Complicit in a Lie Revisited Chapter 13

Complicit In a Lie
Revisited Chapter 13

By Jamie Lee

Author's Note: When I first wrote Complicit In a Lie, I had no thoughts, or ideas, to write a sequel. But thanks to a few readers, who asked about a sequel, ideas formed that made writing this sequel possible. It is necessary to have read Complicit In a Lie to understand why Charles is now with Jane, who the boy arriving in Kingston is and how he's involved in Charles' Court case. And to understand where Mr. Corporate, George Strom, fits into this story. This story starts off after Charles says, "When do we start," in Complicit in a Lie. So if you haven't read Complicit In a Lie, the beginning of this story won't make any sense. Hint hint!

Chapter 13

Charlotte had slept soundly the rest of the night, apparently her talk with Jane resolved issues her subconscious had with her now living as Charlotte. Marie silently crept into Charlotte's bedroom, and quietly told her, "Cheri, it's time to get up, you've a big day today."

Marie had awoken Charlotte for the past few days, and had learned how the girl was going to react each time. "Yeah...okay...tante Marie...just a few more minutes," Charlotte mumbled and turned back over and went back to sleep.

Marie couldn't help herself and giggled before she grabbed the end of the covers over Charlotte and threw all of them to the foot of the bed. Charlotte did, and said, the same thing each and every time Marie did that, "Aww, Marie, that isn't playing fair."

Marie laughed then told Charlotte, "Peut-être pas, mais vous êtes maintenant réveillée, jeune fille." Charlotte rolled over, tried to give Marie a death glare, but failed, then said, "Que le vent soulève ta jupe un jour."

Marie laughed again, telling Charlotte, "Dépêchez-vous, shower, makeup, dress because you're going out today. Dépêchez-vous, dépêchez-vous, cheri. You must hurry."

Marie watched as Charlotte did her now famous look to the ceiling, rolled her eyes then said, "All right, Marie, I'm up. I'm up. Rush rush rush, that's all we seem to do. Is there really a purpose to all of this rushing?"

Marie bent down to Charlotte sitting on the edge of her bed, took her face in both hands, looked Charlotte in the eyes, and told her, "Because you are now a young lady, cheri. And young ladies often take more time getting ready for the day. Especially ones who haven't gotten out of bed. Now, dépêchez-vous, alle!" Marie released Charlotte's face, stepped back and watched Charlotte do her now famous head and eye movements, before she got out of bed, got a clean bra and panties, go into the bathroom, and closed the door behind her. "Dépêchez-vous, cheri. Dépêchez-vous," Marie said loudly to the bathroom door before leaving Charlotte's bedroom.

Jane had been watching Marie wake Charlotte, and heard the banter between the two. She was now listening to Charlotte talk to herself as she showered, causing Jane to laugh and chuckle at what was being said. "Rush rush rush, everything in this house is rush rush rush. You'd think the world was coming to an end. I'm surprised we aren't rushed to use the toilet, which would be a good trick at times. Wonder if mom and dad would take me on a nice, relaxing, vacation? Where rush is a four letter, a word not to be spoken." Jane continued listening as Charlotte prattled on, causing Jane to almost lose it completely because of some things Charlotte said to herself. When Charlotte finished in the bathroom, Jane watched as Charlotte swiftly put on her garter belt, stockings, slip, and the dress she'd wear for their outing today. She then watched as Charlotte placed a towel around her neck to keep makeup off her dress, before applying her makeup. Jane was impressed how quickly Charlotte was now able to apply her makeup, and doing a good job at the same time. She watched as the towel came off her neck, a brush taken to her hair, and Charlotte pronouncing, "Sehr gut," before she got up from the vanity chair, made her bed, placed her neatly folded nightie under the pillow, and left her bedroom. Once Charlotte reached the dining room, she went on through to the kitchen, telling Marie, "Bonjour," before getting the necessary plates and silverware to set the table for breakfast.

When Francis came down, and saw Charlotte setting the table, and doing it according to Jane's standards, she went into the kitchen, said, "Good morning, tante Marie," before she started taking the other items out of the cabinets and refrigerator to set on the dining room table. When the table had been set, both girls then donned aprons and helped Marie finish getting their breakfast ready.

After seeing both girls setting the table for their breakfast, Jane went into the study and noticed the fax machine was holding another fax to be printed. After inputting a code, and after letting the machine print out the fax, she sat down in her chair and began reading.

From: Jeb Thorton, et al.

To: Ms. Jane Thompson

Re: Progress report, for your eyes only.


