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(aka Bike) Part 1112 by Angharad Copyright © 2010 Angharad
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I puzzled some more about what Sam Rose had said about being careful with the Shekhinah–but without speaking to him again, I really didn’t know, and speculating is simply a waste of time.
The next day, Danny’s leg seemed okay as far as I could tell. He was running about as per usual and grumbled when I refused to let him play footie again. He kept saying it was unfair. Okay, so he’d hurt his leg falling off a bike–seems to be a recurrent theme in this family–rather than kicking a ball about, but, I didn’t know how strong his leg would be and decided to err on the side of caution. I made him stay home.
Of course, I had to take Billie shopping for her uniform, and that took three hours and loadsa dosh. Some of it strikes me as ridiculous–why does she need three pairs of gym knickers? 'Passion killers,' the girls I knew in school called them–mind you at that age, I’d have loved to have had to wear them. So do I feel deprived by not having had a girl-hood?–Sometimes. You can’t relive the past, all you can do is correct the mistakes for those coming afterwards. I was therefore determined for Trish, Billie, and in some ways, Julie from missing out on these formative years.
I mean, girls learn how to relate to other girls and boys from childhood–I had to learn quickly at the tender age of twenty, some do it even later–what chance a normal relationship then? I know, what is normal–we won’t go there again, it’s a convoluted argument.
“Do I get a milkshake tonight for being a good boy, Mummy?”
“Simon, grow up will you?”
“I will if I get a milkshake, later, hint hint.”
“It’s not supposed to be for your benefit, is it?”
“I thought as a banker, everything was for my benefit–did I get it wrong somewhere along the line?”
“No, I think that just about sums it up.”
“Hmm–I was being ironic, you know?”
“Gosh, were you–I’d never have guessed.”
“You can be so cutting at times.”
“Yeah, so?”
“What’s got into you?” He seemed a bit uptight today–not like Simon.
“Got into me–what about you?” I challenged back.
“I’m not the one casting nasturtiums,” he complained.
“Not much–woe is me–canni’ve a milkshake, Mummy? Don’t you think it’s bad enough actually having my tits sucked inside out by a two month old, to want to offer them to the world at large.”
“Don’t bother then.”
“Simon, don’t go all schoolgirl on me.”
“Yes, all pouts and self pity.”
“Self pity?”
“Must you repeat everything I say?”
“Must I what?”
This was driving me nuts–and the most frightening part was I didn’t think he was doing it deliberately. He’d got stuck in that defensive mode which throws back most of what is being hurled at him.
“I have to go and do a stew for this evening.” I walked into the kitchen and of course the baby started up. Their timing is amazing, maximum effect with minimal effort. But she’d have to wait, I was busy.
“Can’t you hear this baby crying?” Simon said marching into the kitchen.
“Yes, my hearing is every bit as good as yours.”
“So do something about it.”
“Can’t you see I’m busy for a moment?” I was browning the meat for the stew, to seal in the juices.
“I thought this child had priority over everything else?”
“No, she’s a baby and important–but she has to get in the queue like everyone else.”
“Well, I was in the queue before her,” he said petulantly.
I couldn’t believe his attitude. I added the chopped onions to the meat and fried them together in the pan. For ten of us it requires quite a lot of meat and two onions, plus garlic and some pepper.
“Well, are you going to see to her?”
“There’s some milk in the fridge, it wouldn’t kill you to warm it and feed her,” I threw back at him.
“Why should I?”
“Because she’s a child of this household, and you’re nominally her foster father.”
“Tough,” he turned on his heel and stamped off.
“Oh boy–gimme strength.” I said to no one in particular, but felt this calmness inside me as if something inside me was damping down my desire to get angry or even hurt by his childishness. I called Julie, she was doing Trish’s hair in a French plait, so shouted back she was busy. Great.
I tried to imagine baby C watching her mobile and gurgling at it rather than screaming for my milk. Then I continued my preparations, adding the chopped carrots and tomatoes, then the mushrooms and setting it to simmer, I went to sort out the wain.
She was still screaming the odds, the first time I’d seen her as upset as this, then realised she had a bit of a cold about her, her nose seemed bunged and her breathing was less than comfortable. I bared my breast and she chewed hard on it–damn, that hurt. I pulled her off and she struggled to reattach. I ran a finger around her gums–she was definitely teething, so was the cold a teething one? Nobody else had one as far as I knew, so where would she catch one?
“What did you want me for?” asked Julie coming now it was too late.
“I wanted you to feed Catherine.”
“Oh, sorry I was doing Trish’s hair–waddya think?” I smiled, her hair was getting quite long and it made her look more than a couple of years older.
“I think it looks lovely. Where’s Jenny?”
“It’s her day off.”
“Oh of course it is. Is she back for dinner?”
“I dunno, do I?”
Teenagers can be so helpful.
“Can you check the stew, please?”
She went off to the kitchen and called back it was fine. I burped Catherine and then put her on the other breast, the first one was quite sore and I thought I could see tooth marks in my nipple–no wonder it bloody well hurt–little carnivore.
Tom came back from walking the dog and checked the potatoes for me, Julie had disappeared again–I learned later that she was doing Livvie’s hair, then Mima’s and finally the shorter tresses of Billie.
I eventually sorted out the little one, changed her and put her back down–then finished the stew–thickening it and dishing it up with an oven done jacket potato.
Everyone seemed to enjoy it bar Simon, who was still pouting and sulking. I tried to ignore it and with two of the girls helping me to clear up, left Tom to amuse him. A little later, Tom told me Simon thought I was neglecting him, and that the children were coming first every time. I felt like clocking him one, but what would that achieve?
