The Present, Part 15 & 16

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Part Fifteen

Amy just smiled.

“No need to wait,” she said, “Won’t it be more fun to see if Sadie recognizes her when we’re done?”

“Hmm, true! I’m not sure I would have known it was Chris–sorry, Chrissy–if you hadn’t told me right away,” Julia replied. She opened the box and took out something round-ish that Chris didn’t immediately recognize, “Sorry, they’re not quite her color.”

“That’s okay!” Amy exclaimed, “It’s all make-up safe, right?”

It took another minute of back and forth before Chris realized what they were talking about. The object in Julia’s hand was the padding Amy had mentioned earlier that ‘hadn’t arrived yet.’ Now it was here. The breast form was the first of two, as Chris could now tell as he looked more closely at the box in her lap. He wasn’t sure what he had been expecting. Maybe just a rubber pad to slip in the cup? There were some movies where girls used some kind of insert to make their chests look bigger, though something like that would require some degree of curves to begin with. As a guy, he was apparently being taken from zero to whatever size Julia had brought for him.

Why did she even have those?! It seemed pretty last minute for Julia to swing by whatever store sold stuff like breast forms while Amy was playing her games upstairs. At the same time, he couldn’t believe the two of them had done something like this before.

“Chrissy is all shaved, right? Or waxed?” she asked, “The adhesive will be a bitch to take off if she still has body hair up there.”

“Shaved. Right, Chrissy?” Amy glanced towards him.

Chris reluctantly nodded. He wasn’t able to prevent his cheeks from flushing, or perhaps just getting darker from the perpetual blush. It was impossible to relax or feel remotely normal when Julia was seeing him like this. Also, Amy had already seen his bare chest when ‘helping’ with the bra; she was clearly only clarifying for the sake of further embarrassing him in front of her friend.

With a sigh and a playful eye roll, Amy said, “Shame. Would’ve been fun hearing her girly noises when removing it. Although, who knows? Maybe Chrissy will want to keep them on forever!”

“Only one way to find out,” Julia said, “Chrissy, take off that bra for a sec. Don’t worry, it’ll fit much better when you put it back on.”

“Wait,” Amy smirked, “We’ve been working on her manners. A good girl would ask politely. Oh, but how should she ask? It made so much more sense with clothes. ‘Please give me boobs?’ Sounds weird.”

Chris grimaced slightly at that. ‘Because this whole thing is weird,’ he thought. There was no way his cousin was going to come up with a proper question for what she had in store for him.

Julia looked up in thought for a moment. “Isn’t that your bra, Ames? Maybe Chrissy wants to be just like you. Same size and all.”

“Ooh, good point. Okay, Chrissy. I want you to say, ‘I’m jealous of your body, Amy. I want boobs just like yours!’ You can handle that, right?”

Maybe. Considering everything he had gone through already, it was getting to the point where doing whatever Amy said was just about sucking it up and letting her have her fun. Apparently this feminine transformation wasn’t complete yet, which meant he had to keep playing along for the sake of keeping this between the two of them. And Julia. And Sadie, most likely. At least Amy’s friends were completely separate from Chris’s regular life, so this wouldn’t affect him outside of these visits.

Gritting his teeth, and taking a moment to make sure his voice was still the way Amy wanted it, he said, “I’m jealous of your body. I want boobs like yours.” The delivery was rather flat and unamused, though the feminine tone thoroughly undermined that. He also had to make a conscious effort to avoid glancing down at Amy’s cleavage. Though Chris wasn’t into his cousin like that in the slightest, talking about her boobs still naturally drew attention to her chest.

“See?” Amy giggled, “I told you Chrissy wanted to be a girl. Alright, can you take the bra off by yourself? That’s something you’re going to have to learn if you want to wear girls’ underwear like the sissy you are.”

“Go on, Chrissy!” Julia chimed in. She was obviously on board for all this, despite how recently she realized what was going on, “Or are you bad at removing bras?”

Just like that, it was a no-win situation. Either keep the bra on, or let the implication that he was sexually inexperienced be proven by avoiding the task at hand. Not that the former was really an option anyway, considering he was basically stuck as Amy’s doll for the foreseeable future. “Fine,” he muttered. Reaching back with both hands, not at all used to undoing the clasps of a bra from this kind of angle, he ended up taking a bit longer than he would have liked to loosen the undergarment on his chest.

Of course, Amy was more than happy to comment on the minor struggle. “Give it time, girl. You’ll be able to do it one-handed before you know it!” Then, turning to Julia, she asked, “Mind doing her breasts? I don’t trust myself.”

“I got you, babe. But you owe me one,” Julia winked, “She’s going to hold still for me, right?”

“Chrissy?” Amy glanced my way again.

Once again, Chris just nodded. Whatever it took to finish this process up. Maybe if he didn’t complain, the two girls before him would change their mind about adding Sadie to the mix.

“Good girl!” Julia grinned. She had only heard the phrase once or twice, yet already seemed to catch on. It was both patronizing, and a reminder of his increasingly feminine image. In short, it was perfect.

With that, she retrieved a bottle of the adhesive they had been talking about from the same box and started applying it to the first breast form.

