ride in the mornings before school if he wanted, but he decided he wasn’t that keen, but I did promise him one for the weekend, depending upon the forecast. He was still using Stella’s bike and she seemed to let him borrow it as he wanted it.
Trish had more or less healed from her DIY surgery, and she grumbled about playing football, which she’d have to do today. Livvie in contrast, was well up for it. I took Trish aside and explained to her that I knew she could play much better than she pretended, and I wanted her to do her best when she did play.
“But, Mummy, it’s a boy’s game,” she protested.
“Are you playing against boys?”
“No, I s’pose not.”
“So it’s a girl’s game, and I want you to try your hardest. You’ll be at no advantage in having a sort of boy’s body, because at your age the sexes are very similar and when it’s time for puberty, they’ll be giving you a female one anyway. So get stuck in, the girls playing with you won’t be taking prisoners, so play as if you wanted to win. I know you can–so stop messing about–okay?”
“All right,” she sighed, “Don’t keep on about it.”
“I just want you to enjoy it as a game. It’s just that–a game, and increasingly is being played by women.”
“Okay, I said I’d try a bit harder.”
“No, Trish, you said you do your best, and I’m holding you to that promise.”
She shrugged again and went off to join the others.
I didn’t feel I was bullying her, because I knew that she was holding back, hoping it didn’t make her seem too boyish. I hoped I’d shown her that it wouldn’t be boyish to do her best.
I pottered about mainly doing the mammal survey. Someone had sent in lovely photos of fallow deer, but they were from a deer park in Dorset, so they didn’t count in our survey. Another, sent some pics of red deer from Leighton Moss RSPB reserve and they most certainly did count.
Red deer are the largest of the deer resident in the British Isles and are more common the further north you go, although I think they occur on Exmoor. They are so called because the colour of their coats is a rufous brown, and a big stag can be quite an awesome sight with five or more tines, and weighing up to 500 pounds, is a formidable animal especially to another stag. I have a vague recollection that while they’re growing antlers they don’t produce testosterone, but the antlers are caused by testosterone–so the biochem is quite complex. Some are unable to produce antlers, and are called hummels and one with antlers but no tines are called a switch. That’s about all I can remember, oh, and they would have been the deer hunted by Robin Hood, if he existed. Mind you it would take some arrow to bring down a large stag, seeing as accuracy with long bows was poor, maybe they weren’t at as much risk as films and folklore would have us believe.
I’ve tried firing a long bow, and apart from having to be built like a circus strongman and be about seven feet tall, you’d be lucky to hit the castle let alone anyone in it deliberately. The success of the longbow was its rate of fire, a mediaeval archer could loose an arrow every six seconds, so it was like machine gun fire. And they were often deformed having a larger arm on one side than the other–a bit like tennis players and fiddler crabs, plus they could shoot an arrow a couple of hundred yards. In the mythology of archery, there is a report of a Welsh archer attacking a Norman castle, putting an arrow through a four inch oak door and the hand of the defender trying to close it. It was Welsh archers who slaughtered the French knights at Agincourt and Harfleur and contributed to the English victory. The two fingered wave usually seen as gesture of some rudeness is said to originate from archers waving to French soldiers–who cut off their first and second fingers to render them useless as bowmen. Another suggestion is it was done by poachers against landowners, who would enact equally horrible punishments, such as chopping off fingers or putting out eyes. Lovely people our ancestors.
I collected the girls and Livvie was full of the football game, especially as her sister had scored a hat-trick of goals. Trish was unusually quiet about her achievements so I left it until we were home and I asked her to help me in the kitchen, conveniently closing the door on the others. We have an unwritten rule, if the kitchen door is shut–keep out–Mum’s in a bad mood or doesn’t want to be disturbed.
“I hear you scored three goals: well done, young lady.”
“Yeah–it’s all your fault.”
“My fault? You scored them.”
“You made me promise to try my best.”
“Yes I did, and I’m glad you did–I’m really proud of you, my big girl.” I gave her a hug and she began to cry. “What’s the matter, poppet?”
“They want me to play for the school team.”
“Well that’s an honour, isn’t it?”
“But what if someone says I was a boy?”
“Let’s deal with that if and when it happens. In a couple of years or so, you’ll be starting low dosage hormones, which will make your body very female as you grow. As it is, your body won’t produce many male hormones now thanks to your DIY job, so you’ll have more oestrogens going around than testosterone.”
“Is that good, Mummy?”
“I don’t know, we’ll have to get advice on that, but I suspect it will start to make you less and less male as you get older, and then the supplement of medicinal hormones will certainly make you look and feel female.”
“Is that what happened to you, Mummy?”
“Sort of, if I was red deer, I’d be a hummel, one without antlers, because my body didn’t seem to recognise testosterone, so I remained neutral or slightly girlish in my body size and shape until I started hormones, which caused me to have a puberty in my late teens early twenties.”
“I think you look really nice, Mummy, I hope I grow up like you–into a proper lady.”
“Um...” I blushed in response, “Shall we get this dinner on the go?” I said, changing the subject.

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Sounds like Trish might have the crisis of confidence that Cathy has.
Now I've had my daily fix of 'Bike' I can go to bed now.
Bike pt 1121.
Trish sounds a lot like Cathy in many ways. That is why she too can do the Blue Light.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Hey this is personal.
