Complicit in a Lie Revisited Chapter 44

Complicit In a Lie
Revisited Chapter 44

By Jamie Lee

Author's Note: When I first wrote Complicit In a Lie, I had no thoughts, or ideas, to write a sequel. But thanks to a few readers, who asked about a sequel, ideas formed that made writing this sequel possible. It is necessary to have read Complicit In a Lie to understand why Charles is now with Jane, who the boy arriving in Kingston is and how he's involved in Charles' Court case. And to understand where Mr. Corporate, George Strom, fits into this story. This story starts off after Charles says, "When do we start," in Complicit in a Lie. So if you haven't read Complicit In a Lie, the beginning of this story won't make any sense. Hint hint!

Chapter 44

Francis and Charlotte had been sitting on the couch in the living room when Jane and Toby descended the stairs to the first floor. When the girls saw Toby coming down in front of Jane, and the way he was dressed, they looked at each other and the fun began. "Oh, my," Charlotte said, putting a bit of a Southern drawl into her voice, and plastering a big smile on her face. "I do declare what my eyes reveal to me at this moment is the most astonishing young man I do believe I've ever laid my eyes on."

Francis sat there trying not to laugh out loud while Charlotte spoke. When Charlotte finished speaking, she said, "He does look good enough to eat, don't you think? Or at least play with."

Toby stood at the entrance to the living room with a 'ha ha very funny' look on his face after the girls spoke. Jane, on the other hand, standing behind Toby, schooled herself not to laugh. After the girls quit laughing, Toby said, "Oh, you two think you're sooo funny, don't you? I was going to escort you two to the car and into the salon. But now, after the way you two have acted, I'll let you follow me to the car and into the salon."

As Toby turned to his left and took a step toward the front door, Charlotte and Francis jumped up off the couch, hurried over to him, and Charlotte still in her Southern drawl said, "Oh, please kind sir. You cain't leave two damsels in distress. We need a strong and handsome young man of your stature to help us as we meander from this abode and into a styling shoppe. Oh, kind sir, won't you reconsider your decision? Please?"

When Charlotte stopped speaking, she fluttered her eyelashes at Toby. He dropped his shaking head before lifting it, looked at Charlotte and Francis, and told them, "Aunt Jane doesn't need to grow any corn with you two around. You're full of it." Gesturing with his head to 'come on,' Charlotte and Francis rushed to Toby's sides, with Charlotte on his left and Francis on his right. Using her right arm and Francis her left, they put their arms under Toby's upper arms just as Toby crooked each arm. Together, the three started walking to the front door, stopping to allow Toby to open the door and let Charlotte and Francis walk outside first.

Jane had stood silent the entire time the three ran through their antics. She sensed she was being watched and turned to see Marie watching from the kitchen door. "Glaubst du, dass sie jemals miteinander auskommen werden (Do you think they will ever get along?)?" Marie asked, a smile standing on her face.

Just as drole, Jane replied, "Man würde hoffen, dass sie sich irgendwann sorglos einigen würden (One would hope that at some point they would come to an agreement without a care in the world.)." They both chuckled before Jane turned and followed the three teens out of the front door. As she closed the front door behind her, then locked it with her key, she put on her stern face and told the three, as she walked to her car, "When we reach the salon, I expect you three to be well-behaved. There will be none of your antics or ideas for any antics. Also, I believe you three have come a far ways, so nothing Sandy says to either of you should upset you, correct, Francis?"

Francis kept her head up, looked Jane directly in her eyes, and told her, "Ripples on the pond, Aunt Jane."

Jane unlocked the car doors with the car’s key fob, then told Francis, "That's right, ripples on the pond. Alright, let's go."

Opening the front passenger door, Toby helped Francis enter the car before shutting the door and opening the rear passenger door. After helping Charlotte enter the car, and closing the rear passenger door, he then walked around to the driver's door, opened it, and helped Jane enter her car. After Jane thanked him, he closed the driver's door, opened the driver-side passenger door, and got into the car, closing the door and putting on his seatbelt.

