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(aka Bike) Part 1145 by Angharad Copyright © 2010 Angharad
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Phoebe arrived downstairs about the same time Julie came in, I did manage to say that I’d loaned her some clothes before Julie started on like a character from the three bears–who’s been wearing my jeans?
Once Julie had changed–she was a bit scruffy after her ride in the rain, I properly introduced them, then left them to it.
Trish the self-appointed spokesperson for the rest of the family followed me out to the kitchen. “How long is Phoebe staying?”
“I don’t know, tonight, possibly tomorrow: why?”
She blushed, “I–um wondered if it was worth getting to know her.”
“Of course it is, she might be very interesting, Julie seemed to think she was worth the effort.” Just then Julie came into the kitchen.
“Mummy, can me an’ Phoebe go into town?”
“I’m just about to get dinner.”
“We’ll get a burger.”
“I don’t know, Julie, I promised Neal that I’d look after his sister–has she told her mother she’s staying with us?”
“I dunno, do I?”
“Please ask her to do so.”
“Can we go out then?”
“Remember you’re working tomorrow, and no alcohol; oh and take your phone with you. Make sure Phoebe’s mum has our phone number.”
“You worry too much.”
“It’s my job, make sure you do what I say or I won’t let either of you go. Oh and do any of you have a charger for Phoebe’s phone?”
“It’s the same as Livvie’s an’ it’s on charge now.” Julie scampered off while I worried if I’d done the right thing. I’d only moments before got the dinner on, when Simon arrived and then the baby wanted a feed.
I greeted Si with a kiss which had Trish tutting like an old woman, then I got the baby and started to feed her. “We have a visitor,” I told Simon as he sat watching me feed baby Catherine.
“Where, I don’t see anyone.”
“Neal, the lab tech from the Uni, his younger sister, Phoebe.”
“Where’s she going to stay?”
“With Julie, on the blow up mattress, if you could blow it up for me.”
“I suppose.”
“Well my hands are rather full at the moment.”
“Tell you what, send the baby to do the mattress and I’ll suckle you.” He grinned and stepped back out of range.
As he turned to go out of the kitchen, so Julie and Phoebe came in. “Oh, hi Daddy,” offered Julie to an astonished Simon. “We’re off out in a mo, can we ‘ave some dosh for the burgers?”
“But your mother is cooking?”
“Yeah, I know, she said we could go,” argued Julie and Simon surrendered and gave her ten pounds. Phoebe was absolutely transfixed watching me breast feeding.
“Anything wrong?” I asked her.
“Uh–what? Um no, I’ve never seen it before, that’s all,” she blushed.
“Can you save some for me cornflakes?” cheeked Julie and Phoebe’s jaw dropped.
“Don’t you listen to her, Phoebe–she’s an awful teaser,” I cautioned.
“Where are you going?” asked Simon.
“The Sailor’s return, they have live music on Fridays.”
“It’s raining, c’mon, I’ll drive you there?”
“What, in the Jag?” asked Julie expectantly.
“No, I’ll use your mother’s car–I’m low on fuel.” His reply caused Julie’s face to fall.
By the time he returned dinner was ready to serve and I delegated laying tables and so on to the girls who seemed happy to assist once the older competition was out of the way.
“I don’t know about Julie and Phoebe sharing, I mean technically, Julie is still...” worried Simon.
“A boy, I know, but the pills she’s been taking mean it’s all but redundant. She couldn’t get it up with a fork lift.”
He nearly choked on the bottle of beer he was drinking
“Besides, where else could she stay, Jenny has the spare room?”
“Okay, you’ve convinced me.”
Stella came down with Puddin’ who seemed too sleepy to eat very much.”
“What’s the matter with Pud?” I asked her.
“I think she has a teething cold, she kept me awake much of the night.”
“Och it wis yers I could hear, I thocht it wis Cathy’s.”
“Sorry, Tom,” Stella shrugged.
“Och, it’s alricht, they cannae help it.”
“There’s some rugger on Sky tonight, Tom, if you’re interested?” Simon mentioned to our landlord.
“Aye, I could be.”
While Stella and I cleared up the girls went off to the dining room to play on their computers and Tom, Si and Danny went to watch the rugby–Heineken cup or something.
