
Listening to Jekyllase, chapter 03 of 17

Another thing I liked a lot was her healthy lungs, her ability to breathe so deeply and easily and go for hours without feeling the need for a cigarette.

Nadir to Zenith

Nadir to Zenith

They say that pride becomes before a fall. I wasn’t feeling proud when I fell. I was concentrating very hard of the job at hand. My name is Damon Rose, and I was just nineteen when I lost my grip, and nearly my life.

Complicit in a Lie Revisited Chapter 44

Charles is now at Jane's Winsome Girls' School for Wayward Boys. He has volunteered to become one of Jane's girls to help Jane not only clear his name but to help Francis. He has a lot to learn about being a girl in a short amount of time, as Toby Camber is arriving at the school in a weeks time. Something else occurs that Charles wasn't expecting, he learns something else about himself while being Charlotte.

A Senior Year to Remember


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A Senior Year to Remember

By Bethany Starr

Synopsis:When Robert's lying, habitual stealing, and attitude about women gets to be too much for his mother, she comes up with a Plan to help her delinquent son turn around.

The day Samantha caught the train.


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The day Samantha caught the train.
by Samantha Rebecca
The day Samantha caught the train was the start of a whole new life for her. You see Samantha is a sweet adult little girl who loves to be dressed all pretty. The only problem is Samantha is a man of 33 and is on the big side. This does not her from being who she when she every gets a chance.

The Boston Bubble: Lora's Story


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By Lora Guy

Lenny is a cross dresser out for a public stroll when he gets caught up in a sudden, massive group transformation. See how a far-off war sends his life in directions he could never imagine.

Premise based on the "bubble" concept created by AJ James in the novella
The Long Strange Journey of Seth Gates

Summer with Auntie Kate


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Summer with Auntie Kate

By Rose Dahlia
Kelly Grace arrives at his aunt's ranch during a college break. Will an unfortunate incident allow his sexy, feminine aunt to help him enjoy a "softer" side of life? Or will his masculine stubborness be too strong?



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By Samantha Jay
Copyright © 2010 Samantha Jay


I had a second chance to get it right. To make sure that what happened to Peter wouldn't happen again. This time I wouldn't fail. They would have to kill me first...
The long overdue sequel to Peter

If The Shoe Fits


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“Alex. It’s just one night. No one will ever know but us. Please, I’m begging you, do this for me?”

I didn’t say yes. I didn’t say no. I didn’t nod or shake my head. I just let Lara slip my athletic socks off my feet and, one after the other, slide the high-heeled shoes into place.

They fit like they were made for me.



by Meancat

Alex's Adventures in a Land of Wonder


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Alex's Adventures in a Land of Wonder

This is a complete story in four chapters, but I have left it open so that maybe one day, it can be added to with further adventures...

This story is highly sexually charged, at least in the first chapter, so you have been warned.

The Cliffside Heroine


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The Cliffside Heroine
© Nick B 2010

Somebody once said that this couldn’t happen by accident, but then I suppose that all depends upon the circumstances of the accident doesn’t it?

I’ve looked up the definition of the word ‘accident’, and according to the information I’ve found, it goes as follows:

An undesirable or unfortunate event that occurs unintentionally and usually results in harm, injury, damage, loss, casualty or mishap.

The XX-Factor


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A lonely young boy tries unsuccessfully to cope with recent changes in his life until an odd group of strangers arrive in town and show him that maybe his curse is a blessing after all.

The XX-Factor
by Woggie

Copyright  ©2003 Woggie
Revised edition: February 12, 2010

By Any Other Name. Part 18 of 35

Chapter 18

The open gate was in a stone wall, and looked like an electric one, with a speaker set into the gatepost. The gravel drive led towards the house, but I saw older farm sheds on either side as we entered. The house was a barn conversion, single storey for most of it, but I could see a second storey towards the back, on both sides.

