Complicit in a Lie Revisited Chapter 24

Complicit In a Lie
Revisited Chapter 24

By Jamie Lee

Author's Note: When I first wrote Complicit In a Lie, I had no thoughts, or ideas, to write a sequel. But thanks to a few readers, who asked about a sequel, ideas formed that made writing this sequel possible. It is necessary to have read Complicit In a Lie to understand why Charles is now with Jane, who the boy arriving in Kingston is and how he's involved in Charles' Court case. And to understand where Mr. Corporate, George Strom, fits into this story. This story starts off after Charles says, "When do we start," in Complicit in a Lie. So if you haven't read Complicit In a Lie, the beginning of this story won't make any sense. Hint hint!

Chapter 24

When Jane and Marie left the library, they found Francis standing just outside the library door. "Por favor señoras, si me siguen (Please ladies, if you follow me.)." After saying that, Francis turned and began walking towards the dining room. She first went to Jane's chair and said, "Aunt Jane," as she pulled out Jane's chair, helping Jane push her chair in after Jane sat down. Then, moving to Marie's chair, pulling it out, and saying, "Tante Marie," she waited until Marie sat down and helped her push her chair in. Francis then walked over to the couch and said to him, "If you're hungry, Mr. Camber, dinner is ready." Smiling at Francis, he extended his arms, which she took, and helped him to stand up from the couch; they did have to take a slight detour before going to the dining room table.

After Toby finished in the bathroom, Francis helped him to his seat at the dining room table. Once he was seated, Francis disappeared into the kitchen. It was but a moment later Charlotte entered the dining room from the kitchen, carrying a rectangular serving dish, which she placed on two ceramic squares sitting in the center of the dining room table. Right on Charlotte's heels came Francis, carrying a plate of garlic bread. Charlotte had returned to the kitchen after placing the serving dish on the table, returning with a bowl of mixed salad covered with Italian dressing.

"Well, girls, I see you've improved in setting the table. I commend you for the slight improvement." Jane was dying to try Charlotte's lasagna but had to be 'that' Jane first. "Since the house is still standing, I suppose the kitchen is still in one piece. I'll see for myself after you two have finished in the kitchen. Now, what poison have you given us tonight? It looks passable, hopefully it tastes better than it looks." And with that, Jane took the spatula and removed a large pre-cut square of lasagna, passing the spatula to Marie. The spatula finally reached Toby, as the salad bowl had reached Charlotte. When the salad bowl reached Toby, Charlotte had taken a piece of garlic bread and was passing the plate to Francis. Once Toby had taken a piece of garlic bread, and bowed his head for a moment, they all began eating.

Charlotte was eating very slowly, while she watched Marie and Jane as they ate. Jane knew Charlotte was watching her and Marie, and decided it was time to find out why. Bring up another fork of lasagna, she stopped, looked at Charlotte, and asked, "Miss Thorton. Is there something wrong with your food? You don't like your own cooking, is it? Why are you eating so slowly?"

Marie, too, had been aware of Charlotte watching her and Jane. And sucked on her lips to hold in a chuckle as she watched Charlotte squirm because Jane had once again aimed the spotlight directly at herself because of her actions. "I, a, um, was just wondering how you and Marie liked the lasagna, Aunt Jane. I hope it meets with your satisfaction." Marie chuckled inwardly, watching as Charlotte climbed out of the hole she fell into.

"Well, Miss Thorton. I'll admit it's different from what we usually have, with an interesting flavor we usually don't experience. It's passable, I believe, and something Marie might be interested in making again. You do have the recipe, don't you, Miss Thorton?"

Jane and Marie had watched as a small band of sweat had broken out across Charlotte's forehead as Jane spoke. They both saw the sigh of relief that washed over Charlotte's face because of what Jane had said. Then Jane received the only reply she would tolerate to that type of question. "Yes, Aunt Jane. I have the recipe and would be happy to give it to tante Marie." Marie quickly put a fork of lasagna in her mouth to stifle the laugh that was close to occurring.

