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(aka Bike) Part 1143 by Angharad Copyright © 2010 Angharad
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We got held up at road works and nothing moved for about ten minutes, which gave me time to muse on my dream. I can’t say I remember much of it, other than my mother telling me that I had a baby and other children to look after and that they needed me to get my act in gear and pull my finger out and so on.
Dreams involving my mother seem to fall into two categories: those which seemed to show her in a negative light and those which did the exact opposite. I was happy to feel that in the past year, although the dreams had been few and far between, they’d all been positive.
I was convinced that all of them were due to my unconscious reprogramming events recorded in my brain, and that because in most regards I felt easier about myself, I could feel easier about others, including my father. It was a happy fact that I do believe my dad did come round to accepting me as his daughter and that Simon and I were an item. A few years before, he’d have flown into a homophobic rage and tried to kill me, yet when he met Simon, he seemed to like him and he gave his blessing to my being engaged. I admit I had a very strong negotiating position and his was very weak, but he honestly seemed to change when he saw how happy I was. I’m not religious as you know, but I like to believe that everyone should be allowed redemption, or the opportunity for it.
Because I thought better of Dad, I suspect the same happened for Mum, and as my feelings were more relaxed and I’d worked through some of my anger at their bigotry I found it easier to see her in a new and more positive light. That had to be it, anything else wouldn’t compute in my map of the world. However, the anomalies of her telling me I’d have loads of children and about the key under the dressing table were–just that anomalous. Where they came from I don’t know, though I’d guess they’d be wishful thinking and fragments of memory of the safe place under the floorboards in the bedroom.
The car behind beeped and I realised I was holding up the traffic, so let out the clutch and drove through the road-works–worn out carriageway, apparently.
I didn’t hurry back, so we stopped near Salisbury and met up with Siân. I sent her a text and told her I’d be bringing the youngest of my kids with me. When she opened the door and saw me with a baby, her eyes came out on stalks.
“This isn’t yours, is it?” she asked.
“Yes–I’m her foster mother, why?” I smirked.
“For a moment, I began to wonder–you were always so girly when you were younger, it wouldn’t have surprised me if you’d had some girly bits as well.”
“No, but I do need to feed her, or will in a few moments,” I could see her stirring since the car had stopped.
“Sure, d’you want me to warm the bottle?”
“No need.”
“Oh you have one of those automatic travel ones do you?”
“Yes, the original ones.”
“Which ones are those–Cow and Gate?”
“No, d’you mind if I sit down to do this?”
“No, course not, come on in.”
I carried the bag of changing things, the mat, clean nappies, liners and so forth, plus clothes and some wipes. I picked up the baby in my left arm, undid my blouse and bra and let her clamp on to me. Siân’s eyes nearly popped out for the second time.
“You’re feeding her yourself?”
“Duh? What’s it look like?”
“Crikey, what did you have to take to do that?”
“Nothing–it happened spontaneously.”
“What–? But that’s impossible.”
“No, it’s improbable, but it’s what happened.”
“Had you let her suck your breast before?”
“No–my boobs just began to leak milk and when she started to suck, they positively flowed with the stuff. I went and saw my GP who shrugged and said it was breast milk okay, and to see what happened. Here we are, months later.”
“Good God, that’s simply amazing.”
“I don’t know if any gods had a part in it, but if they did I’m extremely grateful, and this little monkey even more so.”
“I was going to suggest we went out to lunch because I thought you’d have a five year old with you, not an infant. So, I’ll knock us up a quick snack if that’s okay?”
“Fine with me, I’ll have to cook when I get home anyway.”
“So how did you get her, I mean she must have been a new born.”
“It’s a very sad story,” and while she prepared some jacket potatoes with cheese and salad, I told her the outline.
“Oh my God, so she killed herself, the baby’s mother? Oh how awful.”
I had tears in my eyes and just nodded, for a moment I was too choked to speak as I relived that horrible period when Trish and I discovered Maria Drummond.
“She took an awful risk,” said Siân, “what if you hadn’t rushed round to her house–the baby could have been very sick or even dead?”
“I hate to think, but she left me a note to ask me to look after baby Catherine, so how could I do any other?”
“Absolutely, and, girl, I hate to say it, but motherhood suits you.”
“You always did talk in clichés,” I teased her.
“I’m a GP, patients understand them.”
I sipped at the water she’d given me. “When’s lunch, I’m starving?” I declared ready to eat a horse.
“You always could stuff like a pig and yet remain thin–it would serve you right if you end up with boobs like pumpkins after all this feeding lark.”
“Jealous are we?” I threw back at her.
She pouted and said, “No of course not–yes you bitch, of course I’m jealous.”
“I’ll send Simon round if you want a...”
“Cathy, I’m not into men if you remember, so kind as it might seem, I couldn’t let Simon shag me even for a baby.”
“I was going to say, if you’d only let me finish–if you wanted a sperm donor.” She blushed like traffic light (yes the one that was changing) and then we both laughed.
“Where’s Kirsty?” I asked as I changed the baby.
“She’s on a course all day, so when you texted me, I was rather pleased, now I just feel broody–you horrible woman.”
“D’you mind if I gloat for a few moments, it’s such an unusual feeling and I’d like to enjoy it?”
“Bitch,” she snapped in mock anger, then we both dissolved in laughter just like old times.
I put tiny wee down for a sleep and Siân and I chatted for a couple of hours–Jenny was collecting the girls–with lots of laughter. “You know, when I look back to when we were in school, I can’t remember you as a boy at all. I mean we used to laugh like schoolgirls back then. No wonder some of our contemporaries wondered about you–what with your long hair and girlish body.”