By Any Other Name. Part 17 of 35

Chapter 17

There was a knock on my door as I stood there and opened it to see the two comediennes.

“Julia, sweet cheeks. We had to come and welcome you to the home of bedlam, and to thank you for the friendship you showed us in Hawaii.”

“We hardly had a dozen words when we were there. You were off, filming, on the other side of the island. Congratulations on your scene. When I first saw it, I nearly fell off my chair for laughing. I was told that it was all ad-libs.”

By Any Other Name. Part 16 of 35

Chapter 16

Wednesday morning was sunny and bright, if a little cool. It was, I decided, a good day to wear Anna’s wool dress, and to give my latest coat a try. When we had been modelling, I fell in love with it. It was longer than my favourite, and a bright mustard colour, with a fur collar.

Damsel in Wartime - Chapter 14


Olmund woke up clawing at his throat and for that brief moment after he felt the knife sticking out of his neck, his eyes widened in fear.

Elara remained kneeling over him as she watched the blood drip down his neck staining the expensive fur beneath. There was a hint of disbelief in his eyes as though he couldn't understand why she'd done it.

Ultimate Dare - Part 1: The beginning

I walked into the shop. It was full of a variety of long and short dresses and gowns made from satin and silks in a range of colours and styles. A strong perfume smell struck me as i entered, the door closed behind me and the immaculately dressed owner walked forward to greet me.

‘How can i help sweetie’ she said with a slight ‘knowing’ grin.

I swallowed ‘I would like to try on a dress’ i replied, complying with the dare.

Damsel in Wartime - Chapter 13



The months that followed for Elara were worse than she could have ever imagined. She could never prove it but she believed Catalina or one of her ladies were spreading rumors about her. Rumors made all the more believable by Olmund who favored her presence more and more and disregarded that of his betrothed's.

By Any Other Name. Part 15 of 35

Chapter 15

I took my time in the morning. I made sure that I had a good breakfast, tidied up, then spent a lot of time in the bathroom. Freshly showered, hair washed, and no errant wisps of hair anywhere else, I took a great deal of care choosing what I was going to wear.

Damsel in Wartime - Chapter 12


The real event of the evening for Elara occurred after the dancing began. The other ladies had come to find her and wouldn't take 'no' for an answer as they pulled her onto the ballroom floor.

It had begun quite simply enough. The Carole dance that began the session was a popular circle dance that was familiar even to a peasant like her. The nobles joined hands and moved in a circular pattern while they sang songs joyfully.

The pageant

Alex woke up The next morning he got out of bed and started to polish his nails Black he was wearing care bears pajamas. then he put his Long blonde hair in a ponytail his Mom asked how did you sleep sweetheart Good momma that's good sweetie she said as she kisses his head. Black is such a Good color for your nails aww thank you he said with a smile oh I like your nails so cute said his sister Sarah thanks sis Nice color said his little brother Bradley he noticed his brother is wet. uh Mom I'll go change his diaper he's pretty soaked ok sweetie she said.

Tommy, the Flower Girl Part 3


The next morning, Tommy woke up feeling the warmth of his wet diaper and of the sun streaming through his window. His mother greeted him with a smile and a loving hug. "Good morning, sweetie! Let's get you changed and ready for the day," she said. Once she had finished, his mother lifted him into her arms and held him close. "There we go, all fresh and clean," she said, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead. "Now, let's go have some yummy breakfast, and we can talk about what fun things we can do today."

Damsel in Wartime - Chapter 11


Elara pulled at the bowstring and aimed at the target in front of her. She took great care to keep her arm steady before letting the arrow fly. It whistled threw the air before lodging itself at the bottom edge of the wooden target.

By Any Other Name. Part 14 of 35

Chapter 14

When I went into my apartment, I looked around at the mess. My early morning breakfast things were still on the table. In my bedroom I picked the expensive dress off the floor, found a hanger for it, then smoothed my bed. I found a new pillowcase to replace the smeared one.


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