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(aka Bike) Part 1137 by Angharad Copyright © 2010 Angharad
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“Mummy, woss vose sparky fings?” asked Mima as they ate their ice cream.
“Diamonds, sweetheart.”
“Woss diamons?”
“Diamonds are jewels, which can be very valuable. Usually only the best ones become jewellery, but very small ones are used to make drills and things, because they are so hard. My nail file is lined with diamond dust.” I took the file out of my bag and showed it to the girls.
“Is this very valuable, Mummy,” asked Livvie.
“Not really, certainly those diamonds aren’t but they are useful because they will take years of filing my nails before they wear out.”
“Why did the men kill Mr Edwards?” asked Billie.
“I don’t honestly know. Perhaps he saw then using his pond or something like that. We don’t know if the diamonds are stolen or smuggled into this country. In fact we know very little, except we have the money and the stones.”
“What stones, Mummy?” Trish now wanted clarification.
“Diamonds are gem stones, so for quickness I called them stones,” which was a waste of time because then I had to explain it.
“Why are diamonds valuable?” asked Trish.
“Because they are quite rare, at least the better ones are. They come out of the ground and have to be cut by experts in order to show their structure and then they are categorised by how many carats they weigh.”
“Carrots?” laughed Trish, “That’s silly, why not potatoes?”
“Not carrots but carats, it’s a system of valuing diamonds and other precious stones, and in a different way the purity of gold.”
“Your ring is silver isn’t it?” Billie pointed at my wedding ring.
“No, it’s white gold, which means they’ve added another semi-precious metal to the gold to make it appear silver not gold. I think it’s rhodium they use.”
“Why can’t they just use silver, sounds silly to me.”
“I believe gold and silver have different properties when they use them for making jewellery.”
“It all sounds silly to me,” said the perspicacity kid.
“Well that’s people for you,” I declared before escorting them back to the car, just in time to see Martina drive past. She was so absorbed in me with part of my brood that she very nearly crashed into the car in front and had to do an emergency stop.
I hoped she thought some of the girls were friends rather than my children and I felt a little afraid for them. I quickly got them into the car and drove home. I’d thought about getting some shopping, instead I ordered a take away from the local Indian restaurant and everyone but I was happy to have some curry. I made do with a poached egg on toast.
Simon called that night and I explained how Trish had helped me find the money and diamonds. He was suitably impressed, and wondered how long it would be before she was running the bank. I told him I hoped she’d take on an academic career because it would do much more good than simply making money. He countered suggesting that the money she would need for pay and resources had to come from somewhere and banking made a load more than manufacturing.
I pointed out that hedge funds had helped an indebted US company acquire a healthy British one, so not all banking and finance was good for us, meaning Kraft and Cadbury. He passed that off as a government mistake, which would never have got past the monopolies commission had he been the trade minister but at the end of the day, capitalism is often seen as greed, and occasionally it is, as my example proved. However, British governments of all persuasions had thought it appropriate to allow the markets to reign supreme when they sometimes needed regulation, and it was also often a case of double standards. The US government calling for free markets while whacking on trade tariffs.
After I spoke with Simon, I read the news on the internet and saw that the Nobel peace prize had gone to a Chinese dissident, which the Chinese government declared a ridiculous thing to do. Personally, I thought it was brilliant and better than giving it to Mr Obama whose main peace offering had been to increase the number of troops in Afghanistan.
The Commonwealth Games were producing some excitement, but my mind was fixed on different things–like the death of a schoolteacher and Martina and her threat risk to my kids.
That night I dreamt I was in the orchard calling for Trish and Danny and I heard Martina’s voice saying I wouldn’t find them. I woke up feeling very anxious. Despite this, I went to see Toby after dropping the girls off to school, and brought him up to date on the findings from the pond.
“So is that it then–a storage place for criminals which he happened to see by chance and they killed him?”
“It could be, I suppose if they used it by day, he’d be in school most of the time. Who looked after his garden? It looked far too well cared for for a busy man to be doing it.”
“I dunno, why?”
“Well, wouldn’t they be the obvious person to investigate?” I offered.
“Yeah, could be.”
“Aren’t you going to be suggesting it to your super?”
“He’s probably done it by now.”
“What if he hasn’t?”
“I can hardly do it can I?”
“No, but you could suggest it if he hasn’t.” I offered him my phone and he rang his office and spoke with his sergeant. They chatted for some time and finally, he said, ‘Oh’ with a degree of displeasure.
“What happened? I asked him.
“The gardener has turned up dead.”
“Oh,” I said feeling a degree of disappointment.
“He got mowed down,” said Toby chortling before his laughter caused his wound to hurt.