“I didn’t see it as girlish, but I was lucky that I didn’t develop as male, so when I got oestrogens, it kick started a female puberty.”
“Given how you felt inside, I think you’ve been very fortunate. You know I had a youngster turn up with her mother, and knowing you made it so much easier to feel positive about being involved with the journey into womanhood. I was able to say that I had a good friend who’d done it, and because the kid was only eleven, I felt there was an opportunity for good transition–although I’d need some expert help to guide us all.”
“Did I tell you, that Billie has defected?”
“In what way?” she looked very concerned.
“Left the boy camp and joined the girls.”
“You mean, he’s living as she?”
“Oh, so how d’you feel about that?”
“When it happened I was anything but happy, having Julie and Trish already, but it seems to be working out so far, she sees Stephanie.”
“Gosh–what are the chances of that happening, I mean four transgendered people in a group of six or seven? Phenomenally against, I’d think.”
“Oh well, obviously it was meant to be.” I glanced up at the clock, “Goodness, look at the time, I have to dash.”
I’d had a lovely time with Siân and we both promised to do so again. We hugged then I got in the car and headed for home, hoping to beat the rush hour traffic but knowing I was too late for that.

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A nice count-your-blessings
A nice count-your-blessings chapter. I think we all needed a chance to relax and let our fingers uncramp from all those cliff-hangers!
Keep up the good work
Actually I hope it is much more fun than work.
Thank you for another chapter.
Characters from the past.
It's nice when a character from the 'past' pops up and Cathy can remeniss.
Liked this bit. It must be nice to surprise an old friend with the lactation thing.
Still lovin' it.
Love and hugs.
Knowing Simon
that's probably what he calls Cathy's breasts - Cow and Gate. Now; which would be which?
A pleasant interlude with Siân. Sounds like my doctor; fun. Mind you, I rarely do minor ailments. If something goes wrong it's usually a big-time hospital job - blue lights, sirens, the lot.
A nice relaxing day...
Meandering home, popping in to see Siân en-route and surprising her - both with the age of tiny wee and breastfeeding her (not to mention the brilliant send-up with regards to that). Interesting that Siân's since had a TG girl visit her - what with one in Sailsbury and four in Portsmouth, Hampshire's rapidly becoming the TG capital of the UK (in this story universe at least!) All we need now is for Samantha from Penmarris to B&B in the area, closely followed by Tamara and Andrea from Thurso!
Hopefully she gets back home OK and finds everyone's still OK - I think we've had enough major drama for a week or two!
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
A Bit of A Boob…
…you committed there, Ben, I'm afraid. Or was it a bloomer?
Salisbury is in Wiltshire.
An excellent chapter, Ang. Calm and sweet with nothing to get apoplectic about.
Bike pt 1143.
A nice, refreshing visit from a friend in Cathy's past.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
The Pilgrimage To Peace About Our Past.
It is good to see her moving to peace about all that happened. If we don't it just hurts us. And, if we do, even then, we seem to remain a little different. Sometimes I catch myself reflecting about things, and it is nice to feel the peace and not the anger and hurt.
Much peace
I'm so glad...
I'm so glad you had her stop and visit her old friend from school, on the way home. :-) It "felt" nice.
I just wonder what mayhem has been going on back at the farmstead...
Well, men and kids left to their own devices ...
Spells trubble. LOL
I Loved Sian's Reaction
I loved Sian's reaction to Cathy breastfeeding Baby Catherine and actually seeing her with a baby at all. I guess it puts to bed a lot of doubts about Cathy's true gender in the eyes of other people? The description of Sian's reaction is pretty funny when you try to imagine someone's eyes coming out on stalks. Cathy really needed a day like this with an old friend just catching up on old times and relaxing. I think it helped to recharge her batteries again. Hopefully, the house is still standing when she gets home?
I agree
... and loved the humour of it, wry though it was at times. Very believable. Nice work Ang, though given your track record I'm a bit pensive about the drive home. Traffic.... arrgghhh!!.
With a transgendered patient, and being somewhat envious of Cathy and her wee one, I can't help but wonder if we're going to see a bit more of Siân in the future. I think it would be a good thing if Cathy were to develop deeper relationships with the likes of Siân.
I notice that in this meeting, she didn't unload onto Siân about the blood diamonds and Wykeham's death and her part in it. It might have been a good thing if she had been able to.
Thanks A+B: it's going to be interesting to see what sort of reaction our heroine gets when she arrives home, and how her family have coped in her absence.
Psychological Stress
Bike Resources
Bike Resources
Cannot help but
worry a little about the last couple of line's....It just has the feel of something not nice about to happen......Hope i'm wrong but given Cathy's track record its hard not to worry a liitle.....
Your daily contribution to what little sanity we have left is truly amazing!
Your serial, "EAFOAB" is wonderful, but I do NOT see how you can continue telling such
a wonderful story can be "Easy As Falling Off A Bike". Your imagination is truly beyond
my comprehension. Mine is not - seems all I can do is copy, and most of the time, that is a poor copy.
BTW, I do try to leave a kudo at the end of each daily episode, so even if I do not
make a written comment, I hope I am giving you a vote of confidence to keep the Bike in a vertical
condition, and keep pedaling off these wonderful episodes for us.
Don't let someone else talk you out of your dreams. How can we have dreams come true, if we have no dreams?
Katrina Gayle "Stormy" Storm
Old friends are best I think.
I'm glad Cathy has someone to share memories with.
I forgot about Doctor Sian
The other shoe must fall sometime. I'm an optimistic pessimist. Expect the worst, and I'm never dissapointed.
Nice relaxing posting for Catherine.