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(aka Bike) Part 1096 by Angharad Copyright © 2010 Angharad
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The baby was gurgling and shrieking, and I was crying when Stella staggered in, “D’you know what time it is?” she growled at us.
“Look, Stella, look,” I pointed at my wet nightie.
“Look at what, she’s been sick down you has she?”
“No, here, you hold her a moment.” I passed the baby to her, then pulled off my nightie, standing there in a just a pair of panties. “Look,” I repeated and squeezed my nipple and a drop of fluid appeared at its tip.
She dabbed a finger against it and my nipple hardened and another drip appeared. She tasted her finger, “Hmm, I think it’s milk–have you been on anything, like FSH?”
It took a moment for me to understand what she meant, “No, nor prolactin,” I shrugged and two drips of milk fell from my breasts.
“Here,” she handed me back the baby who latched onto my breast and began sucking. For a moment it felt very uncomfortable as if they were being turned inside out, then that eased, presumably as the milk began to flow and became almost pleasurable.
I sat on the bed feeling a lovely sort of exhilarated bemusement with this wonderful baby sucking and chewing on my nipple. Stella picked up my nightdress and draped it around my shoulders.
“Are you sure you haven’t been taking anything?”
“No, I swear it seems to have just happened.”
“Did your breasts feel funny or anything, swollen or tender?”
“I can’t honestly say I noticed–hang about, my bra felt a bit tight when I dressed yesterday, so I changed it for another one–but that happens sometimes.”
“It happens to biological females, why should it happen to you? You don’t get periods, do you–or do you?”
“No, of course not. But my body sometimes feels like it has its own rhythm or cycle–I mean I feel randy every so often, or grumpy.”
“Just like a menstrual cycle–but no menses?”
“I wish–no. Just the bloating and mood changes.”
“So what’s caused this–and don’t tell me your blue light did it?”
“I have no idea,” I swapped the baby to my other breast, “Ouch, you little bugger, don’t bite.”
Stella chuckled an evil laugh.
“Well I had this funny dream last night.”
Stella yawned, “Go on, I’ll buy it.”
“No–seriously, it was weird, seriously weird.” I went on and described what I could remember from the earlier slumber.
“What was this fairy or angel’s name?” she asked me.
“Sheck or something like that only longer.”
“Shrek, oh that is so funny–she wasn’t ten feet tall and green was she?” Stella fell backwards on the bed causing the bed to vibrate which in turn woke up the baby and she began suckling again.
“Shek, not Shrek, you idiot, something like, Shek-nah, no Shekhinah that was it, Shekhinah.”
“Where did you dream that up from?” Stella wasn’t impressed by my dreams, “Not the same place as the one when you were crawling under your bed trying to find your bike?”
“How d’you know about that one? I’ll murder Simon when he comes home.”
“He’ll be pleased about the express dairies,” she laughed.
“He can get his own, this is all reserved for wee yin, here.” I stroked her head and she began suckling again.
“Did she fall asleep?” Stella laughed at the baby.
“I could murder a cuppa, Stel.” I said hinting strongly.
“All right, I’m not going to get much more sleep now anyway. I’ll bring Pud down and we can change them in the kitchen and have tea at the same time.”
So that is what we did. I popped on a bra and shoved some tissues in the cups and pulled on a top and a pair of jogging bottoms. My breasts felt really strange, like they’d had the centres sucked out of them–I suppose they had in some ways. I was still bemused when I got down and Stella had Puddin’ on the changing mat and was putting a new nappy on her.
“Phwoar, she doesn’t smell too fresh, Stella.”
“Neither would you if you’d spent all night in the same nappy.”
“I’ve had these panties on all night and I don’t smell like that,” I accused jokingly.
“I see, I suppose you and Baby Cheeses there, along with Shrek-wossit, have clean dry nappies.”
“Um–not quite, little Katie here, has done a whoopsie–lovely, looks like mustard.”
“I’ll bet it doesn’t smell like mustard.”
“Mustard gas, maybe,” I laughed dumping the nappy liner in the bin then putting the nappy in the bucket of nappy cleanser.
We sipped teas and chatted while I burped baby C and Stella fed Puddin’. Puddin’ was now having some solids as well as milk, and she had grown quite a bit compared to the small size of my charge.
