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(aka Bike) Part 1134 by Angharad Copyright © 2010 Angharad
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We parked outside Reg Edwards’ house. “Why couldn’t this have waited until daylight tomorrow?”
“I’m an obsessive, I couldn’t actually wait until tomorrow, and seeing as you were seemingly interested in the case, and were trying to make something of the stone being disturbed, I thought you’d be interested too.”
“I am, but I’m a little concerned that whoever bashed old Edwards might want to bash anyone who comes here at night.”
“You have the long arm of the law to protect you, and my arms are very long.”
“Thanks, Toby, I really needed to know you walked on your knuckles.” I sniggered probably from the fact that I was more than a little frightened. He roared with laughter. “Plus, as we don’t know who the killer is other than he’s left handed and colour blind, it could even be you, couldn’t it.”
“Oh thanks a lot, Cathy, I’m investigating this, not the suspect.”
“Perhaps I’ve seen too many thrillers, but there witnesses or investigators are often led to see something, only to be confronted by the killer, who then does what he does best and they follow suit of the earlier victim.”
“You have been watching too many films.”
“But for instance, you’re left handed.”
“How do you know that?”
“You did everything with your left hand and you’re wearing a watch on your right wrist.”
“Well, Sherlock, the art of observation isn’t dead.”
“But I will be soon, is that it?”
“Don’t be ridiculous, I’m a copper not a villain.”
“They can be the same, and you are red-green colour blind.”
“How can you possibly know that?”
“You couldn’t see the difference in the stones.”
“You pointed out which was the problem one anyway, so I wouldn’t need to see it.”
“Except, I’d reversed it, so the stone was the right way round not the wrong way. You couldn’t tell.”
“Oh dear, you’re a clever woman, too clever by far.”
“So are you going to tell me what it’s all about before you kill me?”
“Why should I? Knowing isn’t going to save you–assuming I am the killer.”
“I’m curious, that’s why.”
“Curiosity killed the cat.”
“Satisfaction brought him back.”
“That’s only in nursery rhyme land.”
“Damn, you have just totally disillusioned me. Toby Old, if I thought you were the killer, I’d have left here some while ago, in fact I wouldn’t have got in the car with you.”
“How would you know, if I was or wasn’t?”
“You match the profile to some extent, but Reg Edwards was quite tall. The killer would have to be at least six foot two, you’re what, five eleven or barely six feet?”
“I might have been on tip toe or wearing high heels.”
“If you’d been wearing high heels, he’d have heard you coming and I suspect the SOCO people would have found evidence, so they might have been looking for a very tall woman.”
“Damn, next time I’ll have to wear high heels.”
“Have you worn them before?”
“Do I look like someone who ponces about in high heels?”
“Not without a lot of imagination, no you don’t.”
“I’ll take that as a negative.”
“Are we going to look at this stone at the pond.”
“Do you honestly think I’m the killer?” he looked shifty enough to be one.
“No. No I don’t.”
We got out of the car and although I was almost sure he was no danger to me, I still felt uneasy about being out in the dark, where an assailant could jump us quite easily.
We walked to the fishpond, torches cutting through the gloom like knives, the lights mainly playing on the ground beneath us because it was so uneven. Finally we got there, and Toby pulled on a pair of latex examination gloves and lifted up the stone which I indicated as being the wrong way round. There was nothing underneath it, so nothing had been buried or hidden there. It was probably the murder weapon–and a very effective one; being twelve inches long and weighing a couple of pounds, like a piece of thin kerb stone–the sort people use to line garden paths or fishpond edges.
Toby was putting it back in place and then he stood up when all hell broke loose. Toby stood up and suddenly someone ran between us and stabbed him, I watched as he seemed to fall backwards in slow motion, into the fishpond.
I shone my light at the attacker who was wearing a ski mask, who now came rushing at me waving a large bladed knife. Thankfully I reacted, rather than thought about things, and as he approached I threw my bag at his face which distracted him and I did a flying kick which caught him in the chest. He fell backwards and stumbled off over the garden fence and his escape.
My next task was to haul Toby out of the pond. He was bleeding profusely and nearly unconscious. Then, recovering my bag I called for help on my mobile phone. Once an ambulance was on its way, I tried to staunch the wound.
In the darkness, even I could see the blue light pouring from my hands into his abdomen–whether it was too little too late, I have no idea. From the amount of blood, I reckon he was caught in or near the liver–he could bleed to death if it got a blood vessel.
I kept urging Toby to stay with me, not to sleep–he could die. He struggled and even asked about the blue stuff. In the distance I could hear the ambulance. I hoped they’d find us in time.
I concentrated on stopping the bleed and shoved some tissues into the wound imagining them like a plug. The bleeding slowed to a trickle and then stopped.
Two paramedics came rushing in with a stretcher and minutes later they’d attached a drip and he was being taken out to their van. I ran behind, holding the keys of his Saab–I still had to get home. Under the streetlights I could see I was covered in blood–wonderful, another outfit ruined.
I wasn’t going to enjoy the questions the police were going to fire at me, and yet the thing that concerned me most was the survival of Toby. Now I knew he wasn’t the killer, but that was all I knew. In the dark, the man who attacked us could have been over six feet or not. I couldn’t tell–it all happened so quickly.
