Complicit in a Lie Revisited Chapter 33

Complicit In a Lie
Revisited Chapter 33

By Jamie Lee

Author's Note: When I first wrote Complicit In a Lie, I had no thoughts, or ideas, to write a sequel. But thanks to a few readers, who asked about a sequel, ideas formed that made writing this sequel possible. It is necessary to have read Complicit In a Lie to understand why Charles is now with Jane, who the boy arriving in Kingston is and how he's involved in Charles' Court case. And to understand where Mr. Corporate, George Strom, fits into this story. This story starts off after Charles says, "When do we start," in Complicit in a Lie. So if you haven't read Complicit In a Lie, the beginning of this story won't make any sense. Hint hint!

Chapter 33

For the rest of the time, and to give Charles time to calm down, they swapped training stories, only certain stories, as both had stories they were sworn not to reveal. When Sherry gauged Charles was calm enough, she told him, "I'd like to speak with you again. Next time I want to talk about this mess you were dragged into. Right now though, I think you might need a shower and clean clothes before going back to the library. Ask Francis to come and see me, if you would please. Leave the door open on your way out."

Sherry watched Charles nod his head, push his chair back, stand, finish the water in the glass before he started walking across the study. He was about halfway across the study when he stopped, turned, and walked back to Sherry. He threw his arms around her neck and told her, "Thank you. I can tell I needed that." He turned around and completed his walk across the study, stopping to open the door and walking out of the study.

After Charles left the study, Sherry laid her forehead on the table and lightly banged it against the tabletop. "You stupid girl. You stupid girl," she admonished herself. "You could have totally lost him."

"I don't think you're a stupid girl," a voice to Sherry's left said, causing Sherry to abruptly sit up. Marie put her arm around Sherry's shoulder and repeated herself. "I don't think you're a stupid girl. He never shared any of his school experiences with anyone, so how were you to know? Did you know Toby was going to have his meltdown? Do you feel stupid for not knowing it was going to happen? You didn't act like you felt stupid, so why now when the information wasn't in his file? You helped two boys Jane and I couldn't or wouldn't have been able to help. So stop kicking yourself for something happening because the information wasn't there." Marie squeezed Sherry's shoulder before she removed her arm, turned, and began walking towards the study door.

Before Marie had a chance to leave the study, Sherry called out, "Marie? How'd you know? How'd you know I was angry with myself?"

Marie had turned at hearing her name called. After Sherry asked her question, Marie smiled, then laid a finger on the side of her nose, winking her left eye, before turning and leaving the study. Shaking her head, Sherry softly said to herself, "She's a freaking psychic, she has to be."

Sherry once again was standing at the window, collecting her thoughts when she heard a knock on the open study door. Turning, she saw Francis standing there, looking as though she was about to wet herself. "Please come in, Francis. And close the door behind you." As Sherry walked closer to Francis, she saw Francis was shaking, just as though she'd been in Jane's crosshairs. When she reached Francis, she gently put an arm around Francis' shoulder, and in a soft voice told her, "There's nothing to be afraid of, Francis. I'm not Jane and you haven't done anything wrong. We are just going to talk. There'll be no assignments, no books to read, we're just going to sit and talk. Okay?" Sherry asked, looking down at Francis. Still shaking some, Francis nodded her head and allowed Sherry to guide her to the chair used by the others.

"Francis, calm down," Sherry said softly to the girl. "This is not an inquisition. There won't be any thumbscrews or cat-o-nine tails. It's just you and me talking. And… unless I have your permission, no one learns what's said during our talk. Okay?" It puzzled Sherry why Francis was scared to be with her. 'Is she afraid of divulging something meant to be kept secret?' This thought played through Sherry's mind in an instant, giving her a possible approach in talking with Francis. "Entonces. Entiendo que eres bastante bueno con los idiomas (So. I understand that you are quite good with languages.). ¿Descubriste esto en la escuela o alguien te ayudó a aprender que tenías esta habilidad (Did you discover this in school or did someone help you learn you had this ability?)?"