I laid my baby down in her carrycot and she went off to sleep again, and Stella popped Puddin’ in the high chair, where she played with a spoon and the empty dish of whatever puree she’d been eating. Stella sat at my computer and asked for the name of the creature in my dream. I told her and she typed it into Google, apparently there are several ways of spelling it.
“What did you find?” I asked unable to see the screen from where I was sitting.
“You didn’t make the name up did you?”
“I have no idea–why?”
“You must have heard or read it somewhere,” she asserted.
“I could have done, why?”
“Well, if that weird dream of yours wasn’t just eating too much cheese...”
“I didn’t have any cheese yesterday, did I? No, I didn’t.”
“Like I said, if any of that was more than just a weird dream...”
“Yeah–well come on–tell me what you’ve found,” I urged her.
“Your little friend with the green headlights is heavy stuff.”
“What are you on about?”
“It’s Hebrew-Judaism stuff.”
“What Lillith and that sort?”
“No more fundamental than that, the Shekhinah is the feminine principle of the godhead.”
“What does that mean?” I was even more confused.
“The female face of God.”
“In Hebrew mythology,” I asserted determined not to take the religious stuff seriously, “it’s just a myth, a fairytale–and they talk to the universal unconscious. It’s all archetype stuff–Freud and Jung–that’s all it is.”
“Yeah sure, so you meet this goddess in your dream and the next moment you’re carrying more milk than a five gallon churn. Coincidence, or what?”
“It’s pure coincidence–the dream was all archetype stuff, going down into the unconscious, a full moon, gateways, olive and fig trees. All well known symbolism, that’s all it was. The lactation may or may not last, and could have been caused by all sorts of things.”
“Including Divine intervention?” Stella looked quite serious.
“No–that I don’t accept–for starters, how could something that doesn’t exist in any shape or form intervene? No way.”
“I suppose if you allowed the possibility of it, they’d throw you out of the Richard Dawkins fan club,” teased Stella.
“Yeah, that too.”

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Baby Catherine
Baby C
I wonder how many more Cathy will experiment with before settling on a fixed one?
(For a start, too many more and the baby's "AKA" entry on the spreadsheet will be bigger than the rest of the family put together!)
As for Cathy's reaction to Stella's discovery, it doesn't surprise me. Bear in mind that believing in a deity of any kind would be an earth shattering change to Cathy's world view. Over time, a small part of her may start wondering "Maybe...", but the larger part of her will always try and rationalise it in material terms.
It wouldn't surprise me if Cathy has more night-time visits to Shekhinah in the future. If (as seems likely) the deity is genuine, it may try nudging Cathy but will be patient - it wouldn't expect her to abandon her world view overnight and accept a new one that contrasts so much with her current one. Cathy may currently view it as illusory, but through the night-time chats it may be able to act as a stop-gap psychotherapist until Cathy finds one she's comfortable with.
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 1096.
Now that Lady Cathy had proof of the Hebrew/Christian Diety, will she start believing?
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Wonder What Cathy Will Say....
when the monthly "curse" shows up? I think the goddess will keep doing things to surprise Cathy until she finally gets what she is trying to show her. It was really touching when little Katie started sucking on Cathy's breasts. It will be interesting to see what else happens to our new Baby Momma?
Males Making Milk
Well it has been done already. Look up "Milkmen" via Google.
In a Norse Saga there is an account of the people who had to leave the colony in Vinland (N America) after a fight with the Scraelings, ( Eskimos ) and this man called i think Snorri, has rescued his baby but his wife was already taken, so they are sailing back to Iceland or Greenland and he needs to feed his baby, so he cuts his nipples and they bleed and the baby sucks the blood but after a couple of days it becomes milk the baby is suckling from them.
Physiologically, lactation is stimulated by suckling.
Post op Cathy takes female hormones, has almost no male hormones, and with baby C to stimulate, it is within the bounds of what is scientifically possible for her to lactate.
Cathy grew up in a bible thunping family. She is likely to have read or heard some of the old Hebrew muythology, Now her unconscious mind in dreams tries to "RATIONALISE" the changes, by dragging up the old myth.
But this is clever stuff from Angharad, you have to agree !
I recall reading somewhere ...
