The Present, Part 19

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Part Nineteen

Once Chris was pressured to make a decision, it didn’t take long for him to settle on which one was more tolerable. Talking about his ‘feminine desires’ was the better choice, mostly since he assumed it was the easier one to explain away as a joke/dare if Amy ever decided to do anything with the video. The other suggestion pointed towards a sexuality for him that wasn’t true in the slightest. Not that there was any truth to the concept that he wanted to be a girl, but still. Part of it was also that the latter option was so much dirtier sounding than simply talking about girls’ clothes.

Regardless of why he was leaning the way he was, there really wasn’t much time to stall on the choice, or the recording itself.

Fiddling with Amy’s phone for a moment, he reluctantly flicked open the camera app from the lock screen and positioned the device in front of his face to start the video.

That’s about as far as he made it before Amy stepped in. “You’re a girl, Chrissy! Do the selfie angle. Don’t you want to show off your cleavage?”

He didn’t dignify that with a response. Instead, he begrudgingly raised his arm for the more cliché angle, before pressing the record button. The problem was, this had all happened so quickly; Chris had been given no time to actually prepare what he was going to say. All he had to work with was the false statements his cousin had been spouting a couple minutes ago.

The fact that he had to use his girl voice wasn’t great, either. “I wish I was a girl,” he said, as unenthusiastically as possible. Aside from the meh tone, the other focus was stating things as if they were being awkwardly listed from a script, as subtle ‘proof’ that this was being done under duress. “I’m a total sissy. I want to wear panties from now on.” That was it, right?

Sure enough, Amy wasn’t happy about the weak attempt. “Chrissy! What was that?!” she exclaimed, “You’re not a boring boy, are you?”

There was no safe answer for that. Chris just said what she wanted to hear, still devoid of emotion outside of the persistent embarrassment, “No . . . ”

“I didn’t think so. Girls have emotion, Chrissy! Try it with a smile and some girly energy. You do know you’re going to have to keep trying until you get it right, don’t you? Might as well do your best right away!”

It was the exact same sentiment she had when he was saying that crass phrase about getting fucked in the ass. The tactic worked as well as it had in the kitchen, too. It was more effective, actually. Aside from wanting to avoid an unnecessary amount of repetitions, he would also only have so many attempts before Sadie arrived. Swallowing his pride yet again, Chris hesitantly asked, “What do you want me to say?” He didn’t enjoy the idea of giving Amy such liberties beyond her initial phrases for him, but it was ultimately more efficient than coming up with his own script. And maybe the video would be less amusing to her if it was her own words echoed back. Of course, that wouldn’t help him if anyone else saw it, though he was still banking on the fact that she was planning on adding this to her pile of leverage, rather than posting it or showing it to anyone else.

Amy smiled. “Hmm. Well, if you’re asking. How about . . . ” She glanced up in thought for a moment.

Julia looked like she had a million things she wanted to say herself. However, she merely flanked Amy and continued watching the scene before her with amusement. This was Amy’s game, after all. If she needed help or wanted suggestions, she wouldn’t shy away from opening the floor for such things.

After deliberating with herself, Amy said, “Hey, Amy. You know how I’ve always been so bad at being a boy? That’s because I secretly wish that I was a girl. From now on, please call me ‘Chrissy.’” She paused, then gestured to her phone, “Try that much. Let’s make sure you have all that before I give you the rest.”

So there was more. The first part was bad enough, considering she had decided that the video was going to be something he was sending her, specifically. As if he trusted his cousin with a secret, when the reality was that their relationship was the complete opposite.

It also felt ridiculous to be recording when this clearly wouldn’t be the final product. However, there was hardly time to argue. Chris got right into it, stumbling through the repetition once or twice until he managed to get all the words right. Then Amy pushed him to do it again, this time with a smile. Having a mirror of sorts in the form of a phone screen was a double edged sword; he could use it to reference whether or not the way he pursed his lips into a forced smile was a passable expression, yet also had to see himself with the rather demure look that very much was feminine when taking his current image into account.

