Lady Lucia

The Present, Part 16

Part Sixteen

Just like that, things had shifted so Julia was the one running this part of the show. “Clasp her bra when I’m done, Amy?” she requested.

“Happy to,” Amy smiled. She circled around to stand behind her cousin, placing her hands on Chris’s shoulders, “Hold still, girl,” she reminded him.

The Present, Part 14

Part Fourteen

At least they were done. Mostly.

Chris was still wearing a bra and nothing else above the waist, and he was assuming that his cousin wasn’t going to be satisfied until he was dressed like a girl from head to toe. Which is why he was surprised when Amy walked over to the hallway door, rather than her closet or one of her drawers. “Come on, Chrissy. You can’t hide out in here forever, even if you’d prefer a bedroom like this over your own.”

The Present, Part 13

Part Thirteen

Sitting there and allowing Amy to move a brush towards his face was already a lot, and Chris had to resist the urge to flinch when the tool came into contact with his cheek. He had already resigned himself to going along with this; the last thing he needed was to give his cousin the satisfaction of enjoying his awkwardness and discomfort along the way. Even if they both knew that this was awkward and uncomfortable, and was going to continue to be as she smugly made him look more and more like a girl.

The Present, Part 12

(Author’s Note: Moving forward, assume Chris is speaking in his feminine voice unless otherwise noted. I imagine the italics would get old really quickly if I did that for the whole story!)

Part Twelve

Less than an hour ago, Chris would not have remotely entertained what his cousin was suggesting.

The Present, Part 9

Part Nine

Before Chris could say anything, Amy reached past the shower curtain with a bra dangling from her hand. It was reminiscent of the panties he had been gifted and subsequently pressured to put on–pink and lace, without being sheer. If her words hadn’t been enough, the sight of the bra was quite telling in terms of how serious she was about the ten minute penalty.

He rejected the absurd idea right away. “Amy, I’m not-”

The Present, Part 8

Part Eight

Chris did not, in fact, hop right to it.

When the bathroom door clicked closed behind his cousin, he awkwardly stood behind the shower curtain and weighed his options. Doing what Amy asked would be insane. The sight of his smooth legs was bad enough, but shaving the rest of his body? Unless he exclusively wore long sleeves for a few days, his hairless arms would probably go noticed by someone. And when Amy had told him to shave the rest of his body . . . She hadn’t meant his private area as well, had she? That would be too much.

The Present, Part 6

Part Six

Chris didn’t want to encourage Amy’s annoying enthusiasm with a response. If she was fishing for him to ask what she had in mind, it wasn’t going to happen. She could just say it without including him in the suspense.

Huffing a bit, Amy continued, “You’re going to shave your legs, Chrissy.”

The Present, Part 5

Part Five

“You’ll wear your panties all weekend. They were a gift to you, remember? And like I just said–when you wear something, they’re yours.”

“I’ll wear my panties all weekend,” Chris echoed. He mirrored the emphasis in an attempt to show that it didn’t bother him, but couldn’t help but lightly blush at the possessive phrase nonetheless. It sounded worse out loud than it did in his head. And the fact that he was bottomless save for the pink, feminine underwear didn’t particularly help when it came to playing it cool.

The Present, Part 4

Part Four

The next few minutes were another blur of ‘logic.’

Not only was Chris outnumbered, but girls just had a way of explaining things and connecting points in a way that made it nearly impossible to undo layers stacked against him. He was already wearing panties, so there wasn’t a lot of harm in wearing them for a little while longer. And it clearly made Amy ‘feel better,’ so going along with it meant being a good cousin. Besides, boys shouldn’t be scared of wearing pink. And on, and on, and on.

The Present, Part 3

Part Three

He had put panties on for nothing?

Chloe had to be messing with him. A few minutes ago, his sister had practically jumped at the unexpected opportunity, and Amy had clearly orchestrated the whole thing from the beginning. At least two of the three females in the room had wanted him to put them on, and it had been easy enough for them to manipulate the only real adult in the room to go along with it.

The Present, Part 2

Part Two

Less than five minutes later, Chris found himself alone in the bathroom with the gift box.

He had tried several more times to argue that this was absurd, but all of his words fell on deaf ears. Aunt Mary was using him as a scapegoat to make her daughter feel better, Chloe was jumping at the chance to embarrass her younger brother, and Amy clearly arranged this whole thing to begin with. It was three to one, and all of them supported each other with ‘logic’ about why Chris should do it.

The Present

Author's Note: First time posting on here! Please let me know if I'm breaking any rules in regards to sharing links below. And hope you enjoy the first part of one of my currently ongoing stories. Once I get used to the format on this site, I'll start posting the rest of the available parts!

Part One


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