Part Sixteen

Just like that, things had shifted so Julia was the one running this part of the show. “Clasp her bra when I’m done, Amy?” she requested.

“Happy to,” Amy smiled. She circled around to stand behind her cousin, placing her hands on Chris’s shoulders, “Hold still, girl,” she reminded him.

What else was Chris supposed to do? He was already so deep in all of this. It was impossible to figure out where to draw the line, even for something like fake breasts, as it wouldn’t change the fact that the head to toe makeover already made him look so feminine. This was just another step of the transformation Amy was putting him through, with an audience to boot.

Julia stepped forward, her lips pursed in an amused smile, “Ready, Chrissy? This is going to be a little cold. Just give it a minute, and then you’ll be fine.” With that, she pulled the loose bra cup away and carefully brought the breast form towards his chest. There was clearly a reason Amy had trusted her friend with the task; Julia seemed to know what she was doing. She positioned the silicone just right, then placed it against his skin.

Sure enough, the adhesive was cold. He flinched without meaning to, causing both girls to echo, “Hold still.” It was nearly simultaneous between the two of them. With any other duo, it would be kind of hot being sandwiched in such a way, with casually demanding/bossy voices. That obviously wasn’t the case when it was his cousin’s voice in his ear. Julia, however, was kind of hot as she stood before him in her tight clothes with a look of idle concentration on her face. Not quite enough to distract him from this latest development, yet still noticeable.

Julia must have been prepared for some kind of reaction, as she made sure to keep a good grip on the breast that was starting to seal itself onto Chris’s chest. Keeping her gaze locked on his, she held the form in place for another ten or twenty seconds before using her other hand to take the appropriate bra cup. “Be a doll, Chrissy. Hold this for me.” Once the bra was settled over the silicone, she swapped her grip to hold the fabric instead; after freeing up one hand, she casually took Chris’s hand and guided it up. “Like this.”

Chris ended up cupping his own breast, flushing at just how real it felt. The bra was no doubt a major factor in that, as he really wasn’t touching the form itself. Also, it’s not like he was particularly exploring with his hand, which he would be doing if he was gripping another girl’s chest. This was just about keeping the fake thing in place while the adhesive worked. He was tempted to pull it away, of course, but couldn’t find the willpower when it still felt like going along with everything Amy and Julia said was the better play. Better Amy’s friend than Chris’s sister. Or everyone he was friends with on social media.

Once Julia was satisfied with Chris taking over for her, she procured the second breast form and repeated the process. Adhesive, careful placement, a bit of cold against the opposite side of his chest, and holding it there long enough for it to properly stick. “There.” She repeated the maneuver with the other bra cup, but this time instructed Amy to help. “Clasp it tightly, babe. We want Chrissy’s breasts to stay right where they are, yes.”

“Of course,” Amy giggled, “How long does that stuff hold for, by the way?”

“At least 48 hours,” Julia said, “There’s a solvent to undo it early, but I don’t know why your cousin would ever want to be flat chested again.”

For a moment, Chris was worried. This was all supposed to be over by the time his aunt and sister got home, as there was no way Amy could play innocent when it came to something this extreme. Maybe she could have pulled off the panties ‘mix-up,’ but no one would believe this had all been his idea. However, Julia went right on to mention how to take the silicone forms off. It was somewhat reassuring, though he wouldn’t put it past Amy to dangle something like that over his head along with everything else she had on him.

Amy deftly clasped the bra back on, definitely using a different set of hooks than he had used when first being compelled to put the undergarment on himself.

“Now, if you let go . . . ” Once again, Julia took Chris’s hand. This time, to pull him away from the addition to his chest. “What do you think, Chrissy? Go on, walk around a bit. See how they feel.”

Like he was trying on a pair of shoes. Ridiculous. Although admittedly, Julia had a point. Before taking a single step, Chris noticed a difference in his balance now that it was just the bra that was holding his ‘breasts’ up. It’s not that they were heavy. But at the same time, they certainly had more weight than if the girls had simply stuffed the bra cups with socks or tissues or whatever. It wasn’t as if he knew what else someone would use.

In a small act of rebellion, he mostly just stepped away from Amy, in order to get back some personal space. “They’re fine,” he awkwardly said, in the usual feminine tone. Hardly the truth. Thanks to the bra/adhesive combination, the breasts really did shift in response to his movements, as if he actually had boobs. That’s where the realism stopped, as a single glance down was enough to see that the false curves didn’t quite match the rest of his skin tone. Proper coloring or not, the sight of his chest in its current state was a little jarring.

“They’re perfect,” Julia grinned. Looking him up and down, her eyes finally settled on his chest, “Well, almost perfect. Grab your brushes, Amy? You two are about the same tone.”

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chapter 15

I'm enjoying this story of under handed female power.
But what happened to chapter 15?

Polly J

Can't read this chapter

Chapter 16 makes no sense when it jumps from Chapter 14 to Chapter 16 i need context that the missing Chapter 15 would provide

EllieJo Jayne

Part Fifteen

Sorry, I somehow missed Part Fifteen on here! For now, you can find it on my website. I'll also be reaching out to get editing permission so I can add fifteen to this part.