I wasn’t looking forward to tonight–I felt like Snow White, going to bed with Grumpy.

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Thanks A+B+I (stew and tatties). I know how busy and tired you must be, so I'm thrilled that you've managed to post another installment.
Sometimes Simon can be such a self-centred swine. When is he going to realise that his marriage to Cathy is supposed to be a partnership, and start doing what he can to support her? He certainly has a lot of growing up left to do.
Petulant Sod
Bike Resources
Bike Resources
Looks Like Simon Is Acting Like Cathy's 8th Child!
It looks like Simon is acting like Cathy's 8th child. Spoiled brat! She needs to put him in a diaper and a pacifier of his own if he wants to act like a petulant little twerp. She should never have started allowing him to nurse on her like Baby Catherine. She complains about the baby chomping down on her nipples. I would think Simon's teeth would be a lot worse? He needs to grow up and act like an adult!
Too True!
I agree! I don't quite understand how someone whose job/position/whatever is so responsible can be such a child in his personal life but OTOH I guess people do it all the time.
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
why 8th? isn't simon the
why 8th?
isn't simon the first she acquired?
anyways, everybody is complaining that cathy doesn't have time for them because the household, and now the new baby, is taken too much of her time, but nobody is helping her with it either.
maybe it would help if she went on strike for a day or two.
Bike pt 1112.
Simple, Simon is jealous.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
All men are little boys.
Just get used to it Cathy. He needs some attention right in line with the rest of the children. Hopefully he'll toot your horn in the process.
No kidding
I still bless my luck that they are not first choice in my attraction queue. Simon has not held down any real responsibility in his personal life, thinking like so many men that his money is enough. And he can stuff it wrt his childish 'milkshakes' - kinda summarizes it does it not? They had sex not too many nights ago and now being the self-centered twit just barges in and starts demanding stuff. AFAIK, Cathy and Trish and maybe Tom are the only adults though Tom is as clueless as any man as he reports Simon's asshole attitude but does not try to take Cathy side in things and explain to Simon he is being a stupid fool.
God I am glad I do not have to deal with a full blooded male.
Shame on Simon, he is so
Shame on Simon, he is so self-centered at times and doesn't even think about Cathy's needs or wants. He hit exactly when he said "him being a banker, it was all about him". As they used to do the old silent movies when the villian appeared. "Boooo, Hisss".
:) Jan
I'm reminded...
...of a racehorse in New Zealand with one of those names that makes you wonder how it was ever permitted: RHYMES WITH BANKER.
Pertinent Sobriquet
Bike Resources
Bike Resources
What Could Be wrong…
with Tanker as a name?
Polite Suggestion
Simon's acting like a little kid... Where he believes he's getting less attention than his siblings. And, looking for a "milkshake"... I don't get it... If he's serious, and not using that as a euphemism for one of his favorite activities. He didn't seem to do that (use euphemisms) much in the past.
Hope the baby's not getting sick.
Sam... Hmmm. I wondered, yesterday, what he was on about. Glad to see Cathy's wondering as well.
Simon Has Rights
to find a home he comes to in order and working properly.
Or heroine has a staff now and she needs to use her wits
and use it properly. There is no excuse for an English
household to be run with such disorder.
English Household?
I'm not sure that it is an 'English household. Simon's Scottish, as is Stella and Tom and If I remember rightly, the author has a specifically WELSH Name. I think calling Angharad English is almost as bad as calling a Texan a Yank. (Yeah; that bad!)
Still loving this story.
Simon's a bit of a pratt always wanting 'bitty' but what man wouldn't?
I'm amazed this chapter came out after last night's excellent Gabbicon. The girl's a martyr to her work. Maybe Bonzi and Izzi scripted last night's post but Angharda posted it. It's a sensible girl who keeps her password from her cat(s).
Love and Hugs,
Growing old disgracefully.
Only THREE Pairs of Gym Knickers?
We had to have SEVEN pairs of bottle green gym knicks as well as seven pairs of white briefs (known as "knicker linings") at the convent school I went to. On the first occasion I saw the hideous dark green "harvest festivals" (all is safely gathered in) at the tender age of ten and a half, I said I would rather die than wear such ghastly unflattering undies and promptly grabbed a pair and threw them on the fire. However my mum rescued them before they caught alight (they were cotton rather than nylon) and so poor wee Hilary had to wear them every day at school, as did all her wee school chums.
I can sympathise with Cathy about the price, my darling daughter is growing in all the right places and we had to do a big school uniform shop on Friday after we had returned from Scotland and the prices were enough to frighten the chancellor of the exchequer.
I hope Billie's aren't bottle green; I've been bottle-green-phobic ever since.
Umm, Let's be a little understanding of simon here. Cathy uses sex against him so much in this saga, I'm really suprised he hasn't had least one or two mistress's by now. she goes on a rant & he's the one at fault ?? I dont think so. Where is Simon's time, he surely hasnt had much. even in large families, most husbands would freak, if treated like Cathy has treated him from the get go. I'm not saying isn't causing some of the problems himself, but She sure is quick to put him down or metamorphally do such.
They're both at fault, but, he's usually the one that often suffers the most cause she wont communicate and he doesnt seem to know how w/o trying to do same as he & stella do when they fought with cathy and doesnt understand she doesnt understand
oh heck I'm getting lost myown self in what ever i'm trying to say
As usual Angharad you do fantastic work and make us think & weep,and get frustrated,and a whole giant bag of other emotions AND that why we all think you're great
My niece calls them 'cheer leader pants", she wears them for modesty on staircases.
Simon seems the younger of
Simon seems the younger of the two lads. He's pouting because the baby comes first with the 'milkshake'.