“So where did you pick up the latest waif and stray?”
“Outskirts of Salisbury, she had a card asking for Portsmouth and it was peeing down.”
“She could have been a druggy or mugger or anything.”
“Phoebe is Neal’s younger sister.”
“But you didn’t know that, did you?”
“No I didn’t, but she was a drenched kid, who looked about Julie’s age and I didn’t want her catching pneumonia while I had a spare seat and was going to the same place she wanted.”
“You’re too soft, you can’t save the world, you know.”
“I’m not trying to, I’m just looking out for a young woman who could have been a wrong ‘un, but she wasn’t. Her mother knows where she’s staying, and so does Neal.”
“You got off lucky this time.”
“Stella, I think I could handle myself against a kid.”
“What if she grabbed your baby, if you were driving she could have done all sorts of things to her before you could intervene.”
“Phoebe was sitting in the front with me, tiny wee, was on the back seat behind me. She was perfectly safe.”
“She could have attacked you as you drove, stabbing you or blinding you.”
“In which case she’d have killed or hurt herself, wouldn’t she? I appreciate your concern, big sister, but it is unwarranted. She’s probably at more risk now out with Julie at a pub.”
“Does she know about Julie?”
“I haven’t told her, and have no intention of doing so.”
“What if she sees her in the shower?”
“The bathroom door does have a lock, you know.”
“I don’t know, Julie is a bit slack sometimes.”
“That’s up to her isn’t it.”
“So you don’t mind if she’s discovered to be a girl with something extra?”
“She has to learn to take responsibility for herself, Stella, otherwise she’ll never learn. If she chooses to tell Phoebe, which I think would be unnecessary; she has to live with the consequences.”
“But if she finds out half the kids here aren’t what they claim to be?”
“Stella, I thought you knew better than that–they are exactly what they claim to be, and I’d be grateful if you’d remember it.”
“I didn’t mean it like that...”
“I don’t care how you meant it, the fact that you thought it hurt me.”
“I’m sorry, Cathy, I was trying to protect them–that’s all.”
“I know, but sometimes the best way to protect them is to allow them to live as they wish, so they grow into the role rather than rush it later in life, like I had to.”
“Sorry, I forgot you were so old, girl.” She poked her tongue out at me.
“C’mon, let’s have a cuppa while it’s quiet,” I suggested and switched on the kettle.

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Teasing / Stella's concern
Ho hum, so it's not just Simon teasing Cathy over her milk production now - Julie's got in on the act (no doubt after overhearing Si on at least one occasion).
So Julie and Phoebe have made friends with each other within a few minutes of meeting, and are heading out to a music gig at a pub by the evening - talk about fast! As for Stella's concern, as Cathy says, on her head be it if she does let slip her secret. Well, Phoebe theoretically knows about Cathy, but not believing TGs could be as attractive as GGs, assumes Cathy (and the rest of the clan) are GGs. It'll be interesting to see what happens when she eventually meets her older brother...
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Two girls out on the pull.
Hi Angie.
I see trouble ahead, the night is young and the girls are going to 'The Sailor's return'. Any pub to do with sailors is a good place to steer clear of (Hee-hee-hee!)so those two young things had better beware.
Two girls on the pull is one part of a simple equasion ((yy + xyy) + 2e(xy))C2H5OH = 'T' - - - Big 'T'. Ho-hummm, summat's gonna' give!
Getting interesting again Angie.
Lovin' it.
A pair of 16 year old girls
can easily become friends in a few minutes and going out to a club together is a big motivator. Of course they can become mortal enemies in even less time over far less than Julie's little extras. Enjoyed the interaction between a teen and mom & dad. Mom for permission, dad for money.
Hoping Cathy is paying attention to Pudding. Hate seeing any of the kids sick and knowing Cathy can see problems makes me what her to at least give the little girl a cuddle.
Always worried when there is a calm episode showing normal family life. What storm will come up tomorrow?
Let's see...two sixteen year olds, heading to a night of music at a public house...
Will they be good and restrict themselves to soft drinks, or will they attempt to partake of a solution (variable in strength, usually somewhere between 4% and 40%) of hydroxyethane?
