Panties / Girdles

The Power of Sexy (resubmitted)

By Flygirlxoxox

My name is Alan Ambrosio and this is my story. As it happend.

Yes I am a boy and a typcal one. I have always been fascinated by girls.
Their hair, their smells, their curves, their clothes, the way the walk,
the way they talk....

At age 15 I have been involved in sports. I am quite good and very
competitive. My problem...girls. Girls to me are like kryptonite to
superman. I can be doing something confidently, intently and-- a pretty
girl comes up to me and look! It's captian corky....

Diary of a Prostitute

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Bored with their sex life and seeking to supplement their income a husband and wife decide to enter the world of prostitution. This is a vignette in the day of a life of a high-class prostitute and explains how a married couple can live happily together while they each have sex with strangers for money.

The Model Sister by Melanie Brown on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


Kirk let a little issue of being mistaken for a girl go a bit too far. Sure, he looked like his sister. A lot! And he could make money as a girl model. Bunches! But there were other problems.... Boys!


The Model Sister
by Melanie Brown
Sisters Book 2
Now on Kindle

Torrid Transformation

Torrid Transformation

The bell above the entrance to Torrid chimed a cheerful welcome as Alan
pushed open the glass door. The familiar scent of trendy clothing and
leather greeted him, but the store was strangely empty. He scanned the
racks, his gaze snagged on a display of vibrant summer dresses before a
voice startled him.

"Hi there! Welcome to Torrid!"

Alan turned to see a woman with a dazzling smile and a nametag that read
"Haley - Manager." Her warm brown eyes sparkled beneath a mane of fiery
red hair.

Coffee Shop Girl

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Coffee Shop Girl. - A tale of envy, vengeance and subterfuge that turns into something quite extraordinary

College boy observes sexy young waitresses using their feminine wiles to bump up their tips in a coffee shop and thinks it might be an easy way to make money and to expose the owner and his misogynistic work practices. When Carey presents femme something strange, unique and surprising happens.

Cherry Blossom Journey to Womanhood

Cherry blossom journey to womanhood

the rouge tasted like cherries, a forbidden sweetness on alan's four-
year-old tongue. His mother's vanity table, a glittering land of
forgotten treasures, had captivated him. He'd slipped on her silky robe,
the feel a stark contrast to his usual rough-and-tumble clothes. The
lipstick, a bright, unapologetic red, felt foreign on his lips, yet
oddly comforting. His mother's gasp shattered the moment. Tears streamed
down his face, not from her anger, but from a dawning realization - he
was different.

A Cruel and Unusual Punishment 3

This chapter has some sexual content.

As I walked to the Williams house I dreaded the fresh humiliations that awaited me. It had been a week now, and I was getting used to the feeling of women's clothes. Even at home, my mother made me sleep in a night dress. It was black and plain cotton, but still had a small lace edging. She told me it would be stupid to be caught violating my "parole" while sleeping.

Prison Dolls - Chapter 3

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Chapter Three - Red Roses Dropped On Fresh Snow

Bobbie's release date is approaching but she is confused and conflicted. Bobbie has taken over Robert's life and she feels more comfortable being a woman than she does a man. To make matters worse she is falling for Tony and her family life is falling apart. A new prison doll is required to take her place.

Prison Dolls - Chapter 2

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Chapter Two – Sometimes It’s Good To Be a Girl

Bobbie completes her training and makes her debut in Seg with the Siceresso crime family. Robert's wife visits him in prison but he is in emotional turmoil about his secret life as a prison doll. Confessing to Mandy would be too dangerous so he resorts to deception

A Cruel and unusual punishment 2

Monday morning I woke with a feeling of dread. My mum came into my room at 6.30.

"Come on John. It takes women longer to get ready than men. You'll soon get used to it. Now, shower shave and meet me in the spare room."

After that was done, I walked into the spare room and saw what lay in wait for me.

A pair of smooth black knickers with lace panels at the sides.

"They were the least fussy ones I could find before you moan," Mum said.

I slowly dressed in the soft, unfamiliar clothes.A black bra with lacy cups came next. Mum stuffed them with tights.

Prison Dolls - Chapter 1

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Chapter One – Pretty Boys Make Pretty Girls

Robert Valentine is blackmailed whilst serving time at a correctional facility. A fellow 'Prison Doll' Allie Katt feminises 'Bobbie' and turns her out to be the plaything for a group of hardened criminals. Robert soon discovers that 'Bobbie' is beginning to not only accept her fate, she is falling for a dangerous criminal.