"Excellent, Miss Thorton. Then we can look forward to this dish again. Now, there will be a change in your continued making of our meals. You two," and Jane pointed to Francis and Charlotte, "will no longer exclude Marie from the kitchen during your preparations. If she is to learn these recipes, she must be present to observe, oui? And, Miss Thorton, despite your Uncle's teachings, it's likely he forgot to mention one or two things when something doesn't turn out as you expected. So, again, Marie will be in the kitchen with you two from now on. I believe the two of you understand these changes, don't you?"

Telling the girls Marie WOULD be in the kitchen from now on, put a damper on the way both girls had been working in the kitchen. And it showed on their faces. Still, they both knew there'd be no changing Jane's mind, as they replied in unison, "Yes, Aunt Jane." After saying that, it wasn't difficult for both girls to see how pleased Jane was with their decision, as she smiled and nodded her head at their response.

Charlotte had made the lasagna using a 9 ½ x 15 ¼ casserole baking dish, which now sat empty on the dining room table. Apparently, since according to Jane, the meal was just passable, everyone, including Jane, decided to have a second helping of lasagna. The garlic bread had disappeared, as had the tossed salad. So, for a passable meal according to Jane, it turned out to be anything but passable, if the empty dishes and plates were a testimony.

"Now," Jane started, in her no-nonsense tone, "Charlotte and Toby, your tutor, Susan Toliver, arrives tomorrow. She will begin your advanced lessons, the lessons you both asked for at your respective high schools but were denied. And Francis, when she conducts the foreign language lesson, you will attend. I expect the three of you to put forth your best efforts and to afford Susan the same respect you show me and Marie. And you do know the possible consequences if you don't put forth your best efforts and utmost respect. As I see there are no questions, a table needs cleared, dishes need washed, and a kitchen needs cleaned. Upon Marie's approval of HER kitchen, the three of you have the evening to yourselves. Understand, ladies. If Marie isn't satisfied with your efforts, you will redo what she finds deficient."

While the girls knew, and Toby was learning, Jane's last statement was her way of telling the three she wouldn't accept any questions concerning what they'd just been told. It was also her way of dismissing the three. After asking to be excused, and it being granted, Francis and Charlotte pushed their chairs back, stood up, and began clearing the table. What surprised everyone, was watching Toby assist the girls. When Francis and Charlotte looked at Jane, she shook her head slightly, telling the girls not to say anything. Even though he was working slowly, Toby didn't stop until the last piece had been cleared from the table. Then, with pain showing on his face, he slowly made his way to the couch and slowly sat down, letting out a sigh as he did so. In the back of Jane's mind, her monster was listing all of the things they could do to Tylor. Jane told it to shut up.

Marie didn't have to be told by Jane what she was going to do, as it was silently conveyed between the two women. Before the girls had finished in the kitchen, Jane had gone into her bedroom, redressed, and left the house for the stable, where she groomed her mare, saddled her, and let her lead Jane out onto her property. Specifically the pond. Marie had gone into the kitchen and helped the girls clean the dishes and the kitchen, before going into the living room, not only to keep an eye on Toby but to continue where she'd left off reading in the book she'd started. The girls, once finished with the kitchen, had gone up to their rooms, freshening their faces without needing to be told. After they came back down, they went into the living room, sat on either side of Toby and the three talked until being told it was time to get ready for bed. After helping Toby off the couch, they helped him up the stairs and saw him to his bedroom, asking if he needed any help bathing himself because of the wounds he still had. Because he could only take a bath at the moment, he considered the question and decided having someone wash his back wouldn't hurt. Toby asked Charlotte to stay and wash his back for him after he was in the bathtub.