I followed the ambulance to the hospital where I knew I’d soon be met by police, I called home to tell Stella what had happened and for her to ask Tom to bring me a complete change of clothes and footwear to the hospital. Boy, what a mess.
I found a newspaper on the back seat of the car and sat on it to try and avoid staining the leather seats. My feet were wet, so were my trousers from hauling Toby out of the water, and the front of me was covered in blood. I was anything but the picture of propriety befitting a peer’s wife, and by the look of my reception committee, my sartorial elegance was going to be the last item on their list of questions.
It was going to be a long night, and I hoped we had enough expressed milk for the baby.

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Bike pt 1134.
Cathy has tracked Julie before,, maybe she can track Ski Mask.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
good idea
although she has a strong relationship with Julie. Suspect tracking Ski Mask won't be so easy.
More questions
How did the knife attacker know that there'd be someone near the pond at that time of night? Why did he or she stab Toby Old first rather than Cathy?
Between you and Sue Brown, you've almost got the monopoly on cliff hangers.
evidently the attacker didn't know Cathy
and went after the cop first. Agree on the question of what's (he) doing watching the pond in the middle of the night.
Cop first
If you have two people to attack, always take out the one who can cause you the most trouble first. The attacker probably figured that Cathy would be too scared to react, while the policeman is trained for such situations. Little did he (or she) know...
Tough Buzzard
People usually don't get up that quickly after one of Cathy's kicks. Must be someone in relatively robust condition, possibly Mr. Bailey, the games teacher?
Nice red herring there with the left-handed, colorblind Mr. Old.
If anyone should own one of those cheap spy/surveillance video pens, it should be Cathy. She seems to always end up in situations that require a lot of explaining afterwards. A little evidence would come in handy once in awhile. Christmas gift idea? Maybe even from one of the kids?
If a picture is worth 1000 words, this is at least part of my story.
Mole? Police scanner?
The killer's already done the dirty deed, so wouldn't have much of an excuse to be hanging around the crime scene late at night. He should have had no reason to suspect anyone would be snooping around the place during the night time, so it's worth pondering if he somehow was forewarned about the visit. A mole within the police? Someone with access to a police scanner? Or maybe Toby has an evil twin...
Of course, by their very nature, left-handers are sinister...
Mercifully, although I'm a lefty myself, I'm (a) several hundred miles away from the scene of the crime, (b) have full colour vision, and (c) haven't got a motive, so (d) you can't implicate me :)
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Re: Mole? Police scanner?
Have you tried listening to police communications in the United Kingdom recently?
Wouldn't do you much good, their radio communications are all encrypted.
So it must have been a mole working with Bonzai to lead Cathy astray.
Ere' we go again.
I dunno'. It's bloody dangerous bein' out with this girl.
I hope they don't think it's lady muck at the reception committee.
Provided Toby is compus-mentis it shouldn't be too difficult to cobble together an explanation but somebody must have access to something to have known that the pair had gone fishing.
Still lovin' it.
Love and hugs,
Growin' old disgracefully!
Wonder if...
I wonder if Mr. Ski Mask has a cracked rib - from the kick... That being why he didn't stick around to do Cathy in...
Ya think the plods will accuse Cathy of attacking Toby?
Me thinks, the game's a foot.
Knowing Cathy...
She had her cell phone recording the whole thing. She seems to like doing that in questionable situations.
Daggers in the dark
Oh my.
Funny that he escaped after being drop kicked by Cathy instead of continuing his assault. He might have figured she was a policewomen or something so did the better part of valor thing.
Cathy seems to be well protected from the mundane as well as the spiritual planes. Surely there will not be an issue with the plod this go round as she in essence was on a sanctioned investigation by the investigating officer.
Go Cathy! Go! Now all she needs is an action heroine doll ;-)
Police Careers
Back in Part 1132, Toby Old
predictedcommented concerning Cathy:How does the proverb go? "Many a true word is spoken in jest." Now it looks as if it might become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Thanks A+B: you certainly managed to pack a lot of action into this particular Bikesode.
Oh, if Cathy's going to be at the hospital for a while, maybe she could borrow some gear from the neonatal/maternity ward, express some more milk and have one of the family or even Jenny collect it for Baby C.
Police Strife
Bike Resources
Bike Resources
It's 2:00 in the Morning!
See what you get for the quality of comment at this time of day, I mean, night, I mean, morning? Still, I said I would, didn't I?
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
Well there goes another suspect
although if am honest, I would have been more than a little surprised to find out that it was Toby...If you look at people who knew Reg Edwards the only one we have heard of is Mr Bailey the games teacher...So what do we know about him ? Not much...Apart from the fact that he has a temper and a very low opinion of his pupils...Not Much to go on there....So could it be an ex pupil with a grudge against teachers? ... Again who knows, It's certainly a possibility....In fact the only thing we can be sure of is that we will find out in the fullness of time.......Hopefully...
Excellent Chapter
Excellent chapter, suspense, action and reaction all the action
written in a manner than reflects what is occurring and before
one can realize it the end of the chapter. What more could a
person ask for? More of these chapters.
He's wearing red.
Well, that clears Toby.