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(aka Bike) Part 1194 by Angharad Copyright © 2010 Angharad
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When we got home, Stella and Jenny asked how it had gone at the school. Julie was effusive in her praise, especially of Trish’s vote of thanks. “Yeah, Mummy was pretty good, she made ‘em laugh alright, but Trish’s vote of thanks stopped ‘em dead. There wasn’t a dry eye in the house.”
“I gave Mummy da fwowes,” declared Meems muscling in on the act.
“Yes, and you presented them beautifully,” I said ruffling her hair. “So who dressed this lot?” I asked, indicating the three younger girls, who were smartly turned out including their hair.
“That was a joint effort, Julie and Jenny dressed them and I did their hair,” admitted Stella–“The problem was, we couldn’t start until you’d left. We were also so glad you took the Porsche. If you’d taken the Mondeo, they’d have had to take two cars to get them all there.”
“I told you I was going to impress–the irony is, I do a talk on ecology and turn up in a gas guzzler, with acceleration like a jet fighter.”
“Did anyone see you driving Jim’s car?”
“Only the headmistress. Mind you, I had a fight on my hands about who was going to ride home in it with me.”
“I see,” said Stella surveying my brood, “Who won?”
“Simon,” I said and Stella looked very strangely at me. “So who drove the Mondeo?”
“Trish,” I said–the look on her face was priceless.
“But she can’t---that’s illegal–you’re joking.” When we all burst out laughing she nearly hit me.
“I got to ride home in it, Auntie Stella,” beamed Danny.
“Yeah, ‘snot fair,” said Trish and the other girls nodded agreement.
“But you got to do the vote of thanks, and embarrass your mother in front of hundreds,” smiled Stella.
“I s’pose so,” said Trish, although I’m not sure at the tender age of six, she really appreciated the opportunity she’d been given. If she remembers it at sixteen, she’ll see what she had–a chance to steal my thunder completely, backed up by Meems.
I let them have some cereal and a drink, then sent them off to bed. I had a sandwich and a cuppa, which I hoped would stop the growling noises in my tummy. I went up and settled the children down, while Julie compared notes on my performance with Tom and Si. After settling Danny down, he was so pleased I’d let him drive with me, I announced to Simon that I fancied a glass of wine.
“Red or white?” he asked, heading for the wine store in the larder.
“If I have white, Julie can have a drop as well.”
“Oh wow, Mummy, you are on a high tonight.”
“Yeah, hence the wine–it might help to ground me.”
She came over and hugged me, “I love you, Mummy,” she said and rested her head on my shoulder.
“I love you too, sweetheart.” I gave her a squeeze and she sighed, then let go and went and sat down.
“What was all that about?” hissed Stella as she helped unload the dishwasher and put the dishes away.
“Sometimes things trigger actions or reactions. Tonight she became a big sister again, sharing her love with the other kids and receiving some back. I think it reminded her she’s part of a family–she was just checking.”
“Oh, okay–I just wondered, it seems odd seeing someone who’s about ten years your junior calling you mummy–doesn’t it feel odd?”
“It did at first, but you get used to things.”
“Yes I suppose you do, Puddin' is calling me Mamma, that makes me go all gooey.”
“I always thought they said dada first.”
“I wish Des had been here to see her.”
“Me too, I suspect it might have been the making of him.” She looked rather sad so we hugged just as Simon arrived with two bottles of wine. He gave us a funny look that usually would be accompanied by, ‘Women–huh.”
I left him to open the bottles which although not chilled, were pretty bloody cold–the larder is built onto an outside wall on two sides and stays cool even in summer, which is what it was designed for, keeping food cool in the days long before refrigerators had been invented. In country houses, the gentry often had an ice house to which lumps of ice would be taken to keep food cold in summer.
We drank the two bottles of wine between us–none of us were going anywhere the next morning, and all it meant was we each had two. Julie was glowing after the second one. So was I–my tolerance or lack of it, of alcohol is legend in the house. Simon reckons that Meems would stay sober longer.
It’s not my fault, I seem to absorb it very quickly and it goes straight to my head upon which I start being sick. Tonight that didn’t happen, my supper must have slowed it down just enough, mind you I zonked when I got to bed and slept right through until a hand was shaking my shoulder.
“Whaa–what is it–oh hello, sweety-pie.” I cracked open an eye.
“It’s snowed, Mummy, may we go and play in it?”
I heard Simon groan from behind me. “Hmm, I don’t know. It sounds as if there might be a yeti about.”
“Wossat, Mummy?” I was delighted to realise Trish didn’t know everything–yet.
“Go and look it up on the internet.”
“How d’you spell it?” she asked.