If Francis was upset because Toby chose Charlotte, she hid it well, as she left Toby's bedroom and walked down the hall to her's. Marie had gone into the study, unlocked the cabinet door, turned on the monitor, and split-screened Toby's and the girl's bedrooms on the monitor. She saw Charlotte in Toby's bedroom, and caught the end of the conversation between her and Toby, with Toby telling her he'd call her when she could wash his back. She then focused on Francis' bedroom, watching as Francis undressed, took clean lingerie out of the chest of drawers, took her robe out of the closet, and went into the en suite to shower. Her attention was drawn back to Toby's bedroom as she heard Toby call Charlotte. Marie switched to the camera in Toby's en suite, watching as Charlotte walked into the bathroom, picked up a washcloth, soap it, and gently began washing Toby's back. The two chatted while Charlotte washed Toby's back, and once or twice, Marie thought she saw a tear or two slide down Charlotte's cheek and she gently washed his back, careful of the wounds that were healing. Once she was finished, Toby thanked her and Charlotte left the bathroom and the bedroom, walking slowly to her own bedroom.

Marie watched as Charlotte entered her own bedroom, but went directly to her bed and sat down. "It isn't right, Marie," Charlotte said, then looked up at the camera. "After getting an up-close look at those wounds and scars on Toby's back, if his brother survives, he should be thrown in prison and left to rot. Instead, he'll only get a few years and then be out and likely looking for Toby when he does. And the entire time he's in prison, he'll be blaming Toby for his getting shot and sent to prison, when getting shot was not Toby's doing and when it was the statements from the kids that caused him to be sent to prison. But what if he turns State's evidence against those running everything? What if he only gets probation, it's possible if they think he has the most damning information they could use against Strom? He could deal for no jail time in exchange for testifying against Strom and the others. Then he'd come after Toby without having to wait years to do so. Toby needs protected, Marie. He needs to disappear so Tylor can't find him. I feel so helpless, tante Marie."

Marie, always the stoic one no matter the situation in the house, reached up and knuckled tears out of her eyes, as she watched the anguish on Charlotte's face. She watched as Charlotte stood up from her bed and began to undress, tears sliding down her cheeks as she did. In days gone by, Charlotte would often hum to herself as she undressed and showered. Not this night. This night, there was a dark cloud hanging over Charlotte. It was a dark cloud of despair because she couldn't do anything to help protect Toby when everything with his brother had concluded. "Well, chère, you may not be able to do anything, but Jane and I can." She then took out her keys and unlocked the security drawer. Reaching inside, she pulled out their book with phone numbers of everyone they dealt with. Finding Ruth's home phone number, she picked up the phone and made the call. "Hello, Ruth, it's Marie...Yes and no. We're all doing our best under the circumstances, but there's helplessness running rampant...It's about protecting Toby once he leaves us and, if his brother survives, from his brother...Yes, his going to prison is likely, but if he makes a deal with the prosecutor? Exchanges information for no prison time? He may then come after Toby...Ruth, you really think Tylor would obey a restraining order? After everything he's done?...Our Charlotte is going off the rails with worry, Ruth...Why is she worrying? Because she can't see any way to protect Toby after he leaves us or if anyone will protect him after he goes back home, which shouldn't happen, by the way, Ruth...That's true Ruth, his dad is there but so far isn't aware of what's been done to Toby. Has anyone sent you pictures of the severe beating he was given?...They have, good. Maybe it's time his father sees those pictures and knows about everything Toby's been suffering. And maybe it's time his father relocates somewhere the boy would like to live and with others around who could protect them both...Why Ruth, I believe you're psychic. Kingston is where Toby said he could live, he said it's pretty country...It's important Ruth...I know you'll do the best you can. But our Charlotte needs to hear something positive before she has a complete meltdown...You're preaching to the choir, Ruth. There's three of us who would like to do the same...Alright. Get back to us as soon as you can...You have a good night too." Marie hung up the phone, putting the phone book back into the secure drawer before closing and locking it. She checked the monitor one last time, seeing the girls and Toby about to come back downstairs.

The door to the study opened, and a fresh-looking Jane walked in, closing the door behind her. "Well, what'd Ruth say?"

Marie chuckled, shook her head, and replied with, "Basically… she'll do what she can. She'll show Toby's father the pictures taken of all he's been through. But whether the father decides to act, eh. I told her our Charlotte is on the verge of a meltdown with worry about Toby's safety, and how Toby would like to live out here if he could. I also told her how three of us were in agreement with her, and had thought of several things we'd like to do to those running this mess. But right now, I'm more concerned about Charlotte. She washed Toby's back for him while he was in the tub. Then, after going back to her bedroom, sat on her bed and talked to me through the camera, Jane. She was looking directly at the camera as she spoke. I'm worried she's on the verge of a complete meltdown if we don't hear some positive news. She needs to hear how Toby will be protected once he leaves us."

