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(aka Bike) Part 1040 by Angharad Copyright © 2010 Angharad
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I sent Billie to go and tell Simon all about her adventure at the school–she had gushed about it all the way home and how she’d like to go there next term. I was still trying to extract my heart from my throat where I was sure it had lodged more or less permanently.
I called St Nicholas Children’s Home and spoke to Nora, who came out of a meeting to speak with me. I apologised for distracting her, but she was very gracious saying it had been a boring meeting anyway.
“I need to know about Billie.”
“What do you need to know?”
“Well, as you know, I have in place the machinery to adopt her.”
“Her? Last seen, Billy was a boy–if a bit of a weedy specimen.”
“Ah,” I blushed at my Freudian slip–or was it a full set of lingerie? “She seems to think she’d rather be a girl at the moment.”
“He what? Why are you calling him her and she?”
“It tends to be the protocol we adopt when someone is running around in skirts.”
“Cathy, what are you doing to him?”
“At the moment, simply indulging what I hope will be a mere dalliance in dresses, because she thinks girls get more attention or have more fun.”
“They do outnumber the boys in your house.”
“Yes by two to one.”
“Yes well, is that counting Billy as one of them or not?”
“Not–something doesn’t feel right about her presentation–it’s different to Trish and Julie.” And mine, I didn’t add.
“Sounds like you need a good shrink.”
“Oh, been there done that–Dr Stephanie Cauldwell.”
“I’ve heard she’s good but expensive.”
“True on both counts, Nora, but tell me more about Billy?”
“Not a lot to tell, mother died and father couldn’t get on with the elder son for some reason. We never did get to the bottom of it, but suspected a sexual abuse somewhere. Dad used to let several people babysit for Billy, so we had loads of suspects but no evidence.”
“It was the uncle–the dad’s brother.”
“How d’you know that?”
“She told me.”
“What have you got that I haven’t? I spent weeks talking to him and he told me nothing–well nothing of any use, nor our counsellors and therapist.”
“Very funny, milady–but what else?”
“I have the universe’s revenge on parents and teachers.”
“Which is?”
“The dreaded Trish.”
“Good lord, how is she doing? Patrick seems a long time ago.”
“She is fine, and doing very well at school, but then she has an IQ in four figures compared to ordinary mortals like me. However, she has this misplaced idea that all men would be happier if they were women, or all boys, girls.”
“I take she’s leading Billy down the garden path?”
“Shall we say she’s a stronger character than Billie, who is a bit wishy washy at times.”
“That’s how I remember him, always the follower, never the leader–but I thought we’d dealt with that by having Danny with him. What does he think about it?”
“He’s coming along nicely–so laid back unless he’s playing football, although it was let slip that he has had one or two fights over Billie.”
“Yeah, he was protective of Billy while they were here. He’s all boy, though.”
“As far as I know–but then until this weekend, I thought Billie was too, although of a different format.”
“Did you think he was gay or something?”
“Not especially. When Julie had some girlfriends over, the two boys were on sentry duty in case they caught sight of anything slightly sexy. Danny is also slightly besotted with Julie, despite knowing she was a boy before coming to live with us.”
“It makes you sound as if you’re a factory for turning boys into girls.”
“I know, which is what concerns me, and could, I suppose be colouring my opinion of Billie–it just doesn’t feel quite right, and I think she could have a transgender element within her–perhaps become a cross-dresser when the mood takes her.”
“I don’t envy you, Cathy, all of your kids seem damaged in some way, don’t they?”
“That’s what life does to you if you don’t have a strong support system.”
“Which thanks to you, they all have.”
“No not just me, we’re a team–the whole family helps each other,” most of the time but we don’t divulge the caveat.
“Anyway, I hear the natives are getting restless, so I shall have to go. Maybe I’ll pop by some time and see the children, seeing as three of them came from here.”
“Feel free.”
