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(aka Bike) Part 1097 by Angharad Copyright © 2010 Angharad
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Tom was the first to come down, and asked why we were up so early, so I told him. He nodded as if it were an everyday occurrence that a previous male was breastfeeding. When I asked him if he didn’t think it was a little unusual, he simply shrugged and told me that the usual was the rare event these days, especially since I’d lived with him.
Stella had gone back upstairs as Tom and I spoke, and I asked him if he was growing tired of my living with him. He suddenly looked at me and said, “Hen, if ye hadnae come tae stay, I’d hae lang ago drank mesel’ tae ma grave.”
“I sometimes wonder if we’re all a bit much for you to cope with, the noise and the hustle and bustle.”
“Ye’re a’ fine, I like it like that. I’ll be a lang time deid, it’ll be quiet enough then.” He placed his hand over mine and squeezed gently. “Ye mean thae world tae me, ye an’ a’ yer bairns. Ye’re ma family, ye ken.”
“I know, Daddy, I just don’t want you to think I take you for granted.”
“Jest a wee bittee, but I like that because that’s hoo families ought t’be.”
“I suppose so, what would you like for dinner tonight?”
“Is chicken curry oot o’ the question?”
I shook my head, “I’ll do you a chicken curry if that’s what you fancy.”
“Aye, weel jest mind ye put some curry in it this time, ye fergot last.”
I spluttered instead of answering him and he chuckled. I kissed him on his cheek–an unusually unshaven one, before I went to see where my tribe was, especially Julie, who had to go to work.
I woke Julie and took a look at the others. They were all asleep. Essentially, they were all capable of making themselves a small amount of breakfast cereal and even making some toast in the toaster. They could all also wash themselves or help each other to wash and dress in my absence. I was firm believer in making children independent for reasons of their own self esteem, and also to save my time and energy for more important things. I suppose the influence of my mother coming through, which had helped me more than a little. As I came downstairs I did wonder what she’d think of my brood–probably run off in horror. Nah–she’d love ‘em.
While Julie breakfasted, I quickly washed and dressed, replacing the tissue in my bra. I really needed to get some nursing ones and also some proper pads. Oh boy, what fun.
An hour later I was in Mothercare, looking at nursing bras and tried one or two on, trying not to leak on them–I hadn’t thought about that element of breast feeding, ruining all my clothes. I also bought some wipes, some cream and took a leaflet on it. On Monday, I thought I’d better give my GP a call and get some advice.
I bought four bras and a big box of pads. The size which seemed to fit was–to my horror–a D cup. I felt like I had a set of bumpers on the front of my chest, which every time I moved dripped. Was this a blessing or a divine joke? Yeah, Shekie old girl, I have so much female essence in me, my cup runneth over–a D cup to be precise. I chuckled to myself as I left the shop convinced the woman I walked past thought I was barmy.
I bought a couple of things for our new arrival and an extra pack of terry towel nappies, the Gold Seal ones, or best on the market. Then I grabbed a couple of cheap tops just in case the milk did ruin my clothes. My breasts felt heavy and tender as I bought groceries and the tops in the supermarket. I had enough for three or four meals, including some chopped turkey for Tom’s curry, plus curry powder, chilli powder and some turmeric.
I would have a jacket potato for my meal, the others could have a mild curry, but Tom’s I would spice up a bit because I knew he’d enjoy it. Quite how much to use, I wasn’t sure, I’d have to see as I went along.
I also got them poppadoms and loads of basmati rice, plus some chutney and plain yoghurt. I seemed to spend my whole life shopping or doing housework–maybe I did need to get some help, even if I wasn’t planning on doing much paid work for a few months. I suppose the universe, or Shekhinah or whatever had made sure the baby was my priority–at least that was what I told myself.
In the supermarket pharmacy, I enquired about a breast pump and they had one, so I bought it, at least I wouldn’t be tied to little Cat all the time. Mind you the way my bra was feeling, I began to wish she was with me so she could have relieved the pressure. I began to get an appreciation of how domestic dairy cows must feel when it gets close to milking time.
I dashed home and delegated the unloading of the shopping to Trish and Billie, who had the misfortune to be standing about doing nothing. I ran upstairs, changed into a proper nursing bra, grabbed a handful of pads and dashed down again.
Little topsy was stirring and I picked her out and spoke to her. Her face lit up, and she was nuzzling against me trying to find my breast. I sat down, pulled up my top and opened the cup of the bra and she was on my nipple like a clamp. She sucked so hard it hurt and I stroked her face telling her to take it easy.
“Where do these go, Mu–wowee.” Trish came up to me and gasped as she saw my breast in the baby’s mouth. She plonked the shopping down on the kitchen table and stood and stared, her eyes wide and her mouth agape.
Billie came in and followed suit. They watched in awed silence, gasping when I switched breasts and popped the baby on t’other one. Eventually, Trish asked the obvious, “Will I be able to do that one day?”
“I don’t know, sweetheart, until this morning, I didn’t think I could.”
“How did it happen?” asked Billie.
“I don’t know, spontaneous emission?”
I was aware of a noise behind me and footsteps. “Hi, Babes, I’m ho–” Simon stood behind the two girls his eyes out on stalks.
