Sweet / Sentimental

Dina, part 2

I took a deep breath to stop my heart from fluttering at the sight of the girl in front of me. Long, shapely legs encased in glossy translucent tights emerged from a tiny, almost skin-tight black skirt. Her curvaceous chest was covered by a thin light grey t-shirt, and tiny flats with delicate bows covered her feet. Her make-up was immaculate, with her face free from any blemishes, her eyebrows shaped to perfection and her mouth enhanced by nude matte lipstick and lipliner.

Peaches on Kindle: New Edition!


Audience Rating: 


New cover! New revision of the text!

by Angela Rasch and Amelia R.

Peaches is an unusual boy with an unusual school project -- he's going to spend his semester exploring gender roles in high school by living as a girl. Things get complicated but everybody learns something -- including Peaches!

A BigCloset HatBox Book
from DopplerPress

The Arctic Fox by Rosemary Howell - Now on Kindle


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When his family moved to Alaska, Patrick had a new life to begin...in more ways than one.

The Arctic Fox
by Rosemary
Now on Kindle

The new kid is a genius. At thirteen, starting the ninth grade, he just wants to fit in. His Air Force dad moved the family to Alaska and it's a whole new life.

Maybe in a new life he can be his real self, a girl who decides to call herself Marcia to make it more different from her old name.

A new life means new friends, new challenges. Like dealing with bullies and boys who think she's pretty. There is drama—a death in the family, danger in her father's job as a pilot, romantic complications—can Marcia deal with all the changes?

The Novitiate by Angela Rasch from DopplerPress


Audience Rating: 


Tim is patiently waiting for his high school days to draw to a close. He can’t wait to go away to college, far from a dad who is disappointed with his son’s tiny frame. Tim is also unhappy with his body, for a much more shielded reason. Music provides the catalyst for lasting change.


Sky on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


Sure, Peaches is small and cute and makes a lovely girl; everyone says so. But Sky? More than six feet of champion male athlete and he wants to be a girl? How is that going to work? Can even Peaches help? Are Sky's hopes too high?

by Angela Rasch
Sky by Angela Rasch

Sequel to Peaches
A BigCloset/HatBox Book
from DopplerPress

Ma Cherie Amour on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


Twins Lea and Zack want to spend their last summer before college together, because Lea is going off to an all-girls college. Their mother finds the perfect job for them as nannies at a lake cottage, perfect except the woman is looking to hire two girls.

Cheer's the Thing: Becoming Robin Book 3 on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


TG Universes & Series: 

Cheerleading? Piano? Basketball? How does a girl fit so much into so few hours in a day? Will Robin's over-achieving and perfectionism come back to bite her, or will she learn when enough is enough?

All-girl metal band Heedless Despair embark on their first U.S. tour, will Robin and her friends be content to watch their musical mentors from the front row or will they strive for more? On top of this there's a family wedding and a growing love of her own. Robin Smith, now fully immersed in her new life — will her secret remain a secret forever?

Swifter, Higher, Stronger on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


When Tony's attempt to follow in his father's footsteps on the football field comes to nothing he gives his undivided attention to a different sport - gymnastics.

His unorthodox training leaves judges bemused but coaches impressed enough to give him an opportunity. With the Olympics in his sights a twist of fate has him seeing things from a whole new perspective, one that will affect the rest of his life.

Book Cover artwork for Swifter Higher Stronger rendered as virtual Paperback and Tablet editions - Cover art is girl, doing a gymnastics move, on her toes, with one arm in the air, and the wording Swifter Higher Stronger at an angle on a black background slightly overlapping the girl

Becoming Sara


Audience Rating: 


Sean has a problem to get his book published the owner only publishes stories from women. Sean has used a female pen name,his sister's photo and a voice modulator on the phone but it wasn't enough. The publisher wants to see him in person. His friend Max and Jackie take him on his first journey to become the woman he wants to present. Can he handle it or will he find something more?

Starts with Day Zero may not post all original chapters I posted on FictionMania.

Posted on Wattpad as well.

Who Do That Hoo Doo?


Audience Rating: 


George returned back to where he grew up still seeking that one place where he fits in. Never did he expect to find himself in a messy tangle of dark magics, ancient promises, and a power hungry hoodoo doctor. Just maybe if his crazed luck can just stay with him long enough, he'll finally find his place under the sun.

Buy at Amazon!

This DopplerPress Kindle eBook also includes the bonus story "The Glade" by Grover

Into the Land of the Pinks


Audience Rating: 


Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

Allen wasn't your normal 13 year old... He had a girl living within him, one that was looking for the perfect time to come out to play.