The questions appeared to calm Francis, as she responded with, "Supongo que fue un poco de ambas cosas. Tuvimos que estudiar un idioma en la escuela y cuando empezó la clase, pareció entenderlo rápidamente. Además, había una vecina que descubrió que podía hablar español y siguió trabajando conmigo (I guess it was a little of both. We had to take a language in school and when the class started, I seemed to catch on quickly. Plus, there was a neighbor lady who found out I could speak Spanish and kept working with me.). Et depuis que Charlotte est là, elle m'apprend le français (And since Charlotte has been here, she's been teaching me French.)."

"Wow, I'm impressed, Francis," Sherry told her. "Your pronunciation is spot on in both languages. Did your Aunt Angus know you could speak Spanish?"

Francis got a nasty look on her face before saying, "Aunt Agnus, that's a nasty word to say. She got pissed off when I was practicing my Spanish for homework. She said, and I quote, "Don't want to hear no Spic language in my house. Them Spics were dirtier than dirt itself." So to practice my Spanish, I had to tell her I had something to do for school with a classmate, and left HER house. She laid into one of my Mexican friends when she came over to work on a school assignment and spoke to me in Spanish." At this point, Francis laughed. "Oh, that really pissed off my friend. She told my Aunt in as sweet a voice as she could, 'Vete a joder con el palo de una escoba (Go fuck yourself with a broomstick.).' My Aunt then asked me what she said, and I told her she said she didn't mean to upset her. It's now a running joke with me and my friend."

Despite herself, Sherry had to laugh. Francis' Aunt Agnus was the epitome of ignorance, one of those who made rocks look extremely intelligent. "Did your Aunt ever learn what your friend really told her? Or is she still as ignorant as ever?"

Laughing, Francis told Sherry, "Nooo… she's still ignorant. And when my friend comes over, she forgets on purpose and speaks Spanish. When Aunt Agnus gets upset, my friend uses variations of what she told her the first time. Of course, she uses the sweetest voice she can while saying it. One time that neighbor I mentioned was visiting Aunt Agnus and my friend was there and said something in Spanish. The neighbor knew Aunt Agnus hated to hear anyone speak anything but English in the house, and almost wet herself when my friend used another variation. I thought she was going to die right there on the spot when Aunt Agnus asked me what my friend said. I told Aunt Agnus my friend said she forgot not to speak Spanish in her home. That neighbor told Aunt Angus she had to go, and after leaving I could hear her laughing all the way to her home. The next time I visited that neighbor, she baked me a mess of chocolate chip cookies, and gave me a high five."

It took a good five minutes for the two to stop laughing. When they stopped laughing, Sherry said, "You know that's kind of cruel, right? I mean, what if she ever finds out what your friend really said to her?"

"Cruel? What's cruel about putting a bigot in their place? She treats anyone speaking anything but English the same way. I was in a store with her, one time, and two ladies were speaking Hindi while trying to decide on what they needed for the evening meal."

"Wait wait wait… how'd you know what they were saying? Do you also speak Hindi?"

Francis shrugged her shoulders, then told Sherry, "I don't know. I just knew what they were saying. And no, I can't speak Hindi. I used my hands to show them how sorry I was for my Aunt's behavior, and I think they caught on to what I meant. Because the younger lady basically to my Aunt, in Hindi, to do the same thing my friend told her to do. When my Aunt asked what the younger woman said, the older woman told my Aunt she was apologizing for upsetting my Aunt. My Aunt didn’t see me smile big after she said it, but the two women did. I gave them a thumbs-up behind my Aunt's back. After the tongue lashing my Aunt gave them, she thought she'd taught both women a lesson. We passed the two women a few more times as we shopped. Each time we passed them, they'd laugh at my Aunt, knowing she never understood a word they'd said. And each time we'd pass them, I'd give them a thumbs up. When I told my friend that story, she laughed so hard, she did wet herself. Gads, my Aunt is so stupid."

