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(aka Bike) Part 1109 by Angharad Copyright © 2010 Angharad
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“Lady Cameron, you’ll have to feed this baby or produce some milk for someone else to do so.” Jenny appeared with baby C.
“D’you mind?” I asked Ms Hewitt, who shook her head. She had an expression which looked as if she thought I was going to sit there with a bottle to show how femmy I am. Oh well this should take the smirk off her vacuous visage.
Jenny handed me the baby who immediately started looking for my boob. I lifted up my jumper popped open my bra and she clamped on–ouch, you little bugger, I think you’ve got a tooth coming.
Pauline Hewitt was gobsmacked–not to put too fine a point on it. “Well, I wasn’t expecting that, I must say. Did you have to take something?”
“No, believe it or not, it seemed to start spontaneously,” I replied, unconcerned if she believed me or not. “Where’s Trish, Jenny?”
“Cleaning her teeth, she’ll be with you in a moment.” Jenny fetched the rest of the feeding clutter, including a cloth for wiping things which get spotted with milk.
“Are you enjoying it?”
“Yes, except she bites sometimes and I think she’s got some teeth coming.”, The suckling lessened as Catherine started to doze off. I stroked her cheek and she chomped, chomped, chomped again, her cheeks going in and out as she sucked out my milk.
I was patting her over my shoulder to burp her when Trish came in. “Hello, tiny wee,” she said to the baby and began making silly faces at her, which got the desired effect of gurgling, followed by a burp.
“Manners,” Trish pretended to scold her, but her tone and the silly face meant the baby shrieked with laughter.
After presenting my other breast to the baby and therefore quietening her, I introduced Ms Hewitt to Trish. “Trish, this lady is from social services.”
“Hello, Trish, how are you?”
“Alright, not that you care.”
“Trish, please be polite,” I instructed her.
“Why, she wants to take me away–well, I’m not going, so there.” She jumped back to me and linked her arm through mine.
“Trish, please,” I said, and indicated she should sit next to me on the sofa.
“I’m not here to take you away,” said Pauline Hewitt, quietly.
“Why are you here then?”
“Trish, it’s my job to check that children who have been hurt are safe.”
“I did it myself, no one else hurt me. Mummy an’ Daddy wouldn’t hurt a fly.”
“I’m sure they wouldn’t. So you hurt yourself? Why did you do that?”
Trish looked at me, “It’s alright, sweetheart, Ms Hewitt knows about your history.”
“’Cos I don’ wannabe a boy, alright?” she almost spat this out and then ran away.
“Oh, she is sensitive,” observed our social worker, whom I was beginning to reappraise.
“Yes, she’s terrified she’ll be taken from us–she was abused in a children’s home before, and she’s come on leaps and bounds since we’ve allowed her to be herself. However, it was like this the day she did it–I was busy with the baby and she ran off.”
“Gosh, you don’t think she’d do it again, do you?”
“No, she promised not to.”
“You’re very trusting of a six year old.”
“Trish has a very strong sense of honour. She’ll stick by her word even if it causes her pain. She knows what she stirred up, now.”
“I doubt a six year old would understand that, Mrs Cameron–did your nanny call you, Lady Cameron?”
“Isn’t that in your notes?”
“I don’t know–I’m going with what I’m seeing here.”
“Oh,” I unstuck my little boob-sucker, and after a sleepy burp, she went down in her carrycot and straight off to sleep. I wiped my breasts and redressed myself. “I’ll go and get her.”
“Do you mind if I meet your other children?”
“Depending upon who’s about, no–Julie, can you bring the other kids in to meet, Ms Hewitt, while I deal with Trish?”
“Muuum,” protested Danny, “I’m gonna play football, remember?”
“Not until you’ve spoken with Ms Hewitt,”I insisted.
“But she’s a social worker–it’s a waste of time.”
“And how would you know that, you haven’t met her yet?”
“’Cos I’ve seen loads of ‘em. Total waste of space, the lot of ‘em.”
“Danny, you will go and speak with her and, furthermore you will apologise for your rudeness, or you won’t be playing anything today.”