Unknown to Jane, as she backed out of the driveway, two guardian angels were monitoring her and the teens from a thousand yards away. The two had started monitoring Jane, the teens, and Seasons House ever since the attempt on Toby's life. It was Jeb who reached out to the two and asked for their help to keep an eye on them until the shoplifting case was settled. Jeb and the two men went back to their military days, saving each other's lives several times over during their deployment. That type of debt doesn't have a time limit on repayment. They left their hiding place and shadowed Jane as she drove into Kingston, keeping an eye out for any tails Jane may have acquired. Finding an out-of-the-way place across from the salon, the two settled in and watched the salon while the four were inside.

They were both startled when the back passenger door opened and a voice said, "Easy, boys. I have a 1911 and I know how to effectively use it." Marie climbed into the backseat, the hammer of her 1911 ready to slam home on the round in the chamber. "Now, boys, why don't you explain why you're following Jane and the kids before it gets messy in this car?"

Both men laughed, with the passenger saying, "Boy, Jeb said you were good, but didn't say that good. After the threat on Toby's life at the hospital, Jeb reached out to us and asked us to keep an eye on all of you and the house. So if you wouldn't mind, lower the hammer on that cannon and make it safe," the driver told Marie.

Looking at the two men, Marie asked, "Why would Jeb reach out to you two? What does he have on the two of you?"

Holding up his hands in plain sight, the driver turned to face Marie and the barrel of her 1911. "The three of us owe the others our lives. Years ago, when the three of us were deployed, we saved each other's lives more times than I can remember. Because of that, we made a pact to come to the other's aid when they called. No questions asked. Someone saving your life under those conditions can never be repaid in full during one lifetime." He then reached up and gently pushed the barrel of Marie's 1911 aside, watching as she held the hammer with her thumb, squeezed the trigger, and lowered the hammer with her thumb. She then slid the safety lever to safe and laid the handgun in her lap. Letting out a sigh, he said, "Thank you, Marie. We feel much better now."

They chit-chatted for a bit before Marie asked, "So, how long you boys staying around? I'm just asking so we don't meet like this again or worse."

Both men chuckled at Marie's last statement, before the front passenger replied, "We're in it for the long haul, Marie. We'll stay until this whole crap mess is settled, and Toby can go home to his dad. It's not so bad out here, the pretty country and all, makes it easier to blend into the background while we watch. Oh, and pass this along to Jane. If anyone she doesn't know comes to the door, tell her to stay back in the doorway. If things go south, I'd hate to mess up her pretty face with splattered blood."

Marie asked one more question before she vanished. "How far?"

With a dead serious look on his face, the front passenger replied, "A thousand yards if it's a fly, longer if it walks on two legs." Nodding her head, Marie grabbed her 1911, opened the rear passenger door, and was gone just as she had appeared. Mysteriously. The two men looked at each other after Marie disappeared. Looking out the windshield at the salon, the front passenger said, "I'd hate to have her after me. She's like a fricking ghost."

The driver, also looking out the windshield, scanning left and right, replied, "I think that's what she did in another life, if my information is correct. And yeah, you didn't want her after you."

Inside the salon things were much different than they'd previously been. Because trimming Toby's hair would take less time, he was first with Sandy. "So," Sandy said quietly, "I understand you've been through hell and back. Did you deserve it?"

Toby smiled, then replied, "Yeah, I went into hell and came out the other side. scarred, but still alive. I understand you went through your own hell. Did you deserve it?"

Sandy bristled before answering, "No, I didn't deserve it. He was a nasty drunk, treated me like his very own punching bag. How about you?"

Toby was silent for a few moments, trying to think of a way to tell Sandy what he went through without being specific. "Well… my brother wanted me to get involved in something I wanted nothing to do with. It started just after our mother left for brighter lights, she ended up a junky. So, when I told my brother no, he started beating me, using whatever he could grab. In order to stop the beatings, I went along and did what he wanted, and when I got caught, he and the man running things tied me spread eagle to a pair of pipes and my brother took pleasure beating me. I passed out after the third hit, so I don't know how long he hit me or how many times. But my back, butt, and legs are now scarred. Dr. Jill doesn't know how I survived after such a beating, but here I am, having you trim my hair."