Now that Sherry had Francis relaxed, she dove into the reason Francis was scared when she came into the study. "Frank, I need to ask you why you were scared when you came into the study. You had to have talked to Charlotte, so knew I wasn't a monster."

Another shoulder shrug escaped Francis. As Charlotte had done, s/he was looking at her hands lying on the table. Sherry reached across the table, placed the fingers of her right hand gently under Francis' chin, lifted it, and said, "Francis. You are my client. As such, I can't tell anyone what you say to me. Not even your bigot of an Aunt. No one, understand?"

"Yeah, I understand how it works. I'm just afraid you're going to be like my Aunt. She'd ask me a question, then criticize me for the answer I gave her. And instead of letting it drop, she'd continue criticizing me the rest of the day. It was the same thing if she told me to do something, and I did it as she said. When she checked on what I'd done, she'd go crazy because I did what she said. She'd then jump all over me, telling me I shouldn't have done it that way. When I pointed out she told me to do it that way, she'd grab my ear, pull me to her, and tell me not to lie to her. When I'd tell her I wasn't lying, she'd get right in my face and tell me I was a liar. After each one of these episodes, she'd send me to my room and lock the door. The first time she did that, I thought she'd let me out for supper, but she didn't. I even banged on the door to tell her I had to go to the bathroom. All she said was, 'Too bad.' Fortunately, I had two windows in my bedroom. So when I learned she was going to leave me in my room until morning for school, I'd climb out one of the windows and go to the neighbor's house. When I told her my story, she looked into doing something but found out she'd need proof. And because she didn't witness any ill-treatment on my Aunt's part, she couldn't do anything. She did tell me to come over if my Aunt locked me in my bedroom again. I'm really grateful for that lady."

Sherry was shaking her head after everything Frank told her. "Frank, did you tell your Uncle what your Aunt was doing? Surely he would have helped you?"

Frank shook his head, "I tried telling him one time. He didn't believe me. He said his wife would never do such a thing. And when he was around, she didn't. I found out I shouldn't have told him anything. He asked my Aunt if what I told him was true. Of course, she denied everything. She told him I was just upset I couldn't live with Penny. I don't have any marks on my body like Toby, but when my Uncle left for work the next day, Saturday, my Aunt proceeded to slap me around. She again locked me in my bedroom and left me until morning. I spent the day and night at the neighbor's. She took pictures of all the hand prints on my face and the red places when my Aunt slapped me through my shirt. She called someone and was again told she couldn't do anything because she didn't actually witness it happening. Even when the CPS lady came by, my Aunt was peaches and cream, though I suspected something was going on between my Aunt and the CPS lady. But who'd listen to me, a kid angry because I had to live with my Aunt Agnus?"

Reaching across the table, Sherry took Francis' hands in hers. "Frank, I don't think you'll have to worry about your Aunt Agnus anymore. Things are in the works to place you somewhere else." She let go of one of Frank's hands, held up her hand as Frank was about to speak. "No, I wasn't told any specifics, just that you're not going back to that woman's house." Sherry knew more about Aunt Agnus but was not permitted to say more.

Taking Frank's hand again, she watched as tears of relief streamed down his face. It wasn't long before he started crying with relief. As she'd done to Toby and Charlotte, Sherry let go of Frank's hand, stood up, and hurried around the table. She held Frank as he cried, telling him, "It's over, Frank. They'll be no more Aunt Agnus. She now has her own problems to deal with. Let it out Frank, get it out of your system." She didn't think Frank heard her when she said Agnus had her own problems to deal with but felt it necessary to put Frank's mind at ease.

When he finally calmed down, Sherry had him drink several glasses of water. After having his fill, he told her, "Oh gawd. I'm so glad to hear I won't be going back to that bitch. If I had to go back to her, I would have run away again. And this time, stay gone. Oh gawd oh gawd oh gawd… what a relief."