"Marie, it's a mystery to me as well, how she knows when we're watching her. But we've both done all we can by informing those dealing with the case of Toby's needs and our concerns for his safety. Maybe Sherry can help Charlotte realize that fact. That you can do only what you can do and trust others to do what needs to be done. I'll talk with Charlotte first thing in the morning. But now, I hear bedroom doors closing, so we better get out there. By the way. When was the last time you went for a ride?"

There was no pretense of Jane and Marie having been doing something else while the three had been getting ready for bed. Both Marie and Jane stood in the living room, facing the stairs and waiting for the three to arrive. Three slow steps could be heard walking towards the stairs, and slower steps as they descended the stairs. As Jane and Marie watched the three slowly descend the stairs, Francis was in front of Toby and Charlotte behind him. They were in that formation in case Toby faltered on the stairs and started to fall. Toby was taking one cautious step at a time, and the girls were matching him step for step. Both women knew Charlotte would have helped Toby simply because he needed the help. The old Francis would have come down the stairs without a care for Toby's needs. Now, she kept asking if he was doing okay, and if he needed to stop for a few moments. Because of Charlotte, Francis truly cared for someone besides herself. Watching as the three reached the ground floor, Toby let out a big sigh and slowly walked into the living room, past Jane and Marie, and to the end table at the right side of the couch. There he took out a pill from each of the two bottles, throwing both into his mouth before washing them down with water from a glass of water near both bottles. Then, he slowly walked back over to Jane and Marie, standing between Francis and Charlotte, and silently waited.

Because Marie hadn't taken the clothing Toby brought with him, he was wearing a loose tee shirt and pajama bottoms. The girls by contrast were wearing their nightgowns underneath their robes. It wasn't hard for Jane and Marie to see how fatigued Toby was at this moment, so Jane shortened what she usually did before the girls went to bed. She quickly checked the girl's faces, making sure they'd cleaned all of their makeup off and applied moisturizer. Jane also saw they'd brushed their hair. "Well, girls. I see you're finally doing much better cleaning off your makeup and remembering to brush your hair. It's taken you both long enough to remember. Toby. How are you feeling right now?"

Toby squeezed his eyes shut and opened them again, willing himself to stay awake. "Truthfully, Aunt Jane, I need to sleep. I'm still in pain but it's manageable, to a point. My back still hurts if I lean against anything hard, otherwise, I can manage. It's my legs and butt that hurt the worst. I feel everything pull each time I take a step, which is why I'm slow on my feet. I'm trying to find a gate that doesn't cause everything to pull. And I discovered if I walk stiff-legged, my butt hurts. Overall, Aunt Jane, I'm doing much better being here. Thank you for allowing me to stay here with everyone. All of you have really made a difference in me."

Jane had to show her authority, so didn't react as she'd like to react by hugging Toby right that minute. "Very good, Toby. If you need any help during the night, call out. Marie is just down the hall from your room. Girls, thank you for helping Toby today. I expect you two to continue helping him when it's needed. Now, please help him up to his bedroom and make sure he has no needs before going to your own rooms. Goodnight to each of you."

Recognizing their dismissal, the three turned and slowly made their way to the stairs. As they came down, they ascended the same way, one step at a time, with Charlotte leading and Francis following, keeping a watchful eye on Toby as they climbed. When the three had disappeared up the stairs, Marie said, as she continued looking where the three had last been, "I'm going to miss those three when they have to leave us, Jane. It will be strange to get back to our regular selves when our next girl arrives."

Marie didn't have to look at Jane to know she was nodding her head in agreement. "So am I, Marie. All three will be sorely missed." Both women bid each other a good night before Jane headed first to the study to check all three using the monitor. After seeing the three climb into their beds, she turned on the motion detectors in each room, closed and locked the cabinet then headed to her bedroom. Marie checked the front and back doors to make sure they were locked. She then checked the kitchen and the downstairs bathroom, making sure all lights were off and nothing was amiss, before turning off the living room lights and making her way up the stairs and to her own bed. It had been another long day.


