(aka Bike) Part 1086 by Angharad Copyright © 2010 Angharad
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I realised that arguing with teenagers is like trying to prove a cat wrong–neither have any concept of it and both are entirely self-absorbed, it therefore becomes an object lesson in futility. However, if I strongly disagree on grounds of safety or morality, then I can be just as obstinate and I have greater fire-power via my some degree of holding the purse strings. Simon might be the banker, but I run the house even though Tom owns it.
I thought back to that first time I came here, when Tom asked me to be his hostess. How naive I was back then, how naive I am still, seeing myself as comparable with the Good Samaritan. I obviously have a healthy ego, which is probably necessary to make it through transition–you have to believe in yourself a certain amount or you ain’t gonna make it. Being reasonably presentable as what you are trying to portray helps, but it isn’t everything; at the same time I recognise the assistance I’ve had from my family–my current family, who have closed ranks and supported me more than I can ever repay.
“You’re looking wistful,” remarked Stella.
“I was thinking back to the first time I came to this house, Tom asked me to act as hostess to a very important dinner party.”
“He knew a bit of totty would give him the edge over the others.”
“I beg your pardon–bit of totty–explain yourself, madam.”
She sniggered then roared with laughter.
“Bitch,” I muttered and then laughed too.
“So who was there then?”
“The Under-Secretary of State for the Environment, some lovely Spanish chap who looked like Antonio Banderas, and some bloke from a bank whose name escapes me.”
“Oh, that bad, eh?”
“Well yeah, you see one banker see ‘em all.”
“Oh come off it, they can’t all be as boring as my big bruv.”
“No that’s true, and I did end up sleeping with the banker–apparently we needed the funding.”
“That was before you’d had–“ she made scissor-like actions with her fingers.
“So how did you manage?” she blushed and so did I, however in for a penny...
“He’d had so much to drink he fell asleep, I told him the next day what a stud he was and he went away quite happy.”
“Clever you, that always works, providing they are very drunk, but you have to be careful they don’t want to do a repeat in the morning.”
“I’d have said I was too sore because of his size.” I was now as red as a pillar box.
She sniggered, “I’ll have to keep that one in mind.”
“Just make sure they don’t want to kiss it better.”
That did it, she almost collapsed laughing. “Can you remember what you wore?” she asked when she’d recovered.
“Well–what was it?”
“A dress.”
“Duh,” she looked at me and shook her head, “I knew that stoopid, what dress.”
“Oh one some old tart gave me with poppies on it.”
“Is that the one I gave you?”
Now it was my turn, “Duh, like how many old tarts do I know whose clothes fit me?”
“I bought that in Paris, I’ll have you know. Never got round to wearing it.”
“Well I did and I felt the bees-knees in it.”
“So what other women were there?”
“Only the caterers.”
“What? You got to strut your stuff in front of a cabinet minister, a top banker and some guy from the EU? And you end up sleeping with the banker who turned out to be a total wan–banker?”
“More or less.”
“What was wrong with the Spanish Inquisition?”
“All he was interested in was taking cuttings from Tom’s garden.”
“A vegetarian, but he didn’t want to pollinate you?”
“No–but he was rather dishy, what I remember of him.”
“So who else fancied you?”
“Apart from Tom, I have no idea–I mean I could hardly ask them could I?”
“No, but if they have a lump in their pants when they say goodnight, you get a fair idea, don’t you?”
“Stella, I don’t go around staring at men’s crotches.”
“Don’t you? I do–and their bums when they’ve gone past.”
As we were talking Simon appeared, “Hello, Babes,” he kissed me.
“Did you know your better ‘arf ‘ere, was unfaithful to you in his very house the first time she entered it?”
He did a double take, “No, when was this?”
“At some dinner party with politicians and a banker, who apparently gave her more than his funding.”
“What, you mean Tom gave a dinner party?”
“Yes,” said Stella, nodding for emphasis.
“So? Was he a good screw?” he asked looking at me.
“Definitely,” I said.
“Oh well that’s alright then, what’s for dinner, I’m starving?”
“I haven’t started it yet.”
“Get a Chinese delivered! You like those don’t you?”
“Yeah, but I’m happy to make something.”
“No, order one in, I’d like to talk to my harlot wife–upstairs.”
I did as I was asked and ordered the set meal for seventy five–only joking, got the set meal for six, it would there in half an hour. Mind you it cost seventy five pounds.
“So what’s this all about, Miss Watts?”