“ . . . please call me ‘Chrissy,’” he concluded the fourth attempt. How many minutes had it been? This needed to be done sooner rather than later, or Sadie was going to walk in on him wearing a bra with borderline realistic breasts.

“Perfect!” Amy exclaimed, “Okay, what’s next? Oh, I know. ‘Starting today, I’m going to start acting more like the total sissy that I am. Wearing panties, shaving my body smooth, and piercing my ears. I promise to commit to all that for a full year.”

“Amy, no,” Chris said, “That’s not what you said.”

“You asked for my help on this!” she replied, “That’s what you’re going to say. Deal with it. Unless you’d rather go into detail about how you want a hard cock fucking you in the ass? Or how desperately you want to be on your knees, bobbing your head up and down while your mouth is around a fully erect-”

“Jesus, Amy!” he interrupted, cutting her off before she could go further into those visuals. Of course, it only proved her point. If he couldn’t handle hearing something like that, he definitely wouldn’t be able to say such things. Especially since the precedent had already been set in terms of making a recording that went well beyond the original choices given to him. If she was insisting on all these things about how he wanted to be a girl, she’d probably do the same when it came to expanding on what he wanted to do with a guy. “Fine. Just- Starting today, I’m going to act more like a sissy.”

“More like the total sissy that you are,” Amy corrected him. Apparently she had the exact phrases memorized, while he was still doing his best to repeat them.

Just like before, Chris ended up having to try a couple times before getting the second half word for word. With the same soft, feminine smile. Whatever he could do to speed the process along.

“Almost there, Chrissy,” Amy said. After she deemed his retention and energy satisfactory, she told him how to close the recording.

Julia couldn’t hold back a giggle at the words, while Chris had to steel himself in order to repeat them. He knew better than to complain, as this was yet another instance of sunk cost fallacy. After saying so much, and having so little time left, it was better to just suck it up and do what his cousin wanted. Even if doing so retroactively verified what Amy had said in the video she took when she had caught him changing and standing there in just panties from the waist down.

Once again, it took a few tries to get everything in the precise order Amy had said, and then he had to put the whole thing together. In his girl voice. With a smile. On camera.

“Hey, Amy. You know how I’ve always been so bad at being a boy? That’s because I secretly wish that I was a girl. From now on, please call me ‘Chrissy.’ Starting today, I’m going to start acting more like the total sissy that I am. Wearing panties, shaving my body smooth, and piercing my ears. I promise to commit to all that for a full year . . . To prove how serious I am about this, I want you to show this video to the world if I fail to follow through on my promise. My punishment for failing is that everyone should call me ‘Sissy Chrissy,’ instead of just you. I love you, Amy. And I love wearing your panties.”

When he was done recording to her satisfaction, Amy smirked and plucked the phone from his hand. “Such a freak,” she said, unlocking the device and finding the video, “Likes wearing his cousin’s panties, and wants to be fucked in the ass. Which do you think he’d prefer keeping a secret?”

Before Amy could push another game of ‘Would You Rather’ on him, Julia said, “Perfect timing! Sadie is here.”

“Keep her busy for a minute?” Amy requested, “I’m a girl of my word. Let’s go, Chrissy. We should get you dressed before your crush sees you. Although it sounds like you’re more into guys these days, so . . . ”

Again, nothing Amy was saying was worth responding to. And now that Sadie was potentially walking up to the front door, Chris was more interested in going upstairs. A tank top was hardly an improvement to his overall image, but it was about more than just keeping Amy’s other friend from seeing him like this. He also wanted a little privacy to try to talk her down; this had snowballed further than he had thought was possible, as clearly there was more Amy could come up with than simply dressing Chris like a girl.

He followed her upstairs, where she proceeded to start the conversation before they had even made it to her room. “By the way, Sissy Chrissy,” she said, “You better keep that promise. What was it, again? Oh, right. Wearing panties for a whole year.”

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