
Project Wolf Den Part 18

Clair’s Ranch:
“What are you guys going to do about Nickolas Kuznetsov?” Clair looks at Jack and Nick when she asks that question.

“The matter is being taken care of as we speak.” Jack sent one of his special agents. One that was quick and deadly.

“I’m surprised you didn’t go yourself to handle the problem.” Clair knew the old Jack would have gone to handle the problem.

“You don’t use a nuclear device to kill a fly.” Nick knew what would happen if he or Jack went.

Dude Looks Like A Lady

Dixie sits quietly and pretends to read an article on her tablet. What she is doing, is watching how teenage girls and women walk and behave. Ever since she decided to become a girl full time, after spending a week with her friend pretending to be his girlfriend.

Project Wolf Den Part 17

Ada and Alya left to go back to Alexandria. They had work on Tuesday and had to show up. Jasmine helped with the cleanup along with the others still at the farm.

Jack and Gina show up later in the day with Cadmus in tow. Nick pulls up behind them in the Lincoln Town car he arrived in on Monday. A smile appears on his face when he sees his old friend and Jack’s daughter. He didn’t recognize the wolf with them, but he knew it wasn’t Chaos.

He remembered Chaos being a lot bigger and meaner. He walks closer to his friend and Gina. He saw the wolf watching him.

Project Wolf Den Part 16

Nick was the first to show up at Clair’s ranch. He arrived in one of the newer Lincoln Town cars, driven by a teenage woman. When she got out of the car to open the back door for Nick, she was wearing a custom-made chauffeur suit. She looked no older than a teenager.

She was shorter than Nick by at least a foot or so. Her short dirty blonde hair fell to the middle of her neck.
Clair was standing on the porch with Jasmine beside her. The other women were busy feeding their visitors. Becky had left to explain things to her uncle.

Project Wolf Den Part 15

Alya, Ada, Jasmine, Becky, and Clair step out of the house as the dust settles from the reinforcements arriving. She watches as they gather up everyone. Jasmine was using Ada for support as they stood on the damaged porch.

“I can’t believe this porch is still intact.” Becky was standing near Alya.

“It’s made of titanium/steel alloy. The whole frame of the house has been reinforced with it.” Clair remembered when Jack and Nick had the
house reinforced after moving it to this spot.

I Pretended to Be a Girl and I liked It

Casey wakes up with a killer headache and a sharp pain in the lower part of his back. He felt something sticky on his lips and his face. His eyelids didn’t want to open all the way. He slowly sits up in bed and his head starts spinning.

“Oh, my aching head.” He feels something heavy on his chest and looks down. He had two huge mounds of flesh that were the size of cantaloupes attached to his chest.

Project Wolf Den Part 14

The Ranch:
Alya helps Ada back to the house. She took a bullet to her leg from one of the attackers. Clair was covering them with one of Jack’s custom tri-barrel shotguns. Her shoulder and arm were hurting her every time she fired it.

Becky had picked up one of the guns from the attackers and was rushing towards the house. She still had her sawed-off shotgun, but was out of ammo for it. Her lip was bloody from being suckered punch by one of the attackers. Her jaw was hurting as well.

Project Wolf Den Part 13

The rear alarms started going off. Men in black outfits with their heads covered came from the rear of the property. Along with the men were three side-by-side ATVs armed with miniguns.

“Um, Clair, did your team have defenses capable of stopping things like those ATVs?” Ada was standing near the back door.

Clair rushes towards her office and lifts the top off her desk. She starts flicking switches to arm the hidden defensive weapons. She looks at the monitors in her office as the three ATVs are engaged.

Project Wolf Den Part 12

New York Airport, Private Hangar:
Jacques had been contacted by Jack and raced down to the airport to prep the plane for takeoff. As he is preparing the plane for takeoff, an old-fashioned light tan Ford Bronco pulls into the hangar. A woman with blonde hair exits from the Bronco.

A smile appears on Jacques’s face as he recognizes the woman as being Jester. After the last few months of training. Jacques knew she was going to hate how they were going to approach where they were going. He waves to Jester as he continues preparing for takeoff.

Project Wolf Den Part 11

Jack’s Ranch:
Jack listens to Clair’s voice as it comes over the speaker from his cellphone. He had gotten a call from Clair early this morning and listened while she told him about the assassin that had been sent by Nickolas Kuznetsov to kill everyone inside the house.

“Do you think you ladies can hold out if an assault team is sent towards you, Clair?” Jack was already thinking about calling his sister and her team to see who was available.

Project Wolf Den Part 10

Daniil is woken up and sputters as cold water is thrown at him slides down his face. Standing before him, was an old lady. He notices that he is tied to a strong wooden chair, sitting on a large plastic tarp.

Clair noticed that the man Ayla was awake and looking at her. A smile appears on her face. “Oh, good, you’re awake. Who are you?”

Daniil keeps his mouth shut as he looks at the old woman. He wanted to see what she was going to do to make him talk.

Project Wolf Den Part 9

Ayla tosses and turn as she slept. The fox spirit that resides inside of her, was trying to wake her up. She sits up and rubs the sleep from her eyes.

“All right, I’m awake. what is it?” Ayla looks at the red and white fox spirit standing in front of her.

The fox spirit looks towards the window and back to her. It wanted her to get up and walk over to the window.

“Fine! Tracks.” As a flash appears the night clothes she was wearing disappear and her fox body suit appears on her body.

Project Wolf Den Part 8

By the time Jasmine arrived back at the farm, the men were gone. She got a text message from Clare warning her. So, far the facial recognition program hasn’t found anything on them.

She parks her motorcycle back in its standard location and heads into the house through one of the secret tunnels leading from the barn. She goes upstairs to her bedroom and changes out of her work clothes. Once she takes her body suit off, she gets dressed. She fixes her hair and heads downstairs to the kitchen.

The Wolf’s Youngest Daughter and Family

Antique Bakery, Caldwell, Montana:
“Thanks for coming.” Silvia watches as Mrs. Lings leaves the store.

She was glad that things had slowed down recently. She and her employees have been busting their asses with all the holiday parties they had been hired to cater. She looks over towards the corner table in the store and a smile appears on her face. Her children were busy doing their homework, along with their friends.

Project Wolf Den Part 7

Downtown Middleburg, Va.:
Ada, Clair, and Ayla pull into a parking spot at Bebe’s Clothing. Clair figures Alya would be able to find what she was looking for here.

“I’ve never heard about this place, Clair.” Ada was curious about it.

“It’s local. They carry a lot of designer clothes and off-the-wall clothing from unknown designers.” Clair has found a lot of good deals inside the place.

Clair leads the way inside the old-style store. It was bigger inside than it was outside.

Project Wolf Den Part 6

“I’ll go and talk to this Charles Morris person for you.” Jasmine turns and leave her grandma’s home office.

She goes upstairs to her bedroom and changes out of the clothes she was wearing and put her bulletproof bodysuit on under her clothes. It was going to cause her to feel warmer, but she would rather be safe then sorry. She also puts her motorcycle boots on as well.


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