“Oh I was reminiscing about the first time I came into this house, and she asked me. I decided I’d wind her up and told her I slept with the banker.”
“You did.”
“So it was all half truths, well that bit was.”
“I remember you wanting to tell me something, but I was so gone on you that I didn’t let you tell me–I am so glad I didn’t.”
“Why?” I asked although the answer was obvious.
“Because I might have lost you.”
“I love you,” I said and jumped onto him and he fell backwards onto the bed with me still on top of him.
“Everyone does,” he said, smirking, and I began hitting him.
The takeaway arrived before I could do any serious damage, he was laughing so much there was more chance of him overdosing on endorphins than me hurting him.
Julie came down wearing an outrageous outfit which left very little to the imagination and Simon and I simultaneously said, “You’re not going out like that!” At which she burst into tears and flounced upstairs slamming the door behind her.
“You’re her mother–go and deal with it!” My lord and master commanded.
“Yes but it’s you she wants to buy her a car, you have the stronger negotiating position.”
“I don’t do tearful women.”
“She isn’t a woman yet, she’s a spoilt brat throwing a tantrum.”
“I don’t think I can differentiate, so you’d better go.”
“I’ll go,” said Trish, rolling her eyes and sighing, at which Simon snorted soy sauce all over his clean shirt and I gasped.

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The wonderful Trish
It's amazing how at times she acts more mature than all three of the official Cameron adults in the household...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Very enjoyable.
You made me chuckle out loud several times; however, that might not be indicative of anything because I tend to laugh at weird stuff. I hope your aches and pains are waning. Bless you for continuing this tale of love and frustration.
For those who want to re-read the happenings at the time Tom asked Cathy to act as hostess to a dinner party, check out Parts 88 and 89.
A search in the archive for 'Banderas' quickly highlighted the offending culprits.
Thanks A+B: another enjoyable episode.
Parental Stress
Bike Resources
Bike Resources
I bet Angharad ...
... finds the results of your labours extremely useful. If she's anything like me anyway she will. I'm the sort of person who, when once given an old project of mine to work on 3 years later, only knew it was mine because it was my signature on the documentation.
That Trish is a card. I'm convinced she'll be taking over the running of the whole household before she leaves primary education. Of course she'll have taken over the school as well by then.
Where parents fear to tread
Little sister will sort things out.
Love that Trish. Just have to wonder which direction the 10 year age difference really goes.
Bike pt 1086.
Glad that Simon knows when Stella is winding him up But I wonder if Trish is getting too big for her britches? [bloomers]
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Past conquests.
Careful now Cathy, some say it's a sign of old age when one starts reminiscing over old conquests.
I suspect A&B were a bit tired tonight and too distracted with aches and pains to dream up anything too original.
Get better soon love. Know the feeling. Ouch! Ow-ow-ow.
Love and very, very gentle hugs,
The Trish Factor, Be happy
The Trish Factor, Be happy Cathy it is just her at the moment, Dealt with 2 overachievers 4 years apart. Still as funny as I remember. Very funny today thanks needed a bit of comedy
3 out of 5 boxes of tissue( I was laughing that much) and 5 gold stars
Goddess Bless you
Love Desiree
Goddess Bless you
Love Desiree
That last line of your story made me fall of my seat laughing. Leave it to the 6 year old to straighten out everyone. Trish truly is a card. Seems like she is the only one with any common sense.
Good Job Angharad, I hope your aches and pains heal soon.
I'm amazed you are still going strong after 2 years worth of writing this particular Soap Opera.
I can hear Trish now, as she
I can hear Trish now, as she gleefully rubs her hands together "first the home and then the world, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA!!!" I just hope she never goes bald so she looks like 'Dr. Evil' in the movies. :) Jan
All she needs is a white mouse named Pinky.
Bailey Summers
Don't you just love
these happy fun episodes, For a few minutes all problems are put aside and the two sister-in-laws can enjoy a bit of good natured teasing....Of course then Julie had to give her parents the chance to show that while they may be liberal parents, There are limits...... Which brings us to Trish, Six years old and already she feels that any mistakes her parents make she can sort out.....Who's betting against her?
Trish is going to be a handful
She is practicing on big sister, and will use it on Mom and Dad. Most Dads are putty in the hands of daughters, so this does not bode well for Cathy. Still, with luck, the parents revenge will still be her's (Cathy's).
Get 'em drunk, tell them what a great lover they were, all set
Love the sex talk back and forth with Stella.
Trish will handle it ? I'm right, she does manipulate Julie !