She finally found the right time.

The day Samantha caught the train.


Audience Rating: 


Other Keywords: 

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

The day Samantha caught the train.
by Samantha Rebecca
The day Samantha caught the train was the start of a whole new life for her. You see Samantha is a sweet adult little girl who loves to be dressed all pretty. The only problem is Samantha is a man of 33 and is on the big side. This does not her from being who she when she every gets a chance.

Five for Fifty


Audience Rating: 


Other Keywords: 

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

“No matter what happens … no matter whether or not you grant my wish … I just want to say how much I appreciate your friendship. You’ve been kind and patient and compassionate, helpful and honest and … most of all … been there when I’ve needed you. Thank you.”

Five for Fifty

by Maggie the Kitten

String of Pearls


Audience Rating: 


Other Keywords: 

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 


Miao Ling Grace and Siobhan Llewellyn are seemingly destined to be together. The pair learn later that Grace's brother Cretein and a girl he meets in college, Justine MacNamara, are integral to that destiny in ways that defy mere coincidence.

Though my first installment is easily acceptable to general audiences, later installments will have sections meant for adults only. That is to say:
At times, this story is not safe for work and truly not acceptable reading for those under 18.

Please enjoy my first story on Big Closet and feel free to leave comments of constructive criticism. I won't cry in my tea over some good advice. 8)

- Eclectic Kitty

Diva in Disguise 3

Diva in Disguise Chapter 3

After Pete had gone, Alice left the little motel where they had been staying and moved in with me. My college friend offered to remain a further fortnight. Her stated intention was to help clear my mother’s house for sale, but while her practical assistance was welcome enough, just having her around was an emotional support I was most grateful to lean upon.

Freedom of Naethari: Chapter 23



Chapter 23: Clickbait

Naiya and her fellow Naethari have killed Edward Pierce and gained their freedom, but there are others who want the Naethari for their own ends. Can they keep their hard-won freedom?


The silence became heavy after her words and then the two men holding Luiza manhandled her into the computer chair and their squad leader instructed, “Play the file, but no tricks.”

Dina, part 1

"William!" My father hissed quietly. "Look at the camera!"

"Sorry, dad," I whispered as I turned my attention back to the photographer, who was ready to capture today's visit for posterity. Though in my defence, as an eight-year-old boy, it was natural for me to be distracted by the visitors who came to my grandfather's home — after all, it's not every day that you have your photograph taken with the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh.

Tommy, the Flower Girl Part 3


The next morning, Tommy woke up feeling the warmth of his wet diaper and of the sun streaming through his window. His mother greeted him with a smile and a loving hug. "Good morning, sweetie! Let's get you changed and ready for the day," she said. Once she had finished, his mother lifted him into her arms and held him close. "There we go, all fresh and clean," she said, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead. "Now, let's go have some yummy breakfast, and we can talk about what fun things we can do today."

Tommy, the Flower Girl Part 2


The next morning Tommy woke up with the urgent need to use the bathroom, and not just to pee. As he looked at his alarm clock, it was still early and he didn't want to wake up his mom. After considering his options, Tommy decided to use his diaper for its intended purpose, knowing that his mom would help him when she woke up. He felt a little embarrassed about the situation but also relieved that he wouldn't have to hold it in.

Torrid Transformation

Torrid Transformation

The bell above the entrance to Torrid chimed a cheerful welcome as Alan
pushed open the glass door. The familiar scent of trendy clothing and
leather greeted him, but the store was strangely empty. He scanned the
racks, his gaze snagged on a display of vibrant summer dresses before a
voice startled him.

"Hi there! Welcome to Torrid!"

Alan turned to see a woman with a dazzling smile and a nametag that read
"Haley - Manager." Her warm brown eyes sparkled beneath a mane of fiery
red hair.

From the Top

From the Top
by Bryony Marsh
From the Top by Bryony Marsh

“James, what are you doing here?”

The boy gave a guilty start that spoke volumes: he was caught and there was no point in lying.

“I’m doing my Physics homework, Sir,” he said.

Simon Owens sighed. “What I mean is, why are you lurking in the library when you’re supposed to be in class?”

Freedom of Naethari: Chapter 22



Chapter 22: Invitation

Naiya and her fellow Naethari have killed Edward Pierce and gained their freedom, but there are others who want the Naethari for their own ends. Can they keep their hard-won freedom?


“You’re sure that we can trust her, Nat? She isn’t going to double-cross us, is she?” Kara pressed with a worried expression on her face.


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