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(aka Bike) Part 1028 by Angharad Copyright © 2010 Angharad
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When I got back with Julie, Tom was home, and much impressed with the car. In fact, it seemed everyone was except me. Later that evening when Simon and I were having a cuddle in bed, we chatted.
“So, what do you think of your new motor?”
“I don’t like it.”
“Yeah, it’s brill–you what?”
“I don’t like it.”
“You’re just not used to it.”
“I don’t want to get used to it.”
“What’s wrong with it?”
“Nothing–but it isn’t what I wanted. I’ll have another Golf or Mercedes but I don’t need something as fast as that, and I’d prefer something with three seats in the back. I don’t like having one of the girls in the front.”
“I’ll bet they do, though, don’t they.”
“I don’t care what they like or dislike. What I want surely is paramount? It’s been lovely trying it out, but it’s far too fast for my needs and is too small for all the stuff I’d like to carry.”
“You’ll get used to it, Babes.”
“I won’t.”
“You will, you know.”
“Tomorrow, I shall ask Henry to take it back, and if necessary, I’ll buy the Mondeo off Tom, or buy my own car from a dealer.”
“Do you realise what strings I had to pull to get you that car–it’s worth about forty grand.”
“Thank you for your generosity, but I don’t like it and I don’t want to drive it again.”
“Cathy, it’s just a question of getting used to it.”
“Simon–you aren’t listening.”
“Yes I am, but you’re whingeing about nothing, I know about these things.”
“I am telling you now, I will not drive that car again.”
“You’re joking–aren’t you?”
“No. So please get rid of it or I’ll ask Henry to do it myself.”
“This is ridiculous–you can get your own bloody car then,” he huffed and turned over away from me.
“I will, just watch me.”
“Have you ever bought a car before?”
“No, but I’ll learn.”
“Yeah, the hard way.”
“It can’t be that hard. Millions of people do it every year.”
“Okay, smart arse, you go and buy a car and see what happens.”
“I will, and it will be considerably cheaper than forty thousand.”
“Bloody women, never grateful...” he muttered over his shoulder at me.
“Stupid men, never listen–“I huffed back at him. I felt awful, he’d tried to spoil me and it had backfired. Then I wondered if he was spoiling me or controlling me? I couldn’t decide–if he wanted to surprise me, he wouldn’t have let Henry tell me what it was he was getting me, so that tended to suggest he was trying to direct me into what sort of car I should drive. The problem is, that until now I’d let him decide for me, and his choice had been quite good. It was only this one I didn’t like.
To my mind the car has to be functional and safe, it has to be able to carry five adults–so that way I know there’s plenty of space for at least five kids. It has to be able to carry my food shopping and be easy to park–I’m not the world’s greatest parker of cars. I don’t need it to break the sound barrier, and would prefer something more economical–I liked the Merc and the Golf, but anything would do–if necessary, I’ll buy Tom’s Mondeo. Yes, maybe I’ll ask him tomorrow.
I woke once having a funny dream where we were out in the country and I asked Simon to take us home, but he refused telling me that I’d have to walk everywhere from now on. It wasn’t too hard to spot the symbolism of that one.
The next morning, although I hadn’t slept well, I was determined not to let Simon know it. He’d snored most of the night and had ended up putting his arm round me for quite some time. I didn’t know if that was a reflex, or if he had unconsciously forgiven me–either way, I felt good about it.
I was down and spoke with Tom before Simon realised I was gone from the bed. I suppose women are sneakier, or are we just more determined. “Daddy, would you be interested in selling me the Mondeo?”
“I need a car.”
“F’whit is yon, silver machine?”
“That’s going back.”
“I don’t like it.”
He gave me an old fashioned look as if I was acting like a spoiled brat. “Ye dinna like it?”
“No, it’s too fast and too small.”
“An’ ye wish tae buy ma Ford?”
“It’s no fer sale.”
“Oh, okay–I’ll have to look for something else then.”
“Ye can use it like ye always dae, ye dinna need to buy it, ye daft gowk.”
“Thank you, Daddy,” I kissed him on the cheek.
Being a Saturday, I didn’t need to get the girls up too early, but I did need to rouse Julie. I did and she wanted to be taken to work in the Audi–I disabused her of this idea and she sulked into the bathroom.
Billy came out rubbing his eyes. “You not keepin’ the Audi, Mummy?”
“No sweetheart, I don’t like it and it’s too small for my needs.”
“Oh well, at least I had a ride in it.”
“Yes, now then young man, if I can find someone to watch the rest for an hour this afternoon, I reckon we should start doing some bike training together. Are you sure you want to do MTB racing?”