Sandy was quiet as she worked on Toby's hair after what he told her. Several moments later she said, "Damn, kid, no one should have done that to a kid like you. Is there anything that can be done about those scars?"

Sandy pushed Toby's head forward before she started on the back of his hair. "Yeah, Dr. Thomas says they may be able to use a cream made to lessen scars, he wants to try that before considering surgery. You know, Sandy, no one had the right to use such an attractive lady for a punching bag. Have you spoken with someone about what you went through? You know, a psychologist or someone like that? Do you know Sherry Daniels? You might want to contact her and make an appointment. She's really good, she's helped all of us at Aunt Jane's house, even Aunt Jane and Marie. You need to get what happened out of your system so you don't relive it every day. You are reliving it every day, aren't you? Sherry can really help."

Sandy couldn't understand why Toby was easy to talk with about what she'd experienced. She felt he honestly cared about her. "Yeah, Toby, I relive it every day, even when I sleep." Then, with her scissors poised to trim a quarter inch of Toby's hair in the back, something registered that Toby said, something he said about her appearance. "Did you say I was attractive? Did you mean honestly mean that? You think I'm attractive?"

Sandy had placed her hands on Toby's shoulders before she bent down and softly asked him the question, intending it only for Toby's ears. Toby reached up with his right hand, gently taking Sandy's hand on his left shoulder, and gently pulled her around the chair until she was facing him. He didn't whisper as she had or even lower his voice, when he told her, "Yes, Sandy, I think you're an attractive woman who didn't deserve to be treated as you were. If you don't believe me, ask Charlotte or Francis." Sandy turned her head so she could look at Charlotte and Francis. What she saw stunned her, as both were nodding their heads. "See, even they think you're attractive. Please, contact Sherry, let her help you. You deserve to be happy instead of hurting all the time."

Jane and Carolyn had been watching the interaction between Toby and Sandy. What they witnessed next both shocked and pleased them, as Sandy broke down and started crying right where she was standing. Toby got out of Sandy's chair and pulled her into a hug, followed by Charlotte and Francis. The three held her as she cried, even wiping their own eyes a few times. The teens didn't see it, but Carolyn seemed to have something in her eyes as well. Staging whispering, Carolyn told Jane, "I see it but don't believe it, Jane. Even after all the things Sandy said to Francis, she's even holding Sandy. In all the years you've brought your girls to this salon, I've never seen anything like that."

Staging whispering back, Jane said, "In all the years I've been doing this, I've never seen such a wonderful sight myself. It all started when Charles arrived and continued with Toby's arrival. We've all learned something since those two have been here, including myself. May I use your phone, I need to call someone Sandy needs to meet."

After making the call, Jane sat back down next to Carolyn. In a low voice, Jane told Carolyn, "You know, Carolyn, nothing about this current session has been as we've conducted our past sessions. It started normal enough with Francis but began to change when Charles arrived. It took Charlotte's explanation of why Francis was only going through the motions, for me to change how I treated her. And look at her now. When Toby arrived, it took his explanation about Charlotte for me to reevaluate my treatment of her. She'd never been treated in such a way and finally revolted. Oh, Carolyn, sometimes I think it's time Art and I go away and enjoy the rest of our lives together, instead of what we're doing now."