We said our goodbyes and I went to the kitchen to make some tea while I decided what to do for lunch. Simon must have heard me putting the kettle on because he arrived in the kitchen moments later.
He gave me a hug and we had a little kiss. “What d’you fancy for lunch?” I asked him.
“You,” he said and began chewing my ear.
“Be sensible, darling. Besides, my fat content is far too high.”
“Perfect for me,” he said and pulled me close to him again. It was lovely in every way, but its timing–I had Billie home, come to think of it, where is she?
“Where’s Billie?”
“I dunno, why?”
I wriggled free of him, “Make some tea will you, darling, while I see where she is–it’s too quiet.”
He groaned because I’d asked him to do something, but shrugged at my question. Just then Stella came in with Puddin’, she’d been out for a walk with Pud in the push chair. She hadn’t seen Billie either.
“Make the tea, Si, I’m going to look for her.” I walked through the house calling her name but there was no answer. I walked upstairs and thought I could hear a funny noise. I walked very quietly towards her and Danny’s bedroom and she was curled up on her bed sobbing.
I walked into the bedroom speaking quietly as I did, then I sat on the bed and pulled her into a hug. “What’s the matter, sweetheart?”
For several minutes she couldn’t speak, and I heard Simon call from downstairs to say my tea was poured. I held on Billie, feeling her body shudder with sobs. I tried to imagine a blanket of blue light surrounding us both, keeping out the world and its worries and distractions. A little while later she stopped sobbing and drifted off to sleep in my arms.
I continued to visualise the blanket of light and tried to imagine it taking away her cares and woe, enabling her to know what she wanted to do with her life and giving her the courage to do it.
She gave an enormous sigh and shuddered and her body went limp. It was then that I caught sight of the box of tablets which had fallen off the bed. I felt my whole being go cold and I screamed for help.

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Oh, shit! Bring on the 'blue light' quickly.
Oh dear!
What are the tablets, and where did they come from? Hopefully the blue light treatment already received will prevent any lasting physical damage. Psychologically though, it looks to be a long and difficult road for Billy/Billie.
Thanks A&B, you've done it again: a cliffhanger, and a development I didn't see coming.
Prescriptive Sedation
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Bike pt 1040.
I can only hope that those pills are vitamins! If not, SUPER CATY needs to save the day! Hopefully, and Julie are able to help her bring Billie back.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
You can even overdose on vitamins. I seen where people took too much b-12.

Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
It is a long road ahead but I will finally become who I should be.
They could be Julie's, or even Cathy's hormones, and Billie is trying for an accelerated gender change.
Then again, I've an Honours degree in being wrong.
Your'e not the
only one with an Honours degree Susie, If there is a leader-board for trying to predict what Angharad will do next with her wonderful story, Then i would be very near the top.
As to what Billie has taken, i think given my track record. Maybe i will just wait and find out.....Instead of moving further up the leader-board..
You've gone far to far, to far, tooo far!
What are ya doin' ta me gel? Can you imagine the warm glow I had simmering when I was thinking about having my own ear nibbled! Me bloody 'aid fell orf, it did!
Then to go to an over dose!!!!! I think I've slipped a cog or two now.
Lovin' it!
This poor bugger's going to need watching.
Let's find out what the pills are first.
I mean if the box is there, Cathy will soon find out and that'll be the first most important step.
She should be recoverable if she went in Cathy's arms there's time enough to bring her back. The biggest danger is tablets like Paracetemol because of the dangers of delayed liver damage. Most Paracetemol tablets come in foil strips not exceeding 12 tablets to make suicide harder.
And the blue light will help.
Good luck Cathy, I'm not making any predictions any more! I've got a nobel prize in getting it wrong!
Still enjoying it,
"Most Paracetemol tablets come in foil strips not exceeding 12 tablets to make suicide harder."
UK rules and regulations must be stricter than those in the US. Buying 1000 1/2 gram doses, to save money, in a single package is common enough. The saving grace is a child resistant cap.
Not Again!