I wanted to update you on the progress of all the investigations into the rash of shoplifting thefts in the area. As I've seen so far, there is enough evidence to make several arrests, but that would only take the low level thieves off the street. Those in law enforcement want those who are in charge, issuing the orders to those actually doing the stealing.

I've been shown what's been found on Mr. Strom, he doesn't know it but his days are numbered. Once enough evidence is gathered on the real mastermind of this problem, several arrests will be made at once. His included.

Something that was surprising was what turned up when the store employees were investigated to rule out their involvement. Like Mr. Strom, several of the store managers, including Mr. Obler, the ex-store manager for Taylor's where the three boys were caught, are living a long way beyond their salaries. Several have other houses they own outright, costing several million dollars, which would be hard for them to do on their $75,000 a year salary. Others are driving cars which fall into the same category as the homes, on salaries just a bit higher. When this was discovered, records were backtracked and it was discovered these people paid cash for the items. Cash for items costing several million dollars on salaries of $75,000 and a bit higher. None listed any other income on their latest IRS returns, or even had that much in savings. Teams have been assigned to tail all of these people.

I sat in Court when Toby Camber stood before Judge Walinkiewicz, and he is a piece of work. I thought for a moment Ruth was going to come down from the bench and slap the snot out of him, because of his mouth and attitude. But she refrained, and is sending him to a special school which she said, "She hopes can instill a decent attitude and upright standards in him." I sure hope the people at that school are ready for him.

When I receive any more information I'll pass it on to you. Give Charles our love.

Kindest regards,


So, Jane thought to herself, 'Some of the employees of those stores were involved in the thefts. I wonder how many more patsies were arrested?' She looked on the fax and found Jeb's email address and sent him an email concerning her thoughts of others being in the same situation as Charles. The reply seemed instantaneous, "We hadn't considered that, thank you for bringing it to our attention. Jeb" There was a knock on the study door, which Jane acknowledged, and saw Charlotte enter the Study. Charlotte then went to the bookshelf, took out 'the book', balanced it on her head and began walking the study. After her fith circuit finished, she replaced 'the book' and told Jane, "breakfast is ready, Aunt Jane." Jeb's fax was still on her mind, so she simply nodded recognition of Charlotte's message. She unlocked a drawer, placed the fax there, relocked the drawer, before getting out of her chair and walking out of the study before Charlotte, with Charlotte closing the door behind her..

"Girls," Jane said, to get their attention, just as both girls had taken a bit of scrambled eggs, "Today we're going to the salon to get you two ready for Monday and our new guest. I want to remind you to be on your best behavior because, as you know, Francis, Sandy and Carolyn are usually quite busy on Saturday. And I don't believe either of you wants to be found as boys dressing as girls, correct?" Still chewing, the only way they could answer Jane was to shake their heads, caught in another of Jane's little actions. "And Charlotte, Carolyn hold classes on Saturday for young girls. I think she'd enjoy it if you'd participate in the morning class. It would be another new experience for you."

Charlotte didn't have to be told that being suggested she participate was Jane's way of telling her she WAS going to participate. Charlotte also knew the correct response, "Yes Aunt Jane." She thought back to how she felt when finding out she was going to model clothing, and now felt the same knowing she was going to participate in something at the salon.

She thought her muttering hadn't been heard, but Jane asked, "What was that Charlotte?" Charlotte put her tongue in her cheek and said, "I was just saying it should be interesting, Aunt Jane." Looking at Jane, Charlotte knew Jane knew exactly what she had said, but chose to accept what Charlotte said out loud. She also saw the look on Jane's face when Jane knew she scored the very thing she wanted, her ward's unbridled cooperation.

"Girls," Jane began, just after they'd sat down to breakfast, "I've received more information about the investigations into your problem, Charlotte. I don't want to get your hopes up, but your father, his investigators, other investigators, and the police, have found a lot more than they had when Toby and the other two boys were caught at Taylor's department store. Charlotte, the shoplifting done that day at Taylor's is just a small part in a much larger ring of thefts that have been occurring in the area. And, Charlotte, somehow Mr. Strom, the CEO of Taylor's, is involved. It seems he garnered attention to himself when he spoke out at your hearing that day." Jane saw the excited look on Charlotte's face and told her, "Don't get too excited, Charlotte, it may be several more weeks before they have all the 'i's' dotted and the 't's' crossed, to make sure any case they bring forward stands up in Court. They must make sure of everything if they are to prove you were never involved in any way." Charlotte's excitement shifted to one of dismay at the thought of having to spend several more weeks with Jane. Or the possibility of not getting her named cleared right away. What Jane said next made Charlotte believe Jane really could read a person's mind, as she said, "A few more weeks won't be that bad, Charlotte. Just think of all the fun times you'll be having. And, think of helping with Toby Camber." It passed so fast Jane almost missed it, the flicker of anger that crossed Charlotte's face when she'd mentioned Toby. 'So, she hides her anger well, our little Charlotte. Hopefully she won't release it when Toby arrives,' Jane thought to herself. It was also something she could use as a teaching tool in the coming days.