“Now, Danny,” I pointed at the dining room door. He scowled but went in and I heard his stuttered apology.
Trish was upstairs with Stella, and it took me ten minutes to persuade her to come back down. I insisted she apologise for her rudeness, which she did, sniffing back the tears.
Ms Hewitt asked her one or two other questions, mainly about school and her manner bounced back and she talked with enthusiasm about going back to school, until she remembered she had to try girl’s soccer. She wasn’t fussed on that at all.
Once Ms Hewitt had ascertained that we weren’t doing sex changes in the garage, and the children were all safe and happy, I showed her over the house and yard. When we got to my bike workshop: “Is this where your husband comes to hide for a quiet few minutes?” she asked.
“Good lord, no. This is my shop. Simon only comes in here when he wants me to mend something.”
“Oh,” she seemed visibly surprised by that.
“Some women enjoy tinkering with bikes, you know.”
“I suppose they do, it’s just you were the essence of femininity with the baby, and your strong but loving control of the children, was real motherhood and apple pie–an’ then this.”
“If it’s any consolation, I do the apple pies as well–I’m the primary cook and housekeeper.”
“It suits you, though I don’t know if Trish will be happy to be such–she’s quite articulate for a six year old.”
“Quite?, you don’t know the half of it. They had a lesson on the creation which didn’t suit her at all, so she came home, went on the internet, downloaded piles of stuff on Darwin and evolution–went back to school the next day and absolutely destroyed the teacher during the first lesson.”
“At age six?”
“Yes, at age six. She has an IQ almost off the scale–it’s frightening at times, she’s far cleverer than you or I.”
“I have a degree, you know.”
“Congratulations, I have two, and am trying to find time to finish my PhD. I teach at a university when I get some time back for myself.”
“Oh–obviously Trish takes after you.”
“How can she–she’s adopted?”
“Oh yes, silly me,” she blushed a brighter red than a brake light.
“Is there anything else I can help you with?” I asked as we walked back to the house.
“I wish you didn’t have so many children,” she replied to me.
“Why? Don’t you think we cope?”
“Yes, that’s why I said it, I have several who’d love to be in an environment like this. No one is going to take your children, though we will check back to see how everyone is progressing.”
“That’s your right and duty. Sorry, but I really couldn’t cope with any more kids, much as I love them–we don’t have space for any more.”
“No, I realise that. I’m sorry I questioned your gender change–I appreciate now, that you’re female, whatever previous records said, and a very proud mother.”
“Yes, I am. They’re all adopted, but we all love each other as if we were a biological family. The kids are so supportive of each other–okay we have the odd disagreement, but that’s healthy.”
“Of course,” she agreed. We shook hands and she left carrying her brief case and armful of files. I stood and waved her off, then realised I needed to feed the baby again–whose idea was this breast feeding lark?

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Home, sweet home
Nice to see the check up on the family go so well.
Thank you for another chapter.
Easy mistake to make
“Oh—obviously Trish takes after you.â€
“How can she—she’s adopted?â€
“Oh yes, silly me,†she blushed a brighter red than a brake light.
It's easy sometimes to forget that this is fiction, it's so good.
I agree, sometimes...
I agree, sometimes, that it can be easy to forget this is fiction. The stories are so riveting and pull you in.
On the other hand, it IS possible for an adopted child to take after adoptive parents in some ways. (Mannerisms, turns of phrase, etc.) I've seen a friend's adopted daughter do many things like her adoptive mother... She was adopted as an infant and only exposed to her adoptive mother - bonding's certainly there. No, things that are based on genetics can't be picked up that way, but nurturing related things certainly can be.
It's a hard thing to tell - how much genetics play a part, and how much nurturing. And, where the two cross. Thanks for echoing this, as it made me think about it some more.
Thanks, Angharad, for this wonderful story.
Bike pt 1109.
Now that everything is fine, what's the next crisis?