... about a couple with a new born baby somewhat isolated and the mother died. The husband in desperation put the baby to his breast and eventually lactated. I'm fairly sure this was an allegedly factual report and not fiction though my brain could be playing tricks - it's some time ago. It's a lot more likely than blue lights and goddesses (or gods for that matter) in real life though they're fine in fiction.
There's something about it here:
The Shekhinah
is described in the Talmud, it's not part of Christian "Fundamentalism." Indeed, in most Christian churches, to talk about the Shekhinah the feminine face of the godhead would only happen in terms of describing how wrong a path the Jewish people have taken....
So unless Cathy's family was part of some sort of Messianic Jewish group, the concept would most likely never come up.
(Yes, I grew up in a Southern Baptist church, & still consider myself a Baptist, but a well read one...)
That would really blow everyone's mind - creating a cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes x2, ovaries x2, plumbing and wiring them up...
As with most instances of healing, lactation is something that she could theoretically do anyway, as breasts contain the right equipment - it's just that normally it requires high levels of prolactin (to stimulate milk production) and oxytocin (to trigger the 'let-down' reflex) to work.
Prolactin is produced in the hypothalamus and oxytocin doubles up as a neurotransmitter, so while the high density burst of PLN she's getting is unusual, the mere presence of it isn't.
Again, it's like the healing - it makes use of what's already there, thater than creating structures from scratch.
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
This getting deep.
Gosh this is getting in deep now.
Mind you it's really all superstition.
What they don't understand they start to create myth around.
Still I'm lovin' it.
You're early tonight Angie. Is that knee hurting or summat?
Hope it gets better soon.
Love and hugs.
Gotta laugh
that Cathy is performing miracles on a fairly regular fashion, has powerful dreams of the Deity and still she holds stubbornly to a humanistic view point.
It just strikes me as pretty silly that's all.
I wonder even if She comes to earth in her full glory and grabs Cathy by the scruff would Cathy even then cave. Oh, I know, maybe if the Goddess steps into their locked bedroom, changes Simon into a woman and then back again while they are making love, and then changes him back the next day, I wonder if she would believe at that point?
A universally sweet moment of mother/daughter bonding is always awesome.
Some interesting reactions...
...lie in store for Cathy.
First, there's Simon and Tom.
Second, the other members of the family: this is definitely going to change the outlooks of Julie, Billie and Trish on the future.
Third, the various members of the medical fraternity who have crossed Cathy's path.
Fourth, sundry other friends, acquaintances and relatives (like Auntie Do).
Those who are aware of Cathy's gender status are going to be really surprised when baby C starts crying, and Cathy sits down with her, pops out a breast and begins nursing the babe. Thanks A+B, this situation is ripe with possibilities for drama and dramatic intrigue.
Then there are the dietary requirements and constraints that Cathy is going to have to contend with, in order that what she eats doesn't upset young Catherine's digestive system.
Providing Sustenance
Bike Resources
Bike Resources
Yeah, I'd have..
difficulty accepting it too, and it's not an unknown topic to me.
Interestinger and interestinger. The tlot phickens!
What Will Simon’s Reaction Be?
I know that when I was breastfeeding my wee one, my man was fascinated by it, even though he was expecting it to happen. When he watched me, I often wondered if he wanted to have a go himself, although I never dared ask him.
I bet Simon will show tremendous interest, because I get the feeling he has a bit of a breast fixation.
BTW, Angie, my wee one, now a teenager, loved the episode.
TS breast feeding
I personally know of least 6 different TS that have successfully breast fed their adopted babies. My DR is aware of it's possibility and asked me. I told her, there's no way. I had snip-snip on my 40th birthday(male snip-snip) not bottom surgury, at that time I was even considering transition. anyrates, I told her when I hit 40 I'd decided I wasnt married, wasnt likely anytime soon, and I really had no desire to spawn children that i'd be responsible into my 60s I had plans on travel, and no desire to worry being burdoned with children in school if & when I did. All I knew was I had the means,and my plans was retiring @ 50 and travel. Which i've done a bit. I did leave open possibility if I met somone I fell in love with & she had kids, then I'd make accomidations.
I tend to be a scientist,
but I also believe there is more than we know. Personally I think Cathy's had more proof than any one person deserves, but she uses it well.
When you post every day, where do you find the time for research ?
Or do you have a brain that much larger than us mortals ?
As Stella asked, what's next ?