The girls were then drilled about their lessons, something never wasted at any of the meals. When they'd finished breakfast, and everything was put away and the kitchen done, Jane directed the girls, "Okay girls, get your purses, make sure you've freshened your faces, make sure you teeth are clean, before we go to the salon to make you two ready for Monday. I want Toby to see two very proper young ladies when he steps off the train. Two young ladies who are properly dressed and groomed. Oh, and Charlotte. Don't forget Carolyn will be expecting your help with her morning class, so you are to do as she says when she says."

Jane gave Charlotte the 'look,' resulting in Charlotte's, "Yes Aunt Jane," answer. Jane then glared at Francis, who was dancing from foot to foot, wanting to say something to Charlotte but understood Jane's unspoken message.

Francis stopped dancing and like Charlotte, replied, "Yes Aunt Jane." Marie hid a smile as she watched the girls follow Jane out to her car.

It was only after they'd closed the front door that Marie said to herself, "I hope our cheri can do as she did modeling."

Parking this time was not simply pulling up in front of Merisha Chalet, getting out of the car and walking into the salon. Today, because of the number of cars present, they had to park some distance away and walk to the salon, something Jane knew about and made sure to watch Charlotte for any reaction from her. The scene Charlotte witnessed when they walked into the salon was completely different than her first time in the salon. The waiting area chairs were full of women and young girls. Young girls were at the reception desk looking through magazines, trying to show the receptionist the hairstyle they wanted or the makeup look they thought would look good on them. Several women and young girls were under hair dryers, and the styling chairs were full. Charlotte noticed several young girls, about her age, going and coming in and out of the back room, and more girls in the room every time the door opened.

The Merisha Chalet was always a madhouse on Saturday, so Sandy and Carolyn had extra help from girls who worked other jobs during the week but were licensed hairdressers and liked the extra money they made on the weekends. It was Carolyn who came to the reception desk when she saw Jane and the girls come into the salon and told them, "Good morning Jane, girls, you're right on time. Francis, Sandy is just finishing up with the girl in her chair so it'll be just a few moments then you can go back. And Charlotte, I'm ready for you. It's time to see how everything is with you." Because no one but Sandy and Carolyn knew the truth about Jane's girls, they were both circumspect when discussing what they'd do for the girls. And because Carolyn helped Charlotte her first time in the salon, Charlotte understood exactly what Carolyn meant by 'seeing how she was doing.' A young girl, about Charlotte's age, walked out of Sandy's station as the three walked to the back of the salon. "Ah, there she is, my favorite young lady. How are you today, Francis? I hope you haven't been giving your Aunt any trouble. I know you're such a sweet girl when you're here." Sandy still scared the bejesus out of Francis, and Sandy knew it. Francis was still under the impression she would be outed if she didn't do what Sandy or Carolyn told her to do. And Jane wanted it kept that way. "Hi Sandy. Yes, I'm doing fine this morning, and ready for whatever you have in mind." Jane smiled at Francis' response, as did Sandy, both knowing Sandy had Francis exactly where both women wanted her. Afraid she'd be outed if she didn't behave and do what she was told.

Carolyn took Charlotte into the waxing room and closed the door behind her, directing Charlotte to step behind the screen in the corner and get completely undressed. In a low voice, and while Charlotte was undressing, Carolyn asked, "How have you been coping, Charlotte? Has it been as bad as you expected, or have you been having fun with it all?"

Charlotte chuckled because of Carolyn's questions, and answered with, "Well, Carolyn, it has been an experience. Even getting to model at The Style Shoppe. After I calmed down, the modeling was fun, though I encountered something I didn't think would happen. Otherwise, yes, if I was truthful, it all has been fun. When would I otherwise be able to experience how it feels to wear girl's clothing and not have the adults in the know get upset?"