“I’m too small to do road, aren’t I?”
“Tell that to Mark Cavendish.”
“Is he small, then?”
“He’s not very tall, not compared to Dave Millar or Brad Wiggins, but he can outsprint all of them.”
“I’d definitely need a new bike for road riding, wouldn’t I?”
“Well, it could be arranged for your birthday–but, not if it’s going to be a five minute wonder.”
“No, I like cycling, Mummy.”
“Okay, we’re going to do a ten miler this afternoon–now what I can do is change the tyres on your current bike to make it more comfortable on the road, but you won’t have any traction off road. D’you understand me?”
“Right get your bum in gear, let’s get some breakfast and we’ll go and get some tyres.”
He disappeared, and ten minutes later was downstairs. We ate and collected Julie who was still sulking but got in the car. After dropping her off at the salon we went on to Paget’s Cycles est. 1976. We strolled around the bikes, and to my astonishment, we found a road bike which looked almost Billy’s size. It was a girl’s bike, but there’s no obvious distinguishing marks except D4W on the frame in small letters. It was a used bike, but it was a class one and only two hundred and fifty pounds.
I asked him what he thought of it and he nodded when asked if he’d like to try it. We got the all clear from the assistant who came up to help us. I held it while Billy mounted it and the assistant made minor adjustments. It had toe clips, so we’d have to change the pedals at some point. Billy loved it and he tried it up and down the road. He could ride it. We brought him back in.
“Right, it’s a good bike, but it’s a girl’s one.”
“Oh,” he said and blushed.
“But does that matter–you’re not very tall and have small hands, so it might actually be an advantage.” To prove my point he tried a couple of boy’s bikes and they were too big–they were also much more expensive.
He thought for a minute and said to me, “Are you going to buy it for me, Mummy?”
“I might, but only if you promise me to use it regularly.”
“Oh yes, Mummy, will you ride with me?”
“I said we would today, let’s see where we go from there, shall we?” I knew he wouldn’t be safe riding it on his own, so it looked as if I would be riding more.
He put the seats down in the car while I paid for his bike–a Specialized Dolce, a good entry level bike and a real bargain, seeing as there wasn’t a scratch on it. We drove home with him smiling like a Cheshire cat, all I had to do now was explain to the others why he’d got a treat and they hadn’t.

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You can't spoil someone by giving them something you like, you idiot, Simon. Give her what she likes. Among those things would be you taking lessons on how to listen to a woman. Wise up, you dumb sod!
Porta's got it goin'
Totally agree Portia, when ya get something for someone else, it's them you want to please, not yourself.
Hmm... Maybe I am woman. I learned that doing lingerie for a woman coming from the man (well I tried being one for quite awhile) was bad idea. And tho, from me, I usually hit that spot on. But I know many of male male friends whom thought they were doing somethin great, and, ended up with sour notes & usually a night on the couch.
And, with a few exceptions, Women with kidss seem to get quite conserative with their rides, and I think cathy's thoughts spoke volumes for her reasoning.
I think...
The only thing that Simon will understand would be Cathy telling him to either shape up or ship out. He never listens, does what he think is right for her and never apologizes for anything. Telling him it's time for HIM to move back into his cottage might make an impression on his thick skull... otherwise the judicious application of a 3 foot section of 2x4 is the only option besides divorce.
Why he’d got a treat and they hadn’t
It's to improve his fitness; it's for a hobby and the others could choose a hobby if they want to; if he doesn't use it, it goes back; Trish and/or Livvie and/or Danny could 'inherit' it if the novelty wears off for Billy; it's a unisex bike for small people.
Cathy is devious enough; I'm sure that she could add to the above collection.
Simon? As my friend Carol would say; "Men are OK but I much prefer the real thing"
Still reading, enjoying and avidly looking forward to the next exciting episode.
At last
Cathy has found herself someone to share her love of bikes....Trouble is where there are children, There is almost inevitably some jealousy....So far Cathy has Simon and Julie sulking....With Billy's new bike, What's the odds on a few more members of the Cameron clan having to make sure they don't trip over their bottom lip....
So There I Was
nicely caught up so I posted a comment as is my pattern of behaviour and, by the time I'd done that, there was **another** part to read!
So, I've read that and now I've posted another comment.
I know, I know, it doesn't comment on your composition, Ang, but I'm not very good at that anyway so I'd just as soon leave it up to your other readers who **can** do it well. I'll stick to the things that I do well!
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
Simon's Problem
Simon and Henry's problem is that they are using the car to stoke their own macho ego and haven't even considered that Cathy needs a car that is more practical for hauling around six kids and the groceries. I will admit though, that my own dream car is a BMW Z4. I guess I can dream on with that one LOL!