6 a.m. comes early to Seasons House, as Marie left her bedroom and made her first stop at Toby's bedroom. When she entered his bedroom, the first thing she noticed was Toby's absence in his bed, a neatly made bed she observed. As she looked around the room, she noticed the absence of any clothes thrown on the floor or anywhere else. The room was as tidy as it had been when they readied it for his return from the hospital. Hearing water splashing, she went to the en suite, opened the door, and looked in. "Good morning, tante Marie," a chipper Toby greeted Marie, as he turned his head to see who'd opened the bathroom door. "Um, do you think you could wash my back for me?"

Chuckling lightly, Marie asked, "Won't being seen by a woman embarrass you, young man?"

Toby laughed, then said, "I'll answer your question while you please wash my back, it itches."

Toby saw a stern look develop on Marie's face, as she replied, "Coercion has no place in this house, at least by our guests. It would be wise of you not to practice it on Jane, if you wish to continue being our patient. Otherwise, you might find yourself being one of our girls. I will try to be gentle on your back, young one." Marie took a washcloth from the towel rack, Toby handed her the soap he was using, and after lathering up the washcloth, she gently began washing Toby's back. Toby would wince or hiss as Marie washed the deeper wounds as they were still quite sensitive. "Now, young man, your answer," she told Toby as she continued to gently clean Toby's back.

"During my talks with Francis and Charlotte, I learned it was you who came into my bedroom to remove my clothes, so I'd have none of my 'boy' clothing to wear; that is your standard petticoat punishment practice. So, tante Marie, because you came into my bedroom to remove all of my own clothing, it stood to reason that you would have taken off any clothing I still had on while sleeping. So, you've already seen me naked, what's one more time? Plus, it's not like I have anything different about me… " Toby's voice trailed off after realizing how he meant to finish the sentence would have been false. Because, even though Marie had seen naked boys before, none bore the marks of being severely beaten as Toby had.

Quietly, Marie said, "It's okay, cher (dear.). I know what you meant. Your plumbing isn't any different than any other boy I’ve seen naked. And yes, I saw you when I came to remove all of your clothing. I will also tell you, after seeing what someone did to you, I had a lot of dark thoughts about what I'd like to administer to them. A woman will be here tomorrow, her name is Sherry Daniels, and all of us are going to sit down and speak with her. You, Francis, and Charlotte especially. Specifically you most of all, because of the likelihood you've developed PTSD after enduring your ordeal. Cher (Dear,), it's even been rough on Jane and me, seeing someone with your demeanor and aptitude being treated as you were treated. There, your back is now clean. Hurry as quickly as you're able, I now have to look in on our girls."

Marie rinsed out the washcloth, dried her hands, then looking at Toby again, left the en suite with more dark thoughts wanting to be released. After leaving Toby's bedroom, she schooled herself, walked the short distance to Charlotte's bedroom, and entered the room. Once again, she found no Charlotte. She muttered to herself as she walked to the well-made bed, lifted the pillow, and found Charlotte's neatly folded nightgown where it should be. Still muttering to herself, something about she hoped that girl hadn't been foolish and gone to the kitchen alone, she went to the en suite door, opened it, and heard the shower running. "Morning, tante Marie. Did you sleep well?"

"How… " was all Marie was able to say before getting her answer.

Laughing, Charlotte told her, "Air currents, tante Marie. Plus, it's too early for Aunt Jane to come check on us. Is Toby okay this morning? He was in a lot of pain last night, only he didn't want you and Jane to worry so he didn't tell either of you. He asked you nicely to wash his back, didn't he? We told him to ask you nicely and you might do it for him. And no, I haven't forgotten about not going into the kitchen alone, if you were going to ask."