Charlotte came from behind the screen with the towel wrapped around her body, as any naked girl would do. Carolyn didn't miss Charlotte saying she encountered a problem while modeling and went straight at Charlotte to get her to explain about the problem she faced. "So, what was the problem you encountered while modeling, Charlotte? Hop up on the table face down, I'll do your backside first. So, the problem you encountered?" Carolyn saw how red Charlotte's face became when she'd asked about the problem, and how slow she was to get up on the table. And as she watched, a very naked Charlotte didn't lie down on her stomach on the table but sat on the edge, her legs dangling over the edge.

Carolyn sat down on the table beside Charlotte and waited, watching as Charlotte fought with herself in trying to answer Carolyn's question. She saw the resignation reach Charlotte's face and heard, "While I was modeling we'd have to change into the next set of clothes we'd wear. Several times while we all changed, I saw the other four girls completely naked and never once got aroused, as most boys would do." Carolyn saw the tear form in Charlotte's eyes, and slowly leave her eyes for her cheeks. "I only realized that after Jane had picked me up and we were driving home. I asked Jane why I didn't get aroused, why I didn't react like a normal boy. I asked her if not getting aroused made me weird." Tears were running freely down her cheeks now, as her voice cracked during her last statement. Carolyn reached over and put her arm around Charlotte, pulling her to her and into a hug. Carolyn hadn't been around Charlotte but once, but it was enough to see just what type of boy Charles was and why he questioned himself when he realized he hadn't reacted like a 'normal' boy seeing four naked girls.

"And let me guess," Carolyn said, reaching over to wipe the tears off Charlotte's cheeks. "Jane said you weren't weird. She said you were more mature than other boys your age. She said those four girls accepted you as one of the 'girls,' and thought nothing of you when you were naked. Right?" She felt Charlotte nod her head against her chest, then continued. "Charlotte, Charles, you are more mature than other boys your age. You don't put a premium on seeing girls as sex objects, only interested in getting between their legs in order to pleasure yourself. You see girls for who they are, girls, who feel much like you do, who want to be treated as people, like you do. And just because you didn't get aroused when you saw those four girls naked doesn't make you weird. I'm not saying that one day a special girl, one meant for you, won't get you aroused, just that you've been taught, rightly so I might add, how to treat other people properly. Boys or girls. You are a very sweet boy, Charles Thorton, and more boys could learn a thing or two from you." She held Charlotte for a bit longer then asked, "Feeling better? Want to get that nice looking butt up on my table so we can de-hair you?" That caused Charlotte to giggle, then nod, as Carolyn released her and watched as she swung her legs up onto the table and rolled over onto her stomach.

As Carolyn was waxing the back of Charlotte's legs, Charlotte asked, "Carolyn. What do girls, or women, want from a boy, or man? Are they as driven by wanting to have sex as boys or men?" If Carolyn was taken back by Charlotte's questions, she didn't show it, as she kept on working.

The room was quiet for several minutes before Carolyn said, "Charlotte, to answer your last question first, yes. There are some girls, and women, who are driven to have sex with boys or men. Sometimes women feel their clock to get pregnant is running out and because they want a child, they become driven by that belief. And some men think themselves to be a god women would be lucky to have sex with. Their egos are bigger than our planet. Of course, there are those who are addicted to sex, it's become like a drug to them and their fix is to have sex whenever the chance occurs. And often with whoever they can. Then we come to boys and girls who are going through puberty, their hormones raging throughout their bodies. Those hormones are new to them, almost driving them during this time of their lives. Most girls learn how to control the feelings they have during puberty, knowing the results of having sex can be pregnancy. But some girls don't care and give in to those feelings and have sex with boys, often getting a reputation of being easy."

"Boys, unlike you, are like wild animals who are often left to fend for themselves. They are often left out when the girls have 'the talk,' with their moms or classes at school. And if boys do get 'the talk,' at home or school, they are better at coping with their feelings, though sex isn't far from their thoughts. And then there are boys like you, Charles, boys who know about sex but find other interests more important to them. Boys who've had 'the talk,' understand the ramifications of having sex, but have a level of maturity that helps them deal with feelings produced by hormones. I'm guessing when you were modeling there was a crowd of men and boys standing outside the store watching? And more than one of the boys had a problem and ran off to take care of it?" She watched as Charlotte nodded her head. "I thought so, it happens every time Brenda has a showing. What you witnessed was a group of immature boys, who are governed by their raging hormones. Who sit around and talk about having sex with this or that girl. Who, when crunch time comes, talk louder than they have the courage to perform."