“Don’t I get a kiss then?” I pouted at my husband.
He pointed at me still feeding the baby, and with astonishment in his whole expression, seemed lost for words.
“Spontaneymus missiles,” suggested Trish to her father’s surprise which baffled him even more.
“I think she might mean, spontaneous emission,” I suggested.
“I think I prefer her phrasing, and you can point them at me any time you like.” Simon said with a strange expression of future bliss in his eyes, “Do you do deliveries?”

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A Long Time In The Planning
Many episodes age, I remember asking A. in a PM about a comment Cathey made about her 'ample' bosom. I thought that a woman who went through what Cathey had would seldom have an 'ample' bosom. Of course, the word can be taken two ways: adequate or burgeoning. Never did get a response. I guess one wasn't needed. The Goddess had already started her changes.
It's all in one's perspective...
In my household, my Bs are small... That said, both my wife & older daughter are seriously considering reduction surgery (for their Gs...) In another household, my Bs might well be considered quite large. So, it all depends on one's perspective.
As to Cathy now having Ds... It's quite common for the girls to "grow" when the milk comes in. The question is how far they recede, once the milk goes away. For some, they shrink back to their starting point. Others remain that size...
All in perspective.
Simon's Reaction Was Priceless!
I though Simon's reaction was priceless. I hope he doesn't get jealous of the baby. I believe the girls will be able to do the same thing one day because they are favored by the goddess as their mother is. I wonder what Cathy's GP will say about her lactating spontaneously?
Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 1097.
That Simon! I just love his question for Mummy Cathy.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Trish and Simon antics at the end was just priceless. Great humor.
Trish Ann
~There is no reality, only perception~
Trish Ann
~There is no reality, only perception~
Life's never dull!
It was fun seeing everyone's reactions.
Tom - cool as a cucumber. He knows by now to expect the unexpected when it comes to Cathy.
Trish - "Wowee!"
Billie / Simon - open mouthed stare.
But as others have said, the final words of Trish ("Spontaneymus missiles") and Si ("You can point them at me any time you you do deliveries?") just add the icing to the cake!
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Does Simon think…
…that his beloved spouse is a branch of Express Dairies? (or Dairy Crest, as I believe they're called now?) However I feel that following her visit to Mothercare and the supermarket for a breast pump, Express Dairies is a much more appropriate name. :)
We both loved it, Angie. It was my darling daughter thought of "Express Dairies", as you might have guessed.
Love from us both,
Fun episode
Was wondering if Simon would ask for a taste.
Some great reactions from other family members: Thanks A+B, I think you should milk this for all it is worth... Sam Rose, Dr Stephanie, Henry and Monica, Siân, Abi & Dilly, even Auntie Do! Plus of course, some of those bitches from Social Welfare.
It's just as well that Cathy is not an aficionado of curries like Tom is. I understand that piquant foods can flavour breast milk, and not always to the taste of the consumer.
Potent Spices
Bike Resources
Bike Resources
What a wonderful set of stories to come back too
Just wonderful the love that is shared in in Daddy Tom's house.
6 out of 5 boxes of tissue and 9 gold stars
Goddess Bless you
Love Desiree
Goddess Bless you
Love Desiree
Do you do deliveries.
Give me a high five! Or; Wake up the milk's arrived!
Ah now there's the rub. This is when married life can become interesting and fun.
What was that expression again? Coming home with the milk.
(Prehaps I didn't 'express' myself very well then.)
Well enjoy it Cathy. Unless the BL does something particularly wonderful, this is as intimate as you can get with your child.
I noticed that all the reactions in the family were delight, curiosity and support.
That's as it should be.
Loved this post to bits. (But then I would wouldn't I. It's my favourite fantasy.)
Hugs and Kisses.
In the interests of doing a 'PS'
and 'milking it' for all it's worth, I offer this rhyme:
'To his girl, said a sharp-eyed detective,
Which prompted a flow of invective,
"Could it be that your East tit has the best of your West tit,
Or is it a trick of perspective?"'
Susie (who, sadly, was never built to menstruate, lactate or gestate).
breast size on TS's
general rule of thumb ts's usually get to one cup size of their natal born relatives,meaning mom,sisters,aunts. That said, rule of thumb isnt always true.
genitics play the biggest part, when one starts on hormones is another factor in general,the younger the more likely you will likely hit a tanner scale 4,5 in development.
knowing quite a few of my peers, my own impression is general rules are just that, there's always exceptions. and all of us agreed we either knew of someone that was that exception.
one thing we did notice in our comparisons, was smoking during those yrs of breast development did seem to have impact on sizing. make what you will of that.
I'm not sure any real study has ever been made, but, one website that's fairly well respected seems to indicate what we'd alread figured.
make what you will of it, I can only attest what i've seen or factually know of the folks I've met over past 15 yrs
Simon wants a taste.
Actually it is not unheard of, Cathy has been feeling very maternal, and mind does influence body.
Simon, behave
I knew it ! Simon , you dog. save some for the baby.
Hope Simon wasn't a bottle baby. Now the whole household is in shock, except Tom
I would be cautionous with spike this time she might stay.