A cruel and unusual punishment

This story takes place in a land far, far away with different laws. Please don't tell me what is or is not lawful. This is fantasy after all. Not sex story (so far anyway)

I stood in the dock shaking. What had I done? The end-of-term disco should have been just a fun time for everyone. Someone had spiked the punch. We were all over 18 and could legally drink, but the headmaster decided he didn't want unruly behavior.



By: Mahohokus

It's a chilly autumn evening in Gardiner, Maine. The sky is a deep shade of indigo, scattered with a few fleeting clouds. The air carries a hint of wood smoke and leaves crunching beneath feet. I'm standing on the fifty-yard line of Gardiner High School's football field, my hands thrust deep into the pockets of my worn leather jacket. My breath forms little white puffs in front of me, dissipating slowly into the crisp air. The lights of the stadium bathe me in a warm glow, casting long shadows across the grass.

Change of Fate 4 (Entertainment)

Rule two: Always keep your guests entertained during gatherings.

The dance studio at Sterling Academy for Young Ladies was a realm of artistic refinement, meticulously designed to facilitate the cultivation of grace and poise among its students.

The studio boasts an expansive layout, allowing ample room for students to move freely and practice various dance forms. Mirrored walls on one side created the illusion of even greater space, reflecting the grace and precision of every movement.

Mix-up at summer camp Parts 26-30

26. A surprise tea party

The penultimate day of camp arrived with a buzz of excitement in the air. The campgrounds were adorned with colorful decorations, and a sense of anticipation filled the hearts of the campers. Colorful streamers and balloons adorned the trees, creating a vibrant atmosphere. Alex, dressed in a pretty pink dress adorned with frills and bows, giggled as he wobbled around in his diaper, feeling both nervous and exhilarated about the day's events.

Pandemic Truth or Dare, Part 2 - Settling In

Jonah was wearing a pink tank top and black miniskirt as he cooked dinner for him and Kelly. The pandemic still raged on, and the couple continued to do their dares from the Truth or Dare game a few weeks back. It took a while for Jonah to get used to his new wardrobe, especially the bras, but he was feeling more comfortable in it with every day that passed.

Mix-up at summer camp


Audience Rating: 



Once upon a time, in a small suburban town, there lived a teenage boy named Alex. He was a typical young boy, full of energy and always seeking adventure. One summer, however, his life took an unexpected turn when at his summer camp he appears to be grouped with the toddler girls. As he embraces this new role, Alex goes through an amazing journey of self-discovery, finding out who he truly is.

The Reluctant Housewife Part 2

The shower felt so good. I could not remember the last time I had showered or washed my hair. I was not dirty. Dr. Tom must have cleaned me while I was in the medical coma. Still, the warm water felt sensual on my now smooth skin. It's funny how you don't realise how you miss the everyday trappings of civilization.

The shower gel and shampoo were all heavily scented with jasmine and other flowery scents. I wrapped the towel around my waist and started to dry my hair. I walked back into the bedroom.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?"

The Reluctant Housewife

If only I had listened to the warnings about drugs. In my defense though, I have had a rotten life up until this present moment. A moment that finds me staring down the barrel of a shotgun in a private hospital in the middle of the night.

The first few years of my life were like many other people's. I was the only child of loving but poor parents. I was always on the small side which led to bullying at school, but that was normal. Schools say they hate bullying, but most of them turn a blind eye to it.

Binding Resolutions Chapter 1: A Promise Kept

As the new year approaches, our heroine faces her new reality. Once in control, but now turned into someone whose purpose is to serve and please her mistress. Dressed up, ready to be paraded and stared at, her body, no longer her own but a symbol of her promise to her mistress. Be warned, This story is dark. I have added all the appropriate tags

Binding Resolutions Chapter 1: A Promise Kept

Michele Nylons True Stories - Chapter 6


Chapter Six – The Laneway Cruise Lounge

This is a glimpse into a day in my life as a fetishistic transvestite/crossdresser when I visit the local cruise lounge prowling for company. To some extent the story explains how I do what I do and why I do it. It is a snapshot in time of a day in my life. Please heed the warnings regarding explicit content. This story contains non-explicit images of me.

My Time As A Wife 3

After we both cleaned up, we went to bed. Phil held me gently all through the night. My mind was in turmoil. Was he serious about wanting me to be a wife? If he was, could I do it? This was a life-changing decision. As I lay awake I could hear him breathing closely behind me.

I was acutely aware of the silky white baby doll I was wearing. The knickers had three rows of thick lace on the back. I couldn't resist brushing my hand over them as I turned onto my left side.

I kept thinking about what he said. "You're mine now Sarah. I am never letting you go."