Marie stood at the bathroom door dumbfounded, she was listening to another Jane. Charlotte said or asked everything she was going to tell her or ask her. It was as though this boy-bodied girl had second sight, or something. "To answer your questions about Toby, yes he seems better today. Yes, he asked nicely for me to wash his back. He is still in pain but hides it well. You and Francis continue helping when he needs it or if you see he needs it but won't ask. Now, stop perdre du temps (wasting time), you must hurry. Jane will not be happy if you aren't downstairs before she appears. Déplace-le (Move it!)!" Marie was pleased to see Charlotte's bra and panties neatly folded and lying on the sink countertop. Looking behind the bathroom door, she was again pleased to see the robe hanging from the hook attached to the back of the door. This is what they've always found when coming into Charlotte's bedroom in the morning.

Leaving Charlotte's bedroom, Marie went into Francis' bedroom, not really surprised by what she saw. Her bed was neatly made, and looking under the pillow, she found Francis' nightgown neatly folded. Going to the en suite, she quietly opened the door, heard the shower running, and saw Francis' silhouette behind the shower curtain. Her bra and panties were where they've been the past several days, and neatly folded. Checking behind the bathroom door, she saw the robe hung where it should be hung. Backing out of the bathroom, and silently closing the door, she took one more look at Francis' bedroom before leaving to make her way to the kitchen. Charlotte had been a godsend, were her thoughts after seeing Francis' bedroom.

Jane came out to the living room just as she saw the girls and Toby partway down the stairs. Charlotte was ahead of Toby and Francis behind, each stepping as slowly as the steps Toby was taking. After the three reached the bottom of the stairs, the girls flanked Toby as the three slowly walked into the living room. This time, instead of walking past Jane to take his pills, Toby stopped where the girls stopped and waited with them. "Toby, how are you this morning?" Jane asked, her voice laced with iron, desiring to enforce her authority over the three.

"Somewhat better, Aunt Jane. My back is starting to itch, which while annoying, is a good sign. My legs are feeling better, and itching as well. There is still some pain and I'm still being careful walking because of my butt. If I walk too fast, what's still healing pulls, causing my pain to spike. I'll take my pills when allowed, Aunt Jane."

Jane threw her head in the direction of the end table before telling Toby, "Go. Take what you need." She let Toby walk by before starting in on both girls. "You're becoming even more presentable each day, ladies. You are almost on par with the salon makeup artists, also, ladies. Perhaps, one day, with more practice, you'll get there. Right now though, a table needs to be properly set and Marie needs your assistance in the kitchen. So ladies, get to work." Both girls knew a dismissal when they heard it from Jane. Both girls would have rushed to the kitchen to retrieve everything needed to properly set the table, but the consequences would have been unpleasant, and tiring. So, together, they calmly walked to the kitchen and began a well-practiced dance. Watching until the girls entered the kitchen, Jane turned her attention to Toby, turning to just catch as he schooled the pain off his face. "Why do you hide it, Toby? The pain you're experiencing? There is no shame in showing pain after what you've endured. If you hide your pain from Jill, you might be hiding something serious. We are here to help you, not condemn you or humiliate you, or to harm you. You must be honest with us if we are going to help you to the best of our abilities. Do you understand?"

Nodding his head as he spoke, he told Jane, "Yes, Aunt Jane. I understand, I just don't want to be more of a bother than I've been. Or cause anyone more strife. My past actions have already done that for several people. If I had shown the actual pain I was feeling, I felt I'd become a bother to all of you. And after how this whole mess has affected everyone here, it didn't feel right to show my actual pain and add to the anguish I've witnessed. Over the years, I've learned to tolerate a lot of pain, it was that or get more of the same. I chose to learn tolerance, it hurt much less."

Looking at Toby with empathy in her eyes and a heavy heart, her reply was, "I can't imagine the need to endure such pain to avoid more pain. However, when Jill is next here, you will be completely honest with her. You will tell her where you experience the most pain and when it occurs. You will no longer hide your pain from us. If you must go lie down to ease the pain you're feeling, then say that is what you must do. We will help you the best we can, but not if you continue to hide it from us. Do I make myself clear, Mr. Camber? Or should I make it Miss Camber?"