I didn’t laugh at his sick joke, as it sounded as if another human had become yet one more murder statistic and that was a reason for sadness not humour, more myrrh than mirth.
“So was he murdered?” I asked, he could have fallen down the stairs or died in his own bed for all I knew.
“Looks like, unless you happen to sleep with a knife in your bed and roll on top of it, several times with your hands tied together.”
“A very determined suicide, then?” I said smirking.
“Yep, a bad case of gardener’s prune.”
“You mean where the gardener gets pruned.” I suggested.
“Yeah, I wonder if he was stoned first?”
“Oh, Toby, that is so bad.” I groaned and we both laughed.
Unbeknownst to either of us, Martina must have been watching because when I went back to my car, the tyres had been slashed. It cost me two hundred quid and a call to the police to get my car back to driveable. When I saw her again I’d have something to say to her and it wouldn’t necessarily be polite.

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Martina the Evil One
I think I have a fair idea of Cathy's capabilities; however. Martina is not one to be trifled with. Did the CCTV get a picture? I think they have them about everywhere over there. I think it's a good idea.
Pulling a Villeneuve
French admiral Villeneuve, who lost the battle of Trafalgar against Lord Nelson and was captured in the progress, was found with several stabbing wounds after his being released by the British on his way to Paris.
Believe it or not, it was declared a suicide.
I still say
Martina is in with the bad guys. just keeping tabs on what the plod, and Cathy are up to
Keep up the good work
I do kinda wonder...
I do kinda wonder what Martina'll do when she discovers all those things Cathy talked about are true.
Interesting way to commit suicide, I have to tell you. I mean, it never occurred to me to tie my hands before wielding the knife. Simply amazing.
He could have stabbed himself then tied himself up again.
Yeah. Right.
Martina is gonna be trouble, just hope her brood does not get in the crossfire.
I can't figure out...
...why Cathy has assumed it was Martina who did the tyre damage. Sometimes one's aversion to another person can certainly colour or cloud one's judgement. Where's the evidence that she was the perpetrator?
Thanks A+B+I (Indian Take Away): the mystery compounds and continues.
Puncturing Slashes
Bike Resources
Bike Resources
Yeah, Cathy is proceding with some pejudice toward Marina
Yeah, Cathy is proceding with some prejudice toward Martina after her threats, but what about Ricky? Who is he, and how tall is he? Color blind?, left handed? Is Martina left handed? How much is a dead plod inspector worth on the insurance ticket? Could there be more than one crime being perpetrated? Toby was stabbed while with Cathy. Cathy's tires were slashed while she was with Toby. Does Martina want Toby dead? Ahh, questions. Where's the McGuffin?
Isn't Rhodium that expensive girls' boarding school near Brighton?
Oh no, that's Roedean, innit? Just the place for young Trish when she's a teenager.
Reminds me of a song ...
... that I bet cyclist would know as she seems to be an expert on bawdy rugby lyrics :)
"We are from Roedean, Roedean are we
We take a pride in our virginity ..."
etcetera, etcetera
You mean this one?
Martina May Be the Prime Suspect
As the tire slasher but Cathy'll need proof; suspicion alone isn't enough. Are there perhaps video cameras trained on the parking lot or is it just we North Americans who have to be watched like it's 1984?
I'm looking forward to see how this develops.
Good question. Who IS Ricky? A diamond smuggler maybe?
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
CCTV Density
Dear Jenny,
The UK has a far higher density of CCTV Cameras than the USA. Mainly this is due to the UK's population density being much higher- there are no vast deserts, great plains, huge mountain ranges, etc in the UK, and indeed everywhere you go lots of other people have already gotten there first.
But the country with the most CCTV per hectare or acre or sq metre or whatever your choice for units of land is, would be Monaco, a small, independent principality wedged between France and the Mediterranian Sea, a few miles from Italy. This is a country that has very low taxes and many very rich people go there to live because of that and while it is a very pleasant environment. There are several superb yacht harbours, lovely botanical gardens, magnificent old buildings, an annual Formula One motor racing event, a world famous Casino, and a Royal Family to ogle. They reckon that every square metre of the country is watched by CCTV Cameras, and the local police can be there within 5 minutes of anything criminal being seen. So the millionaires who live there are as safe as can be when they go shopping.
I think Angharad's Cathy character has heightened awareness of things generally, so she picks up signs most ordinary people and even trained detectives would miss. This would explain her suspicion of Martina, and its justification. It is more than just prejudice. We have seen her "guess right" before. There are actually some people who are like that. They are sometimes called "Sensitives". Explaining them away is difficult, and like Cathy, my scientific training finds it hard to integrate. One just has to take it how one finds it and admit that the mechanisms are as yet not clear or understood.
Very unsatisfactory, but then, if we already knew everything life would get boring.....