I assure you we outlaws in Sherwood were very accurate with our long bows and bringing down a red deer stag was mere child's play. Even Marian could do it. Toxophylists of the world unite! :)
Whilst it's lovely the Trish played so well that they want her to play for the school, I can understand her anxiety. If someone like Mrs Browne-Cow (or whatever her name was :)) found out the she wasn't exactly as described on the tin it could cause poor Trish a lot of unwanted grief and she seems a bit insecure as it is.
Thanks for keeping us up to date on the adventures of Clan Cameron.
You've obviously
never tried to hit anything firing a longbow - I have, and decided I'd be more dangerous using it as a long club. Give me a recurve or compound any time and I can usually hit things about the size of a squirrel from twenty or thirty yards. Deer, are more at risk from my driving or cycling.
PS Hunting with bows is prohibited in the UK, so squirrel was only used as an indicator of size.
Begging milady's pardon
Having made both longbows and arrows, I might be a tad prejudiced. I still have my orangewood bow (yeah, osage orange, but that was what my grandfather called it, and since he showed me how to make it, that is what it is called), along with the jig for making the strings for it. While some people in the SCA have said it was too puny to be a longbow, I like it just fine and used to be able to hit the occasional bullseye at 40 yards (and when I started I was occasionally able to hit the target at ten yards...). By the way, puny means 65 inches (used to be 68) and 35 pounds pull. It is so old now it would probably snap like kindling if I tried to restring it. /sigh
Poor little Trish.
It seems she's frightened and confused but that's got to be expected now. One way or another and at different stages in our different lives, I suppose we've all been there. Some more 'there' than others.
Red deer, yep we've got em. They keep raiding our bins! Bloody vermin! They're feral deer that have escaped from Margam Park nearby. Now they've spread for over forty miles radius as far as Senny bridge. That's where we nearly hit a couple of stags some years ago in our car. Close up, stags are big even without their antlers. This was in the early summer.
Do feral escaped deer count in Cathy's surveys?
Still lovin' it.
Sorry about Hazel.
they start breeding, yes. Remember they were once widespread across the country as were reindeer as the ice receded. I have 10,000 year old reindeer ribs from a site near Oxford.
Do you use serve them with a smoky barbeque sauce? Perhaps an old family recipe?
Michelle B
Trish is a wonder
isn't she? Not only is she smart but she is athletic also, a scholar-athlete. You know, Danny is gonna need a lot of tlc pretty soon as he is going to get beat at his favorite sport by his sister, just you see. I kinda feel sorry for him as he has no brothers now. He is not merely in a kiddie pool's worth of estrogen, more like at least a good sized Scottish Loch.
I Think Susan Needs to Pay Trish A Visit
I think Susan from "Football Girl" needs to pay Trish a visit and show her that girls can and do play the game very successfully. I like it when there are occasions where different characters from different stories can interact.
It's never easy....
Okay, sometimes it seems like it is, but really, it's never easy being a parent. Teaching girls to NOT hold back, specially against the guys or around guys can be hard. In my older daughter's case, it scared off most of those that would have wanted to date her... She eventually asked a guy out (he'd not had the courage to ask her, it turns out)... And, they're still together five years later.
Cathy may have a similar issue with Trish. Going to a girls school, she's less likely to "learn" to hide her brilliance as is so common among girls in schools here. *sighs* On the other hand, if she really does not enjoy football, forcing her to play can be tough on her, even if she is good at it. I've seen that too.
Quite a set of quandries has our Cathy (okay, she's YOUR Cathy, but you've been sharing her with us, like forever).
P.S. Now to dog the walk. Timothy needs his drag (I prefer to not call it a walk, when the dog is at the end of the leash - behind she who is holding the leash)... Glad I got to read this before the trek.
Little kids are so sweet
Trishs' comment, “I think you look really nice, Mummy, I hope I grow up like you..." brought a tear to my eye. She may not be Cathy's biological child but she couldn't get much closer.
They can be adorable
And I love the affectionate term: 'poppet' when the Brits refer to them, it is just so sweet.
Bike is educational!
Thanks A+B. Aside from sharing in Trish's growth pains, there was quite a lot of educational material in today's Bikesode. Some fascinating stuff there about red deer, as well as the history of archery.
Perennial Schooling
Bike Resources
Bike Resources
Trish may play sports once
Trish may play sports once she understands that girls can play them also and have fun doing so. I agree that it would be rather fun to have Trish and the other girls actually meet Susan and see her playing football so they understand girls can excel in the sport. "Poppet" is a nice term of endearment, but I wondering if a term I used to hear back in the middle 50's is still used on children. It was "M'duck" and seemed to be used rather extensively by older women (grandmotherly types) on children from ages 7 thru about 12-13 years old. Just curious I guess.
The info on deers and archers is interesting.
It must be hard for a child who believes themselves to be a girl and not be equipped as one.
The FA would frown...
...but imagine, later in the school year, a girls vs boys football match. If Trish continues to excel at the sport and the rest of the team are similarly efficient, the boys would very quickly realise not to treat the girls with kid gloves... :)
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Trish will have no troubles
For what it's worth, an oestrogen therapy started pre 24yrs will make many changes. One is, the width of the pelvis will widen, not as much as a cis-woman, but more then a men's. this along with the fat deposits at the hips will give a nice female shape.
Amazing what is available on line!