"As to what the majority of girls and women want from a boy or man? How do you want to be treated, Charlotte? I mean, when you're Charles? Don't you want to be respected for who you are, not what others can get from you? Don't you want to have your opinions respected, regardless of the topic? Do you want girls to throw themselves at you, thinking you'd be lucky to be with them? Don't you want to be respected as a person? A person who loves, is loved, and can give love to others? Or do you just want to be seen as an object to be used and thrown away? An object used by some to increase the size of their bank account, then when you're worn out, throw you away like a piece of trash?"

"Charlotte, girls and women, the majority of girls and women, I should say, want a boy or man who's sensitive, who can show his emotions without caring what others think. Who can make them laugh when they are hurting or need a lift from the daily grind of life. They want a man or boy who makes them feel secure, knowing no matter what happens, that man or boy will stay with them. They want their opinions respected, regardless of the topic. They don't want to be seen as airheads who don't know what they're talking about. And most of all, Charlotte, they want a man or boy who knows what real love is, and how to give it freely, without wanting anything in return. Isn't that what you want as Charles, Charlotte? Okay, your backside is done, roll over onto your back. I need to remove your breast forms and check you down there," and Carolyn pointed to Charlotte's groin, "to make sure everything is holding."

Carolyn worked to remove Charlotte's breast forms and continued with, "Charlotte, too many people have forgotten what it means to love or be loved without expecting anything in return. Things have changed since you were born, but when a man took a woman out on a date, there was never the thought of getting to home plate." Carolyn laughed when Charlotte gave her a questioning look after she said 'home plate.' "Charlotte, when a man took a woman on a date, or a woman went on a date with a man, it was never expected they'd have sex afterwards. She might get a kiss goodnight, or they might kiss for a while before he left, but the expectation of sex was not there. It was considered improper. Now, though, many guys expect to have sex with their dates because he paid for the meal and entertainment. And their attitude is, 'Well, I paid for everything, so she can pay me back by letting me get between her legs.' And Charlotte, there are some women who want sex with their date, and do expect to have sex with him. And that causes problems when a decent woman or man comes along who doesn't want to have sex or expects to have sex. Most times there's a lot of shouting and arguing, but sometimes it gets violent, and the woman ends up in the hospital. Or in the morgue.

"The questions you ask are really rather hard to answer, since there are so many different standards out there any more. It doesn't help that advertisers, in order to sell a product, show men and women having a good time in many different ways. Including those that suggest they're having sex or about to have sex. They show how happy those people are, how much fun it looks like they're having. They don't show the downside, Charlotte. They don't show the men and women who end up dead or in the hospital, or in jail because they just wanted to have the same fun they saw in an advertisement. Charlotte, keep to the standards I saw in you the first time Jane brought you into this salon. The standard Jane saw in you the minute you stepped off that train. It's a standard that would do other boys your age good to have. It's a standard that would make a lot of girls' lives much easier. It would help to keep many from making a mistake they later regret. A mistake that results in pregnancy, running away, or worse, their death because they couldn't face their parents after what they'd done. You didn't get aroused when you saw those girls naked, Charlotte, because you are a decent young man. A decent young man who knows how to treat other people like he wants to be treated."

Carolyn had been talking the entire time she waxed Charlotte's front, using it to distract her from any pain she might have felt as the strips were yanked off. "Okay, if you'll put your hand here," and Carolyn took Charlotte's right hand and placed it on the freshly applied breast form, "and hold it until the adhesive sets up, I'll make it so you don't look lopsided."

Carolyn laughed again when Charlotte said, "Lopsided?"

Carolyn gave Charlotte a 'duh' look then asked, "Do you want your breasts to be one sided? Flat on one side and bulging on the other?" She then gently tapped a finger to Charlotte's head, telling her, "Think girl. The other breast form has to be applied so you don't look...lopsided. Duh!" The silliness of it all made Charlotte laugh, a good sign to Carolyn that Charlotte was doing okay with what they were doing. "Okay, the adhesive should be set up, so you can get up now. I want you to put on just your bra and panties, then put on that robe," and she pointed to a white robe hanging on the wall near the privacy screen, "and wear it while Sandy does your hair. Something you need to remember when wearing a dress, skirt, or that robe, which is opened in the front. If you don't keep your knees together when you sit down, you're going to flash whoever happens to be looking at you. They're going to get a good view of your panties. So, when you sit down, sweep the back forward before you sit down, keep your knees together, and either cross one leg over the other with that leg resting on your thigh, or cross your feet at your ankles. Got it?"