All this talk of new bikes, and here am I having found that my beloved Brooks B17 Champion Pro has split over a rivet. Stop taunting me,woman!
Sorry to hear about the Brooks
I've been reminded quite regularly that there isn't much cycling in Bike, and as I enjoy writing about it as well as doing it, I thought I might just introduce a bit and at the same time develop little Billy, who is probably the weakest character in the family.
Evidently Simon wasn't thinking of practicality - only the kind of car he'd like to have (err...what is his current car?)
Ironically, the VW Golf and Mercedes A Class he/Henry have bought for her before have been ideal little runarounds - and both are (a) cheaper to buy, (b) cheaper to run, (c) more environmentally friendly (she is supposed to be the bank's environmental advisor, after all!), and (d) more spacious for both passengers and luggage.
Maybe she could gift the Audi to Stella...
...then again, maybe that's not such a good idea, given Stella's driving habits!
EAFOAB Episode Summaries
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Let's suppose they all decide to go out somewhere together.
Yes, they could take several vehicles, but suppose they wanted to go out together.
Simon, Cathy, Meems, Trish, Livvie, Danny, Billy, Julie, Stella, Puddin', Tom and Kiki.
That's four adults, six children, a baby/toddler and a dog.
Ergo, Cathy needs a people-mover or minibus/van.
Practical Solutions
Bike Archive
Bike Resources
Would enjoy the car. It may not last, but she would have fun!
Bike pt 1028.
Keep the Audi as a spare car and let Cathy get a car she likes.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Sometimes I honestly wonder
my fellow males out there happen to be on most occasions to be as thick as Simon. Cathy's a Mom it's one of the things she values most in the world. Surprises are great like making her Breakfast or A nice picnic to a lovely park, take yourself some music lessons them play her something. It's the little things...The dolt should take Cathy around to seek out the car that she wants and make a day out of it, let her know her opinion is valued and he should pack a bit of a lunch with them, make a day out of it not a chore.
Bailey Summers
Do You Really Think Simon Would Get That?
Gosh, I hope that she does not go PMSy or something and buy a bus?
Simon is as dense as depleted Uranium sometimes
... and his brain has even less spark then the radioactivity that comes off of it. Simon did the classic jackass thing of buying a 'present' for his wife that is in reality a present to himself. HE wants it. It is as dumb as some guy buying a set of snap-on tools for his wife on her birthday ( and yes, a more or less typical woman who has no use for a 3000 dollar tool set even if it sounds sexist. There are of course woman who do need such a set, but I would venture they are fewer. )
What a knucklehead.
...after the tablecloth incident earlier in the week, plus numerous examples of misinterpreted comments in the past, you'd think he'd be a bit more in tune with his wife.
Then again, after the latest escapade with the Russians, perhaps he's thrown himself into work in a futile bid to compensate them for the time he's taken off. He really should look into the option suggested a few hundred chapters back of telecommuting for at least part of the month, so he can spend more time with his family, and get to know them better (especially Cathy!)
Perhaps this could be part of a longer term story arc - Simon finding his ideal role within the family. It took Cathy ages to settle down, and Julie took a while to settle down and discover her role within the family, but Simon doesn't really seem to have done so far. He seems to spend the majority of the time in London, and pops down for the occasional weekend. Mima dotes on him, but as he seems to spend more time away from the rest of the family within it, he's probably quite distant for some of them. Sure it must have been a shock to go from zero children to three in a relatively short time, then acquiring another three over the Christmas break, but he can't keep running away from the family forever - he's got to learn to be part of the family rather than a weekend visitor. And that means contact, not just salary BACS transfers!
EAFOAB Episode Summaries
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Oh, such
a great point there. Dear old Simon might well just be drowning in all of this and out of his depth and can't turn to Cathy or others to talk about it or for help because of the doltesterone poisoning he seems to suffer from on occasion.
*Doltesterone- An offshoot of testosterone that is most often accompanied by fits of thickheaded and boorish behavior and the unfortunate side effect of the man being able to shove his head up his own arse.
Bailey Summers
Cathy's new ride
Well I see a trip to the car dealership in Cathy's future. :-) Bet,she gets a good deal also. Pity the poor salesman that trys to sucker her too :-)
is going to be teased about his new bike. Hope things don't get nasty.
I am not serious about this, but it would be funny if Billy decided he wanted to be a she.
In case of disaster, a low crossbar is great
Cathy has a soft spot for Specialized .bikes.
The TT is not what I'd call a family car, I sympathize with Cathy.