Frowning, Carolyn put her right hand on Jane's left thigh and told her, "Jane Thompson, do you how many men right here in Kingston who are grateful for the work you do? Or all of those you've helped who live elsewhere? I've seen the respect they have for you every time you're out with your girls. Just think where most of those men would be today if not for the work you do. Don't be discouraged because you didn't spot why Francis wasn't responding to your ministrations. Or why Charlotte blew up on you. You may have experienced 'not seeing the forest because of the trees.'" Jane gave Carolyn a questioning look, causing Carolyn to add, "You were so focused on your program, that you lost sight of other possibilities. Your program has worked for so long so you believed it would continue to work on those three over there," and she pointed to the three teens. "I believe Toby said Sherry even helped you and Marie, did he not? Maybe your program was upset when Charles and Toby arrived because it needed a new perspective. Maybe it took both of them to show you how something added doesn't ruin the program you already have in place. You're discouraged because things are different this time around, different from your normal program. But aren't you after results? Aren't you after a change in the attitude and behavior of the boy sent to you? Haven't you seen exactly that this time around? It wasn't according to your normal program, but it did occur. Jane, your program is a means to an end, a useful end. Adding to your normal program has resulted in more than a change in those three," and she pointed to the teens again. "It's helped some who weren't involved in your program. You should see Barbara now. Her face is clearing up and she and Patty and Mel have become good friends, all because of Charlotte. What about what happened at the Mall? And you saw what happened just now with Sandy. How long have we watched her dish hate and anger toward your girls or any man she encounters? And it only took one boy who knew what she was going through to reach her. Jane, you've been shown something that doesn't diminish your program, but adds to it, strengthens it. It's something you'd never considered on your own."

Just then the door to the salon opened, and Sherry came inside. The girls turned to see who'd entered, offering their, "Hi Sherry," greeting as she walked by them. Even Toby offered his, "Hi Sherry," when she stopped in front of Sandy's station. Sandy looked up after Toby spoke, recognizing Sherry as one of her clients. "I know you," Sandy offered. "You're my Thursday at 2 appointment."

Smiling, Sherry said, "Yep, that's me. Your 2 girl."

As the teens let out three groans, Toby said to Francis and Charlotte, "You girls better lift your feet, it's starting to get thick in here."

Carolyn started laughing as Jane told Sherry, "Sherry, please don't give up your day job. You're much better at it than trying to construct a pun."

Sherry turned to face Jane before telling her, "Janie, Jill was right. You are a killjoy." Then Sherry did the mature thing, she stuck her tongue out at Jane, causing Jane to chuckle.

While Sherry was still standing in front of Sandy's station, Toby said, "Sherry, this attractive woman behind me is Sandy. Sandy, the attractive woman standing before us is Sherry Daniels, the woman I told you about."

Charlotte and Francis looked at each other and smiled, they both saw the look on Sherry's face and knew what was about to happen. Carolyn and Jane looked at each other, both knowing what Toby was in for. "Well, listen to Romeo will you?" Sherry said, as she sauntered over to the left side of the chair, swaying her hips as she walked.

With a smile on her face, Sandy saw what Sherry was going to do and moved to the right side of the chair before replying, "Oh, I'll say. He's quite the handsome Remeo."

Using her right hand, Sherry reached over and placed her hand next to Toby's left ear, then slowly drew her hand down until she swiped his chin. Sandy, using her left hand, mimicked Sherry on Toby's right cheek. Then the two women looked at each other, a gleam in their eyes, as they bent down and did more than give Toby a peck on each cheek. By the time they were done, and standing up to admire their handy work, Toby had two perfect lipstick lip prints on both cheeks. And as everyone watched, Toby turned a lovely strawberry red. Of course, Francis and Charlotte were laughing. Laughing so hard, they were leaning on each other to keep from falling out of their chairs. After seeing what had just occurred, Jane and Carolyn were no better, both wiping tears out of their eyes as they laughed.

It was Sandy who gently placed the fingers of her left hand under Toby's chin, turned his head to face her before telling him, "And don't you dare ever change. The girl meant for you better consider herself lucky to have a boyfriend like you." She then bent over and this time, gave Toby a peck on the cheek.

Still smiling, Sherry asked, "Are you finished with this handsome young man, Sandy?"

Smiling back at Sherry, Sandy answered, "Yes, with his hair, anyway."

More laughter ensued as Toby slowly turned his head to look at Sandy, a stunned, questioning look on his face, only to receive a Cheshire cat smile in return. She gently tapped him on the nose before removing the cape he'd been wearing. "Then how about we go talk, just the two of us?" Sherry asked Sandy, who nodded her head in return. After putting her equipment away, and folding the cape, Sandy walked from behind the chair, put her arm around Sherry's waist, and with Sherry's arm around Sandy's shoulder, the two women walked to the back room where Carolyn held her makeup classes.