Pandemic Truth or Dare, Part 1 - A New Game

Due to the global pandemic, everyone is forced to stay at home until things have died down. This was great news for Jonah and Kelly, because their jobs continued to pay them, even though they can’t work from home. The couple decided to spend more time together, and they were loving it.

Whatever You Desire - Chapter 3

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Chapter Two – Day Five

Detectives Julie Sanderson and Tommy Lomax disagree when Julie proposes using a honey-trap to catch Stephanie Carter's killer. Final Chapter and resolution.

Toni With An i - Part 1

Tony is reserved, calm and unflappable. Every Friday night he goes to Lads’ Night, his main social outlet, drinks beers and plays games. He doesn’t even particularly like games, or the challenges or bets that go along with them, despite being very good at them. But something will happen to Tony this Friday night. Something that will change him and reveal a part of him he didn’t even know existed.

In a perfect storm of coincidences, friends, and new friends, with depths he didn’t even begin to understand, Tony could be starting a journey to a very new life. The question is what will it take for Tony to realise the Toni in him isn’t just a strange indulgence for a single night? And what will the people around him do to push him towards accepting this?

The first part of a new and ongoing serial.

Bobby's Knickers

I've got a problem today, I hope that mom understands. I need to get some new underwear.

"Mom, I need some new underwear."

"I don't understand, how can you need new underwear, I bought you new underwear at the beginning of the school year, and it is only November. What have you been doing with them, taking them off and giving them away to boys at your school like in Sixteen Candles?"


"Well, then, explain it to me how you can need new underwear already."

The Wrong Turn

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A wife dresses her husband up in drag to win a fancy dress competition but at the party they fall out and the husband dressed as 'Bonnie' decides to walk home. She makes a wrong turn into a deserted park where she is confronted by two men whose intentions are not honorable.

My Time As A Wife 2

Sarah is invited to stay the night with Phil. She is asked to spend more time as Sarah and must decide if Sarah is more than just a pleasant distraction. Part of this is based on some recent experience of mine.

I was still breathing hard from the climax I had just experienced. My legs were like jelly. Stay the night? Despite my exhaustion, I felt myself shiver at the thought. Spend the night with a man as a woman. Not just sex, but actually sleeping with him.

Wrestling my Little Sister and her Friends PT 2

After losing a bet and being forced to dress as a girl, Trevor (Tiffany) has more fun than they would like to admit. They even have a new girlfriend! But surely he's a manly man who won't lose another bet and have to crossdress again, right? Right?
Be sure to read part 1 first -

Driven from Normal. (Extra A.I. Images)

Precision driver Simon McKenzie’s work week started reasonably normal with a job in Queenstown, New Zealand, driving a vehicle for a new TV ad being filmed there.

After only a few days, and a series of events that seemed to quickly snowball, the 23 year old found himself standing in a bar waiting for his new girlfriend to arrive… But, what wasn’t normal, is that it's him wearing who's little black cocktail dress…

Driven from Normal. (Extra A.I. Images)

If It Was Your Husband 1 & 2 of 20

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Authors Note: This story is complete and sitting on my hard drive. The novel is 49,188 words long in twenty chapters. I will be posting two chapters per week, roughly 5,000 words per post, on Fridays.


Alex comes home one day and his wife, Carrie, tells him of a problem in Mike and Lisa's marriage. Mike is his best friend since middle school. It seems that Lisa caught Mike cross-dressing and came unglued. She had come to Carrie looking for solace and support for divorcing Mike. But Carrie told her about a Phil Donahue show she'd seen as a teenager featuring married cross-dressers and said that cross-dressing really was no big deal.

Lisa was offended that Carrie wouldn't back her up and said, "If it was your husband, you wouldn’t think it was so cool," and left in a snit; part of her anger now directed at Carrie.

Carrie, on the fly, hatches a plan to help Lisa see that if it was her husband, she'd still think it was no big deal. Alex somewhat reluctantly goes along with it and discovers things about himself that he never knew existed.

Love Story - Chapter 9.6

I was overwhelmed with sensations all over my body.

There was a pull on my scalp where my wife's hands were pulling my braids. My lips felt buttery and smooth and velvety from the lipstick. I could feel my wife's soft lips on mine, her tongue in my mouth, kissing me deeply, smearing my lipstick.

Most of all, my body was contracting pleasantly, an after effect of the waves of pleasure that had washed all over me, centered in my groin.

I had leaked - that's right, leaked cum, which was pooled beneath us, on the floor.

"Wow, honey", she smirked at me, "You really are a woman"

All Girls School

Today is my first day of high school. This will be my first time presenting as a girl at school, as I’m transgender. To make matters even more extreme, this is an all girl’s school. If I’m not accepted, I don’t know what I’ll do.


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