After making sure Frank was alright, Sherry returned to her chair. Looking at Frank from across the table, Sherry giggled then said, "Tu vas devoir refaire ton maquillage, raton laveur (You'll have to redo your makeup, raccoon.)."

Frank chuckled then said, "Je n'en doute pas. C'est déjà arrivé plusieurs fois auparavant (I don't doubt it. It's happened several times before.)."

Smiling, Sherry again reached across the table and took Frank's hands. "I think we've accomplished a lot for this session. Next time we talk, I want to hear how you feel about the lessons you're now taking. But right now, I think you need to go clean up before going back to the library, raton laveur (raccoon)."

Francis smiled, nodding her head, then squeezed Sherry's hands, telling her, "Thank you for listening to my story. And for the news, I won't be going back to that woman. Vous êtes une dame spéciale (You are a special lady.)."

Squeezing Sherry's hands one last time, Francis pushed the chair back, stood up, and began walking to the study door. She'd put her hand on the doorknob when she heard, "You can leave the door open, Francis." Nodding, Francis opened the door and turned to go up the stairs to her bedroom.

Sherry sat there for a few more minutes, trying to understand why someone would treat Frank as they'd treated him. He didn't deserve it. She pushed her chair back, walked around the table, and over to the window, where Jane found her when she'd quietly walked over to her. Sherry never acknowledged Jane's presence, before saying, "Did you know Franks' whole story, Janie? He needs to bring charges against her for what she's done to him. That woman needs to be drop-kicked right off the edge of a mountain. How can people do things to these kids and get away with it? After hearing Franks' story, I want to go and give that woman better than she gave to Frank." She then turned and put her arms around Jane and cried on her shoulder.

As Jane held Sherry, she was looking out of the window. Saying more to the air than to Sherry, she said, "This time, there are a lot of people who need to be drop-kicked off the edge of a mountain." When Sherry calmed a bit, Jane said, "Come on. Our evening meal is almost ready, so you'll have a few minutes to fix that pretty face of yours."

Sherry, with her head still on Jane's shoulder, told Jane, "Flatterer. You think you can suck up to someone and get what you want. I know your game, Janie. I've known you during some questionable times in your life."

"Is this an attempt at blackmail, Daniels? Because if it is, I have pictures also. Do you remember that time on the beach? And that one boy?"

Sherry stood up straight, looked at Jane, and asked her, "You wouldn't? You couldn't? Besides, I got more pictures than you do, and some real juicy ones."

Smiling, Sherry watched Jane's face turn into stone, before she brought up, "You may have more pictures than I have, but I kept that video of you and what's his name."

"WHAT? You said you were going to burn that video. That's low, Thompson."

As both women kept trying to play one-upmanship, a voice brought them back to Earth. "Hey, dudettes. You want us to throw your share of the grub to the hogs? 'Cause it's on the table, right now."

Jane and Sherry turned around as a unit, after hearing what Jill almost yelled at them. While they both looked at Jill's smiling face, Sherry asked Jane, "Do you always have to put up with that girl like she is right now?"

In a dramatic sigh, Jane replied with, "Unfortunately. I think she was born that way."

"Hey, I resemble that remark. Now come on, foods on the table." And with that, the perky doctor disappeared out of the study.

As the women slowly walked across the study, Jane told Sherry, "I'm glad you and that crazy lady were around in my younger days. You both pulled me out of more than one fire pot."

Sherry knew not to ask Jane for any details between her and Jill. Like the memories she and Jane shared, those memories Jane shared with Jill were not for discussion with anyone unless Jane decided to do so. And right now, Sherry didn't see a need for Jane to share the memories she and Jill shared.