Standing up, Carolyn asked, "Okay, girls. Who wants to try their luck with me first?" As Jane and Carolyn watched, Charlotte and Francis looked at each other before they did rock, paper, scissors. Charlotte lost.

Meanwhile, in the back room, Sherry walked around to the other side of one of the tables, before pulling out a chair and sitting down, she didn't want to make Sandy feel she was trapped in the room with Sherry. Sandy pulled out a chair and sat across from Sherry, asking, "Is there any specific way we do this, or do you ask me questions and I give you an answer?"

Sherry listened intently to Sandy's questions, nodding her head as Sandy spoke. "I will ask you questions, Sandy, but I don't have a script I go by. I prefer to just talk to the person, listen to what they have to say. I found a script doesn't work for every session, so I fly by the seat of my pants. I find it better to formulate my questions based on what the person tells me. In that way, I believe I help the person better. Now, we aren't in any hurry. You can tell me as much as you want or nothing at all. You can leave at any time, though I hope you'll stay and let me try to help you. Also, because you are my client, without your permission I won't discuss what you tell me with anyone. Now, I've only heard you went through a rough patch some time ago, but none of the details. Do you feel up to filling in those details? It's okay if you're not, but from experience, some rather recent, you'll feel better if you do."

Sherry sat patiently waiting for Sandy to speak. While watching Sandy, Sherry saw an expression on the woman's face that she felt meant Sandy was thinking about something. The expression didn't last long, as it was replaced by one of uncertainty. An expression of resolve crossed Sandy's face, before she pushed her chair back, stood up, and walked to the back room door. She opened the door and walked out of the room, leaving the door open. Sherry could see and hear Sandy without any trouble, as she saw Sandy stand before Jane and ask, "Jane, if it's alright with you, I'd like Toby to be in there with me. I'd… um… like his support."

Jane turned her head to look at Toby and asked, "Toby, would you be willing to give Sandy your support while she speaks with Sherry?"

Toby stood up when Jane called his name, slowly walking toward Jane and Sandy. With a smirk on his lips, one not lost on Jane and Sandy, he said, "I don't know, Aunt Jane. She did leave a lasting mark on me." As he finished speaking, a huge smile broke out on his face, as he was now standing directly in front of Sandy. Sandy playfully swatted his arm, before he reached out with his right hand and gently touched Sandy's left cheek, telling her, "Of course, I'll come and support you." Then with a twinkle in his eyes, he added, "And maybe get another lasting mark on my cheek."

Sandy again playfully swatted his arm, telling him, "You're not only a handsome young man, but a cheeky bugger too."

It was Sandy's turn to have a huge smile contort her face, as she reached up and took his hand in hers. Just before they started for the back room, Jane reached up and took Toby's left arm, causing him to look down at her. "Thank you for doing this, Toby."

Reaching with his left hand, Toby gently took Jane's right hand, telling her, "You're more than welcome, Aunt Jane." As Sandy led Toby to the back room, he said loud enough for everyone to hear, "I do hope I'm not about to be ravaged by these two beautiful women." No one heard the retort from Sandy or Sherry, as he closed the door behind him after stepping into the back room.

When Jane looked at Carolyn, she noticed that Charlotte had raised her feet off the footrest attached to the salon chair. She turned and looked at Francis, who had also lifted her feet off the floor. She was puzzled for a moment, but just for a moment, as she remembered something Toby had said earlier. In as stern a voice as she could muster, she told the girls, "That boy is becoming a bad influence on you two."

With smiles on their faces, the girls looked at each other before turning to Jane and in unison saying, "We love you too, Aunt Jane."

With a stern look on her face, Jane said, "Petulant children." It didn't work. Not only did the girls start laughing, but so did Carolyn. And after a few moments, so did Jane.

Chapter 45
The Finale

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