Ahhh, Monaco...
I spent a few days there - Even dropped five (5) francs (Yes, just five!) on the roulette table, so I could say I "played the Casino de Monte Carlo" :-) Of course, as you can guess from the currency, this was a few years ago. LOL
Bike pt 1137.
If not Martina, then whoever stabbed Toby slashed Cathy's tyres.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
A Witch
That Martina is starting to look like a real
witch. And Toby appears to be no more than
her pumpkin. It's scary and frightening chapter
you should enter it in the Halloween contest.
You would have my vote.
What else is also frightening is our heroines
comments on economics and trade policy. Her
expertise is biology not economics. I am sure
a careful review of the comments she has made
may have a basis but lack an understanding of
why it was necessary to take such actions if
in fact those actions were taken.
Love the story, but...
Oct 8th my wife was informed the job she had for 29 years was going to St Paul, Minn.
Company is owned by Smith, or Smythe Industries in England. Motive was to save $50,000 a
year. They spent several million to do that with paying my wife and others to train the
replacements who couldn't read English. Those they trained all have quit or have been fired, released, given the boot, etc. They were still making a profit till then.
As to our wonderful President and other 'fine examples of totally unstained lifeforms',
I didn't vote for the President at least.
Okay, now that I vented, I'll go commit suicide by jumping off my soapbox. (it's a joke):)
Disclaimer: Vents are totally the result of faulty release valves and pressure regulators.
Unless they are being used by the pressure release system as a controlled method of modulation.
He entered the hall to get warm. She left it two hundred years later.
He entered the hall to get warm. She left it two hundred years later.
Harry Harrison, in "Bill the Galactic Hero" had a character called Spleen, whose entire existence was to allow another character to say, when S got wounded, "Look at that vent in Spleen"
Opinions held by a fictional character shouldn't be the stuff of bitter arguments in a 'friendly place'
I mean, several of my characters are ENGLISH for gods' sakes! One was even a Yank!
Here, Here,
Well, Duh, of course the characters where "here". :-)
And, I've my share as well. :-)
Don't Commit Suicide
Our President is not responsible for the loss of
your wife's job. What took place should be blamed
on the conservative element in our country who want
their cake and eat it, along with ice cream and
other goodies. When you align yourself with this
conservative element you are agreeing to the loss
of your job at the whim of the company you work for.
Because the capitalistic philosophy regarding pay, "is
that you don't pay anyone more than it takes to keep
or replace him." That is why company's move out
of areas and to places like China. You say the
company spent millions to train new employees, they
probably saved more in wages and made a profit from
the sale of their former location. I didn't vote
for President but I believe the other side lost on
purpose so they would not have to make the hard
decisions our President has had to make. He deserves
our respect for taking on the challenge left by
the former President.
Whilst I don't want to get bogged down
with politics, in all of the developed nations, there are vested interests who prevent anything very radical happening, because change might stop them exploiting the rest of us while pocketing the profits. Politicians are puppets to the real controllers: Barack Obama is just as limited as the rest of us, he does get to live in a big house for a few years though. We delude ourselves into thinking we live in free countries - they are as free as the controlling interests allow us to be.
Ah politics
Mostly run by bureaucrats who often 'live' through multiple Govts. I did get a smile out of the Chinese Govts reaction to the Noble prize though.
This is starting to get a bit old
And not the story. My spouse freezes everything as soon as we walk in the door from the market. So.....I get out of bed, hungry, and can't find anything to eat. Then I go work shift.....I refuse to eat fast food. It's all trash, and not worth anything near what they charge for it. So dinner, is basically cheese crackers with peanut butter, which I buy in the economy size box for close to what a vending machine charges for a single serve pack. .90 to 1.00 depending on which machine. Then I get home about 1AM and anything that had been fixed for dinner has been snaffled down by the two food vacuums that live here, or was frozen. Then I sit down to get my fix of Bike, and have to read about all this food, while the kids are watching Food network The Best Thing I Ever Ate or Meat and Potatoes (They compare the Best Steaks or the biggest hunk of meat you can get on a plate. And people wonder what sets the crazies off to do bad things!
Other than that....Its either Martina or the stabber hoping to get another go at her when she is out somewhere. If she had tarried telling puns longer, it may have been dark enought for him to try again.
It seems like
Martina means buisiness After all if it was her who slashed the tyres...It would suggest that she was carrying a knife .....Goodness only knows what would have happened if Cathy had gone back when she/he was busy!!!
Well, that leaves out the gardner,
Wonder if they have a butler?
I felt that Martina is up to
I felt that Martina is up to no good. Why did Cathy dream Trish and Danny were with her ?
Shoot, Trish already has had a emergency, Danny,watch out !