Toby hung his head, gently shaking it left the right, before raising his head and telling Jane, "I'm sorry, Aunt Jane. In thinking I'd cause you less worry by not telling you about my pain, I was actually causing you to worry. I won't hide how I'm feeling from you, Marie, or the girls anymore. I do understand what you've told me. As to Mr. or Miss., Aunt Jane. It may sound strange, but if I wasn't covered with all of these wounds or scars, it might be interesting to become one of your girls. Gaining a different perspective on life would be an eye-opener. Um, Aunt Jane. Would you please help me to the bathroom?"

No one would walk the study this morning when notifying Jane of breakfast being ready. It was given to Jane and Toby, both back in the living room, when the girls brought out a platter each of assorted peeled fruit slices and Marie with the egg casserole, consisting of eggs, hash brown potatoes, ham, chopped green peppers, chopped onions, and a cheese topping. After setting down their platters, both girls went over to the couch and helped Toby off the couch, staying with him as he slowly walked to his chair at the dining room table. As was his usual habit at their meals, Toby bowed his head momentarily, before the egg casserole was dished out and the platters passed around. After raising her eyebrow at Marie, who jerked her head towards Charlotte, the girls heard Jane say, "This isn't too bad, Marie. You've been holding out on us."

When Jane spoke, six pairs of eyes were on her, only one pair catching the look between Jane and Marie. That pair of eyes looked back down and continued eating, knowing, without looking at Jane, what was about to happen. Marie corrected Jane by telling her, "Oh, cher, this casserole isn't my recipe, but our Miss Thorton's."

Now Charlotte's head was really down, almost touching her plate, as she actually shoveled the casserole into her mouth, feeling more than knowing all eyes were now on her. "Miss Thorton, is there something wrong with your back? If not, why are you doing a Quasimodo impression? Sit up, young lady. Young ladies at this table do not hunch over while eating. I think we all would like to hear why you felt the need to almost put your face into your plate. Don't you agree, Miss Thorton?"

Once again Jane had put Charlotte into an uncomfortable situation, the need to say why she had been eating hunched over. Both Jane and Marie saw Charlotte going through thought after thought, until she finally made a decision. "No, Aunt Jane, I don't agree. I knew what Marie was going to say to you before she said it. I also knew what you were going to say about the casserole before you said it. I knew the way I was sitting was going to draw your attention, knowing you'd say something about the way I was sitting. I'm tired of the humiliation laid on me when I try doing something nice for everyone by fixing nice meals. I'm tired of the iron mistress voice trying to make me feel bad because I might not met your standards. All because I've tried to do something nice for everyone. Not anymore, Aunt Jane. Not, anymore." And with that, Charlotte pushed her chair back, got up from her chair, ran out of the dining room, up the stairs, and to her bedroom.

Francis was about to take another fork full of the casserole before Charlotte started speaking. The fork was halfway to her mouth but froze as Charlotte started speaking. That's where it stayed the entire time Charlotte spoke, even as she watched Charlotte bolt from the table and head to her bedroom. It was still in place as she looked between Jane and Marie, seeing the message being passed. She watched as Marie patted Jane's hand, then started to get up from the table. "Tante Marie, let me go to her?" It was Toby who'd asked Marie. Then looking at Jane he told her, "Aunt Jane, you forget Charles isn't one of you regular girls, who need the humiliation and iron voice to help them change their behavior and attitude. Charles is already there, he needs no behavioral change or his attitude adjusted. Charlotte may not have been severely beaten physically as I was, but you've severely beaten her mentally. It isn't something she is accustomed to having done to her. Please, I know how she's feeling. Please let me go to her."

The reminder that Charlotte wasn't one of Jane's regular girls, hit Jane hard. She'd been treating her as one of her girls who needed a change of behavior and attitude, and hadn't taken into account how her constant needling was going to affect someone not needing to change. Jane was looking at her lap, lost in thought over what had just occurred. "Go, cher. Go help our Charlotte," Marie told Toby in a soft voice. "Go with him, Francis. Help him up the stairs then come back, oui?"

Chapter 25

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