(aka Bike) Part 1017 by Angharad Copyright © 2010 Angharad
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I saw myself in monochrome clinging to the baby being approached by an ancient hag. There was no scythe, beloved of pictures of death, just this old woman with an intense stare of the coldest eyes I have ever seen.
I had faced death a few times before, maybe more than someone my age should encounter, so it was only a matter of time before my luck ran out. I felt her trying to take the baby from me by sheer will, and to my disgust my arms were weakening.
There were no words, just a battle of wills, the old woman versus me, the young–and she seemed to be winning. It was almost as if the baby was made of ferrous metal and she had a magnet and was drawing him out from my weakening grasp.
My arms were tiring and it seemed ridiculous that an old woman could have such strength, but she continued drawing the child. I redoubled my efforts and wracked my brains to consider how I could neutralise some of her strength. I began to visualise a rope of blue light around me, holding the baby to me and anchoring me to the bed.
She seemed stumped, but I wasn’t celebrating yet, she wasn’t done. She pulled a knife from the bag she was carrying which I hadn’t noticed previously, but which was just the right size for the baby, so she would carry off the tot in her bag. Could she carry me in there? Perhaps, it might be a stretchable thing.
She menaced us with the knife, threatening to cut the ropes. I imagined the light surrounding us in a shell which was resistant to her attack. I knew that I had to keep up the visualisation, or she’d breach it and we’d be lost. I needed to attack, not just defend, because all the time I was growing more tired and she seemed unaffected.
I imagined a hand moving out of the blue light, which snatched at her bag. She turned to slash at it with her knife, and as she did so, I imagined a blue rain falling upon her. She began to retreat, then pulled an umbrella from her bag.
The blue hand pulled the umbrella from her, and she slashed and cut it with the knife. It fell to the ground and faded away. I imagined a blue laser which I fired at the umbrella and destroyed it. she began to get wet from the blue rain and ran away again–I fired a light of love at her and hit her in the chest. She fell and I saw a huge hole appear in her. Although I felt compassion, I threw more love at her and she began to look like a slug does when you put salt on it, she writhed and disappeared in a puff of smoke.
The baby began to become restless and I woke to find Sam Rose and a nurse, one ready to take the baby, the other to help me. I had a sphygmo cuff on my arm and a monitor on my finger.
“Crikey, Cathy, you had us worried, you had virtually no blood pressure, and your heart had practically stopped.”
“How’s the little one?”
“His vitals look as good as they’ve done for days. I’m sending him for a scan in the morning, see if your magic has worked.”
“I don’t ever want to do this again, Sam–it’s too difficult.”
“I’ll try not to ask you.”
“No, never again, Sam–my own children need me to see them through to adulthood. If I die saving someone else, who’s going to look after my kids?”
He shrugged and shook his head.
“No–my priorities have to lie with them first. I think both your children will make it, but I had to fight hard for both of them–I can’t do it anymore, it takes too much out of me.”
“Thanks for doing what you’ve done, I know their parents will be delighted.”
“I hope so, I’m going to collect Julie and go home.”
“She went home hours ago–it’s three o’clock in the morning.”
“We didn’t like to disturb you, it looked like you were both locked away somewhere else.”
“Yeah, on the astrals, if they exist.”
“Astrals?” he looked confused by my reply.
“The astral plane–oh never mind, let’s just say I was lucky this time.”
“You are a wonderful woman, Cathy.”
“It’s funny, people only seem to say that when they want something.”
“Now would I do that to you?”
“The answer is no.” I stretched and pulling my jacket on, I walked out of the fire door to avoid the happy parents, and went on down to the car park and drove home. Although shattered, I felt a sense of achievement. I’d actually prevented the death of a child–not a bad day’s work, even for me.
I didn’t go up to bed. Instead I lay on one of the settees in the lounge and set thealarm on my phone to ring at seven. It seemed to ring far too soon, and I had to prise open my eyelids where the mascara had stuck them together. I made a mental note to remove my makeup before sleeping next time.
I made myself some tea to try and regain some sense of humanity, because I felt like a zombie. While I drank it, Tom appeared. “Whit happened tae ye last nicht?”
“Oh don’t, Daddy, I’m knackered–I’ll explain later.”
“Julie telt us ye wis healin’ some bairns.”
“I was, now I need a shower to try and wake up, I’ll talk to you later.”
“Aye, but ye ne’er dae, dae ye?”
“There’s nothing much to tell, I did some work on two little ones, a girl with leukaemia, and a boy with a brain tumour. I hope they’re going to be a lot better now, but I can’t be sure.”
“Whit aboot yer ain bairns?”
“Yes, I’m sorry it went on a bit. I didn’t think it would take so long, and I suppose I knew you and Simon would look after them. I did mean to be home, I’m sorry.” The tiredness and the unexpected criticism brought tears, and in the next moment he was holding me as I wept on his shoulder. “They were going to die–I couldn’t let that happen, could I?”
“Och, I’m sorry, pet, I didnae mean tae upset ye. Of course ye did thae richt thing.”
“But I did neglect them, didn’t I? I’m a lousy mother.”
“No ye didnae, we wis here, an’ yer bairns wis guid, like a’ways.”
“Thanks, Daddy, for being here for them and for me.”