When Jane and Sherry left the study, Jane went to the dining room while Sherry retrieved her purse from the couch and went into the downstairs bathroom. She emerged from the bathroom just in time to watch Toby and the girls set plates of food on the table. She then marveled at Toby, as she watched him seat Jane, Marie, Susan, and Jill, and he was now standing at her seat waiting on her. She hurried to her seat at the table and allowed Toby to seat her, thanking him afterward. After being seated, it was only then she realized Charlotte and Francis were still standing. Puzzled at first, she finally realized the girls were waiting on Toby. Only after he seated Charlotte and Francis, did he take his own seat, bowing his head after sitting. Jane started in just as their food was being passed around.

"So, Francis. How are your lessons progressing?"

Francis had just taken a spoonful of mashed potatoes and was just passing the bowl when Jane asked her question. As she took a slice of roast off the plate she'd been passed, she told Jane, "I don't think fast enough, Aunt Jane. I seem to be absorbing everything given to me. And it all seems rather easy." She was holding the plate of roast when she asked Jane, "Why do those advanced courses seem easy to me, Aunt Jane? Aren't they supposed to be somewhat difficult? But I find them easy, and easy to remember."

Jane was looking at Susan when answering Francis' question. "I can't answer why you're finding the advanced courses easy, Francis. And yes, they are meant to be somewhat more difficult. Maybe Susan can answer your question concerning the ease with which you're working your way through the courses."

Susan raised an eyebrow at Jane's question, but told Francis, "I don't have an answer for you, Francis. Francis, have you ever taken an IQ test at school? Did your counselor or teacher ever suggest taking one?"

Everyone watched as Francis thought about Susan's questions. "Um, no, Susan, I don't remember anyone suggesting I take an IQ test. Why would they, I wasn't thought to be very smart based on my grades. If they weren't going to let me take AP courses, why would they think I needed to take an IQ test?"

Francis watched Susan shake her head as she said, "They're fools, Francis. A student's low grades are a signal there's something wrong, not that the student is stupid or needs remedial classes. Because you are picking up the subjects quickly, I think there's a lot more going on in that mind of yours, and I'd like you to take a certified IQ test. I believe Sherry has the certification needed to administer such a test," and she looked at Sherry while finishing her statement, "so no one else has to be sent for." She again looked at Francis and said, "And I'd like you to take it tomorrow."

Susan and Sherry looked over to Jane, who replied, "I see no reason why you can't administer the test tomorrow, Sherry. It might be best to do so before Francis takes any more AP courses. Perhaps the AP courses she's taken right now are nothing but remedial courses to her… if they seem so easy. Toby, Charlotte, how do you two find the AP courses? Do they seem easy to either of you? Be honest with us, we're trying to determine what level all three of you should be studying."

The five women watched the two teens as the face of each one showed they were thinking about Jane's question. "If I'm completely honest, Aunt Jane," Toby began, "everything Susan has given me I've gone through like a hot knife through butter. All of it has been an easy read and easy to understand. Nothing has caused me to slow my reading or reread anything for comprehension. Sorry Susan, I'm just being honest."

"You don't need to apologize for anything, Toby. Jane asked for your honest opinion and that's what we wanted to hear. We aren't those deaf boobs at the schools you three attend, we listen. Charlotte, how about you? Do you agree with Francis and Toby?"

Jane could see the consternation on Charlotte's face after Susan asked her question. "Why the consternation Charlotte? We are asking the question to ensure you're being challenged by the material you're studying. No one's feelings will be hurt, and you most CERTAINLY won't incur my wrath for the answer you give." Charlotte had dropped her head when Jane spoke directly to her. "Charlotte, look at me. Look at me Charlotte." Charlotte slowly raised her head until she was looking at Jane. "Now, tell me. Why are you hesitant to give us your opinion? Does anyone look angry because of what Toby and Francis told us? Do they Charlotte? If you think they look angry, it's because you three were denied the classes you three should have been taking at your respective high schools. That's where the anger you perceive is being directed, Charlotte. Not at the three of you. Charlotte, cards on the table here and now. Marie and I have never had another boy here at Seasons House with such a thirst for knowledge as you three have. If those AP courses Susan is giving you, right now, are nothing more than regular high school classes to you three, then we need to know that so we can adjust the lessons. And we can't do that unless all three of you are completely honest with us. So, Charlotte, are the courses you're currently taking too easy for you? Are you not being challenged by the material?"