Charlotte nodded her head as she got off the table, "I understand," she replied as she stepped behind the screen, emerging a moment later wearing just her bra and panties.

And as she was putting on the robe, Carolyn said, "You're going to be helping me with my morning makeup class. You're going to be my model."

As Carolyn watched, Charlotte became as white as the robe she was wearing. Carolyn could tell Charlotte was about to imitate a falling tree and quickly scooted the chair behind her just in time to let it catch the collapsing Charlotte. She kneeled down in front of Charlotte, took both of her hands just as Charlotte had started, "Bu...bu...but I can't be your makeup model. Those girls will see I'm not a real girl, they'll be real close, they'll see I'm not a real girl. I...I..."

Carolyn made gentle shushing sounds, trying to calm Charlotte down before she spoke. When Charlotte had calmed down, a bit, she told her, "No one is going to suss you're anything but a beautiful young girl. No matter how close they get to your face. Has anyone discovered your true gender up to now? Didn't Jane take you to the mall and let you walk around while she took Francis elsewhere?" Charlotte just nodded her head, her throat had gone dry. "Well, did anyone see that you were a boy presenting as a girl, or just a beautiful girl looking around? And what about the modeling you did at The Style Shoppe? Were you outed for being a boy modeling girls clothing? When you walked into our salon, did you hear anyone laugh because they spotted you as a boy dressed as a girl?"

Carolyn got up and opened the small fridge in the corner of the room, took out a bottle of water and handed it to Charlotte, who almost drank the entire bottle in one gulp. "Better?" Carolyn asked, watching as Charlotte nodded her head. "So. Have you been outed as a boy since you've been presenting as Charlotte?"

She saw the tears form in Charlotte's eyes as Charlotte whispered, "No. I've just been seen as a girl."

Carolyn then took Charlotte's face in her hands, lifted it until she was looking into Charlotte's eyes, and told her, "Then no one in my makeup class is going to see you as anything but a very beautiful girl who wanted to help them learn how to apply makeup. You just sit there and let me apply different makeup to show them how to get different looks for different occasions. You act like this is something you always do, don't make it a big deal, and they won't know any difference. Okay?"

Carolyn released Charlotte's face, and watched Charlotte nod her head before saying, "Okay. In for a penny, in for a pound."

Carolyn took Charlotte's arm, pulled gently, and helped Charlotte out of the chair. "Go on, Sandy should be ready to do your hair. And remember what I said about flashing people." Charlotte laughed after hearing Carolyn say 'flashing people,' and left the waxing room, heading to Sandy's station to get her hair done.

Sandy had a smirk on her face when Charlotte walked into her station. " get to be Carolyn's makeup model today. You best be nice or they'll see the boy Carolyn is using." Sandy hadn't forgotten the last time she tried to get physical with Charlotte, so was extra careful to keep her hands to herself. But that didn't mean she couldn't try and get under the boy's skin by talking. "So, prissy, boy, you looking forward to being a makeup model? You goin' to let Carolyn put makeup all over your prissy face?" Sandy had kept her voice low, low enough so only Charlotte could hear what she was saying. "You know, a real boy wouldn't let anyone put makeup on their face. A real boy wouldn't be dressed as a girl, and prance around trying to look like a girl."

Charlotte had remembered Carolyn instructions when sitting in the robe, and had her left leg crossed over the thigh her right one, as she'd seen girls and women do. Sandy had said a few things which she knew weren't true, as her mind located the memory location.

Charlotte laughed when she found the memory and told Sandy, "You're so wrong, Sandy. In fact there have been several famous female impersonators who are quite popular. Francis Leon, Miss Shangay Lily, John Epperson, RuPaul, Pabllo Vittar, Zsa Zsa Shakespeer and many more if you ever care to look them up. And some of them are so good, if they'd walk into this salon, not even you could tell they were anything but women. Did you also know that during Shakespeer's day, all female roles were played by men. Even today, those who perform authentic Shakespeer plays, use men to fill the rolls of the women characters. So save your attempted insults for one of Jane's regular girls, like the one arriving Monday. Him you will be able to scare enough to get him to wet himself, that I know for sure." Sandy tried a few more of her insulting words, but always got a comeback that shut her up.

Jane had been watching Sandy try to get under Charlotte's skin, chuckling when Charlotte gave better than she got. She saw how mad Sandy was at being rebuffed, but was pleased Sandy didn't take her anger out on Charlotte's hair. Or Charlotte herself, knowing what could happen if she did.

Chapter 14

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