“It’s ma pleasure,” he said, hugged me and kissed me on the cheek. “Julie said Maureen wid be hame soon.”
“Oh that’s good news, I think our teenage tearaway is turning into a nice young woman, don’t you?”
“Aye, she’s a bonnie lassie.”
“I must go and shower.” I went up, and after removing my makeup, jumped in the shower and hoped the warm water would wake me up a bit.
“Where were you all night–you dirty stop out?” Simon barked at me when I went into the bedroom to dress.
“I was with a young man most of the night, we held each other very tight and whispered sweet nothings, why–what were you doing?”
“Trying to work out how to set the washing machine, we had to get Trish to come and show us.”
I snorted, “Well that just about typifies a certain type of man, doesn’t it? Why were you putting the washing on–you don’t usually?”
“Stel had nappies to do, so we made up a load, you know ...”
“You could have done a half load wash–there’s something you’re not telling me, isn’t there?”
He glanced at the clock, “It’s half seven, what time have the kids got to be in school?”
“Oh poo, I’m going to be late,” I groaned as I stepped into my knickers, and nearly fell over. “Get the boys up, will you?”

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*shakes head*
Helpless. Glad the little wonder was there to help Simon.
I do wonder what was up though, and why Stella couldn't help with the laundry.
Cathy keeps piling up the Docs that know about her ability. You know, they'll not be able to refrain from asking for help, when they get beyond what they can do. They will try to help, even if what they ask will kill the helper.
Word is, the more practice one has, the better one tends to get. That certainly seems to be the case with Cathy. But, each time, it seems to take more out of her. I worry what you'll have happen, if she doesn't find some way to get "extra" energy from somewhere... Sounds like she was 'this' close to dieing this time.
No more miracles?
I'm wondering if loose ends are beginning to be tied up.
Hope not, we're a selfish demanding bunch.
Three hours sleep?!
She finished at the hospital at 3am, so it was probably close enough to 4am by the time she crashed out on the sofa and set her alarm for 7am. After that near death experience, I can imagine why she doesn't want to do any more hospital healings (although of course she'll still blue light family and friends as/when needed!)
It sounds as though Julie had a more successful time - I wonder what her experience of healing Maureen was like? Perhaps we'll find out tomorrow...
EAFOAB Episode Summaries
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Daily Dormouse-1017
I wonder if Julie did any healing on Maureen?
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
This has really nothing to do with your wonderful stories...well it sort of does. I was watching Alice in Wonderland on DVD the new version with J. Depp. Okay, the mouse that's part of the Mad Hatters table and takes out the eye of the Bandersnatch and takes out the evil birdy thing. They actually say in the movie she's a dormouse!
I think it's all kinds of cool.
Bailey Summers
Alice in Wonderland
A dormouse features in the mad hatter's tea party getting dunked in the teapot to wake it up. See the picture on the Bike Archive site.
Hope Sam listens
to what Cathy told him about looking after her own family first...Because next time she might not be so lucky...In fact it does seem that not everything!! Is happy with Cathy's use of the Blue Light...
People die
That is all there is to it. It is a pity Sam doesn't seem to care about Cathy. He only talks to her when he wants something. Arse**le.
Cathy needs to be careful
Cathy needs to be careful driving the children to school as she is literally bone tired after her healings at the hospital. Simon needs to start doing more around the home when he is there, and he should have asked Trish or someone else what time they needed to be at school and then taken them.
I believe that the original 'Alice in Wonderland' story (book) states the mouse is a Dormouse, but the Disney cartoon film version, due to Mickey's influence, mostly treated the mouse as a regular housemouse. Maybe Angaharad or Bonzi could add 'Spike' into Cathy's ability of having the blue light as a form of thanking her for all she has done for Dormice in the UK. Jan
Blue Light Support
Cathy needs to avoid the high intensity healings until her support staff are older and better able to support her efforts or at least stand by to revive Cathy if she expends too much energy.
What was Dr. Rose thinking letting Cathy drive herself home in her condition. It was a miracle that she didn't fall asleep at the wheel and have a serious accident herself. At least a cab ride home after all that she has done for him wouldn't be out of order. Even better would be for him to drive her home himself using her car and get a cab ride back to the hospital.
I know I don't tell you often enough how much I appreciate your daily updates. Also, please express our gratitude to the rest of the staff. An extra scratch under the chin would be appropriate I suppose.
Michelle B
...what is Simon not telling Cathy?
Tiredness and the need to get the kids to school have obviously distracted her.
However, I imagine that one of the children will let her know what's happened.
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Kind of hoping
That Simon is not telling Cathy about some silly thing that happened in the house last night and made them need to do unexpected laundry. Poor woman really doesn't need to deal with a serious issue right now.
Loved the comment, "Trying to work out how to set the washing machine, we had to get Trish to come and show us.â€
Are we really sure Trish is 6?
You know,
The hospital ought to be providing the rides, given the amount that this takes out of her.
Another close call.
Your friend the doctor is going to kill you yet. He knows you can't say NO, so he takes advantage of Cathy.
Don't share a secret with Simon, he'll queer the deal every time. (queer- foul up, give away)
How long until Lady Catherine
How long until Lady Catherine appears in JAMA