It was silent in the dining room until Toby put his arm around Charlotte's shoulder, telling her, "They aren't going to bite your head off if you tell them the truth. You're working through that material almost as fast as me and Francis. And I'll bet the tests you've taken prove none of it is challenging. If you've done like me, you've aced every test Susan has given you. And if I understand what that means, it means the material is too easy. Either that or you're absorbing the material as fast as Francis and I are absorbing it. Either way, just screw up that courage you keep buried and give them both barrels."

It was almost comical as Charlotte slowly turned her head to look at Toby. "Give them both barrels? Are we at Yorktown or something?"

"Actually no," Toby started off with. "You see, at Yorktown, they would have had muskets, not double-barrels. Double-barrel shotguns weren't developed until 1875 and improved upon during the years. But you already knew that, didn't you?"

Susan, Jill, Sherry, Marie, and even Jane, all had their hands over their mouths, concealing or holding back laughter which resulted from what they all could easily see Toby doing. With a deadpan expression on her face, Charlotte said to Toby, "You're doing it again, aren't you? You're blathering along in order to get me to get out of my comfort zone. You know I can't help but react to all the blathering you do. Because it gets… annoying. You cochon (pig)."

Despite trying their hardest to remain serious about Jane's question, the five ladies could no longer hold back their laughter. Toby gave Charlotte one of his biggest smiles and received a swat on his arm for his efforts. When the laughter died down, Charlotte said, "Alright, alright, le cochon (the pig) won again; how he does it I'll never understand." Looking from Susan to Jane as she talked, Charlotte told them, "Yes, I agree with Toby and Francis. The material seems no more difficult than the regular classes we were taking at our respective high schools. Maybe the sentence structure and words are more advanced, but that's about all. I've scored perfect papers when given tests over what I've read. So either it is that easy or it's actually hard but easy for the three of us." In a parting shot, Charlotte turned to Toby and gave him a 'so there' look.

Not finished yet, Toby told her, "See, I knew you could do it. You just needed to be properly motivated."

And before Susan started to speak, Charlotte finished with a hearty, "Tu es vraiment un cochon (You're such a pig.)." It was now Toby's turn to laugh.

"Okay, that settles it. All three of you are taking the IQ test tomorrow. If the AP material I'm giving you three would bog down a normal high school student, and it's easy for the three of you, then there's more to each of you than the AP courses can deal with. And I need to find out what that is."

It seemed a time for announcements, as Jill said, "Toby, after we finish eating I want to examine you." Because Toby had a bite in his mouth, he nodded his head in understanding.

"And Jill," Sherry said, a smile on her face as she turned to face Jill. "After you've examined Toby, I'd like to meet with you in the study. You're the only one I haven't talked with concerning this mess. And from what I heard, a talk will do you good."

Jane had known Jill long enough to know her impish look meant she was about to say something rather crude. "Jill," Jane addressed Jill with a sweet look.

And with just as sweet of a look and a voice, she replied, "Yes, Jane."

"If you say what you're about to say, you won't be talking to Sherry tonight. You'll be swimming in my pond, and you know I can make it happen." Jane drilled her eyes into Jill's eyes, never once causing the smile on Jill's face to fade.

"Ya know something, Thompson? You can be a right killjoy sometimes."

Seeing the predatory smile on Jane's face, both Sherry and Jill knew it was time to rethink anything they had or were planning. Or in Jill's case, going to say. "Yes, I can be, can't I… Peters?"

Chapter 34

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