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Just because the family have upsets and crises a lot of the time, it doesn't mean that they can't survive for more than 24 hours without a problem! The crisis events (of which we've had a lot recently) have to be balanced with the occasional moment of sheer joy / happiness, but the majority of the time is ordinary, everyday life.
Which, in that household, is anything but ordinary! School will be starting any day now (I can't remember which date the story's currently on), so as well as Trish, Mima and Livvie returning to St. Clare's, they'll also be joined by Billie for her first day. Meanwhile back at her old school, Danny might have to face questions from pupils as to where Billy is; and in a few weeks time Julie will probably be starting her college course.
The house will seem very quiet during those precious few hours between dropping the children off at their respective schools and lunchtime, plus between lunchtime and hometime. Puddin' is now 18 months old, so will be getting increasingly mobile - the other children will quickly learn not to leave anything within her reach!
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Really? Puddin' is that old?
I'm surprised we haven't heard some vocalisations from the youngster. Indeed, she should really be starting to talk.
Preschool Speech
Bike Resources
Bike Resources
Puddin's age
A quick glance at you-know-what reveals she was born in episode 559, released on 21st February 2009. As the story averages real time (each episode varies between a few hours and a few days, but is usually within a few weeks of real time) but never gets ahead of it, she would have just turned 18 months old by the end of August.
And talking of birthdays, Mima will reach the age of six this month - she was born sometime in September 2004 (episode 611).
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
For a moment there, I had visions of another great Cameron wind-up production, à la Auntie Do and Uncle Arthur (cf Parts 967–968).
Still, I think this has worked out much better, as Cathy now has a definite ally in Pauline Hewitt.
I can't help but wonder whether Pauline might try to add one or two other TG children to this family: visions of 'Cheaper by the dozen'!
Thanks A+B: this story's definitely come a long way since a biologist suffered a cycling mishap. Who woulda thunk it?
Potential Supplements
Bike Resources
Bike Resources
Is it just my imagination running wild?
Or does Bonzi get the credits and Angharad gets the brickbats?
We don't hear anything about the other moggie (sorry; forgotten her name). Has she not yet got into writing or do plot ideas get passed by the more experienced Bonzi?
As you may be able to tell, we're a bit bonkers this far north of Watford.
It would have been even funnier if she'd told the social worker "if we really need more space we could always move up to the castle full time. At least I'd have enough staff to help".
Love that thought
Would have made a great line.
Put not your trust in Social Workers!
Just a Job
Someones got to do it. And as in my previous comments a visit
from a social worker is not to be feared. Unless have something to
hide or are unfit as a parent. Even then they work with families
so they can stay together. A foster home can be far worse than
a bad family situation. But the health and safety of the
child must be considered. It then becomes a choice between
choosing what's best for the child. Not a good call to have to
make but one that needs to be made on some occasions.
Well, the SS visit seems to
Well, the SS visit seems to have gone okay or at least better than Cathy was afaid of. I would still be on the lookout for possible negative reaction from Ms. Hewitt's superiors, especially the ones who do not like Cathy. They could easily force the report from Ms. Hewitt to be changed to reflect their own biased viewpoint. Happens all too often when a person has an agenda and holds any sort of power in an official capacity.
Correct Janice!
You are absolutely correct Janice. I have seen children taken away from absolutely perfect families because mistakes have been made by doctors and they have the children taken away to hide their blunders.
A prime episode of Bike
A prime episode of Bike!
Thanks Ang, Bonzi, and the other kitty whose name some of us seem to have forgotten.
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
is the third member of the Bike team. She tests all the recipes being something of a gourmand (spelt glutton).
What happened to Whizz ? O r is he a new (2015) addition?
Nice to see
that Pauline accepted that Cathy was in every way a good mother, Although faced with the Cameron Mafia ....Did she have any other choice !
Maybe not hostile,
but not a friend either.
"You know that guy who adopted kids? , well, he's a she !
Now there is a social worker headed for two fingers of whiskey as soon as she gets home.
Don't you wish you could've been there to see the ladie's eyes pop when she saw Lady Cathy breast feeding ?
Bet she doesn't put that in her report, no one would believe it.