“May we go and play then?”
“Not until you’ve had a proper breakfast.”
“All right.” She skipped off and I got up, aware that the room had an unusually light feel about it. When I pulled back the curtains, it had snowed, though hardly enough to do much with.
I did get them to eat before they went out. When they did, they built a rather small snowman in the orchard.
I was watching them from the kitchen window. Simon put his arms about my waist and kissed the back of my neck. “What d’ya want for your birthday?” he asked quietly.
“A Porsche,” I said, and he laughed. I didn’t join him.
“You’re serious, aren’t you?”
“Yet you turned down the Audi.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“It’s a bit expensive–I hate to mention we are going through a rough time at the moment.”
“Yes I know–but you asked what I’d like–that’s what I’d like, but I’d settle for a nice dinner somewhere, just the two of us.”
“Okay, I’ll sort it.”
“Thank you.” Just then the baby woke up again and I had to go and feed her. I told her it was my birthday soon, but she wasn’t very impressed. That’s the problem with babies, they’re too young to deceive or impress with either goods or cleverness.
I’d told her all about my triumph the night before and she fell asleep–honestly–she has a genius for a mother and she ignores me–impressed–oh yeah, but like Simon, it’s more with my breasts than my brains.

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thank you Angharad...
... for such a nice and quiet episode for a change. :)
== There is not only one truth out there ==
== There is not only one truth out there ==
Please,dear one,
' how could you possibly think of not continuing this wonderful tale? Thank you once again.
What, did the world stop turning?
A quiet day at the house? That's abby normal ! LOL
Seeing mention there of Des:
“I wish Des had been here to see her.â€
“Me too, I suspect it might have been the making of him.â€
...made me wonder what's been happening with Stella and Gareth. With all the mayhem of recent Bikesodes, there hasn't been much news from that direction, and it would be nice to see Stella settle down with someone, without feeling guilty.
Thanks A+B+I (sundry snacks): knowing how precocious Cathy's children are—there must be something between the fostering and the blue light—I'm picking it won't be too long before Baby C is surprising us all with a few words, even with her predilection for mammaries.
Possible Stories
Bike Resources
Bike Resources
Wonder how long
the thoughtful Julie will last? Probably a day or two knowing teenagers.
Wondered how A&B would follow up on yesterday's episode. A nice calm evening at home with the family was great.
Worried about the snow. Bad things happen pretty frequently when out playing in the snow in this tale. Would be great though to find Cathy's little angels out there making snow angels.
A quiet day at Agnew house
What could possibly go wrong?
peace and quiet.
Just what I needed tonight; - peace and quiet in two stories, 'Bike & Cold feet'.
Yes, I know it's been 'family stuff' in both stories but that was something that helped me over tonight.
Lovely story Angie. Going to bed now, I've been ordered to go by 'the boss'
Love and hugs.
Still loving it.
Growing old disgracefully.
Sleep well
And wake up free.
Bike pt 1194
Wonder when Maureen will show up to continue sorting the property, or has she finished?
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
On the one hand, we haven't heard a lot about Maureen recently...
...but on the other hand, she was hired to do exterior repair work - something not generally carried out in the rain, snow and sub-zero temperatures of winter! She's also been doing a security audit for High Street Bank, so may have been busy darting off visiting branches all over the country.
Wait until Spring, and she may re-emerge. In the mean time, it'll be interesting to see who's invited over for Christmas dinner. In the past, they've invited Siân and Kirsty, Maureen, Pippa and her boys, plus Henry and Monica (at different times!). H&M are almost certain to come over, plus a selection of the preceding list. This time, there's the remote possibility of Phoebe and her mum, although Neal and Gloria might be too occupied with each other to consider being with anyone else :)
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
A quiet day to be sure..
Yes it was a quiet day to be sure, but I cannot help think that there are still alot of unanswered questions regarding Julies adventure. I wonder if and when we will hear the other shoe drop?
Maybe what happened
To Julie was so traumactic.....That her brain has just removed all memories of it....Perhaps we will find out what was behind it one day.... But all that really matters is Julia is safe.....
Still unanswered stuff
to be sure as there are still millions of quid of valuables effectively in Cathy's possession in the safe deposit facility unless I am mistaken. It is unlikely those after her will let that go as the heads of said opposing criminal organization is still very much on the loose.
Glad she is getting a breather though but how Julie got that safe deposit key is still a bit of a mystery unless she was being used as an unwitting mule to hide the key.
Finally, does Cathy get a Porshe or just the dinner, a bit confused here.
Back to the placid home life...
Bet Cathy gets a Porsche for her birthday!
I kinda miss
the aliens invading with their giggle language.