Remember that bullet I said we dodged in yesterday's episode?
Well, here it is.
Never mind having a household that's a transgender support center. Cathy should reconfigure it as a suicide hotline!
Blue Light Ahoy!
Cathy's successfully healed overdoses before (Stella), and she's sorted out emotional baggage (Lady Hilary, Danny), so Billie is perfectly possible.
So now Livvie and Monica are about the only members of the family that haven't had direct experience of Blue Light Healing:
Mima - drowned in the Southsea Hotel pool, revived with BLH.
Puddin' - difficult birth
Stella - difficult delivery, overdose
Henry - broken legs, bullet wound
Trish - witnessed Cathy BLH-ing Stella and Puddin', sensed a nurse had had appendectomy at the same time, healed numerous injuries at school, possibly blue lighted Danny
Julie - suicide attempt
Tom - heart attack?
Sir George - cancer
Lady Hilary - emotional healing?
Maureen - after her attack
Theresa - low-level help with her MS
Billie - overdose
(Makes a mental note to double check all familial blue lightings are in the summaries...)
EAFOAB Episode Summaries
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
You Left Out
...Julie's throat, fatally slashed at the hands of her father. And before that, her severe beating and hypothermia, left in the street to die. And, you missed Simon's suicide attempt and liver damage caused by paracetamol overdose.
That's off the top of my head, and only concerning the family.
Oh dear, what has Billie
Oh dear, what has Billie gone and done? My guess is she thinks that Cathy and the rest don't love her anymore since she declared being a girl. Cathy 'bluelighting' her even without knowing at first Billie has possibly OD'd on pills may just have saved her little life. I just hope so, as I don't want the family to lose Billie.
Even the 'good' pills; by that I mean over the counter (OTC), pain relievers and the like can be and are dangerous if taken in more than what is considered normal doses. I can recall two Airmen who were in my unit, back in the early 1960's, who BOTH OD'd on Tylenol.
They took ALL the pills in a fresh (unopened) 1,000 pill bottle. The funny thing was the first guy took half the bottle, wound up in the base hospital getting his stomach pumped and the second guy, AFTER finding out what the first one had done, was so remorseful for not stopping his friend, he then took the rest of the bottle. He also wound up in the base hospital getting his stomach pumped, and the hospital staff wondering what the heck was going on over in the 'cop shop' as they called our police unit.
Both these 'boneheads' lost a stripe over this issue and the reason given was "attempted destruction of government property".
I fear Billie heard Cathy talking to the gal from the home he came from, and got the wrong impression and felt that he would never again be allowed to dress as a girl. SOOOOooooo he figured he couldn't take it anymore.
What a poor wretched thought he turned it all into. If he only knew. I'm sure he heard Cathy say that it felt different with him than the other two girls, Trish and Julie. So he figured he was in trouble.
Nice job Angharad, who would of thought this story would last so long. I am completely amazed and honored that I can read this story. I look forward to your daily updates. This story would be a great soap opera here in the states, it could last for years. I bet it would be a hit too. It has all the things a great story needs. Love, violence, espionage, suspense and sex (or sexual confusion).
Hugs dear, keep up the EXCELLENT work.
I Second That Emotion!
Visitor said it so well I can't think of anything to add!
Now, on to the next part!
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
well I suspect in that household
there's alot of prescription medications about. and likely the kids know where some of it is hidden.
Why does this look like Trisha's handwriting all over it & we find out Billy has just OD's on someone's Hormone pills ??
just a thought of someone that's paranoid
Has picked up one key element of being a parent. It was too quiet, time to check on what the kids are doing. Worked for my mom quiet well.
Why after a nice time at school, do this.
Crap ! Isn't 9 young for suicide ? Quick, stick your fingers down her throat to make her hurl the contents. this should limit the amount of drug entering her system. Then hit her with blue, and try to keep her awake. Sorry, training kicked in.
No one's fault here. Stuff just happens.