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Bike pt 1145.
Somehow, I see Cathy and Si having to rescue the two teens.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Couldn't get
' it up with a fork lift! Most appropriate---your lovely Brit sense of humor!!
Thanks ...
... for tonight's episode. Even if nothing else I find the Bike episodes an easy way of separating the list of new posts into days *pokes tongue out* I'm sure you had a good day out today if the weather in Dorzet was as good as that in Derbyshire so your Bike 'holiday' was more than worth it.
Back to serious business - I'm very wary of Julie and Phoebe out on the pull. No good will come of it, you mark my words ;) Trish seems to be becoming a typical bossy little girl who thinks she can run the whole show - trouble is, in her case, she probably can.
*sighs* Stella's demonstrating that families have more trouble remembering things about us than strangers, sometimes. There's times, she acts as if she completely forgets that Cathy was born with the wrong plumbing, and other times it seems like it's otherwise. There are times Stella acts so caring and compassionate and understanding of where Cathy's been and who she is and then, like this time, she comes out with these lines that show she really doesn't understand (deep inside), as much as she may try.
I guess, this is something we all have to deal with - when there's folks around that either knew us before, or at least think they did and so on.
As to Phoebe & Julie... Interesting dynamics possible there. I'll be curious to hear how things go, and when they "call" for a ride home.
Thanks for another thought provoking episode.
Interesting and Confusing
Can't drive at sixteen but can hitch hike the country
and go to what I assume are bars with the fancy name
of pubs. Very interesting. I think there is big
trouble ahead.
Great Series
I finally have read from Chapter one to one thousand one hundred forty-five. Takes about a week. A full week. Now then Bonzi and interpreter, so what's next for the Cameron Clan?
Just a heads-up to Simon, Tom, and our authoring team that arguably the best rugby team in the world will shortly be visiting your shores:
For those not au fait with 'rugger' or 'rugby union' it's an oval ball football game played by two teams of fifteen, over two forty minute halves. Here in New Zealand, our national side is called the All Blacks: they usually play in black jerseys, shorts and socks, though funnily enough that's not the origin of the name but I won't bore you with that story right now. The All Blacks are unbeaten so far in nine matches in 2010, and have already played Wales and Ireland in New Zealand.
Thanks A+B: like others here, I'm interested to see how the relationship between Julie and Phoebe develops.
Playing Strength
Bike Resources
Bike Resources
All Blacks!
Dey woz lucky.
(A natural all black!)
I won't dwell on the lack of British rugby skills at present, but the Tri-nations* teams tend to be the most ruthless, unsporting, rule-bending, cheats you're ever likely to meet on a rugby field, which is unfortunate because they are also some of the most talented players in the world. The result is becoming more important than the game, and that is wrong.
*Australia, New Zealand, South Africa
Hey Bonzi
The harder they work, the luckier they get. Funny that.
Rugby is a full contact, bruising and confrontational game. As Tana Umaga (a former All Black captain) once commented, "This ain't tiddlywinks, mate."
Suppose I'd written that "professional cyclists tend to be the most ruthless, unsporting, rule-bending, cheats you're ever likely to meet... which is unfortunate because they are also some of the most talented riders in the world"—would that be defensible? Possibly more so than the comment about the All Blacks, Wallabies and Springboks.
Sports journo Jim Kayes says:
Pre-eminent Side
Bike Resources
Bike Resources
There are rules in Rugby ? In the US when I was a lad, we had a home delivery milk man, who had more scars then not. He played for Ireland.
“C’mon, let’s have a cuppa while it’s quiet,â€
Wonder how long that will last ?....
I get the feeling that this is the setup for Cathy's next advent
She does seem to have all the luck, both good and bad.
So far, so good ! I think Phoebe knew, until the breast feeding.
Now she thinks her brother was having her on !
Don't know about corn flakes, Maybe some I used to kid a friend.
Careful girls, be aware of your surroundings.
So far, so good ! I think Phoebe knew, until the breast feeding.
Now she thinks her brother was having her on !
Don't know about corn flakes, Maybe some I used to kid a friend.
Careful girls, be aware of your surroundings.